[Lake Lovalus] Remember me to the one who lives there...

Faith visits the Lake, has a chat with a friend.

1st of Ymiden 719

Beyond the city of Rharne lies the Stormlands, which is home to a number of farms, forests, fields, Lake Lovalus, and the River Zynyx. This subforum also includes the Stormwastes to the south.

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[Lake Lovalus] Remember me to the one who lives there...

1st Ymiden 719
There was so much to do, Faith knew, but this was important and needed to be dealt with to-trial. She had enough information, now, she could do what she needed to do and inform the Heart of Lovalus. This was trouble, she knew, and she had to both keep all the Wardens informed and, if possible, ask for help. So, she made her way to the Lake. Once there, she sat down and dipped her toes in the water. She loved it here, just on the edge of their property, were lake and land met.

"Are you sad? Why are you sad? I mean, I know why you're sad, but why?" Shule, her diri of the Lake companion flittered and undulated around her. The little creature was never still, but she hovered around Faith's face, peering at her. "It's ... people are in danger, Shule." Faith said, speaking quietly but her voice betraying the depth of her emotion. "I hate that people are in danger." Shule said, the little creature's usual tinkling chatter more serious than normal. "But we're fixing it, Faith. I mean, Famula was there, right there! WHOOSH like, all, 'got me a lantern, I'm the Queen of the Dead. She's got grim down to a fine art." Faith looked at Shule in some surprise but then a slight smile tugged at her lips. "Well, she is the Immortal of Souls. It would be odd if she was chipper, wouldn't it?"

The tinkling laughter of her Diri always delighted Faith and as Shule chuckled, Faith's smile widened. "I suppose," Shule admitted. Faith allowed her feet to dangle further and she sighed slightly, then began to speak to the Heart of Lovalus. "The attack on my home, it's a Lich. There was .. Rharne is in danger, I think." She breathed in and then let out her breath slowly. "I know. I know Rharne is in danger and I will fight unto my last breath. I would like to tell you what it is that is happening. And I need to ask your help, too. The Wardens, that is."

There was no doubt that things were serious and Shule watched, the small creature almost still as Faith spoke. "Because we are all going to have to work together. Everyone. Warden, Knight, Priestess. All of us. Isonomia and the Order. This one is big and..." Faith breathed in, not quite sure how to put it. In the moment it took her to take that in-breath, though, she knew. "And if we don't work together, more people will die."

It wasn't a threat, or a promise. It wasn't even Faith being negative. It simply was a statement of fact. Tactically, they needed every advantage if they were going to maximise survival rates - if they were going to protect Rharne, and the wider world. All life was sacred and Faith was determined. "We have to."
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Re: [Lake Lovalus] Remember me to the one who lives there...

1st Ymiden 719
It happened the way it always happened. One moment she was sitting at the side of the lake and, the next, she was in the Arc. It was a great place, she felt so incredibly peaceful there. Faith considered that it was because of the history, the arcs and arcs of time which had slowly chipped away at the place and had left it completely ... serene wasn't the right word, because there was a feeling of drive here, a call to action.

A need to be better, to do more.

It was something which Faith understood, at a fundamental level. In many ways, in so many ways, she had changed. But equally, at her core, Faith was the person she had been when kneeling in the carriage next to Jamal as he brought her to Andaris for the very first time. Determined to do, to be, her very best. To serve, the absolute best way she could had always been her goal. Her aim. What drove her, really; and while the form of that had changed a lot over the arcs, the function of it remained. She was Famula's servant. Vri's, Moseke's, and Ymiden's too. She served the people of Idalos, the downtrodden and the unheard. That was what she did and what she would continue to do. Unto her final breath, and beyond, as she was rather fond of saying. But still, here, there was a feeling of reverence, of shared purpose. It wasn't that it was restful - although it was - it was more that this place felt like a place she should be.

