The Arcane Enterprise

107th of Vhalar 716

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The Arcane Enterprise

107th of Vhalar, Arc 716

Focus... he told himself. Imagine the void. The emptiness of space. The world's green grass and blue seas, but then - forward, beyond Idalos. The green becomes indigo. The blue becomes a solid black, darker than anything. The universe is a sea of darkness, within which there are only glimmers of light. Idalos is one of them; a beacon within the darkness. A condensed form of reality, where the splendors of the universe bear fruit. But even within Idalos, the darkness still exists. The empty space. Feel it. Control it.

In his meditation, he could truly picture it in his mind; the darkness that surrounded him. Pockets of ether encircled around everything, all of them echoes of the Great Shattering, as was the galaxy an echo of the Original Ones. Magic was spawned from the loss of the Originals from this world, their remaining power manifesting in the sparks that would dwell within.

Acknowledging this reality could teach a mage two things: one, that power can be harvested from fragments of power - such as claiming pockets of ether still left by the Shattering for one's own purposes. Two, that the world everyone lived in had multiple layers. Air was not just air; it wasn't only air that occupied that space. It was air, energy, and matter; by extension, space itself. Everything in Idalos was drawn on the canvas that was space. To be a Rupturer was to acknowledge this fact.

And to be a legendary Rupturer - a thing Alistair had soon approached - was to master the art of pulling the veil from over the canvas. To erase what was there and reanimate what had been there before. To eliminate, in sometimes permanent fashion, the scrawled image of Idalos that many considered to be objective reality. It was objective reality to most, indeed, that Ne'haer and Andaris were seven thousand kilometers away. Yet with Transcending, the final ability of Rupturing, a permanent door could be opened between the two. Just a step, and thousands of kilometers were traversed; it could go on forever, infinitely. A portal that sustained itself so easily that it was almost as if it weren't any more complex than a door one could commission from a woodworker.

How did one break objective reality, permanently? By acknowledging the false narrative; acknowledging that, in fact, it was subjective. There was no such thing as objective reality. Not in a galaxy where magic could dwell.

He held these beliefs to heart, and as he did so, he channeled his energy. He focused. Twenty meters ahead of him. Twenty-five. The Rend . . . it grew. A massive tear in space, the largest portal of all. From a tiny black spec, Alistair had created a black hole, one that consumed dozens of meters around it. Focus. Focus. Focus. This was the farthest he'd ever gotten. He could feel it expanding more and more.

. . . And then it stopped. It retracted, and as the Rend closed entirely, the energy that went into creating it blasted outwards. Alistair was flung backwards, his body traveling a distance of several meters before his back hit the grass and dug into it, his simple clothes ruined by the dirt. The man rubbed his head.

"Fuck," he cursed. "I was so close, too."

It was a technique that no one else in history had been able to do, save for Reyard, its inventor. Alistair was close to the Rending. Close to becoming a legendary mage . . . he only needed to take that final step. To fill in the air with the void.

"Patrick," he looked to his apprentice. His lower lip was bleeding, as he'd bit into it quite hard as he was flung back. The mage rubbed the blood off of his lip, spitting dirt onto the floor. "I came damn close," he bragged. "How's your... spellcasting going?"
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Meditation had to be one of the first few things he had to work on, in order to manifest a sound mind within the sound body he possessed. In truth there had been a lot to consider as of late; first Wendell being missing, Rei nearly being murdered, Alistair initiating him into magic, Ellasin showing her face, and now of all the things... Kar. Patrick had developed a hunch about the Lightning Knight and when it came to hunches, he had never really been wrong once they'd began to form.

So naturally one with as many things to worry about as him, peace in mind wasn't easy to come even if with the strive to meditate. Luckily there had been one necessary tool he had at his disposal, one that always helped him before when coping with reality, so why couldn't it help alleviate the trouble in mind for this sort of purpose. Alcohol. No doubt Alistair had detested the stuff when Patrick brought it, but if he was going to learn how to wield the very thing he spited, he would have to do it in his own terms for the time being.

