[Saoire Event] Taking Note

35th of Zi'da 717

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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[Saoire Event] Taking Note

35th Zi'da, 717
Since she'd turned up at his camp to ask for help, Faith had stayed in touch with Arlo and had made sure to tell him when Padraig returned home safely. She'd been more than grateful for his help and, this trial, they'd arranged to meet, as he was coming into Scalvoris Town to do some shopping anyhow and they'd agreed to go to the University together to pick up their Letters in Immortal History from the registry there. He'd brought his wagon, which Faith was pleased for, because she had some things for him, to thank him. Cally's was closed but when they returned from the cold outside Trudi, the head waitress, brought them out cups of steaming hot chocolate, with what looked for all the world like ice cream on the top. "Well, look at that," she said, putting the cups down in front of them and a small plate of tiny chocolate confections. "We both brought a sweet treat." Trudi was an outrageous flirt and her gaze on Arlo was unashamed. Faith shook her head. "Trudi, behave." The young waitress whose eyes betrayed her at least as partly biqaj beamed at Faith. "Now, you can't have two people off limits. It's more than my tender heart can cope with." Faith raised an eyebrow and Trudi laughed. "Alright, alright, enjoy."

"I'm sorry about her," Faith said as Trudi walked away. It had to be said, the woman had the art of exiting down to a fine, and swaying, art. The ice cream was, in fact, ice cream and Faith explained how it was made using a specific ingredient which meant that it melted in the cold and kept it's shape in hot things. The small confections were things they were testing. "I do a lot of chocolate here, in the desserts. Scalvoris has a lot of biqaj, and it's like the shifting eyes, they all share a love of chocolate. Even Trudi, and she's half biqaj only."

Faith looked at him and then breathed in slightly, a little awkwardly. "I got you a few gifts, made you a few things. To say thank you, for being someone I turned to for help. I hope you don't mind," she said, with a vaguely embarrassed air to her. "I spent a long time not being able to do more than say thank you to people I considered friends. I gain immense satisfaction from being able to do more than that now." Assuming that he was alright with it, Faith showed him over to a bench where she motioned to something large and box-shaped covered with a sheet. When he took the sheet off, it revealed a large wooden chest, hand carved and made to masterwork standard. It was a beautiful thing, along the bottom of which were engraved the scenes they had seen portrayed on the walls of a cave on Immortals' Tongue in exact detail. Her perfect memory, courtesy Vri, had come in more than useful.

If he didn't open it, she would urge him to do so. Inside were a number of things. Nestled on the top were two books. One, a blank journal but lined for music already and the other a book of advanced techniques for the gittern. Between them was a small box, containing a scribes kit. "Those are just for your music and so that, should you become famous, I can claim some of the glory," she said with a smile. They were nestled, though, on two blankets. One, thick and heavy, made from knitted or crocheted wool, and the other thin cotton. What was immediately apparent was that they both of them shifted and changed colour, the thick one like a constantly shifting night sky and the cotton one resembling the blues and greens of the ocean. "It's a technique I picked up," she said and though he might assume that she meant the colour shifting, it was not that. She explained that the thick blanket meant that those who slept beneath it (and she'd made it more than large enough for two, though she did not say such) would be warm, no matter how cold it was outside. Conversely, the opposite was true of the cotton one. No matter what the heat of Saun, if he slept under that thin cotton sheet, she said, he would be comfortably cool.
Off Topic
The chocolate confection things are made with the "Chocolatier" capstone, so are wild and wacky.
The blankets are made with both the "Carefeul Layering" and "Trick of the Light" capstones
Capstones are: here
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Thu Dec 28, 2017 11:56 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 781
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[Saoire Event] Taking Note

Arlo had needed to pick some things up at market that would've been difficult to haul home over his shoulder or in his arms. And it as just as well he'd decided to take the wagon, since there was something he'd been needing to carry into Scalvoris Town as well. Peg seemed glad for it too. His mare hadn't gotten out on the open road much lately where she could trot or lope along as much as she'd like. And when he'd climbed up into the bench seat and snapped the reins, she'd taken full advantage and had gotten them both to town more quickly than she would have, had the weather been warmer.

Once he'd met up with Faith though, he'd left the wagon behind outside of Callie's. He knew they'd be returning there once they'd gotten their letters, and in the meantime, Peg would happily bide her time enjoying the feed sack he'd strapped on to her halter. But even a small amount of time out in the cold could chill a body straight to the bone, so the idea of sitting down to a warm drink in his hands was a welcome one. Trudi's attentiveness, amused Arlo, while flattering and making him feel just a little bit awkward all at once. And yet when she walked away, she did it well and he couldn't quite resist having a look. "No need," he said when Faith apologized for the waitress. Arlo didn't mind at all, though he knew someone who might. He wouldn't mention that though.

