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Qit'ria isn't alone in the wilderness

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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This isn't my camp... (Vega, Arlo)

Part of being one of Cassion's followers, Arlo would guess, was that by default a traveler, explorer...adventurer, storyteller, was that inevitably you'd become a student of human or mortal nature. Not the intellectual kind of course. More of an accidental one.

People were funny and Arlo was fascinated by how things were playing out currently in their little camp by the road. Or maybe bewildered was a better way to describe the tension and strange behaviors. Vega's mostly. He couldn't say that their guest was behaving strangely. He hardly knew her and might be more her norm than not. But Vega? She seemed more prickly than usual. Not that he'd say so aloud. Arlo might be young but he wasn't stupid.

Besides that, though she was keeping him in the loop by translating foreign seeming words into hand signals, he somehow suspected that the ratio of Xanthean dialogue was out of sync with the amount of sign. And then? He'd picked up two plates from beside the fire. One for each of the women but Vega stalked right past him to grab the third. The one he'd have returned for when he was done. Arlo turned his head to track her with a curious expression and when she passed by him again, he lifted one brow as if he thought she'd enlighten him. She didn't of course.


"Ah," he said, smiling at Qit'tria when she explained what she'd meant. Tree choker. "Layabout, that's what my mother back in Rharne would call it. No payment required at any rate," Arlo reassured her. "Sharing a meal is part of devotion. For me anyway. Cassion. I'd be a poor follower if I was to ask for compensation." Potatoes, he explained, after returning for his plate and bringing a raw specimen with him to show her. "It's a root vegetable. Grows under the ground." She appreciated the food it appeared and made quite a show of it. It made him wonder just how long it had been since she'd eaten.

But he'd liked Desnind, he added while digging into his own meal. They'd been there a season and had gotten to know the people and their surroundings. "There were some strange creatures in the forest, much like here but different. We hunted. Explored a little." Of course, he didn't mention Vega's connection there. It was hers to tell and not his. "The people were nice." And even when she mentioned looking for her forest friend, he suspected he knew what she meant. Like Vega, she must be looking for that mysterious other part of her. That too was Vega's to tell. Or not tell.

Of course whatever it was she said in a tongue not common or sign went right by him. But he shrugged and smiled all the same. "We left to travel. See other places. We've seen a few, we'll see a few more and who knows, maybe we'll get back to Desnind one of these trials," he said with a smile in Vega's direction. Where she went, he went after all, and the same in reverse. Sometimes however, they hardly knew until they got there.
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This isn't my camp... (Vega, Arlo)

Arlo's raised brow was not lost on the young halfbreed, but she simply met his gaze and said nothing. He was the one being difficult, after all, he could damn well be the one to work it out. Qit'ria explained what the words 'tree choker' meant and Vega raised an eyebrow but said nothing. It meant that Qit'ria wanted to help out, Vega had told her that Arlo would appreciate it, or not she supposed, as the case would be, yet it was fundamentally up to her and him. Arlo was clear that there was no need to help out ~ Vega would translate if she needed to, if Qit'ria seemed to not understand what Arlo was saying, but other than that she kept quiet.

Qit'ria had been to Desnind the season before this one and she liked it because there were lots of animals, not lots of people? Vega resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Still, she kept quiet and said no more until, finally, their guest said that she didn't cook. She didn't cook and she was obviously rubbish as a huntress if her stomach made so much noise, not to mention that she sounded like she was faking it in a pleasure house when she ate. The redhead looked at the young Sev'ryn and raised an eyebrow. "Seems to me, bein' around people makes sense, till you learn to look after yourself."

