• Graded • [The Forging] Ishallr

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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Re: [The Forging] Ishallr

Praetorum eyed the cliff nervously as he slipped on the vest that Eckman offered him, murmuring thanks to the Element. Easing into the harness, Prae tested its strength. Good quality rope, enough that it should hold his weight for the time they needed it to. All he had to do was… climb.

Gritting his teeth, Praetorum swung one leg over the saddle, careful not to dislodge Eckman as he did so, so that he was sitting side saddle, facing the cliff face. Gripping on to the rope, Prae took in a deep breath, and then—despite every instinct in his mind screaming for him not to—let himself slide off the saddle, aiming for a part of the wall with a slight foothold he could use.

He missed by an arm’s length, his claws scrabbling at slick ice before slipping and sending his whole body slamming against the wall.

The good news was, the harness could definitely hold his weight.

The less good news was, his entire body was now melting a hole into the ice. He couldn’t feel the cold yet, the vest absorbing most of the liquid, but he wasn’t doing to wait for it to soak into his clothing. Trusting in the harness, Prae pushed his body away from the wall with his arms and legs, until he was essentially on all fours—but vertically.

His claws melting into the ice gave him enough of a foothold for him to find his balance, and he carefully brought up first one hand, then the other to grip the rope firmly, and start shimmying up the wall.

Praetorum was less climbing the wall, and more hauling himself up the rope with pure strength, mostly only using his feet to keep his balance and keep his body away from the ice. It was clumsy and ungraceful and took far too long, but somehow, Prae managed it.

Pulling off the rope harness, Prae looked around, eyes falling on where Arlo was examining…

Karem’s mercy on them. Those were large tracks.

His first thought was the wolves Arlo had mentioned; his second was the tiger apparently accompanying Darius. Arlo put paid to both ideas, telling them they were neither. He spoke with confidence, so Prae didn’t look too closely at the tracks, trusting the mortalborn would be able to glean more information than he could.

Instead, he scanned their surroundings, searching for anything unusual. The first thing that caught his attention was the glowing ice, quite unlike the rest. Arlo explained a little of it, and Prae nodded. Ice that never melted, in a place where everything melted far too quickly.

Prae wasn’t sure what compelled him to chip off a nearby piece of the glowing ice and wrap it up. A vague sense that there was something equivalent in the types of ice, that the sample might come in handy later on. Or perhaps just a desire to overprepare.

Either of you seen anything like that before?

Prae glanced up at Arlo’s words, focusing on the object at the end of the tunnel. He couldn’t quite make it out, but it seemed Arlo could—it was a bench, apparently, quite out of place in this environment. Then again, what wasn’t, here?

“Caution would be wise, given the mishaps and mistakes so far.” Prae said, quietly. “But we were told Ishallr had to be the first freed, and we’ve wasted enough time already. I’ll follow your lead, naturally, but I think we’ll have to make haste, sooner or later. I’d rather we kept up a brisk pace all the way through, than be overly cautious now and have to rush later.”
Descriptions of all in CS

Currently Equipped
Silk Scabbard on wrist
Ring of Reversal on claw
Gate-Ring on claw
Sorelian Steel shield on back
Quarterstaff on back

Domain Bag on hip

Plate-like Leather worn
Winter Clothing provided by the Elements in pack
Glowing Ice Sample in pack [NEW]

In Domain Bag

Mental Map
Calling Coin
Survival Kit (T7)
You Same Bolt?
word count: 690
Let's play 'What's Weird About Prae'


  • A fiery rune shines under his right eye
  • A firey glow in the back of his mouth


  • A ring of blue runes floats over each of Prae's wrists
  • A silver shield marks the back of his right hand
  • A ring of light around his left forearm


  • His tail is about eight feet long, usually knotted around his waist
  • His body temperature is uncomfortably high


  • Wind gusts with every step he takes
  • The area around him is slightly more static-y than normal
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Re: [The Forging] Ishallr