The hot chocolate, the sweets, the ice cream, all of them were delicious and between sips and bites Arlo said as much. "You don't get many sweets on the road, out in the open. Especially chocolate and never ice cream," he admitted. And even though she explained how it was that the ice cream didn't melt into the mug of chocolate, it was a wonder he couldn't quite fathom. "Biqaj love chocolate?" he asked suddenly. He'd had no idea. Vega hadn't mentioned it but he guessed she'd had no reason to. He was going to be sure to remember it.

Faith's admission though that she'd gotten or made him gifts though, took Arlo by surprise. "You needn't have done that Faith. It's not necessary, I was happy to be of help. I only wish I could have done more." He could hardly protest too loudly though, since there were some things that he'd left in the wagon that he'd need to bring in, sooner or later. Besides, clearly it was important to her, being free and able enough to do it. Still, it was too much he told her, as first he uncovered the chest and saw it, and then opened it to look inside. Far too much, and each layer uncovered was a wonder. The craftsmanship of the chest, the nature of the blankets, the thoughtfulness of the notebooks lined for music. "These are all...well I can't thank you enough really," Arlo said.

"But thank you," he conceded with a grin. "I've got something for you too. It's not much...There's some things I'm not good at making." Rather than explain too much however, he excused himself and ducked outside for a few bits before returning, carrying several items propped up on his shoulders. And then carefully he sat the things down. Two, both covered up in hide throws in need of pulling off. "It's the season, you know," he said and grinned, then shrugged. "Besides, we're friends, and it's a thank you as well for helping me with my music and cooking. I thought that maybe you'd like to make things for your baby with it." If she pulled off the hides, under one of them Faith would discover a spinning wheel crafted from quality wood. Under the second, a matching bench to go with it. And tied onto the bench with a piece of red ribbon was a book. A how to sort of thing, for spinning raw wool into yarn or thread.
word count: 713
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[Saoire Event] Taking Note


Faith didn't seem to notice that Arlo watched Trudi as she walked away. Trudi, however, turned and winked at him at just the right moment, when there was no doubt what he was doing. "There's a mirror in the kitchen. She can see it as she walks and it gives a pretty good view of the restaurant floor. I put it there." There was a hint of mischief in Faith's smile when she said that, "To help the waiting staff see if a customer was needing attention. Trudi uses it to see who watches her." Having been carefully examining her hot chocolate, Faith lifted her head and smiled at him. "So far, they all do." With one noticeable exception, but she didn't need to point that out. He seemed surprised at the idea of biqaj loving chocolate and Faith nodded. "Trudi tells me that every biqaj she has ever met shares that love and it is true of every biqaj that comes here, certainly. As universal as the eyes." Faith considered it for a moment and started to wonder if there was a medical reason, something which linked to their silver blood, maybe. She frowned, thinking it through, then dismissed the thoughts as unnecessarily serious for the moment.

He protested, though, that it was too much when he looked at the gifts she'd made and Faith shook her head. Siting down on the bench, she spoke to him, quiet and serious. "It was Ymiden in 716 that I was allowed out, into the world I suppose, for the first time." She didn't seem, wasn't, put out at that thought. "The first time I went out, I went to a park." She didn't know why, she explained, she just went somewhere where she could pick some herbs and she knew she'd be able to find her way back. Her sense of direction was not, she assured him, good. Standing there, she'd seen people and a large building, looming over the park in question. She'd met a man who was reading a book and they'd chatted. "He told me about the university, the building. I don't think I've ever wanted anything more, but he told me slaves weren't allowed there." Then he'd said he had to go home and cook, but he obviously wasn't looking forward to it. As Faith told Arlo that she'd picked some rosemary, she had her hand on the chest and she looked a million miles away, but she continued that she'd given the man the rosemary, told him how to use it in his cooking.

"He smiled," Faith said and she looked at Arlo and grinned slightly. "It didn't matter about not being allowed to study, I'd made a person smile. That's better than anything else, isn't it?" She wondered where Malcolm was, where he and Lady Elyna had disappeared to. "So, you'll excuse me if I respectfully disagree. I gain much more pleasure from your reaction than you do from the gifts, I promise you." Besides, she added, he deserved a thank you. Not everyone would have been as eager and willing to help. Simple, really.

It had to be said, Faith looked completely surprised when Arlo said he had things for her and she shook her head. "There's no need for that. Really." Surely, she thought, he was just getting something for someone else or something to reciprocate? But then, he came in with very definite things and she looked at him in surprise. "You were already planning on this? How odd. Is, as you say, the season. The three trials of gifting is coming up. What have you done?" Moving to look, Faith unwrapped them and she beamed in absolute delight. "Arlo, how did you know? I've been looking for one of these, but not found it anywhere! Oh, it's... thank you so much!" She looked at him, her expression telling him everything about just how pleased she was with it. "I.. oh, I've wanted one of these for so long. Where did you find it?" Having knelt down next to the spinning wheel to look at it, she glanced at him and smiled slightly. "I'm afraid the trial has dawned. Do you mind?" She held a hand out pulling herself up with his help.

