• Solo • Fine Jewels for a Good Cause

19th of Saun 720

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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Fine Jewels for a Good Cause


Continued from here

19th Saun, 720

They walked in silence for a short while, but Kirei's mind was racing with questions. This was the first time she had ever had to do something like this, but it might not be the last, and she really didn't want to have to hope that she was lucky enough to meet someone like Alba the next time she needed to persuade someone to do something.

"You said that persuasion was a social skill. What did you mean by that?"

Alba stared at her for several trills with an incredulous expression.

"What did I...? Okay, think of it like this. Some skills are physical skills. Things like the ability to swim, or run, or if you're an Avriel, the ability to fly."

Kirei shuddered a bit at the mention of Avriel, but she nodded. She could understand what Alba was getting at. Skills such as the ones she had mentioned were things controlled by one's body. Everyone could do them unless there was something wrong with them that prevented it. But not everyone could do them well. That was where practice, natural talent, and learned skill came in. Kirei was certain that she could include fighting skills into the category of physical skills as well.

"Then there are book skills. Things that can be readily learned out of books such as chemistry, and mathematics. There are other skills that can be learned from books in part, but need to be practiced in order to really know how to do them. Things like medicine and linguistics fall into that category. You can read about languages and medical practices all you want, but unless you are actually speaking a language, or practicing how to stitch someone up, or seeing people with coughs and fevers so you will recognize the symptoms when you see them again, all the book learning in the world isn't going to help you."

Kirei nodded again. Being as interested in learning languages as she was, she could readily see that.

"You also have your artistic and craft skills. You can learn the techniques of skills such as painting, acting, or woodcarving all you want, but without a talent for such things, you're never going to be truly good at them. You also have practical skills like cooking and baking. Anyone who wants to learn how to do things like that can if they are willing to take the time to do so. But even so, you still need a talent for them if you hope to be the best of the best."

Alba looked at Kirei to see if she was paying attention, and grinned when she saw that she was.

"Finally, you have social skills. These are the things that help you to deal with people. Some, like teaching, help you earn how to pass knowledge on to other people. Others help you to see and read subtle clues in body language that can tell you a lot about a person without ever talking to them. Still others teach you how to get along with people, and how to act in different circumstances. Then you have the skills that will help you get what you want or need from other people. Persuasion is one of these skills, as is negotiation, seduction, and intimidation. All of these skills will convince people to give you what you want from them. Things like money, items, or services. But the methods of doing so differ from one skill to the next. Let's use negotiation as an example. I told you earlier that it's a give and take, right?"

Kirei nodded.

"You give someone something to someone in order to get something that you want more. Intimidation gets you what you want too...but you get it because the other person is afraid of you. More specifically, they are afraid of what you might do to them if you don't get what you want from them."

Kirei frowned. The Avriel who ruled the slave school in Athart had been a lot like that. And it had been a very effective tool. Even now, the rare sight of an Avriel gave her pause. She was instinctively wary of anyone who was an Avriel...or who even just looked like one because of the power that they once had over her. Kirei hated the thought of anyone being afraid of her like that. She didn't think she would ever be able to try to intimidate anyone because she was too painfully aware of what it felt like to be on the other end of it. But she didn't want to explain any of that, so she just nodded.

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Re: Fine Jewels for a Good Cause


"Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?" Alba asked after a while.

Kirei blinked at her, startled. Was she going to ask about why the thought of intimidating someone was so uncomfortable to her? Was it really so obvious that it was?

"Go ahead." she said warily.

"I don't promise that I'll answer, though."

"It's you...well, it's...it's you ears and your tail. You don't see something like that every trial, you know. What are you, if you don't mind my asking? I've never even heard of a race that has animal features like you do."

Kirei blinked. She was relieved that Alba wasn't asking about a time in her life that she hated to talk about...but what she had asked about wasn't any easier to talk about for different reasons. After a few trills, she decided to give Alba the same answer she had given Trudi when she had first gone back to work.

"Strange things happen in Scalvoris. Everyone who lives her, or even spends much time here knows that."

When Kirei hesitated, Alba nodded. She still looked interested, so Kirei continued.

"One of those strange things caused me to look the way that I do. I don't know of any race that has animal features like this normally, either."

Alba didn't look satisfied with just that, but she seemed to realize that Kirei wasn't going to offer anymore information, so she changed the subject.

