[Elemental Hall] Preparation, Prevention and Protection

85th of Ashan 717

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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[Elemental Hall] Preparation, Prevention and Protection

85th Ashan, 717, Morning

Kali stood in front of the large whimsically shaped building, distractedly tapping her fingers along the rusty coloured wood of her short bow. She had heard about the upcoming Ilaren trials and how people could catch a little coin by offering to work for some of the event, still leaving people the chance to participate in some fashion within the 24hrs it ran for. The rumor mill also indicated that it was 'focused and specialised' work that required folk dedicated to their task without deviance.

Well, it just so happened over zealous dedication and commitment to the task is what Kali did best.

After some brief questioning, the young Sev'ryn was directed to the Elemental Hall, and so here she was bow in hand and hesitation on her face. She had expected grander or military finesse. No nonsense walls and drab furnishings. What she got was a quirky building that almost appeared to have melted in the sun. Kali pursed her lips, fingers tapping the bow again. Looks could be deceiving she reminded herself. Taking a deep breath, she lifted her chin and set her jaw.

Determination. Focus. Dedication.

Walking with purpose, she ascended the stairs and pushed open the door. Inside it was more normal than Kali expected. An air of calm settled around her as she strode slowly to the reception desk, tapping her bow as she waited to be called.
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[Elemental Hall] Preparation, Prevention and Protection


Element Hall in Scalvoris was, there was no doubting it, an odd looking place. But then, so much of Scalvoris generally, and Scalvoris Town specifically was ~ in Scalvoris Town the buildings were a very strange mish-mash, no two buildings alike and each one of them adding to the higgledy-piggledy ambience of the place. So, somehow, this strange building fitted in whilst still appearing to be completely unique.

Still, considerations of architecture aside, Kali made her way in and might have been surprised to notice that she was currently the only person visiting. There wasn't a queue she had to join, there was no need to take a number and get in line, because there was no line. There was just the reception area, the reception desk and, of course, the receptionist.

So, Kali was greeted by a woman who was probably closer to sixty than she'd like; her hair and make up was perfect and she wore a nice two-piece skirt and jacket with a clean, crisp blouse and a string of pearls. She looked up at Kali from behind her very organised desk and she gave a friendly and professional smile.

"Good trial! Welcome to Element Hall! My name is Sylvia and I'm the receptionist here." It was obviously a well rehearsed speech and one which she'd spoken a lot of times. "Please, take a seat." Sylvia gestured to the chair in front of her and she regarded the young woman who was the latest visitor to the Hall this trial. It might be that Kali recognised Sylvia as someone who noticed details, who drank them in, in fact. So, as Kali sat, Sylvia noticed as much as she could about her and then she gave a friendly smile.

"Now then," Sylvia said, but not until Kali was settled down and comfortable. "How may I help you?" As she asked that, Sylvia pulled a piece of parchment from a pile in a tray on her desk and waited, pen poised and ready to leap into efficient action.
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[Elemental Hall] Preparation, Prevention and Protection

Kali ducked her head in a quick greeting, moving to sit as guided. The woman, Sylvia, looked like the sort of person that she could relate to. Her outfit showed a fine attention to detail and order. Something about it made The Sev'ryn feel more at ease, given the quirky uneven establishment that housed the hall.

Not wanting to appear rude, the brunette offered a small smile in return as she began to speak.

"Good Trial Sylvia, and thank you for the welcome. I'm a traveler to Scalvoris, and the locals indicated their was openings for volunteers to work the Ilarian Trials, in exchange for coin or training?" Without waiting for a reply, Kali got straight to business.

"I'd like to volunteer my services. I'm adequate with a small bow, but more so I am dedicated to ensuring the tasks I am assigned are completed with the utmost focus. You can rest assured that in my assignment, I would not be tempted by any of the festivities on offer, and any training provided I will ensure full commitment." Pausing for a moment, the young traveller offered another small quick smile. She had said her piece, now she sat waiting for Sylia's reply and hoping she hadn't come across as rude or nervous.
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[Elemental Hall] Preparation, Prevention and Protection


"Well, now, aren't you just the serious young thing? You're very welcome here, thank you for offering your time." Sylvia could not help but smile at the earnest young woman. Her shift would be carried out to the best of her ability, no doubting it. They came in all shapes and sizes in Scalvoris, but Sylvia appreciated someone who understood the gravity of what they did here.