After about a quarter of a bottle of coconut rum had been savored, he'd been able to relax some and concentrate on meditation. Although he had never been one to sit around and think or contemplate such rubbish, it had been the first proven step towards gaining control over magic. Well... better control at any rate. So far he'd barely even found himself able to conjure anything, and any time he intended to force a reaction the only recognition his body gave, was nothing more than a mere fart where he sat at. Right at that moment of course something else happened, Alistair's own practice must've backfired because Patrick knew otherwise. No matter how much he'd have to eat or drink, no amount of flatulence he'd ever conjured could ever blast like that.

Though such proportions would've been epic to rave about later on...

Still when he heard Alistair ask how his prowess came along the bartender merely snorted, his feet placed before him as he rose to a stand from where he sat. "What spellcasting? So far the only rift I've conjured up is the one soundin' from my ass!" He shrugged with his fingers hooked into his pockets, watchful eyes fell upon Alistair as he wondered just what sorcery the man intended to pull. Out here it was remote and they had little to worry in terms of unexpected visitors, but even so Pat still felt a little concerned for the gravity of the spells Alistair aimed to master.
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The mage stared awkwardly at his student. He wasn't even quite sure what the man had meant by that . . . and he didn't bother to ask. Instead, he nodded his head and sat down beside the apprentice. The back of his shirt was dirtied, and his hair still had specs of dirt stuck between his locks. But, he didn't really care about his appearance at the moment, in times like these. In magical experimentation, one could never accept only the best conditions. Dirtiness, blood, pain and fatigue accompanied the practice of magic often. And - considering he'd begun with Necromancy, the most dirty of them all - he was hardly a spellcasting princess at this rate. Grimy, tumultuous conditions were the norm.

"Let's go over the basics," the man began, entering a meditative stance with his lap. Unlike normally, he was not affectionate or playful or any such thing; he was very calm. Reasonable. Patrick was just a student, in this setting. Nothing more.

"Rupturing is one of the sixteen domain magics. It is known as such due to the fact that it tears into space, thus ruptures it, and also for the loud ripping noise that accompanies the majority of portals. There are many types of abilities that accompany Rupturing, and most of them are portals or are related to portals. The entire fundamental basis of the magic is tearing into space for various purposes, and it stays loyal to that. Unlike Aberration, for example, which is chaotic... Rupturing is very orderly. It is a magic revolving around repetition and the mastery of basic principles. I'll teach you the initial few." Rising to his feet, Alistair moved himself behind Patrick. He placed an arm around Pat's shoulder, smoothing across the fabric of his shirt until his hand reached the Hound's neck. Once it did, he began to massage the man's muscles in order to try and relax them. Reduce tension. Help him focus.

"Close your eyes and relax," he whispered. As an astounding medical professional, Alistair was quite skilled at physical therapy. He found the pressure points and the areas of tense flesh across Patrick's body, and with his hands began to alleviate the pressure. Relax him. Cultivate his tensity and turn it into almost a pleasure, which would contribute to making for a sound mind. "When you close your eyes, I want you to focus on what you feel. Not from me, in particular, but merely everything; every movement against your flesh, the wind softly blowing against your skin, the chilling winds of a Vhalar come to close. Everything that you feel is real and tangible by the standards of everyone else, including those who have not been enlightened by magic. But the difference between you and them is that you can feel something that is also there, but more secret. Hidden from those who haven't yet found it," he explained.

He closed his eyes, too, and scooted forward until his legs were locked around Patrick's lap. His arms wrapped around his chest, like they often did, but not for the sake of sensuality. Instead, the firmness of his grip was exact; it was to fully allow the man's body to relax. He could lean into Alistair, entirely comfortable, almost to the point where he could fall asleep. But the master would not allow that of his apprentice. He needed him to enter complete meditation.

