• Solo • The Eccentric Entomologist, Part 1

Zi'da 721 Wealth Thread.

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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The Eccentric Entomologist, Part 1

Zi’da 7, Arc 721

Doran had never spent an entire winter on Scalvoris before. In the past, he had focused on his duties in Viden. He had only recently decided to take a leave of absence in order to focus on his research and his work for the Immortals. He didn’t think that this was normal though.

As he stood in in the large garden behind the former lighthouse where he resided nowadays and gazed at the trees that seemed to be thriving and growing new blossoms, he couldn’t help but wonder if the Grand Fracture of Fei was involved yet again.

The place where Xiur’s mother had shattered had played a major role during the events of the Forging; the fracture had neither been closed nor had it disappeared. For a moment, he felt a hint of melancholy – he couldn’t help but mourn her death even though he had never known her, but only known of her – and then he carefully moved forward.

His employees had cleared the paths that led to the street and to the small dock that was still in a state of disrepair (He planned on having it fixed come spring.), but the ground in the garden was covered with a layer of snow.

A few moments later, the Mortalborn who was garbed in a fine dark winter coat, mostly out of habit (Since he had received his father’s mark, he had become much more resistant to cold.) plucked a few blossoms and leaves off of an apple tree.

A part of him was perfectly content to admire this unusual natural phenomenon, but another part of him wanted to examine the samples in his laboratory and see if he could find anything out.

He had just deposited his samples in a metal box and was making his way back to the house – he was leaving deep footprints in the snow – when Elias, one of his mortal servants, informed him that his guest had arrived, a little early. He thanked him and quickly entered through the backdoor.

He left the samples on a small table next to it where it was a bit cooler than in the rest of the house, took off his coat and his boots – he was wearing a comfortable dark-grey suit underneath – and made his way into the salon where he had asked Elias to take his guest in the meantime.

The former lighthouse was a hint less luxurious than his apartment in the Obsidian Prism in Viden where he lived among the members of the aristocracy, but it was more than most people had – which was something that he would always be grateful for and never take for granted.

The woman that sat in one of the two comfortable looking armchairs in front of the marble fireplace where a fire burnt quite merrily and filled the room with pleasant warmth, was in her early forties, by his estimates, with bright red hair that she wore in a thick braid. Her clothes were somewhat plain, an off-white blouse and brown leather pants.

She also wasn’t wearing any shoes.

He raised an eyebrow slightly for a moment before he approached her and extended his right hand for her to shake. “I’m pleased to finally make your acquaintance, Miss Ward. In your letter, you told me that you wanted me to alchemificate some equipment for you?” he asked.

“Alchemificate?” Miss Ward wondered – her voice was a bit on the deep side, he noticed.

“A neologism - a term that an acquaintance of mine invented and that I decided to adopt. It means ‘to enhance something with alchemy’”, Doran explained in a calm tone of voice.

“I see”, Miss Ward remarked and continued, briefly glancing at her feet that were encased in extremely bright blue, yellow and green striped knit socks that stood in contrast to the rest of her clothes, “I left my boots next to the door as there was a rather noticeable amount of mud on them, and I didn’t want to ruin your nice carpets. Your servant offered to find a pair of shoes for me, but I’m rather comfortable only wearing socks, so I declined”, she explained cheerfully and wiggled her toes a little.
Esteemed Professor Thetys,

An acquaintance of mine told me that you had enhanced pots and pans for him so that their contents would always stay cool and thus stay fresh longer (He bragged a lot about your skill and told everybody how much he loved his new pots and pans!). I’d like you to do the opposite for me and make some equipment that is warm for me, clothes as well as a couple of tools. I’ll be in town on the 7th of Zi’da, and I would be immensely pleased if I could briefly stop by and if you allowed me to watch. I find alchemy quite fascinating, I have to admit.

~ Elise Agatha Ward

Dear Miss Ward,

I do of course have time for you on the 7th of Zi’da, and will let you watch me enhance the items in question for you, if that is what you wish. I have included my address and directions to my home, in case you don’t know how to get there.