"Excellent. Alright, well let me tell you what we want from you and what we'll offer in return." Sylvia explained with an efficient and friendly smile. "We want you to be part of one shift the trial before, and one the actual trial. As a volunteer you'll be on morning shift on the trial itself. You need to work as part of a team of four or a pair, depending on who you're teamed up with." That was what they wanted. Sylvia went on, though, to explain. what taking a shift meant.

"Despite what you might hear, most folks are good as gold. But the drinks will flow and fights break out. It's just about making sure that people are safe to enjoy themselves, and things don't escalate." She smiled. "We don't want you killing people, but taking them down with the minimum force needed." That seemed to be quite important to Sylvia, she emphasised it, certainly. "If you don't have the skill to, we will insist that you learn basic unarmed techniques of grabbing and restraint, for example, that kind of thing. However, that is what we expect of you."

So then, of course, there was the what Kali could expect. "If you wish it, we'll pay you, Thirty gold nel per shift. Or we'll train you, which is our preference because we can't afford as many people with coin as we can with training. That training can be in any weapon of your choice, mounts for land, sea or air or some other skill if you ask and we can provide it."

Looking at the earnest young recruit, Sylvia smiled as she got the paperwork ready. "So, what would be your preference in terms of how we pay you?"
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[Elemental Hall] Preparation, Prevention and Protection

Kali took a moment to think carefully on the woman's words, impressed with the receptionists level of professionalism. It was a good deal, no matter what way she went, and the shifts allowed her to see the trial with a purpose in mind. The focus would help to keep her sharp and ready to intervene with revellers as required. It felt good to have something to keep her busy, the young woman unwilling to admit that she'd travelled across Eastern Idalos and still not found her familiar. It took time, everyone told her that. The familiar would find her when it was time. Now just..wasn't the time.

The Sev'ryn offered Sylvia a small smile, just enough to show she wasn't unhappy with the offer of work or the payments suggested.

"Thank you for that information. It seems like a simple enough ask, but I will advise I have no experience in basic unarmed combat, so will need some guidance. Killing people is certainly not something I'm keen to do, which works for the both of us." It could have been an attempt at a joke, had it been anyone else, but it was Kali and therefore she was being quite serious.

"Payment is again a very good trade for the work being requested. Given your offer and the current circumstances I find myself in, it would be of great benifit to me to accept further training in Short Bows." The brunette lifted her bow for emphasis. Indeed, she was already a novice in the weapon, but it would benefit her greatly to receive further training. Better bowmanship would reduce the damage to the hides from the kill and allow her to hunt a wider range of game. Eventually maybe something exotic.

"Whilst coin is always appreciated, the skill of a weapon can provide me with coin if used correctly." She stated plainly, as though the need to explain her choice hung in the air between them.
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[Elemental Hall] Preparation, Prevention and Protection

Amaris' volunteering this trial was nothing short of selfish. They knew it be to true from the moment the idea had sprung into their head. What they were after was not nel, but the lessons that would be rewarded. After all that had happened earlier in the season, it was only fitting that they should take up a sort of skill to defend themselves. The mixed blood was weak; that much they had always known. They were not like their brother in his foolhardy and courageous ways. But they wished for it. Which was why they had begun to take steps to bettering themselves, even if they were incremental.

It lead to them standing outside the peculiar building that housed the Elementals and all their importance on Scalvoris. They could not see themselves joining the great cause, but they did think they could be of minimal help for today, and based on the notices put out, even that much would be appreciated. Amaris entered silently, eyes scanning the interior. They landed on two women, one obviously a receptionist and the other maybe a possible recruit. They seemed locked in a bit of discussion, and unsure of whether or not to interrupt, they hovered a ways back. Their hands balled into fists before relaxing and repeating the motion for a trill or two.

Perhaps they would notice the gawky mixed blood soon enough.
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[Elemental Hall] Preparation, Prevention and Protection


"Unarmed combat and short bows it is. You're hired." Sylvia gave Kali a smile and then handed her some paperwork for filling out. "Your name, address, any health conditions we might need to know about. Next of kin, that kind of thing." She smiled and gestured to a spot on the side of her desk. "You fill that in here, dear, and I'll speak to this nice lady."

Sylvia looked up (and up) at Amaris and the receptionist gave the mixed blood individual a smile which was genuine and kind in its nature. Amaris looked awkward, there was no doubting it. "You pull up this chair, dear, now then, how can I help?"