"The art of clearing one's mind - or meditation - is useful for many mages. It allows them to first feel the ether around them, something that only a focused mind can do when it has not yet been exposed. Furthermore, for mages more visual - such as myself, and likely you as well - picturing a manifestation of what you want often yields to better results. Magic is moreso about the internal than the external when casting. It's all about properly internalizing your focus, drawing mana to the interior of your body, or using your own, and mentally envisioning what you want. You form a conjunction between thought, energy and reality - the thought molds the energy and the energy molds the reality. The first steps come from within. Only the final step takes place in materialized form." He spoke in whispers, to further increase the calm of the experience. His voice was not sharp or harsh, but rather calm and relaxed. The way his words rolled off the tongue was articulate. It was his manner of speech, yet even further refined - Alistair became a different man when instructing another. He did only what he knew to be efficient.

"Calm your mind," he repeated from earlier. "You are not free of the burden of the flesh until you are lost within your mind. Within it, you will be able to see from a different lens, like a second pair of eyes. You'll see the void. The darkness of the universe - you've seen it before, in the night sky. Within that darkness, there will be shimmering delights. Can you see them?" he asked. "That is mana, or ether to most mages. Once you've seen it, you will never be able to forget it. Its image will remain in your mind, and you will be able to utilize it whenever you desire," he informed.

"Tell me - is it there, in your second sight?"
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Patrick could only sigh as he followed the mans lead, the spot he'd sat at resumed to be taken once more, as his legs crossed to allow his hands to rest on his lap. He listened attentively to the words that Alistair told him, about Rupturing and its concept which he'd already become familiar with. So far he'd been under the impression that it involved portals, really only just portals granted that both Alistair and his 'mother' were capable of using them. He did wonder of course what other uses they came with, and granted Alistair was more than inclined to teach him, Patrick could only assume he'd be figuring that out soon.

In that moment Alistair rose to grant him a rather relaxing massage, and for a moment Patrick forgot the fact that this had been a lesson. When it came to teaching or lectures Alistair had this priority about him, this air of confidence and expectation that Patrick regarded quite well. It wasn't like the other times where the mage proved to be affectionate, but rather more like a lack of presentation with those affections when he demonstrated said lessons. This however? It was like he'd brought two and two into the fold, the same love and care he would show outside of instruction came into said instruction, and Patrick somehow felt much of his tension nearly melt away as he relaxed.

Focus on everything? Everything around him? First and foremost Patrick could only think of the massaging, the actions stirred a little distracted excitement elsewhere in his body for a moment. Focus though! He needed to focus! Patrick took in a deep breath and in doing so, concentrated on how that distinctive function felt within his system. Air. He felt relief in its cool form, the intake of it invigorated his senses by only a little as he further focused. With the way Alistair instructed him about ether, and how mana could be used from around and within, Patrick's eyebrows folded a bit as he contemplated that meaning. Was it literally in everything? This 'Ether' existed in every form possible?

So then it had to be what the fuel of magic was, or at least the catalyst that served magical purposes. He wondered if all mages thought like this, if they contemplated every little thing about the world and its mysterious qualities. Part of him really felt awakened by this new experience, as if he'd come to realize that there existed more in this world, than just what his eyes originally perceived at least. Patrick allowed his mind to wonder further as the next inhale came, a deep and relaxed breath shortly sighed out as he started to picture it. The scenario that the mage described. A pitch black canvas of the night, in which became adorned with flecks of white that lit up the dark. This was Ether? He dwelt on it for another minute and sure enough, he partially felt himself aware of the residual energies that resided within.

