[OPEN] Shore Leave

Or, a chance for some pc interaction?

Almund is a thriving township with a dark side. With houses made from the wooden bodies of decommissioned ships, there are many opportunities here, coupled with many dangers.

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[OPEN] Shore Leave

Ymiden 50 716

Catalina 'Raynarde' DeFoe was sitting, looking at the other 'patrons' in Mad O'Rourkes, Almund. She had in front of her a mug of ale and she lounged back in her chair, watching. The young Biqaj lifted one leg, clad in thigh-high black leather boot over her skin tight black trousers, crossing it over the other on the table. Her white blouse was loose, but the black lace corset that she wore accentuated her thin waist and ample bosom. The long frock coat that she wore was warm and she had, as always, her swords at her side. To those who knew her (and those who knew her) it was very likely that Cat had a number of blades secreted around her person. It was just her way. Atop her head, her hat was at a jaunty angle. The young woman was six foot in height with dark tanned skin; her long brown hair was loose and this trial her eyes were deep violet. She wore gold earrings dangling from her ears and bracelets at her wrist.

A fight had broken out a few moments before, but that had been dealt with quickly enough and had not caused her to need to bother with getting up, instead it had been like watching wolves herding small ducklings. Cat smiled to herself at the foolishness of some people. It was well not to start a fight in a place like this, after all.

Carefully, slowly and gracefully, she lowered her legs to the floor and leant forward to take a drink from the mug of ale. It tasted like warm piss, but she figured that it was reflected in the price, so she did not complain. Looking around the room she caught sight of one or two familiar faces; a few former lovers, some known traders, that kind of thing. But nothing really interesting. She tended not to go back to the same lover twice (unless they were very good or she was very bored...) and she had nothing to trade at the moment.

However, at that moment the door opened and the young Biqaj glanced towards it, hopeful that there might be someone interesting to spice up what was looking to be a boring and dull trial.

She hated dull. She was just no good at it. So, using a dagger to clean under her nails, she sat and watched to see if Lady Fortune would bring someone interesting through the door.

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[OPEN] Shore Leave

The woman who entered the bar was a strange sight in Almund, and not merely for her race. While there were plenty of Raskithecal amongst the Imperials, they rarely visited Almund, which would have made the woman strange enough. But she was an Ithecal, the smaller and more human cousins to the Imperials dominant people. But it was not her sky blue serpentine tail that set her apart, not the plate armor she wore. This Ithecal was Liathen Almund, the youngest of the Twenty Pirate Lords of Scalvoris, and the sudden momentary hush in the room showed the weight respect and fear the Lords were given.

The Guardian glanced about the room for a moment, the slithered up to the bar. The Ithecal pirate had been there often enough that the bartender had a mug of ale and a plate of meat and apple tarts. Liathen didn't look at the crowd as she ate, simply keeping her eyes on her meal until one particularly drunk old sea dog got up and swaggered over to her. "You're the young brat what made Lord, ain't yah?" he said, tauntingly. Liathen just nodded, though her hand dropped from her mug. "Arr, it's a damn shame seein' a ship at the hand of such a wee brat what only got her title cuz that cake makin' weaklin' likes ye." he said, laughing raucously.

At that insult, Liathen stood up, rising up on her tail to an impressive eight feet in height. "Ye need to keep yer mouth shut. Or we'll be findin' out how well ye talk without yer head." The Guardian growled, to which the man grinned and drew a heavy belt knife. Liathen simply smirked and drew her own knife, swinging it out in a slash with the same motion and slitting the braggart's throat in one swipe. Turning to face the tavern, she held the knife up, the point of blade facing the patrons. "If anyone else wants to insult me, sack up and step forward." she said, her voice calm and clear.

No one seemed particularly suicidal though, so Liathen simply wiped her knife clean and grinned at the patronage. "Glad to hear it, don't much like spillin' our own blood. But anyone what's lookin' to have a good time, well, come an' have a drink with me." she said, sheathing her knife and taking her drink and meal over to the mans now vacant table.
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[OPEN] Shore Leave


Catalina sat and watched the situation unfolding with interest in her eyes. She didn't get involved, nor did she show too much in the way of interest, because that just wouldn't be the 'done thing'. But she watched carefully. Fundamentally, she was watching for a number of things; watching the way that the Guardian moved, watched how she dealt with the stupid man. As she watched she was sure that the Guardian wouldn't bat an eyelid and would more than manage on her own. Come to that, Cat didn't think that she'd be able to help, but she was ready to lend a hand if needs be. After all, she had the hidden crossbow in her sleeve, and she wouldn't hesitate to use it if it was necessary for her to do so.

But of course, it wasn't. She'd expected nothing less.

