35th Zi'da, 717
"I'm sorry about her," Faith said as Trudi walked away. It had to be said, the woman had the art of exiting down to a fine, and swaying, art. The ice cream was, in fact, ice cream and Faith explained how it was made using a specific ingredient which meant that it melted in the cold and kept it's shape in hot things. The small confections were things they were testing. "I do a lot of chocolate here, in the desserts. Scalvoris has a lot of biqaj, and it's like the shifting eyes, they all share a love of chocolate. Even Trudi, and she's half biqaj only."
Faith looked at him and then breathed in slightly, a little awkwardly. "I got you a few gifts, made you a few things. To say thank you, for being someone I turned to for help. I hope you don't mind," she said, with a vaguely embarrassed air to her. "I spent a long time not being able to do more than say thank you to people I considered friends. I gain immense satisfaction from being able to do more than that now." Assuming that he was alright with it, Faith showed him over to a bench where she motioned to something large and box-shaped covered with a sheet. When he took the sheet off, it revealed a large wooden chest, hand carved and made to masterwork standard. It was a beautiful thing, along the bottom of which were engraved the scenes they had seen portrayed on the walls of a cave on Immortals' Tongue in exact detail. Her perfect memory, courtesy Vri, had come in more than useful.
If he didn't open it, she would urge him to do so. Inside were a number of things. Nestled on the top were two books. One, a blank journal but lined for music already and the other a book of advanced techniques for the gittern. Between them was a small box, containing a scribes kit. "Those are just for your music and so that, should you become famous, I can claim some of the glory," she said with a smile. They were nestled, though, on two blankets. One, thick and heavy, made from knitted or crocheted wool, and the other thin cotton. What was immediately apparent was that they both of them shifted and changed colour, the thick one like a constantly shifting night sky and the cotton one resembling the blues and greens of the ocean. "It's a technique I picked up," she said and though he might assume that she meant the colour shifting, it was not that. She explained that the thick blanket meant that those who slept beneath it (and she'd made it more than large enough for two, though she did not say such) would be warm, no matter how cold it was outside. Conversely, the opposite was true of the cotton one. No matter what the heat of Saun, if he slept under that thin cotton sheet, she said, he would be comfortably cool.
Off Topic
The chocolate confection things are made with the "Chocolatier" capstone, so are wild and wacky.
The blankets are made with both the "Carefeul Layering" and "Trick of the Light" capstones
Capstones are: here
The blankets are made with both the "Carefeul Layering" and "Trick of the Light" capstones
Capstones are: here