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82nd of Ymiden 717

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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82nd Ymiden, 717

That morning, they'd been getting things ready for Cyrus and Katie's new house, painting the kitchen and chatting and he'd told her about his charter studies for the next season. The painting had needed to be put on hold as he tried to explain it to her and then, there'd been a diagram painted on to the wall that they'd yet to coat, which really hadn't helped. Eventually, he'd gone into their kitchen and come back with an array of fruit and vegetables.

Which led to Faith standing, in Cyrus and Katie's kitchen, holding a potato and laughing so hard that she had tears running down her face and was bent over clutching her stomach. Apparently, the potato was the second sun and it was in a perfectly natural orbit. However, that meant that he had to hold the tomato, onion and orange that were, apparently, Idalos, the moon and the first sun. What had caused her to bend in half and guffaw was his face when she pointed out that there were three moons. He knew that, he told her and looked at her with a look of utter despair. It was that which did it and pushed Faith into laughter.

Even now, it was rare that she laughed at all, but at the sight of him standing there, paint on his nose and fruit and vegetables in his hands as he tried to explain something he was so very passionate about, she'd been literally doubled over.

After she'd stopped laughing, she had apologised, profusely and genuinely. She didn't mean to mock his studies and she certainly was not doing so. It was just the sight, she explained, of the learned professor with the paint smudges and the vegetables and thought of him standing in front of his students like that. "But, basically, you're going to observe the second sun?" Faith nodded and maintained that she needed to know no more than that, because knowing more might send her off again. Please, she asked, please stop explaining, it would be her undoing if he didn't. Instead she'd gone back to painting, chuckling quietly every now and then.

That, however, had been this morning. Once they'd finished the room, Faith had gone immediately to Cyrus and told him, explained that she was going to bring his birthtrial gift in early, because from what she understood, what she'd arranged would be more than useful to him now. Cyrus had agreed, then given her a look when she said that she'd help him carry it in. Faith had backed down although she'd considered asking him if he could teach her how to do that with just an expression.

However, that meant that, that afternoon, once he'd come home from work, it was to an almost empty house. He'd gone off to teach, paint smears washed off his face and when he came back the house was suspiciously quiet. The dog, of course, bounded up to greet him and Faith came out of the kitchen. "Hello you," she said. She was wearing a nice red dress with a knee length full skirt and a fitted top which she knew he liked and she'd made an effort with her hair and make-up. In her hand, she held a small, wrapped gift.

Stepping into his arms, Faith was more than happy to lean into him, kissing him with a grin. "We have the house to ourselves. Cyrus and Katie have taken Luna out for a picnic." That was unusual in and of itself, of course. "I wanted to talk to you. I bought you something for your birthday, and I know it isn't until next season, but I don't want to wait. I think it will be useful to you now. Would you mind having your birthtrial gift tonight? I have a few other little things that can wait, but this is the main one." She held out the small parcel, which looked like a book in shape and size.

Should he unwrap it, it was indeed a blank notebook. On the inside were written the words,
Go look in the garden.
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She laughed, but Padraig was perfectly serious. Where proper visuals were in short supply, assorted fruits and vegetables worked nicely. So long as you were able to let pass the lack of proper scale, shape and so on. "I know that," he argued, referencing the two moons which were missing from his demonstration. "But I've only got two hands and I'm out of fruit, unless you to count that small hairy thing over there on the counter."

But she was in fact the sun, or the potato was, but it wasn't necessarily orbiting anything, he told her. It was fixed. Or at least it was for the sake of this scenario. It might very well be orbiting something else. Something larger. The entire universe full of stars and those other celestial bodies he imagined to be other worlds like Idalos, might very well be in constant motion. But that was reserved for a later discovery, he added.

She might have wanted him to stop explaining, but his mind had kept going, even beyond his previous observations. "So, Idalos rotates on an axis, each moon does as well and they revolve around Idalos. Gravitational pull, magnetism, polarity, and the whole system revolves around our usual sun. The orange, that was. "And the whole thing together, travels along an extremely oblong circular path, or orbit, around the second sun." He hadn't quite figured out why the orbit would be so eccentric, rather than perfectly round. But he intended to find out. But the question remained, he told her, as he both turned in circles with his fruits and vegetables and traveled across the floor towards her at the same time, was did Idalos pass the second sun on the near side, or the far side before traveling away again? He intended to find out.