Vega's official viewpoint of Desnind was clear. She shrugged. "It was a'right. A bit.. we went in Cylus. It was dark and miserable a lot. But I liked it." She couldn't maintain grumpy about the place, because she'd loved it; not least because she'd met Arlo there and having a companion on the road was good. Also, of course, there was the reason why she'd gone and what she'd discovered there. But Vega had no intention of sharing that. Yet, Qit'ria asked if they were a couple just as Arlo went into a whole thing about we did this, we do that. Vega grinned at him, a very genuine one as he spoke about what they'd seen, what they were doing now. Maybe one trial they'd get back to Desnind? "Wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, all told." She'd enjoyed Desnind, Rharne too. After Scalvoris? Well, who knew where they'd go. They'd open a book and choose a place at random, that was how they did things.

Still, she had to answer the question asked by Qit'ria, so Vega gestured to the tents. Both of them. "Not that it's anyone's business who either of us are sleeping with," she answered in Common, not bothering to hide that one from him. "But no, we aren't tent sharing." Putting her empty plate down, Vega nodded to Arlo. "It's good food. As always. Thanks, Arlo." She'd be more than happy to pick up the empty dishes and used utensils and take them down to the stream to wash off. It would give her the opportunity to walk, dawdling slowly and leaving the pair of them to it. Whatever "it" was. Unless Arlo gave her any indication of wanting her to do differently, that was her plan. He was a young man, after all, and Vega could take a couple of breaks over the dishes if needs be.
word count: 579

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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This isn't my camp... (Vega, Arlo)

"Common Speech"
"Xanthean Speech"

Layabout. Yes, that was an excellent Common word for what she'd described. She didn't know anything about Cassion really, only having heard the name in passing really, but it sounded like it was giving food to the less fortunate. Inwardly Qit hated the idea. People should be able to feed themselves, herself included. It truly was a disgrace to be reliant on others for such things. The food in her mouth quickly turned to ash. But she forced herself to swallow.

The rest of the meal was ruined, but to be polite to the man, and grumpy firehead, she maintained as neutral of a face as she could. His mention at possibly returning to Desnind opened a still healing wound in Qit'ria's heart. There was only two ways she could return, and she was far off from achieving either of those goals. She feared she may never return to her beloved forests. And if she did, would their memories taint it?

At the redhead's pointed comment, "Is odd. Weaselbear keep chasing off prey. Almost all day this season, same weaselbear show up during hunt, scare off meal. Then it run too. No make sense. I get it soon. Make it pay."

And then off Vega went, in the ever pleasant mood she seemed to have this entire time since Qit arrived. Qit wasn't normally sociable but this wasn't the city, this was the wilds. And people that could appreciate the wilds were usually good people. Even if sometimes grumpy. Smiling at Arlo with a mouthful of potatoes, following upon Vega's gratitude, Qit nodded, and with a full mouth, "Thanksh. Besht meal had on Shcalvorish."

It had been true, before Qit's personal pride, damaged, had ruined it. She set her flatware along with Vega's, before sitting back down. Since it seemed Arlo was the more talkative of the pair, "You make food for life? Or fun? I catch the food, but no am good at making it. Lots of burn. Mama same way. Papa healer and cook. Teach brother same. Say am hopeless."
Created by Yolande
word count: 359
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This isn't my camp... (Vega, Arlo)

No denying, Vega had been more straightforward than him, about their sleeping arrangements. Not that it was anyone's place to ask, really. He just wasn't comfortable answering questions like that when they did arise. Qit'ria though seemed to be lacking in any social graces. Not surprising, since everything she'd said and done implied she really hadn't had much contact with others, with the exception of her own family maybe.

On the other had he was all too aware of Vega's current mood. Even without the eyes, the shifting colors that tended to give things away, her tone of voice and the set of her shoulders spoke volumes. She wasn't exactly delighted by the company of their current guest. But when she stood up and reached for the dishes, he reached out and touched her shoulder when she got near him, and subtly shook his head. Stay, was the message. But in case it needed saying, he uttered. "Those can wait for later yeah?"

"Weaselbear?" Arlo frowned and searched his memory, concluding that he'd never heard of the creature. But the way Qit'ria described it, well, it made him wonder if it was actually a predator. Or no. "It sounds like he's just doing what nature tells him to, not trying to upset your plans. If he's running after your prey and not actually preying on them himself, maybe it's a protective thing. Like a sheepdog watching over his flock." Certainly not anything worthy of seeking vengeance. It seemed sort of a waste anyway, grudges and planned vengeance against the beasts of the wild, simply for doing what nature told them to.

