Review Request 2.1.2

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Review Request 2.1.2

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Sleeping Beneath The Stars
City/Area: Scalvoris
Notes/Warnings: None
Requested Rewards:


Design: Fashion: Making intricate blanket patterns with crochet
Needlecraft: Using the post of a crochet stitch to create a ridge effect
Needlecraft: Turning circles into squares in crochet
Needlecraft: Varying crochet stitch to make a different shape
Needlecraft: Crocheting a wavy double ridge
Needlecraft: Crochet technique: Front post and back post stitches

Loot: None
Injuries/Overstepping: Nope
Collaboration: No
word count: 78
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Review Request 2.1.2

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: An Honest Trial's Work
City/Area: Scalvoris
Notes/Warnings: None
Requested Rewards:


Business Management: Laying out contractual terms
Business Management: How to ensure fairness in tipping
Business Management: Being flexible
Business Management: Timing
Leadership: Clear boundaries when it comes to money
Leadership: Stating where expectations lie, and exceptions to those
Leadership: Focusing on the trainees in a social enterprise
Leadership: Seeing everything as an opportunity to better the lives of those less fortunate.

Loot: None
Injuries/Overstepping: Nope
Collaboration: Yes


Rhetoric: Genre
Rhetoric: Symbolism
Storytelling: The difference between spoken and written stories
Storytelling: The art of analogy
Storytelling: Using a story as a moral point
Storytelling: Using a story as a political point
Storytelling: Not maintaining the status quo.
Storytelling: Types of story
Storytelling: Be aware of your audience

Loot: +1 job
Injuries/Overstepping: None
Fame: Work in a PC run Business (+10)
Collaboration: Yes
Last edited by Arlo Creede on Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:38 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 155
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Review Request 2.1.2

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Pest Control
City/Area: Just outside Scalvoris Town, Scalvoris
Notes/Warnings: Extremely graphic violence against a pumpkin.
Also this was a thread that was forgotten, Flint appears to be inactive now. I finished it out, shot him a PM about it in case he returns.
Requested Rewards:
Skills Knowledge:
1. Tactics: Choosing the right weapon for the task
2. Intimidation: Swearing can help
3. Intimidation: A good intense stare can be all you need
4. Thrown (Chakram): Can fly in a curve really well
5. Thrown (Chakram): holding it by the blade doesnt work as well
6. Discipline: Holding your threats when it matters
7. Negotiation: Don't back down on an agreed price
8. Intimidation: Threaten with violence

Non-Skills Knowledge:
Its a chakram, not a circle sword
Location: Iguaunia Farms
Contact: Geofeles the farmer
Contact: Liola, Geofeles' wife
Contact: Geofeles' son
Agreement: Deal with Geofeles' Son

Loot: -5 GN, +1 Chakram (Requested Chakram prices be added to price list, this is estimated cost, will update if needed)
Injuries/Overstepping: None
Fame: N/A
Collaboration: (Yes) but was abandoned through it.
Magic EXP: (No)
Last edited by Qit'ria on Tue Jan 09, 2018 3:48 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 189
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Review Request 2.1.2

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Upstart
City/Area: Etzos - outlying cities
Notes/Warnings: Swearing. The usual
Requested Rewards:
Skill knowledge
Business Management; Attempting To Seize Financial Oppurtunity.
Business Management; Attempting A Hostile Corporate Takeover.
Business Management; Deciding to branch out and become your own boss.
Business Management; Spotting A Reckless Employer.
Business Management; Finding A Solution To A Financial Crises.
Business Management; Promoting Yourself A Capable Candidate Worthy Of Promotion.
Tactics; Using a bad situation as an employee and taking advantage of it by becoming a entrepreneur.
Tactics; Retreating from a failing business is not an act of cowardice.

Skill knowledge
Business management: Crisis management
Business management: Creating a response team to tackle an incident
Deception: Hiding a Eureka moment
Deception: Projecting a lack of concern
Intelligence: Weaponizing projected ignorance to get a target to spill more
Linguistics: Adapting to the slang of a foreigner from Rynmere
Linguistics: Puzzling over a strange word
Politics: The life cycle of a major bounty
Politics: Sometimes the best move you can make is the least stupid one

Loot: No
Injuries/Overstepping: No
Fame: No
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: No
Last edited by Zip on Tue Jan 09, 2018 12:47 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 187
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Review Request 2.1.2

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Fist to Cuffs
City/Area: Almund, Scalvoris
Notes/Warnings: Language and violence
Requested Rewards:
Intimidation: Fighting Words
Unarmed Combat: Using Objects in Your Environment
Unarmed Combat: No Pattern is Hard to Predict
Unarmed Combat: Knee to Face
Unarmed Combat: Never Stay on Your Belly
Unarmed Combat: Bob and Weave

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: Bruises and minor cuts to the face. Temporary swelling.
Fame: Probably. Bar fight, etc.
Collaboration: No
Magic EXP: No
word count: 78
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Review Request 2.1.2

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: [Immortals' Tongue]Ice, Wind and... Immortals?
City/Area: Immortals' Tongue, Scalvoris
Notes/Warnings: None
Requested Rewards:
Endurance: Withstanding the cold
Endurance: Trekking through deep snow
Endurance: A full trial of hiking
Fieldcraft: Using snow and trees to block the wind
Fieldcraft: Strong roots to stay above the snow

location: Immortals' Tongue
location: Immortals' Tongue: Shrine of Treid
Immortals' Tongue: made from Ice and snow
Immortals' Tongue: An island full of immortal shrines
Immortals' Tongue: Immortal forsaken island
Immortals' Tongue: Caretakers live here?

