[Cally's] First, Familiarity

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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[Cally's] First, Familiarity

Ymiden 82, Arc 717

Arlo didn't eat indoors very often. Not at taverns, cafes, inns or restaurants. Most of his meals were prepared over a campfire just off the road or in the forest, made out of whatever he could carry with him without spoiling, and if he was lucky, whatever fresh additions he could gather, or bring in with traps, fishing or hunting. In general, the traveler and devotee of Cassion preferred it that way. There was nothing better than a meal cooked over the fire and enjoyed beneath the stars. But his options were limited to what he could carry and gather along the way, what would keep and what would spoil. And every once in a while, he enjoyed a meal prepared by someone else with a knack for it, seated at a proper table no less. It wasn't just the meals after all. It was what he might learn from it, and be able to tailor to his own needs along the way.

It was mid afternoon when he'd walked into town, leaving Peg behind to watch over things while he was gone. The last trial of Ymiden. The last afternoon before the last moon rise, the last onset of darkness that he'd see for the next forty trials. He'd asked around, and everyone he's spoken to had suggested Cally's. It was pricey, some of them told him. But well worth the visit anyway. Arlo could have opted for a less expensive option. But if he'd considered it, when a woman at the market mentioned the name of the woman who owned the eatery in question, he changed his mind. Was it such an unusual name? He doubted it, but nevertheless he'd heard it before, and in connection with Scalvoris no less. Curiosity was a powerful thing, so in spite of suspecting he'd be under-dressed for it, Arlo had headed that way.

It looked expensive, he thought when he walked in, and he was under-dressed. Recognizing that even still, there were manners that ought be expected, he pulled his hat from his head. A rarity, that, as he seldom did. The tablecloth was whiter and crisper than any article of clothing he owned, and Arlo picked up the menu to have a look. He'd hardly had time to pour over all of it when a waiter approached, a youngish man who appeared not terribly much older than himself.

Arlo had never heard of hafrein before, but after being told what it was, he thought that it might be something he could hunt while he was here. It would be useful to familiarize himself with how the meat tasted, in order to know whether or not it was worthwhile. "The onyx menu," he decided when finally placing his order. "Out with the new," he added with a grin and handed the menu back. It occurred to him that the cost was as much as he'd paid for his new crossbow and the bolts to go with it. But if the locals were right, then it was worth it. In the meantime, while he waited for his food, Arlo looked around curiously, wondering if the reported name of the proprietor was just a coincidence.
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[Cally's] First, Familiarity

"Who's the kid in the hat?" Trudi asked Paul in the kitchen. Paul, the waiter who had served Arlo shrugged slightly and turned a questioning expression to Trudi. "Did you check if he can pay?" Trudi asked. Paul was about to answer when Faith did.

"I sincerely hope not. That isn't how we work here. You didn't, did you?" Faith came as close to sounding sharp as she ever did and Paul shook his head. "Good," she said and turned back to her work. Trudi and Paul shared a glance, Trudi rolled her eyes and Paul grinned. "If you have time to do that," Faith said, apparently whilst continuing to cook and not looking at them, "I'm sure there are things not being done which could be."

"I don't know how you do that," Trudi said with a grin, "but it's really unnerving."

"Good," Faith said and said no more than that. She was preparing the tasting entree for the meal and she turned back to her work, but she smiled at Trudi and Paul as they exited. There was a jug of cool water always on the table for him and the waiter had this uncanny ability to appear and refill his glass whilst Arlo wasn't looking, or so it seemed.

It was three courses, the meal he had ordered and Faith worked behind the scenes. The tasting entree which she prepared with the Out with the New menu was different than the usual one, it contained mini-selections of tastes which would compliment each other but showcase the variety of food on offer. His waiter explained this when he brought it out, identifying each small portion. There was comfit of whale, spiced flunny, cerviche of chrythiam fish on mini-toast and vegetable parcels. Once he'd been told what was there, Paul left Arlo to it and he got to eat the entree. Faith put her best into each dish which left her kitchen and the entree did what it was supposed to do. It was enough food that he had eaten something, but equally, it was not yet a full meal.

Which, it turned out, was a good job as his main course was four small portions of hafrein in different forms. Whilst each portion alone would not be enough for a main, it added up to quite the meal just in terms of portion size and was served with potato gnocchi and vegetables. The accompaniments were brought out and refilled as needed, then each portion of hafrein was brought individually, allowing him to have a break in between if he wished it. Faith made sure that each tiny detail was exquisite, each piece of gnocchi was exactly the same size and perfectly cooked, even the vegetables were a taste experience, their flavours enhanced with clever little touches.

