[Seasonal Event] Dark Hearts D: Who Wants To Live Forever?

82nd of Ymiden 718

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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Re: [Seasonal Event] Dark Hearts D: Who Wants To Live Forever?

As Qylios spoke and gave her mission, Rey's eyes glanced to Sephira, then to Patrick - and then to Toraj. A mission to protect one, guide, and a gift to bear with it - a blessing of power. But more than just that, for Rey'na at least. With this blessing came two new people, and a closer look at a friend she already had. Sephira mattered to Rey'na, and now so did the other two. Something about the golden woman, the bond she formed with them, made Rey's heart race as a tear began to form in her eyes. Perhaps it was gratitude or just sorrow. Perhaps anger that she hadn't been better sooner. Pride, love, care or joy. It was many emotions that flowed through the girl - all because of three people. Three people that meant she was one step closer to redemption. One step in a thousand was, after all, still a step.

No words left her mouth, none were needed. Even if she could have formed any, what would Rey'na say? Thank you for being bound to me by fate, by an Immortals will - or perhaps thank you for being a friend. Either would sound strange to many people. Why did she have to thank people for being her friend? It was a strange concept, yet she'd done it her whole life. Denebah, Fridgar, Sintih and now everyone stood before her here. She had an urge to thank them for being here, for sharing a moment with her. It made no sense, and she knew it. So, instead, the woman stayed silent and enjoyed the bond.

Until Vri spoke.

When he answered Rey, she gave a blank and small look to the man. He was impressed with her - but she was in no way impressed with him. Someone does nothing with the life they have so they're punished? If she had less sense she would snap at the Immortal, scream at him. Not because she hated him, she had no real opinion of him admittedly. But right now she had nothing but disgust running through her, the words he said making her body shake, all happiness she felt gone as the tears in her eyes faded and were replaced with the dying urge to speak. This wasn't what Pier and Pre taught her, not what Moseke had asked of her. Three Immortals that stood around her had saved her life and given her another chance - and yet none stopped this.

When Amaris stopped breathing, Rey looked on to the stranger she didn't know, eyes fixed on the body before her. "Is this justice?" she muttered, asking her Immortals. "Someone does not 'live their life' and wants to be a spectator and this is the reward, for living their life how they choose? For being a bystander they suffer? she spoke as her voice rose a little. She was in no way snapping at her Immortals, but a thousand questions ran through her. Did Amaris deserve this? Rey knew little of the stranger, not enough to comment. But the reason behind it, someone living their life in a way that wasn't 'living'. Something about it hurt Rey in a way she couldn't, and wouldn't, explain. Just know that it hurt.

Without a word to anyone, Rey'na listened to Sephira's orders and simply nodded. With her spear drawn, her eyes trailed around the area, cold and plain. What happiness she had was mixed with the anger she felt. Whatever justice she was fighting for - it wasn't what she had expected. But she wouldn't let it tear her apart. Instead, she'd do something about it.

"Pier and Pre - if you're listening to me, give me guidance. Please."
word count: 635
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Re: [Seasonal Event] Dark Hearts D: Who Wants To Live Forever?


Hookor seemed even more angered when Vri spoke in response. The medic had no idea if anyone around him could hear his words. It did not matter.

"I reject belief without proof. I believe in evidence, I believe in science that collects that evidence. Magic tricks? I do not believe in magic tricks. Gods who play with the lives of mankind like they were toy dolls in a morbid game of house? I refuse to play a part." Hookor said. At least he thought he said it. It was all such a mess, he did not know.

What he did know was what lay before him. Amaris was dead. That he knew. That he hated. The medic looked up to face death with defiance, for this was not right. But Vri was gone. Hookor lowered his head. He was angry, but overwhelming his foulness, was pure sadness. Any life lost was worthy of sorrow, and Amaris was someone Hookor knew...and liked.

