• Solo • Getting Ready

.. or "what was it that happened in the bathroom!?"

50th of Zi'da 717

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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Getting Ready

50th Trial of Zi'da, Arc 717
Vega was locked in the en-suite bathroom in the Knights Rest Inn where she and Arlo were staying. She'd locked herself in there, in fairness, because they were Going Out On A Date, which made her nervous in ways she had trouble putting into words and she had to Get Ready. Vega had faced down all sorts of terrifying creatures, met Immortals, been kissed by an Immortal, weathered storms at sea and all sorts and nothing, nothing had made her more afraid than the prospect of Getting Ready. It had been just fine, yestertrial, when she and Callie had been together. But on her own? Well, that was just terrifying and Vega finished laying out all the cosmetics she had bought and looked at the dress which now hung on the hook on the wall and the pile of strange and largely unknown to her until yestertrial, other items of clothing she had to do things with or put on. Then, she pulled the last thing from the bag and placed it right in front of her, directly where she could see.

"A'right, Bert," she said to the small stuffed bear she had put down just to the left of the mirror, "we are gonna do this, an' it's gonna be fine. Now, remember 'ow Callie told us, yeah? Good. Right." Everything was laid out and Vega looked at it and grumbled. "Five men. I grew up on a ship with five men an' a stuffed bear. How in the name of Xiur's butt cheek am I supposed to know what to do with all this?" But there was no point getting worked up, so she did what she had been told to do.

Putting on the actual dress, as far as Vega could tell, was the least of it. The things which had caused her problems yestertrial were threefold. Getting on the underwear, which was unlike any underwear Vega had ever seen or heard of, putting on the make up and doing her hair. Callie had explained that, since the dress was strapless and since she'd need to have these... things... which held up the stockings, Vega would need to wear this corset-like basque-thing. That was fine, she didn't mind in the slightest it was that item in particular which, as she had so delicately put it the trial before, pulled her in and pushed her up in all the right places. However, getting it on was something of a struggle. Still, Callie had shown her a trick, and that was what she did now. Do most of it up with it on back to front, then twist it around and finish off. That was fine, but even when mostly done up it was tight, so for reasons she could not explain, every time she held the offending item and twisted it to the left Vega jumped into the air and turned to the right.

Callie had told her the trial before, it didn't help, but the redhead didn't care. It felt like it did. It didn't occur to her that the sound of her jumping, twisting, landing and giving a slight "oof" each time might sound odd. She was far too in the moment - especially when, with a last heave to the left, she got it in place. Some adjustments around the front and she was then able to pull the ribbons tight in the back tie it loosely to keep it in place and then tighten it up as tight as she could. Callie had managed it tighter, Vega thought, but then being able to breathe was no bad thing and it very much did the job.

"Alright. Now you two." Vega glared at the stockings and did as Callie had told her. Keep them rolled up, then slide them over the foot, slowly and evenly unraveling up the leg. That was fine, but then there were these strange stretchy ribbon-like bits hanging down from the first item she'd put on and Vega had to attach them. The clasp at the front was fairly straightforward, but as she stretched the stocking at the back. hoping that the two would meet, the ribbon-thing snapped out of her hand with a loud ping and she let out an "OW!" as it snapped against her. That stung and she let out a stream of Rakahi at the feeling. But, once she had managed to tie the white satin ribbons appropriately and finally slipped on the matching satin briefs, she breathed out.

"A'right. Come on, Bert, does it look a'right?"

Bert, she thought, seemed remarkably unimpressed. Frankly, after that struggle, she could do with a lie down.
Last edited by Vega on Fri Jan 05, 2018 1:05 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 800

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Getting Ready

50th Trial of Zi'da, Arc 717
"I 'ope you're happy, Arlo Creede," she muttered, darkly. This was, after all, all his fault. The last time they'd actually stayed in an Inn together, Vega recalled, he'd told her that she looked like a "real girl" when she'd walked in from the bath. Or was that the first time? No, she though, it was in Desnind, when they decided to go to Ne'haer. Ne'haer was the second place they'd stayed in an Inn. It was odd, she thought. They'd shared a room both times, but wouldn't have considered sharing a tent. That was probably his fault, too. And why? "He is, without a doubt, the most illogical person in the world, Bert." Looking at herself in the mirror, she could appreciate the silhouette but, frankly, it looked like an awful lot of fuss to her. Still, it did it's job and it was fun in a masochistic, not fun sort of way. The good thing about her dress, apparently, was that it could be stepped into, it did not have to be pulled over her head, so Vega could put that on last and not risk any stains from the cosmetics or creasing or such. In the meantime, she pulled on the black satin nightgown she'd bought at the same time, with the aim of wearing it now. It tied at the front, so she could slip it on and off without messing up her hair, so that was good.