When it came to dessert, it was a light cocolime ice cream with tiny pieces of honeycomb in it to add texture to the creamy dessert, served with a butterscotch tuile and raspberry coulis. The taste was delicious and it was a light end to the meal.

As Arlo was finishing the last course, which would be at his own time, the kitchen doors opened and Faith walked out into the dining room. The young woman looked exactly like she had in the dream, she didn't dream herself taller or different in any way at all, although there was of course no chalk bunny. The diminutive young woman came out and moved to look at the bookings for later, her silver eyes focused on the book where they recorded who had pre-arranged when they were coming in. They had a table of five booked in this evening for a Diamond Dining Experience and that had meant a lot of preparation, but they were prepared and Faith was confident. She checked and then looked up.

She wasn't a dreamwalker, he knew that. Yet Faith saw him, recognised him and smiled. She made her way over to him, although she wasn't sure if he'd remember her because she knew that dreams were not something most people recalled. Still, she figured by the smile he gave in return that yes indeed, this follower of Cassion remembered her. "Hello again," she said. If she was surprised that the person in her dream was here in the waking world, the pale young woman had a funny way of showing it. "Was everything alright?"

Paul and Trudi shared a glance as they saw that exchange.
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[Cally's] First, Familiarity

The place was far from crowded, Arlo thought, this time of the trial. But in the young man's experience, people living in cities and towns tended to like and need their schedules. Even his parents and the neighboring farms had their eating and sleeping habits arranged for them by the weather, the rising and setting of the sun, or by the seasons themselves. Planting, harvesting, shearing, lambing or foaling, that was. As a traveler, he was mostly free of that sort of thing, and Arlo liked it that way just fine. But he did, just once in a while, like sitting down in a proper eating place for a good meal. And as a follower of Cassion, there were things he could learn there too.

The water glass was curious. At first he wondered, had he forgotten how much he'd had, so when he found it refilled again it took a few trills, and a little experimentation to decide t hat it was in fact refilling itself. He'd have to ask about that later. If it was magic, well, he wasn't inclined. But if not, it was something that could be uncommonly useful when he was on the road. Mostly, he just enjoyed the meal when each course showed up, and asked very few questions. He did wonder aloud what flunny was, and when told what the fish was called, Arlo recalled that he'd heard of the thing before. As it happened, in a dream.

It kept coming and to anyone else, it might have seemed like a great deal of food. But others had wondered before, including his own mother, about where he managed to put it. Into growing taller, he'd answer. Nonetheless there was no faulting his appetite. He didn't make quick work of it though. Instead he tasted each dish as a whole, first, then small pieces each at a time as if trying to discover what ingredients were used. The dessert was nice too, and he wondered how the place kept cold things cold, or even got them that way. In the absence of winter, a cold running stream or a deep cellar like hole in the ground, cold things on the trails were mostly impossible.

Still, Arlo looked up and grinned a little when Faith came out from the kitchen. He recognized her alright, the same as if they'd met in person and not in Emea. And while it wasn't the done thing to tell a dreamer that they were in fact dreaming while they slept, there was no reason to keep quiet on the topic, so long as it was them that remembered first. Therefore, she'd have to take the lead but when she walked over, he grinned again. "Hello Faith. Last we met, you made Scalvoris sound so full of wonders, I thought I might pay the place a visit," Arlo said. "It was more than alright," he added when she asked about his meal. "I heard in the market that this was the place to eat. But the praise didn't do it proper justice."

"The...gnocchi?" he wondered. "I've never had it before." He'd never had a lot of those things in fact but the gnocchi had struck him as something he might be able to prepare over the coals with a pan. "They have potato in them, and I'm thinking flour?" He cooked quite a bit on the road, he told her, and after all it was part of his devotion to Cassion to do it. But what he could do was limited, depending on the time of arc, considering that fresh ingredients like meat, milk, fruits and vegetable didn't last very long without spoiling. And of course, what he was able or skilled enough to cook himself, didn't quite compare with the meal she'd just served him.
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[Cally's] First, Familiarity

He did remember her? That was delightful to the young woman and she grinned at him. "Well, I like it here, Arlo, I have to say," her expression changed to pleased, although a little shy when he said that it was better than alright. "I'm glad you liked it. And that our reputation is building." Faith gestured to the chair under the adjacent edge of the table to his, "may I?"