"He is gone." Hookor said, for Rynata and the rest to hear. They surely knew it anyway. Hookor gathered the items he had removed from his sachel, and placed them back inside. He shook his head in disbelieve, but then simply stood, and without further word, followed along with Rynata, toward the Baron's property...
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Re: [Seasonal Event] Dark Hearts D: Who Wants To Live Forever?

It wasn't working.

He didn't want to believe that it had been too much to hope for, but perhaps that was the truth of it. Searching in desperation for the song within him and the warmth and light he'd witnessed not long before, he rested a hand on Amaris in hopes of reaching into his injuries... taking them for his own and maybe, just maybe, standing a chance of saving the stranger's life. But he felt it slip away from him with the last shuddering breath that Amaris took, Toraj's eyes widening in realization and horror as the subtle hum of the song within his mind was swallowed up by the thick and impenetrable darkness that laid beyond the fog of his amnesia. He couldn't hear it anymore. He couldn't feel that comfortable heat within him, in his arms or fingers... nothing. Fumbling about, he touched Amaris' chest again and let his fingers wander through the man's clothing in search of something. Why hadn't it worked? Was he too late? Was it not meant to be? Was it because of the spectre of a man that had stood over him just moments before? The one whose words bore down in judgement of all who had fought here today, and by whose hand a life had been snatched away in front of Toraj's eyes. One that he had tried to save, but became increasingly aware... he couldn't have. No matter what, he was doomed to fail this one.

That realization was startling and unpleasant. It sank its teeth into him. Powerless.

The feeling was familiar in a most intrusive way. He felt its crushing weight around him, resting like an anvil over his ribcage and painfully squeezing the air out of him. He became aware of the heat around him in a way he hadn't previously been---the dry and hot air scraping in his lungs. He wheezed as he leaned down over Amaris' body with a defeated whimper, clutching at the man's shirt.

He realized just then... that he still didn't know his name. He hadn't been given adequate chance to answer. A chill grew in the pit of Toraj's stomach and he clutched harder, pulling Amaris' lifeless body into his arms to cradle him for both of their comfort while looking desperately to his companions with wide eyes that increasingly told of his fear, grief and confusion. That overwhelmed look of someone who'd found themselves way in over their head and was only just starting to realize that.

"Name?" he asked, eyes snapping to anyone who remained and would still listen to him. "What is name? His?" His eyes snapped back to Amaris for a second before seeking the others. "His name. What is it?"

Whether or not he would get an answer, Toraj would refuse to leave Amaris' body unattended while they waited for evacuation. He'd carry the body with him if he had to, lugging it along to the Baron's estate if he was urged to go by his companions, or remaining where he'd fallen while waiting for the evacuation to start and for the bodies to be collected. Like Sephira, he was loathe to leave Amaris here. Though others had fallen that day, Raven and her associates, and the Deputy, the Beast and their soldiers... the one that impacted Toraj the most was Amaris. A life he'd tried and failed to save, and one whose name he still waited to learn. After Vri's intervention and the untimely death of a young man whose life did not need to be spilled today, Toraj had a lot to consider. Did this man die today because he lacked the will to live? On whose behest? For what purpose? What conceivable purpose would his death now serve, unless it was to etch his life into the memories of those who witnessed his death? Perhaps that had been the ploy... to engage them in grief and sorrow over the life of a man most of them didn't know, a life that had meant so little that Vri cast such harsh judgement...

Toraj swore to himself in that moment that he would not forget. Though the fog oppressively seized at the borders of his mind, he would not forget this. He clutched on to Amaris just the same as he clutched the memory, etching it into his mind. It wouldn't be in vain. Toraj would see to that, any way he could.
word count: 764
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Re: [Seasonal Event] Dark Hearts D: Who Wants To Live Forever?

In the end, those words had not mattered. The testimony of all others in the room had been made null in the presence of an Immortal, and this was what he’d taken. For all the pretty words wasted, all the much too heroic answers given and Amaris was still dead. Not even his final plea had been honored. Because, there was no honor in his death. And so he sank into the place of nothingness with a shuddering breath, eyes open with last tears shed. The darkness was colder.