"Yeah." He whispered with a soft and relaxed grin. "Yeah I think it is." He confirmed with the man behind him, along with a hand held up in front of him. "Just... picture the energy molding reality?" He checked to be sure as he looked at the space in front of him. Patrick thought for a moment as his hand lingered there, the imagination of space rippling before him played out, and after a moment had passed something happened! Something truly amazing really happened! Right in the point of space where Patrick had focused on, the air seemed to swirl with a ripple made in the vicinity. Sure enough the sound of static tearing the area hummed, and in front of them resided a small but lingering hole in the space he'd zoned out on. Patrick chuckled with awe as he admired the rather small step he'd achieved, his accomplishment in creating a portal felt large and wonderful deep within.

"No way!" He mused as the black hole remained there for just another couple minutes, before it finally died out with a minuscule gust of air. Patrick had looked completely astonished at the miraculous wonder that was, and then shifted his attention over to Alistair with a widened smirk. "Teach me more." He enthused now that he had a minor taste of the power he attained, he actually felt both excited and eager to learn a little more about magic for once.
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He felt himself to be at ease, and he displayed that quite clearly as he rested his chest against Patrick's back and kept his palms rolling over his shoulders in a relieving massage. The meditation - even despite his failure to create the Rend - had relieved him of much of his own tension, which could only benefit his student. A calm, articulate and focused instructor was one of the greatest gifts any mage could have. Alistair was blessed in being taught by two of the greatest mages around - Ellasin Dathlande and Damien Noch. And Patrick, too, would be instructed by one of the best. At least in the field of Rupturing.

Evidently, his lessons went well, as despite being a novice mage the man quickly learned to view ether. His progress was so quick that Alistair couldn't recall a time where it had gone so easily, except for during his own early phases of magical learning under Ellasin. He supposed excellence in magic was a generational thing, then; he'd picked his first proper student well.

As the man caught vision of the shimmering energy that painted the canvas around them, Alistair focused too, closing his eyes. He saw it with him, though his own view was surely more crystal clear; he could almost see Patrick as a silhouette with ether painting the rest of his body. Like a constellation with, ultimately, the shape of his lover and apprentice. A beautiful thing to behold.

His trance was distracted, though, as the man prepared to cast a spell. Alistair could see and feel the ether migrating to his lover, and he managed to draw the energy towards a pocket of space before his eyes; the result of his meddling with energy and space, and his own influence of energy within that unit of matter, was a rupture forming before the both of them. It was small, but it appeared relatively stable, and it manifested the proper traits of a rupture done well. It wasn't nearly as wonky, jagged or destructive as the one he'd made before. And that was certainly a positive thing, as the last almost broke Patrick's bloody windows.

Needless to say, his master was impressed. To do so well on his first real attempt was a show of great promise. He would, however, not allow the impression to manifest into words. A mage rarely so ever needed such high praise; egos were the worst companions for any mage, as they could lead to wild ambition and self-imperilment. He nodded his head, slightly loosening his grasp of the man as he brought his hands back to his sides. All the massaging had sort of started to make his palms ache - he'd take a break from that.

"Alright," he nodded his head. "That was the drawing of mana to a pocket of energy. Everything is really a pocket of energy; it can be a depository for large collections of energy - or more correctly, more condensed energy. What you did, just now, was channeling the ether around that "pocket" - the place where the rupture appeared - and having it condense into that pocket before igniting it with your will. That is essentially what a mage does with most spells, and particularly with Rupturing which tends to follow a more trademark approach regarding energy and spellcasting. Draw energy from point A - usually the surrounding area or your own body - to point B, and manifest your will to create the intended outcome. That's why focus is so important - if your will is jagged or unclear, so too shall the spell be." He merely explained, further, to help the man visualize. This was as important for teaching him Rupturing as it was for teaching him all magic. They came from nearly the same point of origin.

"Anyhow..." he started, "drawing energy from point A to point B is the basis, but there's multiple methods of doing so. What you just did - bringing energy to a location that you could see and forming a rift - is known as the Chasing. The Chasing is the most basic, instinctive form of Rupturing, and is the most commonly used; even by masters. It's called the Chasing because you project energy to a specific location, usually at high speeds. Now that you've done it, it should become more instinctive for you as well. Give it a try - you'll do well," he assured him, patting him on the shoulder before standing up to give the Hound some mobility. He gestured for him to stand.

