• Closed • "I'm pregnant."

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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"I'm pregnant."

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There was a lot of information to take in from Faith's words. It was one of the many reasons she didn't try to socialize often. At least the crying thing was normal, it seemed. Though Qit found herself wondering if Faith was the type of woman that cried a lot anyways. Maybe. Qit'ria repeated the name aloud. "Ayawn." Not a terrible name, not a good one, a halfway decent name.

At the mention of slavery, Qit'ria's face grew stern. Slavery was against the very tenants that she believed in, to her core. She'd never killed a person, but if someone attempted to enslave her, she wholeheartedly believed that she could and would kill them. And she found it odd that anyone wouldn't do that. Faith relied on Paddyrag to save her. Though she said she was born a slave... Maybe she didn't know better. Like how city people don't know any life outside of it. A sad existence.

She could see why others would think Faith weak. She wanted to ask if Faith or Padraig killed her slavers. But she didn't. She listened intently as Faith spoke about Aeon, about the things he did. He seemed like a nice person, though maybe not nearly as strong as he should've been. And she had watched as Noth pushed her friend back into the fire? Noth hadn't been injured even in the least bit when Qit and him danced, had come together as mates.

Qit'ria couldn't hold her tongue any longer, she needed to know why Faith seemed to be so...passive. But she waited until Faith was finished speaking, as Faith took her hand. And Qit was nervous about asking, about saying something she was sure would be upsetting to the kind woman. And it was hypocritical. Exactly one time in her life, Qit'ria hadn't fought. And she'd paid for it. But she couldn't hold it back.

"Why no kill Noth? Save Ayawn. Paddyrag save you. Why no fight?"

Shortly after that was asked, one of the order arrived, with a plate of battered fish and mashed potatoes. It smelled amazing, and she handed the plate to Qit'ria. And while Qit'ria was hungry, she couldn't eat with this hanging over the room. There needed to be more. Something given to receive something. She took a deep breath.

"I not fight. I no kill person. Not one. I not strong to kill. My... sisters.. die, cuz I too weak. I broke family. I leave home, leave Yeye lone. I lone long time. But..." She placed a hand on her belly, "Baby make Yeye smile. Make family. I go home Desnind."
word count: 465
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"I'm pregnant."

Faith had to give it to Qit'ria, she could ask the best questions. Not knowing whether to smile or frown, her expression settled on somewhat perplexed. "I was very pregnant. The baby was due, I couldn't get close to the flames without risking my babies." That was the simple truth of it. "I was so far away. I saw it, but I couldn't get there, my body wouldn't move the way it would now." She looked genuinely distraught. "He was my friend and I couldn't stop it. Then, Noth used boots, magic boots, I have some like that. They take you home. Or something like them." She shrugged, shaking her head and trying not to hate the man who had lain with her friend. "He disappeared. I couldn't... I wasn't close enough, Qit."

One of the green cloaks brought in some food for Qit and Faith smiled her thanks. Then, Qit'ria spoke of her past and Faith listened to the brief few sentences which meant so much from the fierce woman in front of her. "Yeye is your father?" She breathed in and nodded, "Home to your family, he will be pleased to see you, and your baby. Family there, family here. Always, where I am." She motioned to the food. "You should eat Good for you and your baby." There was no doubt, Faith said, she would fuss over Qit now. It was what she did.

As long as she was sure that Qit was eating, Faith would pop out, just for a moment. When she came back she was holding three boxes. Two larger ones with a smaller one perched on top. She put one large box and the small one down in front of Qit. "These are for you," she said and she motioned to the woman's stomach. "So that no matter where you are, your baby knows Faith is family." Touching her hand to the large box, she explained. "I put something in that box over there," she motioned to the second large box, which she was keeping. "And in one trial, it appears in here. You put something in here, in one trial, it appears there." She motioned to her box. "I would like to make things, clothes and toys and treats for your baby. And you. May I?" The small box, though, remained a mystery until Qit had finished her food and then, Faith handed it to her. "For you. They are to eat, but not rush. Slow, releases the flavour"

They sold them at Cally's and Faith made them. They were chocolates, candies and small sweet treats. "If you like them, I can send you more." Faith didn't do emotions, strangely perhaps or perhaps it was obvious why. But she said, suddenly almost the very word she used to describe Qit. "Because you are fierce and strong and proud and I am proud to be your friend. Your family."
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Echo boxes paid for in Point Bank Ledger
word count: 506
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Re: "I'm pregnant."

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Qit'ria listened intently, nodding at what Faith said. It made sense. There was no cowardice in the woman's actions. She had to pick a life over another. The life of her babies. Qit would make the same choice. If it came to letting Faith die, or letting her baby day, it wasn't a choice at all. And she knew Faith would want her to make that choice. Just as Qit would want Faith to choose her own baby over Qit. It is what good mothers did.