Assuming that Amaris spoke of the reason for their visit, Sylvia gave a wide smile. "Well that's good news. So, I'll tell you the same as I told this young lady. One shift, in that time you'll be working in and with a group who are more experienced than you. If you aren't trained in unarmed combat, we'll train you in that, specifically in grabs and locks. Restraining techniques." She then went on to explain that Amaris could either be paid or have training in a weapon or skill of their choice, as she had explained to Kali.

"What would your preference be?" Sylvia asked, and then took the filled in form from Kali and checked it, whilst listening to Amaris' reply.
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[Elemental Hall] Preparation, Prevention and Protection

Kali returned Sylvia's smile with a nod, delighted at the acceptance. As she took the paperwork from the woman, the Sev'ryn moved aside to fill it out as another stepped into the hall. Turning slightly to get a view of the newcomer, Kali blinked and tilted her head up and up! The..woman?..was at least two feet taller than the young hunter, with features that could be described as both beautiful and handsome. The brunette had met many various races and mixes in her travels, but not yet anyone as tall as the stranger.

Not wanting to be rude, Kali turned back to her paperwork with a frown. Name? Well that was simple enough. Address? The Sev'ryn tapped the pencil thoughtfully before scribbling down the Four In Hand. It was, in truth, her most current address.

Next Of Kin?

The brunette hunter stared at the question. She tapped the pencil a little harder. Of course, her grandfather was her next of kin, but if something happened to her it would break his heart. To loose his child, step-son and wife was enough. To loose his grandchild...

Next Of Kin?

Kali chewed her lip for a moment, before finally scribbling a name she had on her mind for a matter of trials.

Pash Vy'ryn

Quickly moving onto the next few questions with a slight blush, she completed the form before turning back to Sylvia and the newcomer. As she handed the form over, the Sev'ryn couldn't help herself. She nodded to the tall figure.

"Forgive me for intruding, but may I ask where you hail from? I haven't yet met anyone as close to the ceiling as yourself, and I've met a lot of people."
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[Elemental Hall] Preparation, Prevention and Protection

Once noticed, the tall hybrid lowered themselves into the chair as directed. They summed up their purpose as concisely as they could, save a few words of rambling that mattered little in the general scheme of things. The receptionist seemed pleased enough with this answer and went on to describe the terms of the arrangement. Amaris had no need for money ( outside of their scholarly fees, which could easily be handled with their own jobs ) but they did require some weapons training at the very least.

"I would prefer to be trained over being paid." The money could go to something else the Elemental Hall needed, they figured. But would locks and restraints be useful for someone of their stature? It might have been a more feasible technique to learn for someone like the other woman, but they would make do. And if not...they would figure something out.

It seemed to be a reoccurring theme for people to think them foreign to Scalvoris. For a moment, they almost overlooked the question, tempted to look around as if someone else might have been who the question was intended for. But, alas, it was meant for Amaris. "It's quite alright; I was born here on Scalvoris." Their response was accompanied by a polite smile, and chased with a question of their own. "And you?"
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[Elemental Hall] Preparation, Prevention and Protection


Sylvia looked down at the form filled in by Kali and nodded her head, pleased with what she saw. "If you get a more permanent address, dear, you just let us know and I'll update our records, alright?" Friendly and efficient, that was Sylvia.

Whilst the receptionist was looking at Kali's form, though, a member of the Land Troops walked past, a human fellow who stopped and caught sight of the two people sitting at Sylvia's desk. "Amaris? It's good to see you!" He was one of the guards who had helped Amaris following the Leonard / Marge / Francine situation, the one who had greeted the mixed race individual in fact as Amaris had emerged from the hole in the ground.

"You signing up? This is Amaris, Sylv, helped us with the cat snatchers." Sylvia looked at Amaris and nodded her head, approval clear on her face.

"It's good to meet you, dear. You impressed Rolf here. Excellent work." With a smile, Sylvia turned to Kali and said "Rolf will be training you in shortbow. You two will be in the same unarmed group. Now then, dear," this last was to Amaris. "What training would you like?"

Once she had that information, and Amaris' completed form, she could give them the time and place to show up, she thought. Although, it must be said she was rather scuppered in that endeavor when Rolf said "Come with me, if you want. I'm off to train. What are you wanting, Amaris?"

Either way, it seemed, Rolf was happy to oblige.
word count: 263
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