"You know how I told you to draw energy towards a focal point, and will for a portal to manifest? You can draw yourself in along with the energy you project, rather than making a portal. By channeling the mana inside of you towards that 'pocket', you can immediately project your physical form to that location. This is called the Blink, a form of chasing. It's instantaneous, self-transportation to a location within range. You should be able to do it for, say... ten or so meters at your current level of skill without risking yourself. Just focus on the place you want to go, channel your mana within your own body, and let your instincts take over. It's simple."

He allowed himself to become the demonstration, and before Patrick's eyes, Alistair would disappear before instantly re-appearing thirty feet in the distance. He waved at him from afar, challenging him to do the same.
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Alistair seemed to avoid any real praise to his achievement of the portal, merely further talked about the alleged method he'd just managed to pull. According to him Patrick had managed to force more Ether into the pocket that existed, or something of the sort, and therefore manifested the portal with his will in doing so during the process.

Overall Patrick had considered it pretty damn cool that he'd achieved such a feat, and honestly even when his mentor didn't really give such high praise, there did exist some residual pride in him even if he meant to hide it. He'd done something good then! Even when the man simply filled him in with more knowledge, Patrick knew he had at least done Alistair proud in managing a safer construct. Still he had much to learn apparently; and it sounded like Chasing, as it was called, had to be the easier of the many things to learn. Apparently there existed another form that Alistair named "Blinking" or so it was called, where he could focus on the pockets of point A and then point B, and somehow manage to jump or 'warp' there with magic.

Quite honestly the concept of it would've met disbelief on Pat's part, but after his time with Alistair he'd started to believe otherwise. With magic in his possession it started to look as if anything literally was possible, and with the demonstration the mentor presented, Patrick felt himself eager to at least give it a shot. "Holy shit." He murmured to himself with a mesmerized smile. When it came to be his turn of course Patrick brought up two thumbs to show he got the message, a bit of a lean forward made in his stance after he rose to his feet. He zoned his focus on Alistair for a moment and used the same thought process as before, with the concept of two pockets in his mind he tried to piece two and two together.

Point A was where he was at, point B was where he wanted to get to. So he concentrated on the energy he'd felt from earlier, the pocket of ether surrounding him tingled with a low dull hum. "Come on, I got this." He encouraged himself as he tried to push forward, only his body seemed to move though rather than the space around him. "Shit! Okay, I can do this! I can do this!!" His eagerness showed in the bounce of his feet as he focused once more, his eyebrows lowered in a near squint as he mentally pulled himself harder. Point A. He was at Point A. He wanted to reach Point B. The space near Alistair had become a focus point, and the more he channeled his mana into the pull the stronger he felt a tug at his body.

He moved once more and in that step he felt the world blur past him for a moment, a whoosh sound clouded his hearing for a moment, as he'd covered practically four or six feet in one go. He tried again and another four to six feet was covered, and then finally his distance doubled to maybe eight or ten! He did it! He managed to perform the blink! Finally he reached Alistair after a few more warps were felt, his body tingled all over as he took a moment to breathe. "How's that?" He inquired curiously about his prowess already.
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The mage observed his apprentice. He watched his form - witnessing his focus and his perspective. He viewed the spot where Alistair was at, and clung to it as the place he wanted to go. However, the man made several mistakes in execution, and Alistair quickly made that clear once he'd reached his spot beneath a large oak tree. "Well," he started, trying not to form an expression too harsh, "I can't say you didn't put a great deal of effort in." His look was crass, almost, a cocky grin covering the edges of his lips. The mage chuckled as he teased Patrick, then demonstrated for him the "Blink" a second time. Within an instant of attempting to focus, he'd zipped back to where he had been before, where Patrick first formed his stable portal. Looking back to view his apprentice, he waved yet again.