"Hair next, Bert." Vega smiled at the bear and retrieved the hair brush and products she had bought the trial before. Earlier on, she and Arlo had shared a bath and she'd washed her hair again, so now she could apply this cream to it. Callie had said it would give her hair more sheen, which apparently meant shine, and also would stop it from curling. That was good as far as Vega was concerned and she remembered what Callie had said to her about how to apply it. A small amount on her fingers, then run them through her hair. That worked, it was fine, it allowed her to make sure there weren't any major knots and she was good at this kind of thing. Then, Callie had said, brush and keep brushing. She did that until all the product was either soaked in or brushed out. Vega had to admit, once again, that Callie was damn good at her job.

Next, it was pinning it up how Callie had shown her. The trick to this style, apparently, was that most of it was up but some of it was loose and therefore, any bits which she missed looked like they fitted in. Callie had shown her a very clever trick and Vega grabbed up her hair at the nape of her neck, tied the ribbon in it in the way Callie had showed her and then held that in place with one hand while she put the hair comb in. The ribbon then folded back under the comb and another comb held it in place. It made for a pretty and sophisticated looking style with minimum fuss.

"Hey, Bert, that's a new record!" Vega said as she managed it. "Only four tries this time!" With a glare at the items in question she sighed. Make up.
word count: 571

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Getting Ready

50th Trial of Zi'da, Arc 717
The first thing was the kohl pencil. That was because, Callie said, she was worst at it, in terms of getting it right. No point wiping everything off, if she had to, because she'd messed up the kohl last. So, do it first. Vega got it wrong almost immediately, wiped it off and then breathed in and out a few times. She didn't have room or inclination for the slow martial-art like movements which her father had taught her, so Vega concentrated on just the breathing in, holding it, breathing out. That helped and after a few moments, she got back to it. The first eye, she had to admit herself was perfect and Vega was delighted when the second eye was half way through and she was doing just as well. Then, of course, he shouted in. "What are you doing in there?" Arlo's voice came and Vega physically jumped.

"I'm gettin' ready!" She yelled back to him and then, of course? "Ow! Arlo, go away, I poked myself in the eye 'cos of you!"

So, it was on to attempt number three. Then four and finally she got it right. The eye colour was fairly straightforward she just had to be careful not to over apply, so she was very gentle with it. Then it was on to the blush for her cheeks. This was the most important bit, Vega knew ~ Callie had told her, emphasise one thing. Apparently, she had good cheekbones, or so Callie told her. Those were what she was focusing on here. A small amount of blush on the brush, tapped against the tub a couple of times to make sure that she didn't have clumps or anything and then trace the cheekbone with her hand before following that movement with the brush. It was easy enough but very important that she didn't overdo it.

Stepping back and looking at it, she was generally pleased and so then, it was the very last thing, the lipstick. That was applied with a small brush and, again, the point was a slight stain which simply accented her natural lip colour. Vega would like to say that she didn't think that any of this made a difference, but she would have to admit that it did and so she stood and, finally, got her dress and stepped into it.

Her fingers were trembling slightly as she did the dress up and Vega couldn't help but smile at herself as she realised how daft she was being. Yet, still, there was this one, very genuine, abiding fear she had. So, being who she was, Vega made sure that he knew it. Moving over to the door, she called out. "If you laugh, I'm never gonna forgive you," and it was entirely true. If she looked ridiculous, she wanted him to tell her, of course, but that wasn't the same as laughing at her. He wouldn't, she was sure, but still. Just in case and didn't hurt to be sure. Then, when there was no answer she figured he'd probably fallen asleep and so she started to pack away her things, making just a bit more noise than she needed to. "I went to the dressmakers yestertrial," she called, hearing the slight grunt which meant he'd woken up. So, she kept talking for a moment and then, because she couldn't do anything else at this point and because, frankly, this was getting silly, Vega left the bathroom.
word count: 601

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Getting Ready



Cosmetology: Do up a corset with the fastenings in the front most of the way, then twist it round to make it easier to fasten.
Cosmetology: How to attach stockings
Cosmetology: Applying a treatment to hair
Cosmetology: A simple messy bun
Cosmetology: How to apply kohl
Meditation: Simply focus on the breathing aspect to calm down.

Burt the bear: Witnessed your new record in hair beautification
The love of Bert the Bear
These points can NOT be used for Domain Magic

Skill Points: 

I loved this thread :P mostly cause of the conversations with Bert the bear :P

Art credit to Yoshitaka Amano
word count: 116
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