The Guardian dealt with the idiot man without pause or concern, not taking any of his insults and showing herself as the most powerful of the two. It didn't surprise Cat, not for a second, The Guardian had to make sure that she kept her reputation and she couldn't be seen to be weak. In a general sense that was true, but especially as the youngest Pirate Lord. And then The Guardian made an offer to anyone wanting to have a good time to come and drink with her and Cat let a slow, satisfied smile cross her face. It looked to be far less dull than she'd thought it was going to be. So, she took her mug of ale and stood.

She wasn't the eight foot of the Ithecal female (whose relationship with The Baker was the cause for some discussion amongst those on her ship), but she stood to her six foot and walked over. She didn't hide the swords she wore (although of course she had hidden weapons on her person) and she walked over to the table in question. "I am Catalina" she spoke, her Biqaj accent thick "Of the "Royal Reaver". I would join you, if I may?" she waited to be given permission to sit, because this was one of the Pirate Lords, and she had to make sure that The Guardian both knew that she was on Dianarv's crew and that she was respectful. Because, for all Cat knew there was some bother between The Guardian and The Pirate King (she wasn't aware of any, but that didn't mean anything), and one thing that the confident young woman knew for a fact was that you didn't piss off a Pirate Lord unless you really meant it.
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[OPEN] Shore Leave

At almost seven feet tall, Dana ducked slightly as he entered O'Rourkes. He might have just made it in without clipping his head, but years of near concussions taught a person to duck. His grey hued skin made him fairly unusual, but much less so than he might have been anywhere else. Say what you liked against Scalvoris, a man could make something of himself there if he put his mind to it.

Or a woman.

He reminded himself, seeing as the first thing to greet his eyes was the Guardian cutting down another pirate. Well, he'd likely deserved it and there were always more. No shortage of those who wanted to go to sea and take what they thought the world owed them. He supposed he wasn't much different. The Hounds he employed were often just as mercenary, sometimes more. He could have pretended at distance and sophistication if he'd wanted to though, after all, he mostly just did the paperwork. Handled the money. That sort of thing. No point in lying to yourself though.

As much as the crew were a dime a dozen, it never hurt to stay on the good side of the Pirate Lords. Sometimes they even demanded a little less Tribute if you played nice. Besides, as much as he liked going out for a drink as much as the next man, he was big enough that a certain kind of drunk just really wanted to prove themselves fighting him, and although appearances might suggest otherwise, Dana had never been much of a fighter. Sitting next to a Pirate Lord who'd just casually killed a man on the other hand..

"Guardian, you may not recall me, Dana Guiscard, Kennel Master. I believe I will take you up on that offer. Surely a gentleman can not be faulted for taking the opportunity to have a drink with two such lovely ladies?"

The incline of his head included Catalina in that statement.
"Oi! Oi you! That damned dog-lover and his beast best not be on their way! The Cat don't like 'em! You know The Cat don't like 'em. I told 'im what'd 'appen next time he showed 'is face in here I did!"

"I do recall O'Rourke. I'm not certain it was all physically possible, but I do recall. Gibney and Ari are elsewhere, your.. cat, has nothing to fear."

"Aye, werl he's best jest stay elsewhere, y'hear? RAE! RAEBURN! GET YER ARSE OUT 'ERE AND CLEAR OUT THIS SACK O'MEAT!"

O'Rourke gave the recent corpse a kick, fuming at everyone in the general vicinity. Except Liathen. She got a smile that still had a few teeth left in it. The Cat liked her. His piece said, and territory successfully defended from any dogs, O'Rourke retreated behind the bar where he got on with pouring ales, since he's just sent his barkeep to deal with a deadman.
Raeburn, curly hair half matted to his head from sweat, approached, bobbing respectfully to Liathen and offering smiles to the others, perhaps a bit strange for one with the duty he'd been given, but then, it was even on the sign. Strange cheerful staff.

"Lady Almund, Mister Guiscard, sorry Miss, don't remember your name, you had the ale though, pardon me a moment, just got t'get this out've your way. Mer'll be glad for 'im anyway! No use wastin'!"

With a cheery wink, the boy took the corpse by the arms and dragged it out of the Inn. Most places it would've gone to the Undertakers. Dumped in the wilds at the worst. This however, was Almund. The corpse was slated to be someones dinner. It wasn't looked kindly on, killing Scalvorians or slaves just to eat them, but if a person was dead anyway, well they might as well be some use, and the Mer were different enough it probably didn't count as cannibalism. Even if it did, who wanted to argue with them? So what might have just been a lost customer, was instead sold to another establishment with more specific clientele, and O'Rourke still got his coin.