Assuming he said yes, she sat down and glanced up at Trudi. The woman, who hadn't been Arlo's waitress, came over and smiled. "Could I have a coffee, Trudi, please? Would you like one, Arlo? Or a different drink?" Trudi gave Arlo an obviously appraising look and a slow, wicked smile. Paul had previously informed him that flunny was a rabbit with wings instead of ears which flew. Hence, flying bunny or flunny.

"What would be your pleasure, Arlo?" Trudi asked, somehow managing to elongate his name. Once he'd given his order she made her way to sort those out, she watched in the mirror to see if Arlo watched her leaving.

Faith, apparently oblivious, nodded. "Yes, potato and flour. You have a good palette. Seasoning, of course and an egg." She listened to what he said about wanting to cook on a fire and Faith nodded. "Those ones are made with potato, but you can make gnocchi with anything, really, that you can make into a dough. I've used bread that's about to go over into stale, pumpkin, anything that you can or might mash or that will hold its shape enough." She said that those he'd just eaten, she hadn't boiled the potatoes, as that made them too wet. "They should be fluffy and light, and that means wrapping them and heating them in an oven. Or in coals."

She didn't hesitate to offer, especially in light of why he cooked how he did. "I've done quite a bit of campfire cooking in my very varied eighteen arcs. I'd be happy to have a bash at a few things if you've got a camp set up?" In fairness, it was rare that Faith got to meet someone who she could talk about cookery things with and he had become her favorite customer the trill he recognised the ingredients of gnocchi. "Either way, there are a lot of things on Scalvoris that are very helpful to a traveler, especially a culinary one. Are you staying long?" She'd be more than happy, she said, to help him get together some useful things.

"But often, the market stalls here sell things that you can pick up if you know where to look," she explained, like the warm sand she'd told him about previously, or the cool sand that was its counterpart. Speaking of that, Faith looked at him and sipped the coffee which Trudi had brought along with his drink at some point earlier. "So, I know how I remember last time we met and why I'm not pointing at you with my jaw dropping." She tapped her fingernails, long and black as they were, against the cup. "What's your story?"
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[Cally's] First, Familiarity

"Course," Arlo replied when she asked if she could join him. It would stop him having to look up at her anyway. She was short for human standards, he was tall and there was a chance he'd grow taller still. But it was better to speak eye to eye nonetheless. When the waitress wandered over and offered him coffee, or whatever he wanted, of course Arlo looked. He was young, only human and a healthy red blooded male at that. And she wasn't hard to look at. "Coffee will suit me fine," he told her, with cream and a little sugar if he could. And naturally he watched her walking away, though he made some effort to make it appear that he wasn't. Women, he'd discovered, were just as nice walking away as they were walking towards you.

But right, the gnocchi. Pumpkin, just about anything else might do, which made them versatile on the road where availability was unreliable at best. "I'm curious," he wondered. "I'm guessing you bake them in the oven, but can you sort of boil or simmer them like dumplings and then after you dry them, brown them in some butter, in a pan on the stove?" Or over the fire, in his case. "Ordinarily it's just the fire or the coals," he admitted. "But I got a healer's kit sometime back and came with a small burner that's been good for small pots in the like."

He was planning on staying at least through Saun, he added, and told her that he had a camp set up outside of town. A mile maybe, off in the direction of that strange tower in the distance. "It's a mile, maybe less," Arlo considered, guessing how far his camp was outside the gates. "I'd be glad if you came out, happy to learn whatever you could show me." He'd be planning to pick up some of those things she'd told him about, that he remembered from the dream. Warm sand, cold sand, there seemed to be things that would make life much easier for him on the road. "I can carry some things with me and expect them to keep a while. Flour, salt, dried things. But fresh vegetables, fruit, eggs, sometimes cheese, they'd spoil if I kept much of it. And meat too. I hunt or fish for what I need. But unless I dry and salt it, doesn't travel very well."

"I'm a dreamwalker," he said when Faith asked. "I serve Jesine, she's put her mark on me. On my scalp, mostly, and down the back of my neck," Arlo added. "You can see it in the moonlight, shining like quicksilver. Looks a little like a spider's web." Curiously though, he knew she wasn't a dreamwalker, or he'd have known it when they'd met in Emea. She was unusual, he told her, for remembering her dreams in such detail. More particularly, remembering them well enough that she didn't seem to question her recognition of a familiar face.