Inside The Tunnel

The somersault mid-air which Arlo executed was, Praetorum would undoubtedly note, impossible. He made an impossible jump and Eckman raised an eyebrow. Then, once he'd had a snack, Arlo examined the tracks. The first thing he noticed was that they were solid. It was like the difference between a foot print of someone barefooted, which showed the ridges and differences in height of the parts of a foot - and a track of someone wearing a shoe. Except, as he examined it, they did rather look like they were tiger tracks - but solid, instead of the usual bare-foot. They were kind of sort of like a large cat, but equally, they were kind of sort of, not.

And then, Arlo heard a voice. "How about now, Arlo? Can you hear me now? Oh you can! Oh you can! No, Darius hasn't found the you-statues, but he's found one of a woman and a man and a baby and there's a big tiger and he's not melting the ground any more, and his tiger is made from ice, Arlo, and fire too and Cassion and Daia are here and they didn't make an oath, so they've got rid of Audrae, but the child Ru has collapsed, but Cassion said that she was alright and they glowed! Oh they glowed REALLY brightly and then he told Kura off and Daia's here!"

And so, the chatter continued. For whatever reason it seemed that the situation had been returned to normal with Lyova.

Except, of course, for one thing. "What's that?" Eckman said and both Eckman and Prae heard the chattering diri in their heads. "Oh! You can hear me too!?" A high pitched tinkling laughter like a bell rang in their minds. "I'm Lyova! Can you all hear me!?" That delighted her, but then, a moment later, Arlo heard her again.

"Arlo? I think only you can hear me now." She spoke and, indeed, only he could. So - she kept up the chatter with all of them - and oh boy could this diri chatter - but she also kept a "private line" open to Arlo.
And the chatter she chatted told the story of what had transpired in the Glass Temple. How Cassion had come, spoken of being the only Immortal not to take the Oath and Doran had reminded him of Daia. How Daia then came and the two of them seemed to pull on the power of all the Immortals they named, and in doing so strengthened themselves to the point where they had made Audrae back down.

"He told Kura to grow up!" Lyova explained, and then she seemed to realise something. "I'll just show you! " And she did. But she gave them a running commentary at the same time.

Praetorum chipped a piece of the glowing ice away and wrapped it up. If nothing else it would be useful if they found themselves somewhere dark. It was odd to the touch, it didn't feel particularly cold - not icy cold anyhow.

As for the bench, the Echo Scroll and the small diri in their minds said the same thing. “They're not sure if it’s really the same benchor if the tracks come from the same or similar creatures though”, So, what that meant? "You'll need to work that out for yourselves. But yay! I missed you!" Another tinkling laugh. "I bet it was quiet without me!"

And so, they set off down the tunnel. There were many, many sub-tunnels - the place was an absolute maze. There were many of the icy shoe-like tracks there, too - different almost-not-quite-like-this creatures. And it was here that the abilities and items of the group merged into something very useful. Arlo's map showed the immediate surrounding area, but Praetorum was never lost. So, Praetorum knew that suddenly, between one step and another walking in a straight line down a single tunnel as they were, they were moving in a different direction. The caves and tunnels of Ishallr moved, it was well know.

Which, they just had. Arlo and Eckman felt and sensed nothing different. Praetorum, however, knew it the moment it happened.

But whether they took the long way or the short way there? They ended up at the same place. The bench. It glowed.

They could ignore it and keep going - the tunnels twisted and turned around, and there were lots of them. Many more than they could explore, which was in itself a problem, of course. However, now that they were closer to it? There, on the very back of the bench was a symbolImage. And, whether they recognised it or Lyova told them excitedly - it was the same symbol on the forehead of Darius' tiger.

Nestled on the bench, just sitting there was a stoneImage. Unfortunately, the only fire forged in the group had left. Thankfully, though, they had the connection to Arlo's diri, Lyova. "That's a chainstone!" She said. "Don't touch it directly! Put it in a bag! Don't touch it!!"