The short round waitress broke away from a table she'd been trading stories with to grab a mop and at least kind of deal with the blood trail. It wasn't a great job, but honestly it blended into the old stains well enough.
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[OPEN] Shore Leave

On the right-side of the trio, a man was seated, not overly far from them. Not too far to throw a knife or bottle straight at them, that's for sure. Fortunately, that was just hypothetical; The man smirked at his aggressive, and truthfully quite suicidal, train of thought...He really should have just stuck to light ale instead of that damned strong swill pretending to be rum. Letting out a soft rumble from his throat, without any meaning other than to get the damn phlem stuck in his throat cleared out, he spat next to him on the hardwood floor. One hand grasping the bottleneck casually, keeping it in place as it rested on the man's knee, another hand dangling off the back of the bench, he couldn't be in a more casual and defenseless position really. Apart from the near-by wall behind him, there wasn't much protecting him, was The Guardian to misinterpret the audible spitting as an insult. To add injury to that insult, the man's eyes were drilling into said Guardian, there was little to misinterpret at this point in time, if only she was to turn her face to look at the origin of the sound. Why was it this man was so suicidal passive-aggressive, picking a fight he had, beyond any doubt, no hopes of winning?!

Was he that drunk? That stupid? That brave? Nah, he was just that smart...Cough.

He had been there, quietly, drinking for quite a while now and sure, yes, he was drunk..stupid...brave...But none of those factors mattered, he had just seen that the drunken fool, who had dared to publicly taunt and even engage in combat with one of the Pirate Lords, hadn't arrived at the pub alone. Something that the other patrons must have escaped, or perhaps the ones that did notice, saw no reason to alert the Guardian of such a thing. Hoping for a grand spectacle where the young'un of the Pirate Lord would get shanked in the throat from behind, Scalvorians were weird like that. As the blurred gaze of his eyes scanned the filthy bar, mainly because of people doing as they see fit..Like spitting on the floor...Those bastards!! Most of the faces and eyes in the bar were turned to stare right back at the next fool to taunt the Guardian, he figured the Guardian and her entourage near-by must be looking at him too, good, makes it all the easier to snuff out that skulking rat. He remembers that talking meatloaf who got cut up real nice, was talking to a shorter-than-average man, but he can't remember his face for the life of him---Goddamned matchsti---That was it, he had red hair! Flaming red hair like a lit matchstick, where the fuck was that vermin?!

That's when he saw him, clear as day and not surprisingly, his eyes weren't focused on the man at all, they were trying to call down lightning straight on the Guardian, rage filled, wet eyes...Must have been a close buddy of Meatloaf Man; the taunting man's eyes didn't break away from Matckstick Boy, especially not once he started moving, with one hand digging around the inside of his vest, he doubted the avenging sidekick was about to whip out a cupcake. Throwing table and bottle aside in a sudden outburst of energy, the man shouted "Watch out!" As he dived right on top of the avenger, the two rolled on the nasty-as-fuck wooden floor, insults and limbs flying everywhere, until they came to a halt. Embarrassing at it may be, without his cutlass, Matchstick Boy was tougher and living a longer life than the heroic man, cough, had initially hoped for.

The copperhead was laying on top of the man, pushing down with all the force his soulless body could muster. Oh, right, he had a knife aimed right at the man's heart to boot, he wasn't exactly aiming for an eskimo kiss or whatever the hell it looked like to the oh-so courageously brave and assisting patrons of this latrine-smelling establishment. "Don't mind me, no no, I CLEARLY GOTS THIS!" Heaving and breathing heavily, the man was less than an inch away from getting his heart pierced when he kneed Matchstick Boy with all his ferocious might, right in the coinpurse...His only weakness!...And with a 'Mmmmmmmmmmmmpppfffhhhh' from between closed lips, Matchstick Boy was vanquished!

Laying, on the stickiest non-candyshop floor he had ever laid sprawled out on, he looked at the trio near the bar, wink-pointed at them and with a huge grin said "You're welcome!" Right before he grabbed hold of the knife and plunged it to the hilt through Matchstick Boy's jugular.
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[OPEN] Shore Leave

Liathen looked up at the girl who joined her and nodded, gesturing to a seat. "Ain't no need to ask, Lass." she said, grinning slightly, before turning to look at Dana as he sat down. "Yah, I remember ye, Dana. Run The Kennel, got into with O'Rourke a while back, when I was still on The Fearless, as I recall." she said, before turning as O'Rourke called out to Dana, making sure the Kennel Master hadn't brought his dogs. She returned the bartenders smile as he sent his bartender to clean up the corpse.