Amaris blinked, staring into the nothingness until Dominek appeared. His presence did not making anything better. The chill he felt made it worse; how long had he gone without feeling the cold. To feel a wind that didn’t exist. Now, with the others words in his ears, it felt that much colder. But it was not yet over.

Vri wanted convincing. Didn’t everyone? Nonetheless, he swallowed and nodded, mute for a moment. “I understand. Yes - I...I’ll show you.” There was little confidence in his voice, but there was hope.

Because hope was all he had left.
word count: 191
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Re: [Seasonal Event] Dark Hearts D: Who Wants To Live Forever?

All of You!


Oh, I can not tell you how pleased I am that you all seemed to enjoy this so much - your writing has truly been amazing and your pcs are fantastic. I've loved seeing the excitement in chat when a post is done by any one of you - there are a hundred things. Either way, thank you all, each one, for being part of one of my favourite thread series to mod. In the following tabs are "group" consequences / plot points for you. Any eligible pc may sign up for as many of these as you like. The thing I'd ask is that you a) discuss among yourselves and give me dates / numbers etc so I can just mod the plot without folks entering / leaving. Also, please be aware that some of these might be time sensitive and so will require regular posting.

Also, I've given each of you a "personal plot" from this thread and the ones before. Like the group ones, these are entirely optional. Enjoy!

Mother's Quest

► Show Spoiler

Heal Thyself

► Show Spoiler

Faldrass Fallout

► Show Spoiler

Black Ships

► Show Spoiler


► Show Spoiler



I love Seph, her determination to do the right thing, the whole rollercoaster of emotions she felt here, they were fantastic. She's such a well fleshed out character, I really love your writing of her. She's been through a lot in this series of threads - I hope you've enjoyed them!


XP: 20 (may be used for Domain Magic: Rupturing )

Renown: 20


Sephira's Quest:
Well, this one is probably obvious to you, in some ways. Seph has found out a lot of her own history, but there are gaps. When she finds out that Elias also initiated Liam things get even more complicated, of course. However, Baron von Smooglenuff has a proposition for Sephira which could see her take up his family name and become a heiress. But it is not just a fortune he holds, of course - there are secrets aplenty and whoever guards them has a great responsibility.

Wyvern has been activated. The blade is a magical one, allowing Sephira to store the pain and sensation of the cuts she makes with it. It will "remember" one cut then, she is able to intensify the damage done with one strike at a time of her choosing as she releases the energies. Fundamentally, once a season, Seph can double the effective damage and pain done by a strike of her choosing - but this can only be activated if she has "stored" the memory of one previously.

Congratulations! Sephira has been marked by Qylios! She has the first three abilities of Qylios' mark.

Furthermore, Sephira, Rey'na and Patrick share a bond which has endured in the presence of the Immortals themselves. No matter the distance between them, they will always know when one of the trio is hurt or in emotional distress and they will share dreams often. Should they fight together again, they will do so with increased efficiency and speed, whether it is two out of the three or all of them.

1 x bruised jaw. Will be healed, but hurt like a swine.


Blades: Sword: Recognizing a key point to strike.
Blades: Sword: Slice up the chest
Blades: Sword: Working in conjunction with another
Endurance: When a slap to the face is really, really hard
Endurance: Not letting pain slow you down
Discipline: Continuing to function even after seeing a loved one come back from the dead.
Discipline: Feeling overwhelming emotion, but not letting it get the better of you
Discipline: The after effects of a battle
Discipline: Maintain your role, even when you want to curl up and sob
Domain Magic: Rupturing: The alignment of your soul with your Spark
Domain Magic: Rupturing: Understanding the inevitable conclusion
Intelligence: Gather information from everyone you can.
Leadership: Explain what you want, clearly.
Leadership: Expect, but don't demand
Leadership: Doesn't stop until everything is over
Leadership: Ordering an evacuation
Logistics: How to organise an evacuation.
Taithir: Enduring Scales: Very useful in combat - activate it early!