Loot: His winter outfit, the cost for his winter outfit
Injuries/Overstepping: Besides cold, nothing much
Fame: None
Collaboration: No
Magic EXP: No
word count: 110
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Review Request 2.1.2

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: [Farms] Ilaren v. Aelig! Fisticuffs for Immortals.
City/Area: Outskirts of Andaris
Notes/Warnings: This is from a while ago, cleaning up my threads
Requested Rewards:
Rupturing: Quick-succession blinking leads to overstepping
Rupturing: Attempting to rupture space for a portal
Rupturing: Making doors to move from place to place
Rupturing: Bend space like squishing snow
Rupturing: The sundial
Rupturing: The sundial is used to rupture long distance
Rupturing: The sundial is a high level skill
Becoming: Change shape with totems
Becoming: Uses bone, blood and hair to make totems
Becoming: You can't become unless you're in close range of your totems
Acrobatics: Rolling out of the way of a charge
Animal Husbandry: Use food to keep animals from eating you

Domain magic: Ether and stuff
Location: Rynmere: Your parents' grave
Illaren: Would prefer a big brawl over an easy one
Ithecal: Snake bodies
Avriel: Winged creatures
Eídisi: Blue skinned and scarred by Yvithia
Qi'ora: Stone-like skin
Fridgar: Hairy and big bodied

Loot: Loss of rations
Injuries/Overstepping: Nothing that would still be in effect now.
Fame: Using magic is a negative act but since there is only magicians present...
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: Yes

Last edited by Sintih on Thu Jan 11, 2018 12:40 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 205
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Review Request 2.1.2

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Loose Ends part 1: Reunion
City/Area: Andaris
Notes/Warnings: There's no part 2.
Requested Rewards:
Unarmed: Defensive stance to block punches
Acrobatics: Arm swinging and counter leaning to avoid falling
Rupturing: Night time blink chase
Rupturing: Large gaps between roof tops aren't of consequence
Rupturing: Blinking still gives you momentum
Rupturing: Overstepping: Dizzyness

Loot: Loss of a satchel
Injuries/Overstepping: Nothing that would still be in effect now.
Fame: Positive for fighting bad guys, negative for killing said bad guys (possibly not for Sin because Rey'na and Fridgar did the killing), negative for magic use
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: Yes
word count: 109
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Review Request 2.1.2

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Niv meets a Zip
City/Area: Etzos - outlying cities
Notes/Warnings: Swearing. But you knew.
Requested Rewards:
Persuasion: proving your worth to the scepticle.
Deception: Pretending you didn't say something stupid out loud.
leadership: seeing the potential in others
Ranged (short bow): Arrows never hit when your hands are trembling,
Ranged (short bow): When at first you don't succeed, try again
Ranged (short bow): third time is a charm
Ranged (short bow): Knowing when to aim for more vital areas.

non skill lores.
PC Zipper:
Zipper: The Best person you've met in Etzos
Zipper: A mage with strange gifts
Zipper: Gangui's really nice boss
Zipper: Can see and interact with the supernatural

Business Management: Building the foundation of your brand image
Business Management: Creating a brand mascot
Business Management: Conducting an interview with an employee
Business Management: Sealing a deal with a handshake
Business Management: The importance of tailoring your mascot to the target demographic
Discipline: Uttering a really, really, really awful name with a straight face
Leadership: Giving an inspirational pep talk
Transmutation: Absorption: Absorbing from an emean fairy
Transmutation: Ether Sense: Sussing out unseen emean entities

PC - Niv
Niv: Twig, tenacious, talented
Niv: A Company mascot in the making
Niv: Archer, chemist, poisoner
Niv: Has a fear spirit named Moop
Niv: has an emean fairy named Freckle

Tunawa: Adorable twig people

Loot: No
Injuries/Overstepping: No
Fame: Negative for Zip for magic, positive for Niv if possible.
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: Yes for Zip
Last edited by Zip on Tue Jan 09, 2018 7:39 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 259
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Review Request 2.1.2

Rewards Requested
City/Area: Rharne
Notes/Warnings: Fade To Black scenes.
Requested Rewards:
Skill Knowledge:
Etiquette: Ask Others About Their Day
Etiquette: Bringing a snack to a hungry worker
Etiquette: Meeting your partner when they get off work
Persuasion: Letting your emotions show
Persuasion: Explain your thinking
Persuasion: You don’t always have to push an issue
Persuasion: Patience
Seduction: A surprise kiss
Seduction: Willing to wait for an answer
Seduction: A bond deeper than physical
Seduction: Being close

Other Knowledge:
Rharne: City Of Alcohol
Location: Lake Lovalus
Location: Lightning Cathedral
Sabine: Your Partner
Sabine: Has your heart
Sabine: Your Promises
Sabine: Bonded
Cloud: Playful

Loot: All Gifts given
Injuries/Overstepping: (If applicable)
Fame: +12 for giving gifts (+2 per gift)
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP:No
word count: 131
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