Info & Rules

Ticking along. You can all hear the Diri's constant stream of chatter unless I put it in glowy-green, in which case only Arlo hears it.

Current State

 ! Message from: Current State
  • Arrived at destination
  • Ascertained information about the elements
  • Noted the strange melting phenomena
  • Attempted to use some abilities to stop yourselves getting lost.
  • Identified a means of changing clothing
  • Began process of changing clothing
  • Entered Gambits Gate
  • Encountered Ice Tiger
  • Encountered Ghost 01
  • Lost contact with DB
  • Lost contact with Lyova
  • Lost contact with HQ.
  • Confirmed that magic is a very bad idea.
  • Elements arrived and are transporting Elisabeth back.
  • Made their way in to an alternative entrance.
  • Regained contact
  • Got to the bench.
  • Arlo You are managing against the cold, you're feeling it less now. You are not yet tired. You are no longer hungry. You have 1 set of clothes spare.
  • Praetorum You are managing against the cold, you're feeling it less now. You are not yet tired. You are not hungry. You have one set of spare clothes.


None this round


You are in full contact with the Temple.
Next Post: Sunday 13th June
word count: 1058
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Re: [The Forging] Ishallr

The glowing ice wasn’t as cold as he’d expected—which itself he maybe should have expected. Fates knew nothing else had behaved normally so far. Wrapping it up, he kept the piece of ice on him, just in case.

Prae had just stood, and turned to Arlo, waiting for his word on their next move, when a voice started rapidly chattering away, giving a long, rambling report. Reflexively, Prae started to look around, but it didn’t take long for him to realize the voice was sounding, not out loud, but in his head.

“We can hear you, yes.” Arlo’s diri, now audible to the three of them. And fates knew who else. “A tiger made of ice and fire?” He commented. “That sounds a little like the creatures we saw outside, doesn’t it?”

Prae, does that mean they can hear me too?

Praetorum hummed thoughtfully as his own diri spoke up, Sap’s voice echoing in his mind. For clarity, he repeated the question out loud. “Can you hear my diri as well? And do you think we should try to figure out how far Lyova’s ‘voice’ carries? If it’s far enough, we might be able to open up a direct communication to Darius.” It wasn’t likely, but it was worth a shot.

Arlo’s diri continued her report, even showing them a vision of what had transpired back in the command center. All the new information made Prae’s head spin, but it changed nothing of what they had to do—free the induk.

They set off down the tunnel, Prae careful to step around the tracks instead of on them. This place was a maze, but Arlo’s map seemed to move with them—useful tool, that. Although in a place like this…

In the middle of a step, Prae paused for a heartbeat, before continuing onwards. “We’ve moved,” he reported. “Just now, north was that way; now it’s this way, and we're someplace different.” He gestured in both directions, mentally making a note of the change. Any more shifts that happened, he would report and note to himself, just in case there was a pattern to them. It wouldn’t surprise him if this place was shifting to keep them away from something.

Whatever that hypothetical something might be, though, it certainly wasn’t the bench—that, they reached with no problem. It was glowing, similar to the ice he’d taken earlier. Prae’s eyes dropped to the symbol on the bench. “Four markings for the four elements?” He had a guess as to which was which based on color and the direction of the arrows—Earth, Air, Fire, Water, going clockwise from the top—but he couldn’t be certain. Did the elements show an affinity to any symbol in particular? He focused, listening to their garbled, overexcited voices to see if he could make out any difference.

Then, Lyova pointed out something sitting on the bench—an unusual looking stone. Prae frowned at her tone. “You sound certain—have the other groups found their chainstones as well? Do you know what happens if we touch it?” Either ways, unless someone stopped him, Prae would take a piece of cloth from his pack—doubling it up just in case it tried to freeze his hand off or something awful like that—and gingerly pick up the chainstone, careful not to let it touch his exposed hide.