Doran Thetys
Last edited by Doran on Sun Dec 26, 2021 5:55 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 893





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Re: The Eccentric Entomologist, Part 1

“Thank you, Elias”, Doran who had taken a seat opposite of his guest politely said to his servant who had brought tea as well as biscuits that were seasoned with cheese and salt before he turned to face Miss Ward again. “Why do you want me to alchemificate your equipment for you, if you don’t mind me asking?” he wanted to know, because the purpose that a customer wanted to use his creations for would have an impact on how he went about the alchemification – and how strong the alchemical effect would have to be. A weaker effect would likely be sufficient if Miss Ward just wanted to stay warm when she worked in her garden in winter, for example.

“Oh!” Miss Ward said in an excited tone of voice and dipped one of her cheesy biscuits into the tea. “I want to study insects. I’ve recently developed an interest in entomology”, she explained. “I used to see them as pests that need to be exterminated – especially ants – but if you watch them for a while, they are actually quite fascinating. Ants form complex societies, for example. They normally hibernate in winter and nest in cavities in trees, but the trees continue to grow and even blossom this winter.”

“I want to find out if the trees being different has affected ants and other insects that live in them, and I’d rather not get a nasty cold while I’m examining a tree at the side of the road”,
she told him. “I also don’t want my fingers to freeze when I’m handling my tools, and I can’t feel as much when I wear gloves”, she continued before she admitted, “I’m not a zoologist or anything and just starting out, but there’s nothing wrong with studying insects as a hobby in my opinion. It’s quite enjoyable”, she admitted and took a bite off of her tea-drenched biscuit with obvious gusto.

“No, there isn’t”, Doran agreed. “One of my hobbies is astronomy for example”, he said and took a sip from his own tree. He found Miss Ward likeable, he had to admit (and he didn’t mind her being shoeless either as her socks were quite clean). She gave him the impression of being someone who really enjoyed life and didn’t care what anybody thought; and what more, they seemed to have a similar interest. That unusual phenomenon had caught his interest as well.

“So, you plan on staying relatively close to the city?” he asked a moment later.

“Oh, of course. I don’t want to be in the wilderness in winter and get lost – or get eaten by a hungry animal – or both. That wouldn’t be pleasant. I’m not well-versed in matters of survival, although I’d love to accompany someone on a field trip sometime”, Miss Ward admitted and chuckled before she asked, “So, can you do that for me, Professor Thetys? The coat would be the one that I wore when I arrived here, and I have a hat and a set of tools in this bag here”, she said and pointed at the leather bag she had set down next to her chair when she had entered the salon.

“How much will it cost to alchemificate those things?” she continued and briefly furrowed her brow. While Miss Ward was perfectly willing to spend a lot of money on her new favourite hobby (and being comfortable while engaging in it), she didn’t want to go broke because of it. “I like that word, by the way. Alchemificate, I mean”, she added.
word count: 611





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Re: The Eccentric Entomologist, Part 1

“The items will be affordable as I plan on using simple, natural reagents. I’ve come to the conclusion that the reagents found on our island can be just as effective, if not even more so, than exotic substances from faraway lands”, Doran said to Miss Ward before he told her the exact price. When she agreed to it, he proceeded to talk about what he had in mind.

“I’m thinking orange sand from Faldrass, for both your clothes and your tools in order to make them warm”, he spoke after he had given the matter some thought. “As I’ll be working with finished items, there might be slight gaps in the effect where two pieces of cloth meet, for example, but the effect will still be sufficiently strong. If you want me to, I can also add a second effect to your clothes so that they’ll be resistant to water which will help in the case of sudden rain or heavy snowfall”, he offered.

“You said that you didn’t want to get a cold. No matter how warm your clothes normally are, if they get wet in winter, it can lead to hypothermia”, he explained, remembering an incident preceding the Forging, before he asked, “May I see your tools now, please, Miss Ward?”

“Of course”,
Miss Ward replied and opened her bag before her eyes suddenly lit up. “You mentioned exotic substances from faraway lands. Can you tell me about a few of them, please?”