"There's plenty of game around Scalvoris," he said and shrugged, smiled a little. "And your welcome." For the meal, that was. Cooking well simply took practice, he told her, finally sitting down beside Vega. And a desire, an interest in doing it of course. But he did it because eating meant living, for one thing, he admitted. But it was more than that, considering that it was so much a part of devotion for him. "Cassion's followers are storytellers and travelers. Both need to eat. A shared meal offered with no expectations of a return is the point." And a shared meal led to shared stories and so on.
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This isn't my camp... (Vega, Arlo)

He touched her shoulder and shook his head and Vega looked at Arlo with a level gaze. Her eyes were all the colours, swirling around and she would have been horrified if she'd realised that the violet colour which flooded her gaze gave away what she was feeling when he spoke, saying that they could wait till later. Especially since she was busy being cantankerous. "Bloody 'ell make yer mind up," but that was teasing, the tone all of it and it was closer to what he was used to. She signed, quick and small movements, checking that he was sure and reassuring him (or what she thought was reassurance) that she didn't mind and could be gone awhile if he ~ they ~ wanted. After all, she pointed out with her hands. "She wants to know where you sleep."

The weaselbear talk, though, she frowned and spoke to Qit'ria in their native tongue. "What is this 'weasel bear' you speak of?", Whatever she said, Vega would translate, and she translated her question. Maybe it was her familiar, Vega thought, but her Aunt had told her that it was rude to speak of another's familiar without them doing so and that you shouldn't talk to someone without a familiar about the whole, 'when are you going to find yours, dear?' Mind you, Vega thought, stuff that when had she been bothered about things like social norms? "It might be your familiar? I don't know." But she kept up the sign, telling what she'd said.

When Arlo sat down next to her, Vega turned to look at him and smiled. He was annoying, obnoxious, stubborn and the thought of him and Qit'ria together really wound her up, although that was only because she thought Qit'ria was no good. That was a perfectly reasonable reason and it, furthermore, was the only one. She was more than quite sure of that. Still, it was a statement, of sorts, sitting next to her so Vega grinned at him and bumped her shoulder against his. Anything he said that Qit didn't seem to be following, she translated into Xanthean. Looking at the scrawny woman, Vega couldn't quite help the feeling of sympathy for her. She had all the social grace of a brick and obviously had a thing for Arlo, but equally Arlo wasn't interested.

"If you want to, Qit'ria," she said, trying her very best to be nice. Ish. "Tell a story. There is no debt as far as we think, anyway, but a story is a good gift." That was the closest to friendly she was getting and, frankly, it took more effort than she thought was reasonable.
word count: 456

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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This isn't my camp... (Vega, Arlo)

Common Text
Xanthean Text
Kashehino Text
Qit'ria shrugged, then in Xanthean, "I don't know this creature. Never seen it before now. Looks like small bear, long claws. A bit longer and skinnier. White and black stripes on face, brown body." But Arlo raised an interesting point. Perhaps it was protecting the forest creatures from her. And that meant it had just become enemy number one on her list. She needed to eat, just like every other predator, and tucking her tail and accepting a meal from strangers would not become a common occurrence. She wasn't a damn scavenger like that.

She nodded, "Many more beast than in Hot Lands. Sand and stone more than can see."

At Vega's suggestion it might be her familiar, Qit'ria just looked at her dumbfounded. It was working against her. Trying to starve her to death. Why in the world would her familiar do that? The redhead was just spouting nonsense now. She might speak the language, visit Desnind, but this woman wasn't Sev'ryn for damn sure. She knew nothing. Not bothering to hide her mild irritation, since Vega had shown her that it was fine to express such a thing to other people, socially acceptable here apparently, she decided to take up the offer of a story given.

