• Closed • It's Cold Outside

6th of Cylus 717

Beyond the city of Rharne lies the Stormlands, which is home to a number of farms, forests, fields, Lake Lovalus, and the River Zynyx. This subforum also includes the Stormwastes to the south.

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It's Cold Outside

6th of Cylus, Arc 717

"Fucking hell, it's cold," the man shivered. He'd been putting sticks up together, structuring them to support one another and digging them into the ground, but not enough - seemingly - to keep his makeshift shelter from falling, and more than once. It was on the fourth failure, now, though with each attempt he seemed to make a good deal of progress. His hands were shaky because of the cold, but he'd learned to deal with it, the fur on his leather armor warming him up just enough alongside the sweat of his labor to keep him from freezing to death. Caed's body was strong, thick and sturdy, and as a Lothar, he had the endurance to withstand the cold.

Thing was, it was getting desperate. He hadn't even placed the animal skin veil around the hut, he'd only now finally begun to manage to tie the sticks into their proper place.

With a tug, he pulled on the skins he'd sewn together on the floor, using bristle as his weave and small bones as his needle. Caed had improvised and improvised and improvised, facing death in the cold and longing for the Cabin he left in Ne'haer. Even so, he persevered, and with hours of laborious sewing and weaving, he managed to tie enough skins together to cover the tepee, the sticks jutting out the top. It was large enough to fit he and his wolf, though Sidhe was only a familiar, and in truth did not need the place in the tent. It was a gesture of kindness, in case he did not wish to leave his side.

Caedhe had endured similar things as this before, and Rharne wasn't particularly cold compared to North Gauthrel in the winter. What made this all difficult was the lack of resources around - such as durable animals from whom to derive thick hide. He'd been forced to gather the remains of deer, wolves and rabbits at the best. Rharne's wilds were startlingly safe, with animalia as diverse as the sky was green.

Sidhe returned to Caedhe, bearing a dead rabbit between its fangs. The familiar manifested, massive, Caedhe petting its forehead as it dropped the rabbit at his feet. "Thank you," he said, shivering. He retreated into the tent and pulled the rabbit in, covering himself from the cold for but a moment to try and warm down. He would need to build a fire to truly keep himself warm, and to cook his food, but he lacked the stamina to do so at the moment. Today had been a long and miserable day, filled with far more failure than success.

The wolf taking on a more ethereal form, only half-manifesting, it began to move around and gather sticks. In truth, without Sidhe, he didn't know if he could have survived this Cylus... but even with him, he wondered how long he could go? He needed a cabin again, or something of the like. And stores of food, for times like these. Starting over was the most difficult thing, moreso than any biome or stretch of wild.

As his wolf gathered thistle and branches, the man stayed huddling in his tepee, silent as death save for the sound of cold shivering.
word count: 555
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It's Cold Outside

There was no reason not to feel safe on an early-evening walk through the streets. He knew that, deep down. Greyhide could sense his discomfort though. The adolescent grey wolf had refused to remain at the Adunih Outpost and after barely a few minutes of walking through the crowded streets making a point of ignoring the wolf as it pushed through the crowds with ease just a few steps before him, eventually Nir'wei reached down and pressed his hand into the spot just between his ears, at the crown of his head. It earned him some very odd looks. He didn't know what species of wolf, if there were any at all, native to this region. It seemed temperate enough, not too distant from the climate of Rynmere, although it was damn cold. Without furs, without any decent clothing for the moment since they needed to be "thoroughly cleaned to prevent further infection", he wore little more than second-hand thin cotton garbs clearly more suited for indoor use than wandering aimlessly about the streets like a lost child.

And he did feel lost. He'd come out to explore the city, but he'd slowly found himself drawn further and further down the side of the mountain, down through the tiers of wealth like unravelling the layers of an onion in reverse, from the core outwards. He'd started at the Glass Quarter, but he'd not lingered long. The Earth Quarter was where he'd felt most at home, but even there he'd barely lingered long enough to catch glances of a few bars and local shops in passing. By the time he'd reached the Dust Quarter, he'd gone back to barely paying any attention to anywhere else but the road ahead... and the grip on Greyhide's neck had grown tighter as passers-by showed more interested glances towards himself and his wolf than before, for all the wrong reasons. He had no money on hand, but he had no weapons either... and he was far from a fit condition to fight in, even before this disease.

Now, though... now they were out of the city altogether. The Stormlands. It hardly lived up to the name, he thought with a mixture of relief and disappointment. Farmlands dotted the landscape sparsely, camps and caravans huddled in little groups. Off to the distance, he could see a lake, and the outer fringes of what could be forests. If Malice wasn't holed all the way back up inside the city, he could have taken a ride out to go and see them, perhaps even do a little bit of hunting on the outer edges of the lake to let Jasper do some fishing and Greyhide have some hunting. For a moment, he toyed with the idea of just walking there. He could find a makeshift shelter somewhere. Barely a few steps in that direction, down the road and just passed an unfamiliar teepee that looked to be made of animal skins when a coughing fit took hold.