But where was everyone, Padraig had wondered when he'd arrived home, having just finished teaching his last class of the trial. Cyrus and Katie had their own little house now of course. But Luna was nowhere to be seen. For the moment he assumed her to be next door or somewhere off with his grandfather. Or Faith. But no, there she was. And he smiled when she came out of the kitchen with Cosmo in the lead. "You look nice," he said when he saw her. Curious, but then again, "You always do." He grinned though when she kissed him and said that they had the house to themselves. "That never happens. We should take the time to enjoy it to the fullest."

His birthday? He frowned curiously then when he told her. "I hadn't thought of it to be honest." Not his anyway, he hadn't given much thought to his own since he'd left home arcs ago. "You don't need to get me anything, I have everything I could possibly want or hope for already." Then again, he was intrigued and told her that no, of course he wouldn't mind. Smiling, he took the small package, quirking a brow at her when he opened it and discovered a notebook of mostly blank pages. "What's this?" he said when he discovered the note. "What have you done?" But there was only one way to know for sure, so smiling and taking her hand in his, he headed out to the garden.
word count: 571
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82nd Ymiden, 717

Faith shook her head at his suggestion that they should take full advantage of a quiet house. "Behave. It's the middle of the afternoon," she said primly, although he knew better than to think she meant it for a moment. She grinned at him when he said he hadn't thought about his birthday. "That's because you spend all your time worrying and fussing about other people and not enough about yourself," she said, with a completely serious expression and total lack of irony. "Someone has to fuss over you, and that's my job."

That morning, she had been unable to comment, she was just too busy laughing at the sight of him goose-stepping around the kitchen with an array of fresh produce. It was too much for her and she simply could not contain herself. However, there was no doubting his genius as far as she was concerned and so she had nodded and told him that it was very clever and yes, of course, he would find that out.

She just still wasn't entirely sure what that was. But that was fine.

For all that she had laughed, Faith wanted to support him in every way she could and she'd known as he twirled around the kitchen, holding the orange aloft and spinning it in his hand as he spun, that this gift could be useful. So, Cyrus and Katie had done what needed doing, and Faith could not hide the grin of delight and anticipation as he unwrapped the book. What had she done? "Nothing in comparison to what I wish I could," was her honest answer.

His hand wrapped around hers and they went out to the garden together. It was fairly obvious what she'd done once they got out there because there, on the grass was a large and beautifully constructed telescope, on a stand. It was next to the table on which was a large wooden box which, when he checked, was filled with different lenses.

"You said that maybe you could coat lenses with something made with alchemy and I remembered what you'd thought to do when we thought you had lightbane," she explained, letting go of his hand so that he could go and look. She'd taken the time to make sure that what she got was the best and she'd worked with others to ensure that it was good enough, "Professor Dashiell said that it was more than acceptable. Kura picked it up for me. Cyrus and Katie brought it out here, so it's not really just from me."

Faith had thought, she explained, that since his birthday was at the end of Saun, it would be the perfect gift to greet the stars, but when he'd started rotating in the kitchen, she knew. "The lenses are egilrun glass, Professor Dashiell said those were the best. I know it would have been better if you'd been there when they were made, but you could make a coating, couldn't you?" Faith watched him and smiled, sure that if it was good enough as far as Esme Dashiell was concerned, it would suffice. "Happy birthday," she said, almost shyly. "I've never bought anyone a birthtrial gift before." Looking at him quizzically, she asked, "Do you like it?"
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"What's the fun in that?" Padraig asked, wickedly and kissed her once more before letting her go, when she suggested he ought to behave. As for the suns, the moons and all of the rest, he'd find out if he was right, to what extent maybe.

Or, he'd find that he was completely wrong, and that the truth was all the more compelling. Either possibility, in any combination was what intrigued him the most. The study of the heavens and all that was in them was so new with far, far more unknowns than knowns. It was that which appealed the most and why he'd chosen the field. It was exploration unlike anything else.

When they entered the garden and he saw what she'd done, however, Padraig was speechless. A telescope? No one had them except universities. Or if they did, they weren't measurably more than spyglasses were. "Faith, what possessed you? How did you do this?" he asked and walked closer to take a look at the thing. It was the finest piece of equipment he'd seen.

He looked the thing over from bottom to top, looked inside the box and ran a finger gently over the smaller parcels that contained the lenses. Kura, Cyrus, Katie, and Professor Dashiell? "If she said it was acceptable, she must find it to be one of the most finely tuned instrument on Idalos." To say the woman didn't offer praise lightly was an understatement in the extreme.

