The Shadows' Plunder
2 Vhalar 716
The trial had been total chaos. There was no other way to describe it. Scalvorans ran back and forth, some dodging shadows, some trying to find them to fight. In the beginning, there was no organized response. The Pirate Lords and the Navy stationed there was taking time to prepare resistance, and it left the citizens in peril. But the trial had come for them to gather and push back the shadows. The time had come to fight.
Many of the Lords were in or around Scalvoris, and they joined in the city to convene on a plan. Fourteen of the Lords demanded martial law, imposing on the city every restriction until they figured out what the creatures were. The other six didn't give a damn about the law. They wanted to drive the shadows back to whatever hole they'd crawled out of. They all agreed that they needed to get off their asses and get moving. And so they split up. Half of the Lords stayed in Scalvoris and the waters directly around it, while the other ten sailed around the frozen island and offered as much aid as they could.
As the defenses in Scalvoris were mounted, teams of three were formed to help combat the shadows. Ten of the Lords gathered all those willing to help in the city, and began dividing them into team of three, trying to group up those with complementing skills based on their admissions. It was tedious and long, but necessary. Each team would be given a purpose, and then sent off to do their jobs to defend the city.
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