
5th of Zi'da 717

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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Faith Augustin Champion
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5th Zi'da 717

During, and because of this
"Well," Cyrus Augustin, Padraig's grandfather, said to her with a serious expression on his face. "The first question is, are you sure he isn't dead?"

Sitting at the table in the kitchen, nursing a mug of previously hot tea which had gone cold breaks since, in the place where he had found her when he came downstairs, Faith nodded. "I think I am. I mean... I tried to call him, his soul that is, and it should work. If he was, that is, it should." With an item of importance to him, if he had passed over into death, Faith could pull his spirit to her. Cyrus looked at her and there was a question in the slight raise of the elderly man's eyebrow. "What is it, Faith? Why not sure?"

"Because none of the other abilities are working, Cyrus. All of the other things that I should be able to do, to know that he's alright, those aren't working either." Faith looked at him, Padraig's grandfather and she felt a rush of concern for the older man. "I'm sorry, Cyrus. I know how worried you are." She should be able to reassure him, tell him that she could feel, that she knew but she didn't. Cyrus was sitting down and when she said that, he looked at her levelly. "I'm not worried Faith," he lied. The young woman in front of him, his grandson's wife, was heavily pregnant and he had no intention of adding to her worry. "That grandson of mine, he promised he'd come home didn't he?"

Faith was holding on to her emotions, but those words from Cyrus more or less threw her over the edge. She was exhausted as it was, sleep was more and more difficult as the pregnancy progressed. Faith was used to tired; as a slave sleep had been a privilege earned not a right granted, but never had she experienced tired like she had been during the growth of their child inside her. It was strange, the pillows which she used to rest on, piled around her so that her bump was resting and her legs were raised meant that it had been far too long since she'd been able to just fall asleep in Padraig's arms, her head resting on his chest. That was something she missed but for all that she had apologised about the pillows creating a barrier between them, time and again, she had felt his absence in their bed the last five nights. Even when the pillows were there, they slept with his arm around her, their feet touching as they rested side by side, but the last few nights had been more difficult.

And that morning, before dawn had even been beginning to whisper its promise at the edges of the darkness, Faith had woken, gasping for breath. Although she had no idea that she woke at the same moment that he did, it was for the same reason. The silence was deafening. She was so used to that low-level not-noise that was their link. Their links. Now, in the light of the morning and in the kitchen of the house where they had made a home, Faith heard what he said and she looked at Cyrus with eyes which sparkled with unshed tears. "You are worried, please don't lie to me." It was rare that Faith spoke in such a direct manner, but she was in no mood to beat about the bush. "You are worried and so am I. But if he was.. if there was a problem," she couldn't bring herself to say it. Saying it might just make it real. "I'd know. Not because of any other reason than because I am him and he is me. Something has happened to cut him off from the Immortal marks. I can only assume that it's stopping magic, too, otherwise he'd be home now." The moment he realised what was happening, Faith knew that Padraig would know what this would do, how much of a worry this would be to her. He would come straight home she did not doubt, via portal boot.

"We've been writing to each other every trial with the echo scrolls," Faith looked up and smiled at Katie as the woman put a cup of tea down in front of her, taking the old one away, untouched. "The message I sent him last night sent. The one I tried this morning did not." Katie sat at the table, handing Cyrus another cup of tea and she looked at Faith with concern in her eyes. She seemed about to say something and Faith smiled, shaking her head to stop Katie from speaking. "I know. I know what you're going to say. I have to stay calm for the baby, I have to have faith, believe that he's alright. I know I do."
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Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Sun Dec 10, 2017 2:50 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 854
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Faith Augustin Champion
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"Actually, little doll, that's the last thing I was going to say," Katie replied. "I was going to say that holding in your emotions, not showing them and pretending like there's not a thing wrong is not healthy. Now, I love you both, but you're both overly emotional right now, lets look at this logically, shall we?" Faith looked at Katie with a rather surprised expression, the woman's words and tone of voice not being what she expected of the glittermonster at all. Cyrus, too, looked at her and raised an eyebrow. Katie smiled at them both. "If Padraig had died, his soul would leave his body and go elsewhere, yes?" Faith nodded her head, unsure why this was important. Katie carried on, pleased to know that she was right so far. "So, he'd either be with Vri, in which case the ability would work or he'd be a ghost. What would happen if he was a ghost, Faith?"

Katie knew the answer, they'd talked about it with regards to Cally, Kura's ghostly companion. "He'd be.. well, attached to an anchor, maybe more than one." Katie nodded, encouraging Faith to explain further, so she did. "An anchor is a place or person the ghost has unfinished business with, it's what's holding them to this place when they should go with Vri." Katie nodded her head and then looked at the two of them.

"So, we know that Padraig is somewhere where Immortal marks and magic seem to be not working. Because of the scrolls. We also know that, if he was dead, his soul would go to where he felt he needed to do things, to sort things. So tell me, both of you, would he stay in the back end of nowhere, because he enjoys the cold as a ghost, or would he anchor to the man who raised him, his wife and his unborn child?" Katie didn't wait for an answer, she didn't think she needed to. "Exactly. So he isn't dead, is he? Because if he was, he'd either have raised such a fuss that Vri himself would be getting such earache that we'd know, or Padraig's ghost would be here and you'd see it. Now, that being the case, we need to focus on the undoubted fact that he is alive and work out how to help him."

Faith felt relief wash over her at the unquestionable logic and, as she did, tears fell from her eyes. Cyrus looked at Katie and smiled, a gaze which she returned and then she moved to hug Faith, gently. "It's alright, little doll. We just need to work out how to help him." Katie's gaze met Cyrus' over the top of Faith's head as she hugged the young woman and the couple shared a glance which spoke volumes.