"Of course," he said when she asked, could he create a sun filter that would work with the already fabricated lenses. Or at least he very much believed he could. But did he like it? Padraig grinned and turned back to her and took her in his arms. How could she think anything else. "You shouldn't have done this. It's too much. Entirely too much but of course I like it. I don't even know where to begin. But yes, and thank you," he said.
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82nd Ymiden, 717

What possessed her, he asked and Faith raised an eyebrow. Did he not like it? What possessed her, indeed. She was about to say something snippy about trying not to sound too overwhelmed when she looked at him and realised that, in fact, that was what he was. So, instead, she shrugged slightly. "Love possessed me," she replied and as for how she did it? She didn't answer that bit, preferring to just watch him as he moved over to it. Anyway, she realised, it was an entirely selfish thing that she had done. The sheer amount of pleasure she got from watching him caused tears to spring to her eyes.

When he spoke about Professor Dashiell, Faith shook her head, "I think she approved of my choice of gift. She told me that you have a remarkable mind." Then with a slightly more wry grin, she added, "she also told me that I am remarkably short but that she had heard mixed reviews of my ability as a student." Faith watched him and she decided that she wished he had more than one birthtrial an arc, if giving him gifts always made her feel like this.

Still, there was that uncertainty, and so she asked if he liked it. His arms wrapped around her and Faith felt herself just fall into that embrace and she looked up at him with delight in her silver eyes. "Too much? How can anything that I can do ever be too much for you?" Lifting her hand she stroked his cheek. "There is no thing, no item, no word that can be enough, so too much is an absolute impossibility. I would have thought you knew that." Pulling herself against him she kissed him gently. "I love you. So much that Vri himself sees it. I know that I'm shoddy at saying it like I should, but I do. Is there ever anything that is too much for me in your eyes?"

Nodding over to the thing, she shrugged, "I just want to be useful to you. The first time we met you talked about the university and look at you, now. I could have a hundred of these made and it would not begin to tell you how proud I am of you. How proud I am to be yours, you to be mine. Too much does not exist between us and I would thank you," she said, kissing him again with a smile, "to not fling around," another kiss and a wicked smile, "such unscientific terms."

With a change of expression, then she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him again. "You know, there's not a soul in the house except us. And it is your psuedo-birthday." Touching her nose to his, she gazed at him with serious silver eyes and an expression only he ever saw.
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Thu Aug 03, 2017 1:23 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 484
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When Faith revealed what professor Dashielle had said about her, to her, Padraig grinned and nodded. "You should know that from her, that is very high praise indeed. Grandfather has nothing on her," he admitted as they stood in the garden, embracing each other. "I despair a little, were they ever to cross paths and indulge in any sort of discourse with each other." It would be quite the sight.

But she didn't need to do for him, he insisted. On her own, she was everything he ever could have wanted, and more than he'd ever imagined he might have. Just her. Anything more was nice, but it was difficult to exceed what was already more than he'd ever dreamed of for himself. "I love you," he said, "and I won't argue the point. The telescope and the lenses are wonderful. I can't wait to show you the moons and the stars through it. I'll think we'll name one of them just for you." One unique among all others, that was.

As for their home being uncharacteristically quiet at the moment? It was rare. All to rare these trials. "Well you're right," he seemed to consider with an expression etched in deep consideration. "It's so close to my birthday that it might as well be. And it would be a shame to let all this privacy go to waste. Who knows how long it will last? I say we fix that," he declared as he swept her up in his arms and carried her inside.
word count: 271
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Pash Raj'oriq
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Thread Rewards

Skill Knowledge:
➳ Logistics: Organising a surprise
➳ Logistics: Changing a plan based on new information

Other Knowledge:
N/A (nothing ventured, nothing gained

Loot: -810gn … now that’s a birthday present!
Injuries: N/A
Fame: Big spender +1 (I’m going off of the General Good Deed Fame: there’s some happy merchants and glassworkers out there on Scalvoris now)
Devotion: Vri: Act of True Love (+3), Confess Your Love (+3)

Points: 15 | These points cannot be used for magic.
⟡ ⟡ ⟡
Skill Knowledge:
➳ Persuasion: Explaining why you need nothing
➳ Rhetoric: Explaining complex concepts
➳ Seduction: The ancient and well-practiced art of sweeping the girl off her feet. Literally
➳ Strength: Carrying a person, even a small one, requires muscles.
➳ Teaching: Using fresh produce as visual aids

Other Knowledge:
N/A (nothing ventured, nothing gained

Loot: +1 Telescope, box of lenses, journal, birthday good feelings
Injuries: N/A
Fame: N/A
Devotion: N/A

Points: 15 | These points cannot be used for magic.
⟡ ⟡ ⟡
Happy birthday, Padraig! Faith loves you and dropped some crazy nel on your present. Clearly you are marrying up, but you know that! An enjoyable read, as always. Y’all cute.
word count: 195
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Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
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