And Qit wanted to be the best mother. To be the mother she'd never had. To be better than the mother she'd wished she had. Qit nodded, saying nothing, taking her first bite of the food. At her question, she nodded, "Yeye mean Papa." She took another bite, and then offered some of the fish to Faith. She waited politely, watching as Faith left for a moment to return.

Qit eyed the boxes suspiciously after Faith explained how they worked. She got up, walking over to them, peering at them, then at Faith. She crouched down easily, running her hand over the wood, reaching inside, looking for some sort of "secret" to them. They just appeared to be wooden boxes. She looked up at Faith, clearly unconvinced as she continued her investigation. She couldn't find anything out of the ordinary, they were just boxes. But Faith was one of the only people she could trust. As such, Qit'ria took them at face value, though she kept side-eyeing them as she stepped away from the magic juju boxes. Faith wouldn't pull a joke on her. Anyone else she might punch in the face for such a bad joke.

"Yes, thank you. I give you animals."

There was no etiquette or asking permission there. It was going to happen. Qit was already trying to figure out which animals were tastiest that could fit in there. Would she have to send them alive? Or would dead and raw be fine? Qit'ria gently took the smaller box Faith offered her, and peered inside. There was... something in there. They looked like animal droppings decorated by city folk. She brought the box close to her face, sniffing at them. It was a strange smell. Not unpleasant, but definitely foreign. She poked at them. Hard, but not too hard, just like day old droppings. Faith had said they were for eating... and to eat slow.

Qit'ria picked one up, and plopped it in her mouth. At first there was no reaction. She was unimpressed. But as the chocolate started to melt in her mouth, she oohed and her eyes went wide in surprise. It continued to grow sweeter and the rich chocolate spread, and with it a smile upon the woman's face. These were amazing! She never even bothered to chew, just let it melt as she savored it in its entirety. It would be hard to not eat these fast. But she would, if that meant getting more from Faith.

And while Faith might not do emotions, Qit'ria wore them on her sleeve. She stepped forward into the healer's personal space, and wrapped her up in her arms, and squeezed her as tight as she could without putting pressure on her barely there belly. She gave an extra little squeeze at the end, before stepping away, looking around the clearly small room to make sure no one had seen her give said hug. Qit'ria smiled at Faith, and that was her thanks. She waited to hear anything else from Faith, before she made her leave, and heading home, sneaking another candy into her mouth when she was out of Faith's sight. Maybe cities weren't all bad... not if they had candy.
word count: 645
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Re: "I'm pregnant."




Knowledge: Detection: The stench of people with poor hygeine
Discipline: Sitting patiently without fidgeting
Discipline: Refusing to steal food when hungry
Discipline: Using pain to contain one's rage
Etiquette: Using the word please excessively
Etiquette: Paying when you take someone's lunch
Etiquette: Apologizing after acting foolish
Etiquette: Sharing food
Etiquette: Giving gifts after receiving them
Socialization: Asking about a person's friend
Socialization: Sticking to nicer subjects
Socialization: Sometimes its okay to ask the tough questions


Nightshade: Noth's other lover, an Avriel
Noth: A murderer
Noth: Supposedly a mate with Nightshade
Faith: Once cried because she lost, then found, a shoe
Faith: Used to be a slave
Faith: Healed by Moseke
Faith: Watched Noth murder Aeon
Faith: A strong mother
Aeon: A friend of Faith's, murdered by Noth

Loot: +1 Echo Box (Connected to Faith) +1 Box of chocolates,
Injuries: N/A
Renown: 10 for a public disturbance.
Magic XP: No

Knowledge: N/A per her request, just wants exp

Loot: -1 Echo Box,
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: N/A, Maxed out
Collaboration: (Yes/
Magic EXP: (No)

Points: 15
- - -

Qit: The way you describe your character's emotions/actions/thoughts did well to bring me into the story, and kept me reading from post to post. Very well detailed, thorough and beleivable. I enjoyed her reaction to receiving the chocolates from Faith.

Faith: I could say the very same thing about your writing as Qit's. Very thought rich narrative with realistic emotional responses. The conflict was strong too, as Faith confessed Noth's role in her friend's murder, after the horror of seeing how much Qit'ria apparently fancied the one-winged avriel.

Overall, the writing quality here is amazing. I could scarcely expect to open up any random fantasy novel in the library to find writing better than this. Good job.

And, Qit, I would tell you to enjoy the rewards you earned here and add them to your CS, but it looks like you already did that. ;)

If you have any questions about my review, or the rewards and so forth, let me know.
word count: 364
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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