It started as a light tickling in his throat, but as he tried to clear it, the unexpected rasp broke out into a rough cough, and then a choke that strained his neck and covered his upraised hand in phlegm. Greyhide turned on the spot and pushed his snout against Nir'weis hand, and the man tried to comfort his animal, but the dry, cold air made it difficult to breathe in again without cracking his dry throat. "Uggghh..." he rattled. Greyhide was barking now, pushing his snout fiercely into Nir'weis hand as if demanding attention, but when he looked down, eyes watering, Greyhide's dark eyes were flicking back and forth from Nir'weis face to another wolf he'd not noticed before, sniffing around on the outskirts of the animal-skin shelter. He just got one glance of the animal before he doubled over, shuddering for air. Breathe deeply. Don't think about how it hurts. Breathe. Deeper. Deeper! Control your breaths.
word count: 679
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It's Cold Outside

He tried to take deep breaths, as deep as they could, but even to his own ears they sounded thin and raspy, and he could hear crackling in his chest every time he inhaled. Reflexively he coughed again, harder, but all that did was fill his mouth with viscous phlegm, which he spat out onto the cobblestones in a thick sickly wad. This wasn't the Rot; this was something else. He'd been told time and time again that his lack of sleep, wild eating patterns and depression would make him more susceptible to other infections... even more so than the Rot would already make him vulnerable, given the constant bleeding. At the time, he'd not really cared. It was difficult to bring a care for anything when he knew it wouldn't matter soon. Soon wasn't now, though. He could barely draw enough breath to keep his vision from swimming; he couldn't make out the cobblestones in front of his own face, and he couldn't tell whether that was because of his own tears or the slow asphyxiation.

Archailist didn't appear, since Nir'wei would barely see him if he did, but the squirrel passed thoughts and instructions through the mental connection they held. No words, just rapid bursts of information that joined themselves together in his head as if he'd thought of them himself. He needed to be calm, to think rationally. The flower. Bent over double, practically on his hands and knees on the middle of the street, he closed his eyes and pictured a flowerbud in his mind, twisting itself towards the sun and slowly opening, petal by petal, into a beautiful white flower. Yellow stamen, waxy green leaves turning themselves towards the warm radiant glow of the sun, swaying in a calming warm breeze. He threw as much detail as he could into the description, layer after layer. Don't think about breathing now, Archailist told him in a rush, think about the flower and let your body take over.

Another tickling started in the back of his throat, and this time he ignored it, swallowing instead and feeling the thick stuff settle heavily in his stomach like lead. His breaths were coming in shallow and wheezy, still barely taking enough in to keep his head clear, but it was enough. He wasn't suffocating, he wasn't dying, he was just going through a rough patch. That's all. He'd been through plenty of them before; all the bleeding fits, the mind-shattering headaches, the dizzy spells that made it impossible to do anything but lie in bed and vomit into a porcelain bowl provided by the nurses and constantly emptied and cleaned. This was just another wave in the vast ocean he'd cross. As long as he kept paddling, as long as he kept his head above the water, he'd make it to the other side. He wouldn't drown. He wouldn't. He wouldn't.

Another wave of coughing rose against his will, the shuddering heavy coughs sending him toppling down to his hands and knees, spasms wracking every muscle in his body. The flower almost completely vanished from his thoughts; details disappeared and the image flattened, becoming more and more simplified. Still the convulsions carried, through his chest and up his throat, growing more and more painful. Gods, it felt like he was going to cough up his own lungs. He was sure that through his watery eyes, he could see passers-by walking and sparing him a glance or a wrinkled nose. None came to help, though - they didn't want to catch the infection either. From his dress and state, they probably thought he was homeless, ill and poor. Perhaps it was Greyhide whining loudly and nosing against his side, trying to rise him back up to his feet, while barking and growling at anyone who dared to get close.

This time though, it didn't pass. As the coughing grew worse, he felt the weight in his stomach heave. Gods, no. No no no. Despite the barely-held calm in his mind, the rest of his body no longer listened to his commands. Now it acted on base instinct... and his base instinct wasn't going down a pleasant route. His stomach heaved again, more violent this time, and he felt his throat hitching with effort to hold its contents back. Another heave, more violent, enough that his back arched and his throat strained. He could feel burning along his throat, through his chest. Moseke save me. He didn't have the strength to resist the third try, and despite his mental screaming, his mouth opened as his stomach clenched itself into a knot, and a thick puddle of blood, phlegm and the remainders of his breakfast emptied out onto the street. He could hear yelling and exclamations of disgust from all around.