"Your form and procedure in creating the Chasing Portal was quite excellent, I must admit," he said, finally praising him, if only to lessen the blow of the incoming comment. "However, your Blinking was not. You picked it up quickly, which is highly impressive on its own, but the actual execution is one that will need to be refined. You cannot be content until you can do it as smoothly as I can - it should only take one blink to get to where I am, and it should be more of an instantaneous transportation than merely an accelerated movement. You don't have to be content with simply moving ten or so feet at a time . . . go the full ten meters in one swing. It's not like ten meters is something I can do and you can't. Eventually you'll be able to Blink vast distances; I could probably go kilometers at a time, quite honestly. The distance starts to matter less and less." He beckoned for the man to perform it again, gesturing that he once again focus on Alistair's location.

"By the way," the mage began, "I'm glad you're so passionate about this already." He seemed genuinely pleased with the fact. It could be something of a bonding session between the two of them, just learning lessons in magic alongside all the rest of the things they'd already done. Discussions, sexual intercourse, cutesie dates downtown... the works. Magical lessons between a master and apprentice were a marvelous thing. It was an opportunity to learn about more than just the body or the mind, but the soul. The clarity of one's self was ever so often displayed in their magical performance.

Alistair's conscious was ever-silent, and it displayed in his methodical spellcasting. Patrick seemed a bit more enthusiastic and jumpy, and that showed itself too. It was an interesting thing to see, his rambunctious behavior and held-back excitement; it brought him a bit of joy, which was unprofessional, as he well knew.

"Do you still feel the same way about magic, love? That it's some... inherently bad thing?" he questioned. "Or is it merely ill when performed by such hideous creatures as my 'mother'?"
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As expected Pat definitely could've done better as Alistair believed him able to blink the whole ten meters, while Patrick honestly hadn't been quite sure of himself honestly. In a way he was taking baby steps with the methods displayed, more or so gathering a feel for how the magic itself worked. He had a grasp of the idea now and when Alistair wanted him to try again, Patrick chuckled as he looked back to where they first were.

Then finally it happened! The praise Patrick wanted to hear came, and for a moment the man nearly lost himself. "Hah! I knew it!" He declared with a finger pointed at the mage in the distance, his lips curved into a smirk as he responded accordingly to the distant conversation. "Well believe me, this is a first for us both!" He admitted with a short laugh as he leaned onto one knee, his posture suggested a rather form sprint inbound towards Alistair. Patrick wasn't going to let the praise be short lived, he intended to go all in with this second attempt to blink. Maybe it had something to do with the praise, or perhaps the enthusiasm he suddenly found in it overtook his cautiousness. For all Pat knew it could've very well been both, either way he felt pretty damn confident in doing it right the second time.

He felt a tangible form of joy as well in this act of practice, their time shared together somehow already cherished. "Can't say I know for sure, I think I just need a bit more time before-" His zoning process and focus had hit on point, almost as if second nature came into play. As pointed out before Patrick did feel pretty confident he'd get it this time around, and although he was right it was only to a vivid extent. In one singular motion his body no longer felt rigid, but rather fluid and light as his entire form tingled. The air around him warped at the moment's notice and sure enough, he'd blinked forward with all his effort based on Alistair. Too much in fact.

"Oh shit!" He called out as his end point resulted in him staggering onto the man, the two nearly fell onto the ground as he couldn't help but laugh. "Told ya!" He bragged with a modest scratch at the back of his head, he hadn't expect that an actual blink had quite the kick in momentum. "It's great and all, yeah? Thing is... It's not just somethin' I can easily think from bad to good, at least not right now anyways." His admittance in the view of perspective had been accustomed with a caress to Alistair's cheek. "Rest assured though; your doin' a great job in provin' me otherwise. That maybe its not magic, but people who are bad for usin' it." He remarked in regards to the witch that his love hinted at, the mere thought of her name sparked a sudden flare of hatred for the hag.
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The man's eyes widened as Patrick flung into him, and inevitably he did in fact lose his balance as he was pushed towards the ground by his lover. He kept his arms around the man's back as they fell, his rear end landing on the grass as the Hound laughed about their collision. Alistair sighed, though he smiled shortly afterward; he couldn't help but find the man's antics and ever-constant enthusiasm to be cute. Very much so. "Excellent work with the Blink," he told the man, responding to the caress of his cheeks with a kiss on the lips.

