Rewards Requested
City/Area: Quacia, Helice, Island of Koros
Notes/Warnings: n/a
Requested Rewards:
Persuasion: Appealing to the humane side
Negotiation: The importance of knowing the value of services
Intimidation: Using Defiance and Lotharen traits to menacing effect
Psychology: Comparing past conduct with present to discern truth
Caregiving: Getting a cup of water for someone who is injured.
Deception: Hiding a smile.
Deception: Can be used in tandem with Caregiving.
Deception: Withholding information until timing is convenient
Etiquette: Pulling up a chair for a chat.
Persuasion: The leverage of reuniting family.
Persuasion: Not being swayed by another’s anger.
Persuasion: Timing is everything.
Tactics: Revealing important information as if it is nothing.
Logistics: Tracking required supplies for a clinic.
Logistics: Some resources aren't accepted because of who it comes from.
Kaelrik: Thought his brother was dead.
Kaelrik: Wants to see his brother again.
Kaelrik: Accepted six onyx nel as payment for his servitude under Alistair.
Kaelrik: Wishes to leave Quacia if his brother is alive.
Marcovera: Unknown Disease: infectious non-fatal rash that spreads barnacle-like blisters on the feet.
Personal: Talk to Alistair about possible resource exchange between Ashbrook and the Marcovera clinic.
Loot: n/a
Injuries/Overstepping: n/a (well, no new injuries)
Renown: +5 for both; Zarik pausing in his talk with the clinic about resources to speak with Kaelrik instead.
Wealth Points: n/a
Collaboration: Yes
Magic Experience?: No