Oh, the stubborn, determined, committed and loyal Rey'na. Such lovely writing from you and I loved how she was never afraid to do what needed to be done. Above and beyond the call of duty, that's Rey'na! She's become a stalwart and trusted Element and I can't wait to see her next steps


XP: 20 (not for magic)

Renown: 20


Vri's Answer:
Your answer to Vri pleased him. He sees your response and knows it's truth. Rey'na 's understanding of his Domains has pleased him and he is watching. Rey'na finds, when all of this has calmed, a small silver necklace. It is plain and unadorned and yet, somehow, she knows who gave it to her. Congratulations, you have earned 1 x favor from Vri. You may use the necklace 1 time to call him (modbomb). Note that it is a ONE TIME ONLY deal and, if you call him for a reason he considers inappropriate, then he will not be happy. The necklace allows her to draw his attention, it does not make her immune to his wrath, should she earn it.

Rey'na's Quest:
The twins have shaped her into a weapon, there is no doubting it but Rey'na is a complex soul. At some point (timeline determined by you) for a few trials, she dreams of Lisirra and what happened to her when under Lisirra's protection. It's strange, because those dreams keep on showing the same purple ribbon. Then, Rey'na hears of a woman being held and awaiting trial. She's going to go to Level 7 of the Prison, because she's known to be marked by Lisirra. But the woman sends a message, asking to see Rey'na. The scroll is tied with the purple ribbon. Does she go?

Congratulations! Rey'na has been marked by Qylios! She has the first three abilities of Qylios' mark.

Furthermore, Sephira, Rey'na and Patrick share a bond which has endured in the presence of the Immortals themselves. No matter the distance between them, they will always know when one of the trio is hurt or in emotional distress and they will share dreams often. Should they fight together again, they will do so with increased efficiency and speed, whether it is two out of the three or all of them.


Discipline: Not giving in sometimes just means keeping going
Discipline: The road to redemption
Discipline: Dealing with many emotions at once
Discipline: Not allowing yourself to fall
Endurance: You still have pain even after healing.
Endurance: It takes a lot to get badly damaged, healed and then go once more into the fight
Leadership: Succinct, clear commands.
Polearm: Spear: Aerial combat
Polearm: Spear: Entering existing combat
Polearm: Spear: Charge and give a warcry
Polearm: Spear: Working in unison
Psychology: The aftermath of a battle
Tactics: Working together to maximise the chance of success.
Tactics: Helped by certain Immortal marks



The unexpected hero! I loved Pat's reaction here, his commitment to doing something and making sure that no one died. It was great to see! How will he do with Qylios' mark? It's an interesting question, for sure! I want to put here, also, that the boxcodes you made for this event were just totally awesome. Thank you so much!


XP: 20 (not for magic)

Renown: 20


The crossbow you picked up is magical, it has a minor, but very useful enchantment on it. Once a season (no more) Patrick can "imbue" a poison into the crossbow. You must know what the poison is and name it. You do not need any of it to do this. What poison the crossbow is using can not be changed again until the next season. Then, twice per season you can activate its power and the next bolt from it will be poisoned with the currently imbued poison. It is an assassins weapon, no doubt, as it leaves behind no physical trace of the poison (though it's still obvious they've been shot by a crossbow bolt) once and if the person dies.

Congratulations! Patrick has been marked by Qylios! He has the first three abilities of Qylios' mark.

Furthermore, Sephira, Rey'na and Patrick share a bond which has endured in the presence of the Immortals themselves. No matter the distance between them, they will always know when one of the trio is hurt or in emotional distress and they will share dreams often. Should they fight together again, they will do so with increased efficiency and speed, whether it is two out of the three or all of them.

Patrick's Quest:
Patrick's tale does not end here, of course. There are many stories still to be told. But, following his actions here in this thread and the one before it, Patrick will be told of a legend on Scalvoris. Of a man who came from outside the island and who killed the threat against them. That man, apparently, and that man alone was able to retrieve the "Sword of Light" from deep in Scalvoris Mountains. Everything about the story told seems to suggest it's him (ghostly brother, comes from Rharne, fill your boots) but the journey to the Sword is a perilous one.