[Inventory as before]
word count: 585
Let's play 'What's Weird About Prae'


  • A fiery rune shines under his right eye
  • A firey glow in the back of his mouth


  • A ring of blue runes floats over each of Prae's wrists
  • A silver shield marks the back of his right hand
  • A ring of light around his left forearm


  • His tail is about eight feet long, usually knotted around his waist
  • His body temperature is uncomfortably high


  • Wind gusts with every step he takes
  • The area around him is slightly more static-y than normal
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Re: [The Forging] Ishallr

"Maybe they're big cat tracks after all," Arlo muttered, as much to himself as anyone else, after he'd taken a closer look and examined the tracks in more detail. Actually, it was the absence of particular giveaway details that had thrown him somewhat off his mark. The little tells that went with cat tracks, large or small, were missing. The central pads, the smaller, distinct toe pads, even those tiny indention marks that could often go unnoticed if the claws were somewhat extended.

"Interesting," he muttered again, and again thought that since the tracks hadn't melted into the ground, it was more than likely this was not a flesh and blood tiger at all. He might have spent time elaborating, except that they needed to keep moving and time was at a premium. But mostly, it was because the deafening silence that had been tickling at the back of his mind ever since Isis had appeared, was suddenly broken.

He couldn't help but grin as the endless stream of dialogue broke through as if a previously impassable dam had finally broken. "Lyova?" It was definitely her. No one could chatter on and on like Lyova. "I can hear you just fine. I've missed you, you know," he said, only just realizing that Prae and Eckman must be hearing her too. But yes, it made perfect sense. The tiger was made from ice. Darius had found statues, but not the ones that Arlo was most familiar with. A shame, that. If it had been the case, he might have been able to use Cassion's Compass to get him and the other two just where they needed to go. At least to rejoin forces with Darius.

After all, the map in here didn't seem quite as useful as he'd have hoped it might be. It showed him where they were, which his eyes could see well enough, but not where they were intended to go. So, Cassion and Daia were there, and he'd told Kura off? Arlo might have liked to see that. This oath though seemed like a great deal of rubbish to him, to be honest. Though as he understood it, Cassion hadn't taken it himself, and Daia hadn't been present, to have been asked at all.

"Yes," he thought, quietly and with a smile when Lyova opened a private stream of conversation. "Thank you, and I'm very glad you're back." As for Prae's diri, and whether or not Arlo could hear it, he frowned a little and admitted, "I'm not sure, to be honest." Then again, Lyova rarely came up for air once she got going, so anything else would be hard pressed to get through. Prae asked a good question though. "Ordinarily, I'd think so," he said, so far as what distance Lyova's voice could carry. "She can communicate across great distances usually. In this case, Lyova, can you?"

So off they went, in the directions the tracks were leading them, and in the process they passed by one tunnel after another, large and small. Prae's earlier comments came back to Arlo and he nodded quietly to himself. If they took the time to explore even half of these passages, it could take trials or even longer. And there wasn't that time to spare. As it was though, if the tracks were leading them to the bench, it might be that it was exactly where they were intended to be. Or, it was a trap.

As for the bench and what was known about it? Well, now that he knew and an explanation had been passed along...at least there was that. Previously, others had sat on a bench like it, singular or collectively, and been transported someplace else. Benches of that sort did beg to be sat upon, and all indications seemed to be leading them that way. There were other tracks too, as strange as the pair they'd been following, but somewhat different.

Even though he hadn't felt or sensed it himself, Arlo nodded when Prae informed him and Eckman that they'd moved, and that directions were shifting. "Having been in this cave system before, it's one of the things that makes it exceedingly easy to get lost. Bread crumbs left behind don't do much good in that regard." Prae's inability to get lost in this case, was proving to be extremely useful. And again, there was the bench.