"Thank you for not stumbling too much," she smiled and then added, seriously, "And for this. I.. it's truly thoughtful." She moved to sit back down, not really able to deal with too much movement. Padraig would approve, she thought. It was non-moving, sitting down kind of fun, which he thought she should be engaging in far more than running around all over the place. "Are you doing the three trials of gift giving? We haven't even considered it. Bun just seems to take up all our thoughts, I suppose. And I hear there's a derby over in Darbyton end of the season. I'm trying to persuade Padraig to go and watch, but he's currently having none of it." She didn't make things easy for him, she knew. "So, how long will you stay in Scalvoris do you think?" He was a traveller by nature, she knew. But then, there was the one-tent, two-tent, one-big-tent thing. Maybe he'd met a lady here, maybe they'd arrived together, it was none of her business and she wouldn't ask such things. However, it might mean that he was staying here awhile, or not.
word count: 944
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[Saoire Event] Taking Note

He'd been found out, Arlo realized when Trudi turned back to wink at him, and he lowered his eyes quickly and turned his head away. Too late of course. But then, he was only human. Still, he looked a little sheepish when Faith explained how the woman had known it. "Clever," he quipped, then muttered more quietly behind the rim of his cup, "Better nobody finds out about that." Nobody, meaning somebody. But he changed course right quick in regards to chocolate. "Is there a chocolate shop somewhere round here?"

She told him about her life before, the man in the park, the university and though Arlo already knew it and had for a while, it reminded him how different they were, how different each their own lives had been. There'd been nothing really stopping him from anything he'd wanted to do growing up. Except money maybe. But the things that had cost money were the things he'd wanted least anyway. "Well you've come a long way since then haven't you," he observed, while marveling over the carvings she'd put on the chest. "Not being allowed at university, and now being a professor." Her explanation though made plenty of sense, and he thanked her again for the gifts.

It was nothing really, he told her once he'd returned with inside with the things that he'd brought her. "I just thought you might like them, and be able to use them somehow. "I wanted to do something to thank you," he said, grunting just a little past a grin as he helped Faith up from the floor. "For the advice about cooking and helping me learn to play. I came across a couple outside town, selling things out of their wagon...More a house on wheels really. They were selling all sorts of things. That was one of 'em and I got the book from a shop here in town."

"Three trials of giving, and the derby too I think," he confirmed, snagging another chocolate candy off the plate from the table. As for how long he'd stay in Scalvoris, he shrugged. "I guess we...Vega and I will be staying through Cylus at least. Hard to imagine it getting colder but I guess it will." Vega, he told her then with a grin. The reason for the larger tent and the tidier campsite, in case she'd been wondering.
word count: 409
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[Saoire Event] Taking Note


Faith smiled slightly at Arlo and his obvious discomfort and amusement all at once. "Finds out about what?" Faith asked, innocently but the innocent expression could not stay for long. With a chuckle she shook her head. "Trudi is very good at her job." That meant, of course, that she flirted with people when it was appropriate, or fun, or harmless. Somehow, though, Faith said, she always seemed to know where the limits were. With a quirk of her eyebrow, she added, "except with my husband. He's a challenge." With regards to a chocolate shop, though, Faith considered for a few seconds. "It depends what you want," she replied. "Basic chocolate, yes. I can point you in the direction of the best seller. If you want something more fancy, I could sell you some, and some hot chocolate powder, that kind of thing? Make you up a basket?" She wouldn't offer that for free, because it was Cally's and it was the profits from this place. Also, Arlo seemed to be keen on the chocolate because it was something specific to biqaj and he, obviously, was not. So it was probably for someone else, therefore he'd want to pay for it. It was up to him, she didn't mind one way or another.

As to how far she'd come, Faith said nothing. She still half expected someone to pop up in one of her lectures and tell her they were only joking, she wasn't allowed here really. When he thanked her again, though, she shook her head. He really didn't need to make a fuss, and she would have told him so if it was her way to do so. Yet, in a truly hypocritical fashion, she was beyond delighted and thanked him a half dozen times for the spinning wheel. "There was no thanks needed, Arlo, it's nice to meet someone who likes cooking as much as I do, understands the whole Immortal worship and all that involves." It involved very little other than being completely themselves, in one way, but the kind of devotion which pushed people to serve in the way they both did ~ albeit different Immortals ~ it was at times all consuming. "It's good to make new friends, is what I'm trying somewhat poorly to say."