The question was which.

Shifting to a smile, she knew which one to tell. She'd mentioned the Hot Lands, so a story from there seemed fitting. Leaning forward a bit, looking at Vega first, in the eyes, then Arlo. "Few arcs back, I walk through Hot Land. I never seen so many sand, go for many trial, all ways. Heat was heavy. Was dry. Find water not easy.

Mostly travel at night. Cold at night. Is strange. When suns up, can cook meat on stones, no fire. At night, see breath. Night is bright with big moon. I see what look like many tree. I go close. No is tree. Is pile of bone. Many bone. People. Animal. Old weapon, armor lay about. All old. Very old. Make hair on neck straight. No feel natural.

Me think old battle, dead left for rot-meat bird. Go walk through. Bone always good, make tool. Walk through. So many dead. Thousand, more. I find big bone. Me think is rib of big animal. Make good spear. So I grab on it. Pull and pull, no move. Pull more."
She took a deep breath, "Crack! Bone break, I fall on butt, holding sharp bone. I hear moving. I look. Bones move. Pull together. Make scarytons.

Scarytons stand. Man, beast, both. Scaryton close to me pick up old weapon, broke sword. My eyes, big, breath stuck in chest. Scaryton start run. I get up, run too. More scaryton stand, move at me. Chase me. All dead come life. I run. Run. I fight."

She stood up, raised her shirt over her skinny mid-drift, up to the bottom most rib, revealing an old scar, jagged, along the curve of the bone. "One slash me here," she lowered the shirt and continued, "Chase me all night. I get weak with no blood. I pass out on rocks."

She smiled a bit, "I wake up. Scarytons no kill me. Not know why. Body hurt, skin burned, weak, low on water. But make it. Barely."

She relaxed back a bit. "Hot Land so strange. Exciting."
word count: 570
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This isn't my camp... (Vega, Arlo)

Why would she want to know that? Arlo shot back, in sign language, when Vega referenced Qit'ria's curiosity about their sleeping arrangements. It was a strange thing for a guest, a stranger just dropping in to ask, wasn't it? Shaking his head and deciding to put it all down to the illogic of women, Arlo sat down on the log with Vega beside him. And it was a good thing she continued to translate. Of Qit'tria's native tongue, Arlo didn't know a bit of it.

He was all for Qit'ria telling a story however, since she was bent on repaying them for the meal in some way. For a traveler and follower of Cassion, while it was never necessary, it was also as good a way as any to offer one's thanks. When she began to describe the strange weasel bear however, Arlo figured he might know exactly what she was describing. "Sounds like you've run across a badger," he said with a shrug. "Clever things, tenacious, they can get pretty nasty if you go crosswise with one. Especially a honey badger," he advised.

As Qit'tria went on to describe the Hot Lands, well, it only confirmed a feeling that he was in no particular hurry to visit the place. He was even less in a hurry now. The climate sounded completely inhospitable. The story she told however about somehow disturbing a boneyard full of undead souls in waiting...Arlo was skeptical. It could have been a case of dehydration getting to her and seeing, imagining things that weren't there.

On the other hand? Arlo had heard, seen and experienced some awfully strange things in his time. It wouldn't surprise him if this one was true. "Sounds like you were lucky to get out of there alive," he said. Since that was the case, he added, it might be interesting after the fact, if she was to do a little research and look into whether or not a large battle had taken place there in the past. Surely there'd be legends enough that someone would have written it down.
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This isn't my camp... (Vega, Arlo)

He asked her a question with his hands and Vega's eyebrow shot up to her hairline, more or less. Looking at him like she thought he might be the stupidest example of male ever to be born, she signed back. "Because she's hoping for an invite, you dweeb." Oh, why, why had she signed that, she wondered. Why did she do it? Maybe he hadn't noticed. Though it would be hard to miss and it was not her business who Arlo slept with. Not for a trill and she didn't mind at all. Not one bit. It was his choice and that was fine. Fine. She'd be sure to show him that she didn't mind one bit, too. But glancing at Qit as she spoke and signing about the "weasel bear" at the same time, she just left out a few details on the weasel bear once it became obvious it was a badger and added. "I bet you she's a screamer," with a casual flick of her hand and a glint of pure mischief in her eyes.