Does he believe it? And if so - what's he gonna do?


Blades: Sword: Crossover sweep.
Blades: Sword: Careful footwork improves your aim.
Discipline: Emotions must be shelved during battle
Discipline: Keeping focused
Discipline: Not hurling at gruesome sights
Endurance: Extreme heat
Endurance: Pain in your soul as a curse is removed from you
Leadership: In the heat of the moment, someone has to take charge
Negotiation: Being aware of your flaws and letting others know
Negotiation: Honesty can be the best policy.
Ranged Weapon: Crossbow: Careful aim where possible
Ranged Weapon: Crossbow: Focus helps you aim
Ranged Weapon: Crossbow: Can be used as a tool of execution
Tactics: Teamwork is much more than the sum of its parts.



Such a fun pc! I love how you play Hookor, how he thinks and seems to fight his more selfish tendencies - and ends up doing the right thing because he knows it's the right thing! Great writing, much fun, I hope you enjoyed this thread as much as I did!


XP: 20 (not for magic)

Renown: 20


Hookor's Quest:
The work that Hookor has done here has been noticed and he will be, in the trials and season to come, offered a job. It's a well paying one, offering 2gn x day more than he currently earns. However, it is a private clinic which charges and turns people who can not afford it away. Whether Hookor takes the job or not, he discovers that there are darker things going on in this clinic (either after a short time of working there, or by hearing a rumour later). Tales of selling body parts, or whole bodies to various shady groups and individuals. What could be going on?


Discipline: Doing what you know you should.
Discipline: Making choices based on what others might say
Discipline: Plunging into the unknown
Discipline: Not being overwhelmed by beings of power
Discipline: It takes a lot of something to argue with a God
Endurance: Battle is exhausting
Endurance: Emotional exhaustion has physical impacts
Leadership: Give clear, directive instructions
Medicine: Recognizing when someone is dead.
Medicine: Recognizing when someone is still able to be brought back from the brink
Medicine: Field diagnosis requires snap decisions
Medicine: Does not need magic or marks to be miraculous
Negotiation: No, is always an option
Negotiation: Dismissing options



I love Rynata! She's such a well written pc and I adore her commitment to doing the right thing, no matter what. I really enjoyed your writing in this Seasonal and I hope you had a great time in it too!


XP: 20 (not for magic)

Renown: 20


Congratulations! Rynata has been marked by Moseke! She has the first three abilities of Moseke's mark.

Rynata's Quest:
This has been quite a journey for our biqaj and she has become known as someone who can be relied upon. Rynata, in the coming trials / season will get contacted and will be asked if she would be prepared to carry escaped slaves to Scalvoris, freeing them (illegally) from their current situation. Will she stay inside the law? Or will she become the reverse human trafficker, too?


Detection: Noticing the signs of battle stopping.
Discipline: Continuing to work even though you are afraid
Discipline: Focusing on what you need to focus on
Discipline: Not losing your head in chaos.
Endurance: Exhaustion from battle
Endurance: Adrenaline wears off
Intelligence: Gathering information from slaves
Investigation: Identifying key information
Investigation: Passing key information on.
Leadership: Giving information clearly and succinctly
Leadership: Instruct when you have to. Give orders when you need to.
Medicine: Basic resuscitation
Medicine: Made easier by working with a more experienced colleague
Medicine: The principle behind cardiac massage



I'm so glad you didn't kill off Nalin - it would have been a shame, really it would. The fact that you came so close made this thread much more tricky for you but I hope you enjoyed it!


XP: 20 (not for magic)

Renown: 20


Nalin's Quest:
Nalin has a second chance at his life here, having teetered on the very brink of death. He is becoming known as someone who survives against all odds. At some point in this season he will be approached by a group who claim to be medical researchers, trying to work out what makes him special / makes him keep surviving. They sound very plausible and they want him to help them by donating some blood etc. Whether he joins them or not this leads to him discovering some dark and shady dealings in alchemical reagents being sold on the black market - marked individuals blood, for example. There are likely to be quite a lot of gnarly things going on - but there's a lot of money to be made. What does he do?