Setting as much weight on the wolf's back as he dared, he knew he needed to get back to the Outpost. Immediately.
word count: 848
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It's Cold Outside

He'd intentionally travelled as far away from the Outpost as he could, in the hopes of at least giving himself the illusion of freedom for a few breaks. He'd known there would be dangers - there were dangers to even remaining inside the Outpost at this point, given how at any moment a headache could threaten to tear his skull apart from the inside out, or blood could start pouring from every facial orifice at a rate that couldn't be contained or even accurately measured, given the mess it produced. He'd even bee given small vials of what he'd been told was anti-coagulants. Alchemically-produced medicines that would help prevent the bleeding from reaching critical conditions, or at the very least contain the bleeding until he could make it back to the Outpost, where they could reseal the openings and keep him under wraps until he recovered. This was something completely different, though. He'd never known that the Rot could combine with other diseases when they hit and amplify the negative effects.

He'd have more time to learn about it all when he made it back to the Outpost, though... and he wouldn't be able to make it back if he lost himself in another coughing fit. His mind folded inwards again, back on the flower, building up the detail lost. He could see it sitting on a meadow, he could imagine the individual veins forming along the leaves, the tiny hairs forming along the stem. He built everything from scratch, built every facet he could possibly think of. That was the key to entering the trance.

Taking as deep a breath as he could, forcing it through his phlegm-soaked lungs despite the lance of pain that stabbed through his chest from the inside, he started to regulate himself with as deep breaths as possible, no matter how it burned. He knew it was necessary. He needed to clear the obstructions. Damn his lack of medical knowledge, if he knew what ingredients he needed, he could just pick them off the shelves of the markets on the way. If any of them would ever serve him. Stumbling through the streets, dripping with sweat and tears in his eyes, strands of bloody phlegm still hanging from his mouth and nose, he looked like a wreck. Passers-by gave him a wide berth, and the few who stopped to ask if he was alright moved on quickly when he kept walking and didn't seem to acknowledge them.

He knew they were there and he really needed the help, but he couldn't take it. Not now. If he slowed down, he'd stop and likely die. If he tried to talk to them, he'd fall into another body-wracking coughing fit and likely die. Only the trance kept him from breaking into uncontrollable sobs at the thought. He couldn't afford to let his emotions show now. He couldn't afford to break down, to sob, to cry, to do anything other than put one front in front of the other, to keep breathing in and out deeply, regularly. Later, when his lungs were clear, he'd allow himself some time to sit down and cry. He might even write to Faith through their echo scroll to explain what happened today, in case it had any relevance to the cure she was working on. Not now, though. Not now.

He didn't know how long he kept walking. It felt like several lifetimes. Always uphill, always with his head down. The flower in his mind was so crisp he swore he could reach out and touch it, and it wiped away all fears. Slowly, over his slow climb, he saw the petals change colour. Each petal individually shifted, from the centre outwards, first from white to red; then red to yellow; to blue, to green, to purple, to pink. The colours swirled and changed to whatever colours he could think of, whatever shade, over and over again, pulsing in his mind. Every time another coughing fit hit, he saw only the colours. Every time he felt another wave of pain as his legs threatened to fold from underneath him, he felt the grass under the flower tickling his ankles, he saw the flower before him turning slowly towards the sun, turning towards the Outpost. He kept walking.

Suddenly, hands grabbed his shoulders firmly. He looked up, trying to shoulder them off, panic gripping his mind like a vice, throttling the flower. He couldn't be stopped now, he wouldn't be! But then he looked closer. A green cloak, with a gold hem. The open doors of the Outpost made it. He'd survived...

... and suddenly, everything he'd been holding at bay for so long came out. He vomited violently, spewing gouts of blood and mucus all over the cobblestones, drawing gasps and shocked exclamations from all around. His stomach rolled, struggling to expel more; only foul-smelling air croaked out as he heaved, heaved... and blackness swept over his vision like a curtain. He'd wake up later... a few days later, really. He'd lost a fair amount of blood, but the anticoagulants did their work, as they always did. The Outpost wouldn't let him die. Not until it was his time. However many days that would be.
word count: 901
We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
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It's Cold Outside



I love how you write Nir'wei! His thought processes are always so clear and I love how you play your relationship with the animals. It's a shame that Caed didn't post again, I would have really liked to see the relationship between the two of you - it could have been fun. Still, a well ended and clearly written story. Good stuff!


XP: 15 (I've given you the collaboration points because it was meant as that)

Devotion: Nope


Injuries as described although, by now, they're healed.


Meditation: Keeping your calm in mortal danger.
Meditation: Focusing through the pain, because it's the right thing to do.
Meditation: Holding onto the trance, even in pain.
Meditation: Blocking out all exterior distractions.
Meditation: Simplifying your thoughts.
Meditation: Letting your body do all of the thinking.
Meditation: Ignoring your body to focus on your mind.
Endurance: Losing a lot of blood, but not a lot of sweat.
Caed: If you submit a review request for this, it'll be picked up when the queue gets there. Drop me a pm if you're unsure of anything!
Nir'wei: Please make sure to mark your review request as complete! You can do that by putting my review stamp on it!
Your review request is: here!
Review stamp:

Code: Select all

word count: 240
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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