"Cassion though, is thought to have traveled deep into Emea, where few or none of the other immortals have. It's her realm," he said, referring to Jesine. So it only made perfect sense to serve them both, so far as Arlo was concerned. "You serve more than one, aye?" Arlo asked then. He knew about Famula for sure since she'd told him about it herself. And maybe others too, now he thought about it.
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[Cally's] First, Familiarity

"Yes, once they're made you can do that," Faith responded with a smile. "Put a pinch of basil in the butter, if you have it. Also, cheese can be added in to the dough; cheese gnocchi are delicious." Realising that she was, perhaps, over explaining Faith gave a slightly rueful grin. "Medicine and food. They're my things." In fairness, she considered, when Padraig had told Mattieus in Rharne that she was a talker, he was right. Arlo had just hit upon one of the subjects which she tended to get chatty about.

When he spoke about keeping things fresh, she nodded. It was a perennial problem here and she guessed that it would be even harder on the road. "The meat from your main course? Hafrein?" Faith explained that the dish was called out with the new because Hafrein was a very old, very traditional meal on Scalvoris. "It's cheap as chips and tough as old boots," she explained and gave a slight shrug, "but it keeps for an age. Doesn't go off like other meats, it's strange. It takes coaxing, though, to make it taste good." Her expression suggested that it took a lot of coaxing, but equally Faith loved her job. Both of them.

He was marked by Jesine? Faith listened, entranced. "That's fascinating, I've heard of dreamwalkers, but not met one. I don't think, anyhow." She'd met Jesine, of course, a while ago although she'd never met Cassion. He sounded interesting, she thought and recalled telling Arlo about the festival to him here. He said that she was unusual, though, for remembering her dreams and accepting them so easily and Faith shook her head slightly. The clue was in the answer to his next question. "Yes," more than one, that was. "Famula," she held her hands out, black tattoos on both wrists, then tapped the table with her nails, "Vri" Finally, she turned her hands over, palms showing where there were leaves on each of them. "and Moseke."

"Vri's blessing," she explained, "is part of the reason why I reacted how I did." It meant, she explained, that she could remember everything, from the moment of her birth. She did not forget. As for not being surprised that he was real, not just a dream? Faith smiled. "You aren't the first person I've had a dream with who turned out to be real. Nor the second, in fact."

However, she was more than happy to go to his camp, share some tips. "I've got some orange and green sand here, you're more than welcome to them. I got them from beaches, paid nothing for them," she added, before he thought she was giving things away which she'd paid for. "If you're happy to, I can afford a few breaks now? We've got a large group coming in tonight, but everything is prepared."

"No, we don't," Paul said. The waiter had been coming over, though out of Faith's line of sight. "They've just cancelled." Faith sighed slightly.

"The ones who had pre-booked the diamond dining experience?" Paul nodded at her question. The part of the menu which required a full trial's notice. "That's the second time that's happened. We might have to start asking for the money when they book, you know. This isn't a normal business, after all." That was about as assertive as Faith got, but she turned back to Arlo and gave a smile. "So, I definitely have some time, if you'd like? Or we can schedule for another trial if you'd rather?" She was, it had to be said, relaxed about it.
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[Cally's] First, Familiarity

Cheese. And basil in the butter. Arlo would remember, though mostly while cheese kept alright on the road for a short time, it wasn't the case with butter or cream. Maybe the sand would change that however. "Usually depending on the time of era and where I am, I can find basil growing wild. After that though I've got to dry it," he told her as he was brought his coffee, and he put plenty of cream and sugar in it. "It's that way with most herbs." The young dreamwalker shrugged then. People who lived on farms or even in small houses had gardens where they could grow what they wanted. It wasn't the case for him.

"So the hafrein," he wondered after she told him about the stuff. "You cook it longer? On a lower temperature? Or do you do something to make it more tender first?" The tough nature didn't really appeal, and yet what he'd been served with his meal had been delicious. It was all in the preparation he guessed. And if it didn't go off like other fresh meat did, all the better. "So the black nails are from Vri?" Arlo asked then with a curious frown. Truth was, he'd assumed that those were from Famula. Her focus on death, well, black seemed appropriate. All of her marks then, at least the ones she told him about, appeared to be out in the open. While his was mostly hidden from view under his hair, except on the back of his neck. Even then it was only visible by moonlight.