Then, she started showing him her scars. Vega looked at Arlo with an expression of "I told you so," but said nothing. The woman couldn't be more obvious if she wore a sign saying it. "Skeleton, not scaryton", she said, without really thinking about it. In truth, Vega felt more than a little awkward about the whole tormenting Arlo thing and she was trying really hard not to because she'd been vile to him because a woman wanted to sleep with him. Which was, she reminded herself, fine. But she turned her gaze to Arlo with an incredulous expression. "Wot's a honey badger?" Vega was genuine in her expression, though she added, "It is the ones with the big thick stripe on the top? Look kind of flat?" Nothing was sacred or scary to the redhead, honey badgers included. "Is that really what you call it? What a stupid name." Mind you, she thought, maybe him and his new girlfriend had that in common.

With a sudden deep frown which had nothing, nothing whatsoever to do with that thought, Vega rubbed her temples. This was giving her a damn headache. Translating. She was the illiterate one, not that anyone knew that but still, and now she was the translator. Frankly, she thought, they were both of them just being unreasonable. On the one hand, Qit'ria was flinging herself at him like the most obvious of obvious things and he was pretending to be oblivious. Both of these things irritated her, or so she would maintain should anyone ask and so Vega lapsed into a sort of awkward silence where she came to the conclusion that it was better she said nothing than the wrong thing and the wrong thing was a very high possibility.
word count: 483

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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This isn't my camp... (Vega, Arlo)

Your review is ready!
This thread was hilarious and awkward! Thanks for waiting for my slow review, people. Seriously, I just sort of ... disappeared for a minute. Anyway, I laughed and cringed a lot.



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Injuries + Overstepping



Skill Knowledge:
Discipline: Sometimes, it's really hard not to thump someone.
Fletching: Regular practice helps to iron out bad habits
Intimidation: Speak your threat in as many languages as possible
Intimidation: Be clear how far you're going to hit them and how bad they'll look after
Leadership: Shouting a greeting, rather than messing about

Other Knowledge:



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Injuries + Overstepping



Skill Knowledge:
Cooking: Pheasant on a spit
Cooking: Loaded potatoes
Detection: Spotting when people are watching
Discipline: Not laughing, even when it's really funny.
Discipline: Don't get in between two scrapping women.
Psychology: Women behave differently than men, especially when there's an uneven number.

Other Knowledge:


15 | These points cannot be used for magic.




Injuries + Overstepping



Skill Knowledge:
Acrobatics: Jumping down from a tree
Climbing: Try to not disturb tree branches too much when seeking a hiding spot
Detection: The sound of crashing branches and rumbling ground of large beasts moving
Hunting: Extreme heat will lead many differing animals to drink together
Hunting: Most heavily used game trails lead to water
Hunting: Sneak attacks against heavily armored creatures might be best
Running: Maintaining balance while running downhill
Stealth: Taking the roundabout route to avoid stumbling into sight
Stealth: Recognizing when your scent has been detected
Tactics: Retreat when surprise attack fails
Tactics: Observe potential threats from a distance before approaching

Other Knowledge:
Arlo: Dark haired man who cooks delicious food
Arlo: Mother in Rharne
Arlo: Devotee to Cassion
Arlo: Requires no compensation to share a meal
Arlo and Vega: Traveled to Desnind together
Arlo and Vega: May return to Desnind one day
Arlo and Vega: Absolutely not sharing a tent together
Vega: Red haired angry woman
Vega: Insulting Arlo in her presence results in violence
Vega: Full of threats
Cassion Followers: Storytellers and travelers
Familiar: The weaselbear might actually be a badger
If you've got a question or concern or if I've missed anything, don't hesitate to PM me!

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word count: 494
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