Detection: Sometimes, paying attention to what's around you is hard.
Detection: Making sense of words spoken from a distance.
Discipline: Trying to focus on who's there when you're close to death
Discipline: Not giving in to the lure of oblivion.
Discipline: Trying to keep focused in agony
Endurance: Pain which continues, even after a wound has healed.
Endurance: Long term, agonizing pain of a stomach wound
Endurance: Pain so bad your vision blurs
Psychology: Stories of moving towards the light are not exaggerated.
Psychology: Death, or near death, can cause forgetting
Psychology: The ability to differentiate between hallucination and reality is a useful one
Psychology: Even when the mind forgets, the heart can remember.



Well, this was quite the ride! Amaris has Vri rather unimpressed, and thus, setting him a task! I hope that the plot put forward for you will be something you'll enjoy!


XP: 20 (not for magic)

Renown: 20


Amaris' Quest
Vri is displeased with Amaris who, Vri feels, has wasted too many opportunities by inaction. Therefore, Amaris is now a disembodied soul, an Echo. He needs to complete four tasks, given by Vri, in order to once again be alive. He has 1 arc to complete them.

In order to assure Vri that he is worthy of the life which now hangs in the balance, Amaris must prove and achieve something epitomising each of Vri's Domains.

Vri gives no more instruction than that. So, you have the situation now of having self modded threads, whereby Amaris achieves something with each Domain. The order is up to you and each time you complete a task, I will let you know if it appeases Vri or not. If it does, Amaris' form will become more corporeal.

Currently: As per Echo in the Soul Primer
When you have achieved and completed one Domain, signed off by me: Amaris will be able to whisper into the mind of one person up to five sentences per trial.
When you have achieved and completed two Domains, signed off by me. Amaris will be able to become visible (although still ghostly) to one person for up to one break per trial.
At three Domains, Amaris can become visible to up to four people for four breaks.
At four Domains.... well, then I mod you a thread. :)


Caregiving: Trying to help someone who's injured
Detection: Noting who is where on a battlefield
Detection: Noticing the loss of physical sensation
Leadership: Give directions, but tell people the how, not just the what
Leadership: Use your resources wisely.
Negotiation: Sometimes, nothing you say will change a mind
Negotiation: Some people (and Immortals) are very hard to negotiate with.
Psychology: Twin sense is a thing
Psychology: Guilt can stop you from acting. Not acting can make you feel guilty.
Psychology: Memory and death are linked
Psychology: Death causes people to go back in their memories
Psychology: Sound is often an enduring memory
Sociology: Groups deal with death differently
Tactics: Considering what went wrong.



I can not tell you how pleased I am that you took the plunge and played Toraj. His presence has been an enormous one in this series of Seasonal threads and I hope that you continue to play him. He's an excellent character and deserves to be written and read. Thank you so much!


XP: 20 (not for magic)

Renown: 20


Toraj's Quest:
In this place, Toraj has been given a name. There is a lot of power in names - they are part of us in ways which can not easily be explained. His name has meaning among the biqaj, according to Rynata and, over the next few days and weeks, Toraj notices that biqaj react to him. Differently than others - good, almost reverent. Why?

Well, who knows?


Detection: Seek out familiarity to ground yourself.
Discipline: Maintain focus, even in chaos
Discipline: Inner serenity helps
Discipline: Allowing emotions can lessen their hold on you
Endurance: Someone else's pain
Endurance: Battle is exhausting
Endurance: Extreme emotion can cause physical responses
Medicine: Elevate wounds to slow the bleeding
Medicine: Basic first aid
Meditation: Calm can be gained even in the most extreme of places
Strength: Carrying a body
Strength: Making yourself move when in pain can push you beyond your limits

word count: 3640
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
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