"When it comes to trying to persuade someone to do something for you, or to give you something, it is done mostly with words. But body language plays a part in it as well. Both yours, and the person that you are trying to persuade. For that reason, it is very important that you know how to read people well; what they say, or don't say, how they look and act, their expression, and body language...being able to understand what all of that is telling you helps you to be able to read someone. So does actually knowing them. That is especially important when you are just learning how to convince people to do what you want them to as you are now."

Kirei nodded. Everything that Alba was saying was fascinating to Kirei. Mostly because she needed to learn how to persuade people to donate things to the auction, but also because knowing how to read someone would help you to understand them, and that was important to Kirei for many reasons.

"Another thing to keep in mind is that your cause is a good one. Donating to an event that will raise funds to help the refugees will appeal to people's better natures, and that is a very effective way to persuade people. It tends to work more often than other techniques I can think of. Especially if you are also able to point out how doing as you ask helps them as well."

Kirei listened carefully to everything that Alba was telling her. If she was going to be able to do this on her own after Alba was finished helping her, she needed to learn everything that she could.

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Re: Fine Jewels for a Good Cause


When they arrived at the shop, the first thing that Kirei did was to take a good look around. She had never been to the store before, and she was curious about the shop that she was about to ask to donate something to her auction. Her first impression was that it was beautiful. Brightly lit, and filled with display cases showing off what was available for sale, but at the same time open, and easy to move around in. Two people greeted Kirei and Alba as they walked in. They did a double take when they saw Kirei, but they were too professional to comment on her appearance. When they didn't immediately seem to know what they were looking for, one of them approached them and asked if they needed any help.

The man introduced himself as Reyku, and he was wearing a formal black and white suit that seemed well suited for a place like this. Kirei explained that they weren't looking to buy anything at the moment, but that they were hoping to speak to the owner of the shop. Reyku looked startled by this, but after a trill he politely asked them to wait for a few bits while he got someone they could speak to.

He disappeared into a part of the store that none of the few customers who were there appeared interested in. Kirei guessed that it might be the owner's office or something. When Reyku returned, he had a woman with him who introduced herself as Angee.

"I'm not the owner, but I am able to make decisions on the owner's behalf." she explained.

Angee hesitated a trill, her eyes widening as she took in Kirei's ears, and tail, but as with the greeters, she chose not to comment on them.

"How may I help you?"

"My name is Kirei Qe'Azour, and I work over at Cally's. You may be aware that the money that is earned there goes to help those who are in need?"

Angee nodded.

"We are holding an event, specifically a dinner and an auction. The proceeds for the event will be used to help the refugees of Faldrass, and those in other areas who were hurt by the volcanic eruption. I was hoping that you might be willing to donate something for us to auction off during the event at Cally's."

Angee frowned, but Kirei continued speaking.

"It is a really good cause, and we could really use your help. If it helps you in making your decision, you won't be the only person to donate something if you do agree to do so."

"Perhaps, but..."

Angee was going to say no, Kirei was certain of it. She wracked her mind to try and think of something else she could say to persuade her. She had paid attention to everything Alba had taught her, and yet now that she needed it the most, she wasn't sure what to do.

"Not only is it a good cause, but it would benefit you to donate to the auction as much at it would benefit the people who are holding the auction, and the refugees who will get the money earned at the event." Alba said quickly before Angee could say no.

Angee gave Alba a curious look.

"In what way?" she asked curiously.

"Well, the people who can afford to eat at a fancy restaurant like Cally's are also rich enough to spend money in a place like this, right?"

Angee nodded.

"In fact, it seems likely to me that many of the people who eat at Cally's regularly are also customers of yours. It's well known that the money that Cally's takes in goes to those who need it, so it's a safe bet that the people who dine there regularly are the type who appreciate those who are willing to help those who are in need."

"I suppose so, but what does that have to do with me donating to this auction?"

"Think about it. If you donate something to the auction at Cally's, it will be mentioned that you have done so when whatever you choose to donate is put up for sale. That's free publicity right there. By donating something to the auction, you are announcing the fact that like the people who dine at Cally's on a regular basis, you also care about those who are in need, and that you are willing to do something about it. Conversely, if you refuse to donate anything, that tells people that you don't care about what happens to people who are suffering. What does that say about the kind of person you are?"