The tracks had led them here, as if the specter of the glowing bench wouldn't have been enough on it's own. The symbol at the back of the bench caught his eye. The elements, certainly, and the sight caused Arlo to lift up the tooth dangling round his neck, curious how it might be responding to the proximity, one to the other. If it did at all. And then Lyova warned them about the curious stone, which Arlo took a trill or two to examine, hands off.

When Prae went to pick up the stone, Arlo made sure to speak up before contact was made. After all, did Lyova mean don't touch it at all, even with a gloved or covered hand? "I think it might be better to use something else, a rod, knife...something anyway, to scoop it off into a sack, rather than pick it up directly." Lyova only said not to touch it directly, after all, and hadn't elaborated on what sort of contact was acceptable.

He'd rather err on the side of caution, in this case. Which was ironic, considering what Arlo was about to do. But he'd only do it once Prae had scooped up the stone, however he did it, and the immediate results of that action were known. If something awful and catastrophic happened, that might change things. If not...?

"I'm starting to wonder if the tracks that have led us here, well if it's not a trap, it may be our guide, showing us where we're intended to go. We can't spare the time to explore all those other passages," he reminded Prae and Eckman. "The symbol on the back, and the stone make it seem even more likely." That, and a bench that as good as shouted, Sit on me!. "According to what Doran has said about a similar bench, if not the same one, sitting on it transported those previous others to...somewhere else. It's possible that it might take us to where we ought to be."

In addition to all of that, why the x on the map, indicating a nearly inaccessible opening, leading to just this spot when easier ways were presumably close at hand? There was only one way to know for sure, and Arlo didn't need to ask himself, what would Cassion do? He figured he probably already knew. "I won't ask either of you to take a chance that you're not comfortable with taking. But it's the only way to know for sure." They would have to decide for themselves. Of course, there was always the possibility that something awful might happen, or on the other hand nothing at all. But time was everything right now, and they had very little of it to spare.

Keeping in mind though that he wasn't sure of the surface and he didn't want to create an instant puddle with his backside, Arlo reached into his sack and took out his folded waterproof tarp, before wrapping it around the back, across his backside. There were three options here. Either this bench would behave like a previous one, and he...along with whoever decided to join him, would be transported somewhere else. Or something awful would happen. Or something anticlimactic, as in nothing at all. There were probably possibilities he hadn't even thought of. There was only one way to find out, so Arlo sat down on the bench.

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word count: 3614
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Re: [The Forging] Ishallr

Inside The Tunnel

Please now move your posts over to The Forging: Ice

To clarify: No, Prae's diri can't be heard by anyone else (odd, eh?)
The elements here are as crazed and frantic as before - there's more water than anything, but that's probably because of your surroundings.

Thread Closed!
word count: 54
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Re: [The Forging] Ishallr

Your Review


Well - I managed it! I turned Arlo into a pessimist!! Great writing from you in this thread, I was really struck by Arlo's reaction to being declared "leader" and how, despite that reaction, he more or less acted in exactly the way he would anyhow. He's a great PC and you write him with real consistency and depth of personality. I hope you enjoy your rewards!


XP: 20
Renown: 10


Qylios is pleased with your leadership and courage in these events. You gain the next two abilities in your mark:

"Hold the Line!"
The Favored is able to bolster the morale of any who stand with them. The call rings out and dispels fear in the defenders, whether mundane or magical. Those affected by the shout gain a small boost in stamina and the use of a shield. The effects of this ability last for ten bits, and can only overcome magical fear effects from other Marks of the same tier or lower. Any fear effects caused by Domain Magic can be overcome as follows: Favored can overcome Magic at a Competent level or lower, Adored can overcome Expert level or lower, and Exalted can overcome Master level or lower.

Guiding Light
The Favored is able to summon a free floating orb of light to brighten their surroundings. The color and intensity of the light can be controlled, though it doesn't get any brighter than daylight. The orb has no physical form and can't be touched. The light generated by the orb cannot be used by the Brilliant Weapon ability.