She supposed, if she really thought about it, this was about belonging. It was about shared, mutual understanding of the world. And so, she looked around and she smiled. "Faith!" Shule said and Faith looked at the diri with a smile. "Yes?" It was very typical of Shule that the small creature was undulating and flitting around in front of her. "What's on your mind, Shule?" Faith asked.

"Why are you here?" Faith's companion was a strange mixture, Faith often thought. Serious and determined, flighty and fickle. Faith very much liked her, very much appreciated her perspective. "So," Faith said, in answer to the question. "I'm here because Rharne is in danger. Because people are. Because I have to do something and I believe that Lovalus is the same as me."

Shule undulated around, fluttering about and Faith couldn't help the smile which lifted her face. "That's how it is for me. That's why I'm here."

Shule beamed in delight. "Then that's easy!" The tiny creature was more than happy. "Just talk. Just explain. Go on. Lovalus is listening. Always"

Faith wasn't entirely convinced but then, she figured, she didn't have to be and so, she lifted her head and began to talk.

Strangely, it was a fairly easy thing for her to do.
word count: 498
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Re: [Lake Lovalus] Remember me to the one who lives there...

1st Ymiden 719
"Why are you here?"

"I'm here because Rharne is in danger. Because people are. Because I have to do something and I believe that Lovalus is the same as me."

"Then that's easy! Just talk. Just explain. Go on. Lovalus is listening. Always"

Faith wasn't entirely convinced but then, she figured, she didn't have to be and so, she lifted her head and began to talk.

"I believe that Rharne - that the whole world, if I'm honest - is in danger." Evidently, a lead-in wasn't high on Faith's agenda. She understood it, in theory, but equally, it seemed like a stupid thing. They were both there - although she couldn't see, sense or in any way feel that Lovalus was there, Faith still knew and believed that she was very far from alone.

"I need to start at the beginning," Faith said, and that was what she did. She began the story at the start and she told it all. No details were omitted, but she did her best to speak efficiently and with care. From the attack, to the Lightning Knights, to who it was. More than that, she told of Qylios speaking to her, Nir'wei and Lynessa (yes, she knew that Lynessa was a Warden, too, but frankly Faith didn't care at this point), and showed Lovalus the key she held. Faith didn't hold back at all, didn't hide anything. There was totally no point to that and she was simply not able to be so deceitful anyhow. So, she explained the whole thing to Lovalus. She didn't leave out the information about the Immortal involvement, it simply wasn't her way. Which meant that, at the very least, Lovalus was a very well informed Spirit.

"So. I'm asking for help," she said, quietly. "I am pledging that I will absolutely do my best, I will. But this is huge and, frankly,any help you -- either individually or via the Wardens -- can give me, I'd be so grateful. If you can, if you will."

Because, as she'd said during the long and (possibly) warbling explanation. No matter what, they had that one thing in common. Rharne must be protected. She'd spoken of the outcome of her meeting with Ilaren, held literally nothing back. Equally nothing was given more, or less, notice, but Faith wouldn't be caught out in a lie. She wanted Lovalus' help. But she wanted it honestly. In this place, she told the Induk of the Lake about Lynessa's link to Faldrun - of Qylios' request that they kill Faldrun, of the troops they already had. And the threat which they faced. What Ellasin was, what the Coven was - what they could do. She laid it all out and she pledged that she would do everything in her power to protect Rharne, and the world and then, she asked if there was any help which could be given.

"Please?" She said, her voice echoing into the quiet.

Here she was. Here they were. Was this another ally, an incredibly important and powerful one? Or was it a waste of time? Faith didn't know. But she knew that she was about to find out.

One way, or another.

"Any help at all. Calling forth the Wardens, providing equipment, enchantments, anything. Fighting with us." Whatever Lovalus was prepared to offer, as far as Faith was concerned.
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Re: [Lake Lovalus] Remember me to the one who lives there...

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And Faith was only given silence... nothing more.

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