No words left her mouth, none were needed. Even if she could have formed any, what would Rey'na say? Thank you for being bound to me by fate, by an Immortals will - or perhaps thank you for being a friend. Either would sound strange to many people. Why did she have to thank people for being her friend? It was a strange concept, yet she'd done it her whole life. Denebah, Fridgar, Sintih and now everyone stood before her here. She had an urge to thank them for being here, for sharing a moment with her. It made no sense, and she knew it. So, instead, the woman stayed silent and enjoyed the bond.
Until Vri spoke.
When he answered Rey, she gave a blank and small look to the man. He was impressed with her - but she was in no way impressed with him. Someone does nothing with the life they have so they're punished? If she had less sense she would snap at the Immortal, scream at him. Not because she hated him, she had no real opinion of him admittedly. But right now she had nothing but disgust running through her, the words he said making her body shake, all happiness she felt gone as the tears in her eyes faded and were replaced with the dying urge to speak. This wasn't what Pier and Pre taught her, not what Moseke had asked of her. Three Immortals that stood around her had saved her life and given her another chance - and yet none stopped this.
When Amaris stopped breathing, Rey looked on to the stranger she didn't know, eyes fixed on the body before her. "Is this justice?" she muttered, asking her Immortals. "Someone does not 'live their life' and wants to be a spectator and this is the reward, for living their life how they choose? For being a bystander they suffer? she spoke as her voice rose a little. She was in no way snapping at her Immortals, but a thousand questions ran through her. Did Amaris deserve this? Rey knew little of the stranger, not enough to comment. But the reason behind it, someone living their life in a way that wasn't 'living'. Something about it hurt Rey in a way she couldn't, and wouldn't, explain. Just know that it hurt.
Without a word to anyone, Rey'na listened to Sephira's orders and simply nodded. With her spear drawn, her eyes trailed around the area, cold and plain. What happiness she had was mixed with the anger she felt. Whatever justice she was fighting for - it wasn't what she had expected. But she wouldn't let it tear her apart. Instead, she'd do something about it.
"Pier and Pre - if you're listening to me, give me guidance. Please."