Athletics: Prepare yourself for a leap
Athletics: Ensure that you know your environment
Athletics: Balancing atop a Sohr Kahl.
Detection: Looking for information from tracks which make no sense
Detection: Noticing when aspects of your environment don't fit in.
Detection: Trying to make out details from a distance.
Hunting: Tracks which are out of place
Hunting: Ice tiger tracks are strange
Hunting: Making a best guess
Leadership: A field commission!
Leadership: Recognising your strengths and weaknesses
Leadership: Work together for maximum efficiency.
Logistics: Organizing a pick up
Logistics: Ensuring that you have the resources you need.
Logistics: Organising a group mid-expedition.
Medicine: The issue of hypothermia
Medicine: Diagnosing by sight
Medicine: Deal with what's in front of you.
Medicine: Herbs for hypothermia
Medicine: How to treat hypothermia
Medicine: Observing field medicine
Tactics: Desperate times can call for desperate measures.
Tactics: Get injured people stable, then out of danger.
Tactics: Weigh up time vs efficiency.



Oh she's a scrappy and determined one, isn't she? No matter what, she kept going and she kept fighting. I really enjoy that aspect of Elisabeth, she's so focused on looking after her people, on achieving the end goal. I loved her counter-arguments to the voices she heard, they made me cheer! Enjoy your rewards.


XP: 15 (only in part of the thread)
Renown: 10


None in this one.


Discipline: Dealing with a barrage of insults
Discipline: Having an inner voice speak of your deepest fears.
Discipline: Not giving in to hopelessness
Endurance: The feeling of hypothermia
Endurance: Walking when your legs want to fall
Endurance: Ignoring how you feel to focus on talking to a ghost
Endurance: Hypothermia + Burn together
Endurance: Searing flesh with a burning rune.
Endurance: Pain is expanded when you're already vulnerable.
Tactics: A group must function together
Tactics: Training can't ever prepare you fully
Tactics: Ensure that you don't underestimate your environment.



OOOooooo. The One Where Prae Cast Magic! I'm with Arlo - from the point of view of someone "outside" the thread, I fully understand what he did and why he did it - and hey - it all leads to story eh? I love how you write Prae - he's a sensitive and careful individual with a strong moral compass. Lots of fun to mod and I hope you enjoy your well deserved rewards.


XP: 20 (May be used for Hone)
Renown: 10


+1 piece of glowing ice. It's always cold and always glows. It also never melts.

Ethelynda sees and understands Prae's desire to protect those around him. You progress in your Taithir mark.

Protective Ward
An ability that applies to both the Shield-Bearer and their allies, Protective Ward coats those affected in golden scales. These scales will endure any attack, no matter how potent. However, after enduring this one attack, the effect will fade. This ability can only be used once a Break.


Athletics: Preparation is key
Athletics: Ensure that you take into account the environment
Detection: Looking for information from tracks which make no sense
Detection: Noticing when aspects of your environment don't fit in.
Detection: Trying to make out details from a distance.
Endurance: Body slamming into a wall.
Endurance: Discomfort of climbing with a harness in the freezing cold.
Hone: Even the most simple runes can go wrong
Hone: Backlash does not always only affect you.
Hunting: Identifying tracks.
Investigation: Putting together clues which don't make sense
Investigation: Considering what's most important, and keeping focused
Investigation: Keeping on track with what you need to do.
Logistics: Identify those who are irreplaceable in a group
Logistics: Consider all resources available to you.
Logistics: Identify resources to scale a wall
Logistics: Test out possible solutions to an issue.
Logistics: Balancing speed vs efficiency in a crisis situation.
Medicine: Warming up someone with hypothermia
Medicine: Identifying when someone is about to die.
Tactics: Taking risks when told not to can lead to tricky situations
Tactics: Magic can behave in ways which are unusual for it.
Tactics: Know your own weakness when it comes to scaling walls.
Tactics: Take samples to study later.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this review - drop me a PM.
word count: 982
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