At first he would have politely turned down the offer of the sand, if he'd been left to assume that Faith had paid for it. It was his nature, people might assume he was a hard luck case based on the way he lived and traveled. And while it was true that he was far from wealthy, he wasn't broke either. Somehow he mostly managed not to be. "Thank you," he said, accepting the offer with a smile. And when she offered to show him a few things back at his camp, he added, "You wouldn't mind? I don't want to impose." However, he'd be quick to accept if the offer was sincere. "I was planning on heading back out after my meal," he said when Faith asked about timing. "It's not far at all outside the gates." That said then, the decision was Faith's, whether she wanted to go then, or arrange a time for later.
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[Cally's] First, Familiarity

He talked about herbs and having to dry them and Faith looked at him with a thoughtful frown. "Do you have a cart or wagon? Why not put planting boxes on there, like window boxes? You undoubtedly get a lot of sun, so that won't be a problem. You could grow things, a few things." Shrugging slightly, she considered that, in fairness, if he did it smart, then he could probably grow quite a lot. With a sudden vision she grinned, "I like gardening. Boxes on the side, planters as lids for things which stay flat." Faith's smile was somewhat rueful. "I can be somewhat solutions focused and prone to over enthusiastic, my apologies. Something to think about, maybe?" Pushy really wasn't her style, but she was aware that her enthusiasm might well be seen as such, so she moved subject.

On the subject of the hafrein, though, she nodded. "Yes to all three. Long, slow cooking. We were booked for a birthday party, for someone who was turning a hundred. He wanted hafrein and I had never cooked with it." No one on Scalvoris did, she explained, and she'd quickly discovered why. What she'd done first, she said, was cooked it slowly and without any spice. That, she did because she needed to understand the taste of the meat. "It's vile," Faith smiled, "Strong, game-like flavour with the most awful aftertaste. Turns out, they used to boil it for up to two trials in heavy spices." Her smile was genuine, but so too was the expression of determination she wore. "Well, I wasn't going to serve that."

What she had done, she explained, was she had devised a technique for each of the five dishes, each one different but each surprisingly simple. However, on her blessings, she nodded. "The nails are the mark of Vri's favor, yes. The wrists, first this one then the other, are Famula's. The leaves on my hands Moseke." There was a tattoo from Moseke too, but she wasn't showing him that.

He was concerned about imposing, but Faith shook her head. "I love to cook. I've cooked over campfires, on ships and on military campaigns. I like the challenge. Here, I have challenges like hafrein and making as much money as possible in order to ensure maximum profit to go to the charities Cally's funds. But there are other challenges, like cooking over a fire. I'd like to."

She gave a grin then, looking much more the eighteen she was than her usually serious expression. "I'll go and grab a few things out of the kitchen, and let people know where I am." Since the kidnapping, people were more prone to worry and causing that was the last thing that she'd ever do. So, she'd let Tina know, tell her that she had her echo scroll with her and then would fling some things into a domain bag and meet Arlo out front.
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[Cally's] First, Familiarity


Leadership: Lay expectations out clearly
Leadership: Ensure that you keep them on their toes
Socialization: Meeting and greeting customers
Socialization: Working in teams is hard

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Fame: N/A
Devotion: N/A

Points: 15

These points CANNOT be used for magic!


Cooking: Gnocchi recipe
Cooking: Ingredients available to a traveler
Cooking: Ways to prepare potatoes for gnocchi
Cooking: Other ingredients for gnocchi
Detection: Looking around and getting a feel for a business
Detection: Trying to ascertain ingredients from taste
Detection: Individual tastes to give more detail
Detection: Observing people as they walk away.
Etiquette: Dress code

Faith: Owner and proprietor of Cally's
Location: Scalvoris
Location: Scalvoris: Full of weird stuff
Location: Scalvoris: Careful what you buy where
Location: Cally's Restaurant: Scalvoris
Location: Cally's Restaurant: Magic glasses?

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Fame: N/A
Devotion: N/A

Points: 15

These points CANNOT be used for magic!

Comments: This was a nice little thread! I loved how you described the food at Cally's, Faith. Reading your posts made me hungry. Arlo, I noticed that there is no mention of your Ashan wages and expenses in your ledger. Please make sure that your CS is up to date!

Picture: "After the Storm" by maf04, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0./cropped and resized
word count: 226





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