"I'll go to the university first thing," Cyrus said, his deep voice calm and business-like. "Find out exactly what his course was, the name of the boat and so on." Faith, who had been hugging Katie gratefully, turned to look at him. "I've got all that information." She pinched her nose, trying to force herself to concentrate as she considered what to do. "Go to the docks. Find out about the captain, the crew. Will they stick with their course, will they deviate? What if there's a problem, what will they do? How fast is the ship is there a faster one? If there is, rent it."

Cyrus looked at her and shook his head, Katie also pulled back and looked horrified. "You are not chasing after him," Cyrus said, firmly. "You're pregnant, Faith. What if you went into labour on the open seas?" Faith looked at him and breathed in. Looking at him with a gaze which met his, ounce of stubborn with ounce of stubborn and then some. "If you don't help me, I'll do it myself. I promise you, I will look at every available option and the very last one will be me leaving." But they had friends, resources and people who could help. People who would help and who would be happy to, she explained. And more than that, she had to try. She had to be doing something.

Cyrus fixed her with a glare, an expression which would normally have her backing down and quick smart. This time, she looked back at him and she did not drop her gaze. Neither spoke for a few moments, then Cyrus nodded. Faith felt relief flood through her and she whispered. "Thank you," to him. None of them liked it, but this way they were all involved.
word count: 797
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Faith Augustin Champion
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She couldn't settle, waiting for Cyrus to come back from the docks. Once they had agreed a course of action, she had written down a list of questions for Cyrus to answer, trying to be clear and concise in what she asked. But fundamentally, they needed to know everything they could about the captain, the crew and the vessel that Padraig had gone on. Strengths, vulnerabilities. Speed, efficiency, loyalty of the crew, that kind of thing. These were all important if she was going to be able to find him. Whilst Cyrus was out, Faith had put together all the information that she had, pulling out the maps and so on. Katie watched her, Faith could feel it but she said nothing. Until, just as she was putting a paperweight over the corner of a map, she saw the cup of tea being placed next to her and then Katie sat opposite her. "If you ask us to, we'll go. Cyrus and I. He'd go alone," Katie smiled, "but I won't let him. I used to work as a mercenary. I'm better with a sword than I look, though it's bad for my nails." Faith couldn't help the slight smile that crossed her face at that. It didn't surprise her that Katie had been a mercenary, exactly, but it did too. She didn't seem the type, but then Faith knew that the woman was unusual and more than she appeared.

"We'll go. But Faith it's not logical." A frown crossed Faith's face and Katie sighed slightly. "It's taken him, them, five trials to get to wherever they are. Even if we could get a ship to leave tomorrow, we'll be six trials behind them. The fastest ship with the best weather isn't going to make more than a trial's difference, so it will be five more trials before we find them. If we do." The baby kicked, hard, and Faith recognised that it was in response to the sudden desperation that she felt. Her silver eyes were wide as she looked at Katie and she felt a hot coal in her chest.

"In that time, they'll have moved and we'll have no idea how to find them. They might have run into trouble, but by the time we get there, even if we could get there..." The hot coal in the center of her chest turned molten and Faith felt it like a physical thing. "Now, little doll," Katie continued and she was at once relentless and gentle. "We will go if you want. But we will go because Cyrus would never be happy with you going. It's Zi'da, it's freezing. He's not a young man any more."

Faith looked down at the map and considered. How much had she fussed over Padraig and the cold? He had the clothes and the blankets and the hats and gloves and scarves which meant that he would not be cold. The bedding and the orange sand, food that she'd made for him. He was young and fit and healthy and prepared and Faith was thinking about asking someone else, anyone else to go? If she wasn't pregnant, there would be nothing that stopped her, for all that he wouldn't want her to go racing off after him. But she was pregnant and she couldn't harm or risk harm to their child.

Looking down at the map, Faith let out a long, shuddering out-breath and she looked at Katie, with desperation in her expression. "So you're saying I should... we should... just wait and hope?" Katie leaned forward and kissed Faith on the forehead, apparently oblivious to the tears which fell from Faith's silver eyes.

"No little doll. I'm saying we should do what we have to do here. We should live and prepare for this baby and for this baby's father to come home. Because he will." And if he wasn't going to, Katie thought but did not say, there was no point throwing life after life. She said no more, then, waiting for Faith to come to her own conclusion. Faith looked down at the map, then at her hands. If she could but push all her emotions into them, she could make a clear decision. But instead, she looked at the wedding ring which sat on her finger, nested beneath the engagement ring which matched it. What should she do? If she took their unborn child into Immortals-knew what, or even just into the level of cold and discomfort that was inevitable, she'd never forgive herself. She had no more right to ask Padraig's grandfather than she did to take their child there and, as she realised that she saw no other logic than what Katie had said, Faith knew that waiting was her only option.

As the young woman lowered her head into her hands and her shoulders shook with weeping, Katie simply pulled her into a hug and let her do so. By the time that Cyrus came back, Faith was asleep on the couch, covered in a blanket and a half drunk cup of tea next to her. Katie was starting to think that she was going to run out of the sleep aid which she had laced the cups of tea with before the girl drank any. When Cyrus got back, though, Katie told him that she and Faith had talked and what the conclusion of it was. It transpired that it didn't matter, Cyrus had asked everyone. Every ship and every captain. No one would travel at this time of arc and not to where Padraig had gone. The cold had set in and all they could do was stay here and pray for news.
word count: 986
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Tsk tsk, Padraig leaving poor Faith all alone to lament and worry. Definitely a fun and insightful thread. I look forward to seeing when the little booger is born. Below is your well deserved loot. If you have any questions, please PM me. Also please add the provided stamp to your review request found here and please update your CS with all of this information.

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