When Angee started to look irritated, Alba was quick to continue. Kirei listened closely to the exchange, and watched how both Angee and Alba reacted. If she was going to be able to do this without Alba's help when the time came, she needed to learn everything she could now.

"I'm not saying that you aren't a good person, Angee. Far from it. But that is the image that you would be giving by not donating to something like this. It might well be something that could cost you some business. At the same time, if you do donate to the auction, you could get some more business out of the deal."

Angee nodded reluctantly in agreement. She could find nothing to argue about in Alba's words.

"You could even get some new customers by donating to the auction."

Now Angee looked interested.

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, it's probably a fair bet that not everyone who eats at Cally's is a customer of yours, right?"

Angee nodded.

"Someone who has never been here before who sees what you've donated to the auction would likely be impressed by the quality of whatever you donate to the auction. I don't know anything about jewelry, but even I can admire beauty when I see it. How much more impressed would someone who does wear a lot of jewelry and knows about it be?"

"You're saying that if I were to agree to donate something to the auction, someone who sees may be impressed enough to come shop here for themselves?" Angee asked, following the logic of what Alba was saying.

"That's it exactly!"

"I suppose that I could look at this donation as an investment of sorts." Angee mused.

Kirei nodded.

"I think that makes a lot of sense." she said quietly.

"It will go to a good cause, and you will look good for doing it. And as Alba said, you might get some business out of it."

Kirei made a mental note to remember to point that out the next time she did this. She could see that appealing to someone's better nature was a good tactic when it came to persuading people to do something, but pointing out how it could help them in return seemed to be an even more effective technique.

"Alright, I'll donate something. Rather than a set piece, whoever wins my donation can come here to either pick something out themselves, or they can have us make something for them. That way, they might see other things like like and decide to buy more from us."

"Thank you so much. Really, this means a lot to me. The auction was my idea, so I'm glad to see that people are willing to contribute things to sell for it. And if I am ever in need of some jewelry, I will come here first."

Angee chuckled at Kirei's enthusiasm.

"You do that."

When Angee went back to whatever she had been doing, Kirei and Alba left.

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Re: Fine Jewels for a Good Cause

☠ Fine Jewels for a Good Cause ☠

☠ ======== ☠ ======== Kirei ======== ☠ ======== ☠

Points awarded: 10

Knowledge: Intimidation: is the ability to get what you want by instilling fear in others
Persuasion: can be used to gain money, items, or services
Persuasion: is similar to negotiation, seduction, and intimidation in some ways; they all achieve the same result using different means
Persuasion: can be done through words and body language
Persuasion: you have to be able to read someone in order to be able to persuade them into something; different tactics work on different people and you won't know which one to use without reading them
Persuasion: appealing to someone's better nature often works

Renown: +5

Injuries: None

Loot: 1 Voucher for a customized piece of jewelry to be auctioned off at Cally's

Skill Play: I was going to say that Kirei might have overplayed her persuasion a little bit but then I realized Alba does most of the convincing towards the end which I think is alright. So skills played to level.

Notes: I found the conversation between Alba and Kirei at the beginning of the story very interesting. I've never written a character receiving life lessons but after reading this, I certainly want to have my characters sit down and discuss the skills they possess. Great job getting my attention at the start! I thought Kirei's thoughts about Avriel were interesting as well because I haven't read much about Athart but it sounds as if her feelings were well founded. I enjoyed Kirei and Alba's efforts to persuade the shop owner to donate a necklace and I thought it was interesting how Kirei went about it. This was great and I look forward to seeing how the auction goes! Enjoy the rewards!

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word count: 317

Sesser Mark

  • Transformer's Toolbox [Minor]: Azrael can make superficial changes to his appearance (hair, nails, skin, eye, and voice.)
  • Ever Alluring I: Azrael seems to endure harsh conditions better than others and everyone, despite sexual orientation, is just a bit curious what he would be like in bed.

Spirit Impact

  • Darksight: Azrael's perception of light and dark have been flipped, allowing him to see more clearly in an absence of light than in the day.
  • Crow's Embla: So long as he doesn't mention proper names of people, either his own or that of others, he will be able to fit into any setting that he visits in Melrath. Once he uses a proper name of any person (even if it's made up) within another's hearing range, the effect is null until the next trial.

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