He listened to the man explain his feelings on magic, and nodded. He could understand his viewpoint, entirely; in fact it wasn't even like Alistair wholly believed that magic was a good thing. It was a good thing and a bad thing, in nuanced forms. It was beautifully complex. You had Grafting mages who healed, and mended horrid wounds, and then those that used their biological manipulation to create horrid beasts for themselves to control. There were Aberrants who slaughtered towns for the sake of their addiction, and then those who hunted other Aberrants, a sense of justice and duty accompanying their magic. It was very complex. He was proud of Patrick to not fall to one belief or another, but to acknowledge it for its good and its evil.

And indeed, the magic itself was not violent. Not all of it, at least. It was a tool.

"It will never be a wholly good thing or a wholly bad thing," the man explained. "But - we can try to use it for some sort of good. I'm not proud of all that I've done with magic so far, but I know I can come back from it all. Reyard, the one who invented the Rupturing we know today, practiced it in order to try and discover the secret behind inter-spacial travel. Going to other worlds, within space, guided by Emea; finding new life in the galaxy. Can't you imagine what a boon that would be? All of the new flora and fauna we could discover, cures to every disease in the book; new races, new forms of life. Magic begins and ends with a dream. Whether or not that dream can come true is always unknown, but it is the unknown of it that makes it beautiful. It's why I love it. It's why I've always followed its practice, wherever I've gone. It's hope."

He felt a great deal of joy, being able to explain this to someone. He could never speak of magic in such sappy terms to those in the Coven, and those outside of it would have never accepted him for his deep bond with the arcane and spells. He could explain it all to Patrick, though, and open up an entirely new world for the both of them. To explore magic was to explore the complexity of life - and today, they started their journey together.
word count: 513
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Renown: 183
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



RP Medals



The Arcane Enterprise



Meditation: Picturing the darkness
Meditation: Layers of the world
Meditation: Helpful in magic
Rupturing: The Rend
Rupturing: Breaking objective reality with transcending
Teaching: Be calm
Teaching: Applying physical therapy
Teaching: Give praise to soften the critisizm
Patrick: A good student
Patrick: Doesn't view magic as good or bad
-2 Use of Magic, +1 Teaching Patrick (good deed)
These points can be used for Rupturing




Meditation: Alcohol helps?
Meditation: Feeling everything around you
Meditation: Helpful in magic
Domain magic: Rupturing
Domain magic: Mana (ether)
Domain magic: Comes from within
Rupturing: Doesn't cause anything to come out of your butt
Rupturing: Related to portals
Rupturing: Accompanied by loud noises, hence the name
Rupturing: Chasing: Projecting energy at high speeds
Rupturing: Chasing: Blink
Discipline: Not focusing on what's in your pants (for a change)
Alistair: A good teacher
-2 Use of magic
These points can be used for Rupturing


General Comment:
Mmm, I loved it! I love the way these two characters interact, how they're just casually ruining their souls together! A thread like this one might have appeared grindy, but you two certainly made it a fun read. I love how you implemented the small romantic bits into the teaching. I also gave more knowledges to Patrick because, well, he was the student, so naturally, he was the one learning more. (I tried giving what I could find for you Ali)

Story: A lovely read, enjoyed it!
Collaboration: All good, you two really nicely portray the relationship between your PCs!
Structure: All good, no issues here!

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or concerns, or if you feel like I've missed anything in my review!
word count: 320
"A hero is someone who steps up when everyone else backs down"
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