“There’s Naf-Rush, for example”,
Doran calmly explained while he examined Miss Ward’s tools. He quite enjoyed the mortal woman’s curiosity about his craft, and he couldn’t help but be curious about hers in turn. There was some sort of pale cloth, stretched over a frame, with a thin metal handle that he was somewhat confused about, for example. There were tubes and small pots, made of metal and glass. There were also a scalpel and forceps. He was familiar with those tools as he used both scalpels and forceps in his work as a doctor.

“It’s made from the spinal fluid of the Nafinju, a creature that lives in Southern Idalos. Said spinal fluid can be turned into a potent, powdered accelerator that can greatly speed up the completion of all kinds of chemical and alchemical processes. Naf-Rush is a pricey reagent due to its rarity though”, he continued before he returned the tools to Miss Ward who listened to him with rapt attention, her eyes a little wide.

“That’s absolutely fascinating!” she said. “I didn’t know that you could use spinal fluids and such for alchemy. Can you use Naf-Rush for potions or to alchemically enhance food though? Or is it bad for your health?” she wanted to know and furrowed her brow before she added in a very cheerful tone of voice, “The thing with the cloth is called a beating tray, at least that’s what the man at the shop where I bought my equipment said when I asked him for advice. You hold it under a tree or shrub that you shake in order to collect the insects that fall down. He said that I might need one”, she added.

“Naf-Rush can be used for medicine, although I wouldn't use it unless it's absolutely necessary to due its high price and its rarity”, Doran replied which caused Miss Ward to smile before she took a big bite out of her biscuit. Talking about ingesting an exotic creature’s spinal fluid, he observed with a hint of amusement, seemed to have inspired her.

“In my opinion it will be sufficient to alchemificate the metal parts and the handles of your tools – as well as the containers made of metal. They will be more pleasant to touch then”, he explained a few moments later.

“By the way”, he added as something had just occurred to him. Miss Ward had done something very reasonable and asked for advice on what kind of equipment she’d need, but as per her own admission she was just starting out as an entomologist. She seemed to be eager and really want to do a good job, but considering her current level of knowledge, there were bound to be mishaps, and he found that he wanted her to do well.

Furthermore, he wanted to prevent her from accidentally affecting the insects negatively.

“One of my assistants, Mister Harold Shaw, is a zoologist of sorts. He took care of my lab animals back in Viden and ensured that they were healthy. If you want me to, we can talk to him after I’ve alchemificated your equipment. I’m not sure what exactly he knows about insects, but he might be able to give you a bit of advice”, he offered.

Miss Ward’s eyes lit up when she heard that, and a moment later, she nodded eagerly. “I’d love for you to make my clothes resistant to water as well, and I appreciate your offer a great deal, professor. I look forward to meeting your assistant. And yes, alchemificating the handles and the stuff made of metal will be enough. I don’t think I need a warm net, considering that the insects won’t be in there very long.”

“In that case”, Doran said and finished his tea (Miss Ward had already finished hers). “Follow me upstairs into my laboratory. We can begin the alchemification process now.”

The story continues here.
word count: 924





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Re: The Eccentric Entomologist, Part 1

Experience: +10 xp


Alchemy: Naf-Rush can be used for medicine
Alchemy: If you work with finished items, there might be gaps in the effect
Animal Husbandry: Ants normally hibernate in winter
Investigation: Collecting samples
Linguistics: Alchemificate: a neologism
Medicine: Wearing wet and cold clothes can lead to hypothermia

Skillplay: Appropriate to level

Loot: None.
Injuries/Overstepping: No.
Renown: +5
Wealth Points:None.
Collaboration: no
Magic Experience?: No.


This is a very interesting take on the calendar event. If the trees are still producing fruit, then they aren’t dormant and are producing sap and stuff, too!

Miss Ward sounds like an eccentric and interesting client. I bet, if Doran delivers satisfactorily, having her as a business contact/referral going forward could prove useful. And she might be able to tell Doran a thing or two about bugs. There’s no shellack of uses for insects, even in alchemy. See what I did there?

I already claimed the second part, so I get to see how this turns out.

Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 174
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