Faith determined, though, that she would be visiting that couple outside of town, looking to see if they were selling anything else useful. Because she had scoured Scalvoris, or so she'd thought. A house on wheels, though? That sounded nice, although Faith knew herself well enough to know. "The idea of a house on wheels, or even living in a camp, sounds wonderful and exciting to me. In Saun, for a ten trial and close to all amenities. I have grown spoiled." There was certainly a truth to that and Padraig would be delighted to hear it, she did not doubt. And even more importantly? "And definitely not while pregnant. If I slept on the floor, I'd never get back up." He knew that, he'd just hidden his surprise at how much she weighed right now behind an almost believable grin, after all.

The three trials of giving and the derby? Faith smiled and nodded. "On the first of the new arc, apparently, there's a massive fire put on every beach, chasing away the darkness one more time. They have a lot of traditions here, I think the ones in Cylus are all about light." Lantern parades, lighting things that flew into the sky and there was a lantern festival in the parks and gardens. Faith nodded outside, though, where the snow was falling. "I don't feel the cold, thanks to Famula's mark. But I know how cold it is, and I don't know how it gets worse, but it does. We've lived here an arc, come Cylus and when we got here it was something of a shock." He told her the name of the woman he shared his life with and Faith smiled, glad that she'd made the blankets the size she had. "I said nothing about the camp being more tidy, I would just point out," she said and then her smile turned to a grin. "I thought it." It was a fair admittance, after all.
word count: 729
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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[Saoire Event] Taking Note

Faith had a woman's hearing, Arlo decided, considering she'd caught wind of what he'd said behind the rim of his cup. As for finding out, and what was to be found, he merely grinned in response, figuring it was one of those questions better not answered. As for chocolate, he wasn't really interested in the ordinary stuff that he could probably find at the market, was he to look hard. If all Biqaj liked chocolate, half or whole, then it stood to reason that they'd like the good stuff much more. "If it's not too much trouble?" he wondered. "I'm happy to pay whatever the going rate is," Friends were friends and all that, but business was business besides.

"You didn't put it poorly at all," he assured her, and then grinned a little and shrugged. "We probably ought to stop trying to outdo each other so far as the thank yous though. We'll be at it all trial I think." But for all that they had in common, him and Faith, they were also very different in a number of ways. "Now and then, Vega and me, we rent a room with a proper bed, a tub to soak in, a place to eat downstairs. But I only last a trial or two before I start feeling the walls and ceilings closing in on me." And actually there were probably worse things than a house on wheels, come to think of it. The old couple at the edge of town seemed content enough.

When she told him about the local traditions throughout the coldest part of the arc, a couple of the events caught his interest, while others sparked a memory or two. "We were in Desnind last Cylus. They have a lantern parade, festival there too. Io," he explained. "Caterpillars that glow, held inside lamps and come the night of the festival, the butterflies are turned loose. It's nice." He laughed though, when she referred to the tidiness implied rather than spoken. "Speaking of that though, I probably ought to be getting back. It'll be dark soon I guess and Vega will be wondering what's keeping me."

He thanked Faith again for the gifts, and the chocolate basket too with word and nels if she could get him one ready before he headed out. It took a few bits as well to load up the chest with the blankets and notebooks stored inside. But once he was ready, he'd say his farewell...till next time, and get himself back home.
word count: 435
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[Saoire Event] Taking Note



  • Knowledge:
    • Detection: Hearing mutters behind cups
    • Etiquette: It's polite to say thank you to a friend
    • Etiquette: The art of gift giving
    • Socialisation: Making a joke to ease feeling awkward
    • Storytelling: The first trial of freedom
    • Scalvoris: Cylus festivals
    • Scalvoris: Cold. Really, really cold.
    Loot: +10gn for the chocolate box.
    Injuries: No.
    Fame: Give a gift (Saoire event) Chest, 2 x blankets, 2x books, 1 x kit (12 fame at +2 each)

    Story: 5/5
    Collaboration: 5/5
    Structure: 5/5

- - - - - - -

Arlo Creede

  • Knowledge:
    • Detection: Spotting when you've been spotted
    • Etiquette: It's polite to say thank you to a friend
    • Etiquette: The art of gift giving
    • Stealth: Muttering behind a cup
    • Strength: Pulling up a pregnant woman requires more muscles than it seems
    • Scalvoris: Cylus festivals
    • Scalvoris: Cold. Really, really cold.
    Loot: -10gn for the chocolate box
    Injuries: None
    Fame: (Saoire event) Spinning wheel, bench & book (6 fame at +2 each)

    Story: 5/5
    Collaboration: 5/5
    Structure: 5/5

- - - - - - -

Comments: Short and sweet! Lovely friendship. Don't forget to adjust your ledgers.

If you feel I've missed anything or if you have questions about your review, please don't hesitate to send me a quick PM. Thank you!
word count: 205
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