Then someone shouted at her and started a fight with someone she guessed to be a companion to the dead man. At his comment while he was rolling around on the floor, Liathen got up and started to move toward the fight when the man dealt with his opponent. "Nicely handled." she said, sitting back down and gesturing at the table. "Come, join us." she said, smiling as she turned back to the table. "You're with the Royal Reaver, ye said? And how is the old man doin'?" she asked of the girl who had first joined her. "Ain't seen Diarnav in a long time, but he was a good one." she said, laughing slightly as she spoke. The Guardian was on relatively good terms with The Pirate King, and the two had worked together a few times. Granted, Liathen could count the Lords she wasn't on at least decent terms with on one hand, with a thumb left over depending on how she was getting along with Ereshki that day.
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[OPEN] Shore Leave


The kennel master? Cat had heard of him and she shot him a brief, beautiful grin as she nodded to The Guardian. "Obliged to Ye" she said, her accent thick and obviously Biqaj. "An' to Ye too, Kennel Master" she said, and she sat, wrapping one thing-high-leather-clad leg over the other. As for O'Rourke, Catalina looked at him and she said nothing, listening to what the Pirate Lord and the Kennel Master said, but then when the young Raeburn spoke, Catalina graced him with a fully fledged smile, the kind that she knew had more than a little power where it needed to "They call me Raynarde." she said, introducing herself by her nickname rather than her proper name. After all, she was The Fox and, when she was a Pirate Lord, that would be her name.

But then, there was another man and he quickly, and efficiently, killed someone who Catalina assumed was a friend or companion of the dead man. She sat back, openly appraising the man who joined them, looking at him slowly and carefully, assessing him from the top of his head to the tips of his toes; apparently he did not come out wanting for the Biqaj woman smiled at him and nodded her head as The Guardian said that it was well handled. But then her attention turned back to The Guardian and she nodded her head "Aye, I am. He's well. Cantankerous an' demandin. But he's a good one, yes." she was a woman with ambition, there was no doubting it, but equally she was very loyal to Diarnarv. "I'm sure he'd be" she searched for the word "Delighted to see Ye. Should Ye call by" she grinned. He was a cantankerous old bastard, but she was loyal to him and he was like an uncle to her.

To Gaunt, though she did not know his name, she turned and asked "So, Ye knew those two?" she asked, motioning to the two dead men. It was an obvious question and one which had a very important answer to her. Because if she needed to, she'd kill this stranger herself before he msessed up the opportunity that this situation was for the passionate young pirate woman.

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[OPEN] Shore Leave

"Ha, yes. Got into it is one way of putting it. Dragged into it by the ever charming Mister Conneck would be another. Ah, such is life."

Dana replied to the Guardian with a rueful grin. Gibney got him into more trouble than he cared to think of, and it was no surprise O'Rourke and his damned cat clashed with Gibney and his hound. Ari had been hardly more than a puppy then and not as well trained as she was now. Still, for all that Gibney got him into trouble, he also got him out, and like any good hound, could be trusted to stand faithfully by your side in trying times. Besides, without Gibney he'd have no business. He had to admit he enjoyed the notoriety of being the Kennel Master. While certainly not on the same level of the Pirate Lords, he was important enough to be known in Almund. Not bad for a half-breed!

The young womans name was filed away, as well as her connection to Diarnav. Probably not a likely recruit then, for all that he'd not mind seeing her pretty young face around. The Pirate Lords tended to keep the crews busy, a busy crew was one not causing too much trouble on your home turf. Still, it never hurt to have connections, and she might want a few coins when she was on shore leave. Barring that, if the Royal Reaver happened to be heading for a port or ship he needed something taken from or to.. It was good to have connections.

It was at about this point that another scuffle broke out. A long-faced man who was setting off some signals in Danas head as he tried to place him , and a red haired man. Dana didn't often concern himself with they whys of fights in Almund, or among Scalvorians in general. For the most part they fought because they could. For a bit it looked as if the long faced lad was going to lose, going so far as yelling out at the room, as though Scalvorians were particularly keen on lending assistance to people they did not know. What Dana largely did was percentages and odds. Working out profits. There might be profit in aiding someone powerful. There might be profit in aiding someone weak if you knew you could win and they had something you wanted. Joining a fight between two people you did not know who were fairly evenly matched when you didn't know who they were connected to? Odds were that wasn't a profit, that was a loss. So even if he'd been the sort of man who relished a bar fight, Dana would not have involved himself.

In a few short moments that probably felt much longer to those involved, the fight was over. The Guardian had risen from her chair, but it looked like her intervention wasn't needed. Long face rose, and other dead body lay on O'Rourkes floor.
"Dunha can you get that?"

"Ew no, Ripi let's just leave it for Rae. He should be back soon. This is a new skirt, and I hate trying to get bloodstains out. Anyway it's cold outside!"

"And we do need to look after the customers."

"Someone has to get the drinks out!"

"Or there'll be even more bodies!"
"It's almost as bad as the night Iuris and his lot were in! I still can't believe O'Rourke punched him!"

"Mm, he's handsome enough, but I'm glad he stays over at the Four in Hand."

"More like Five in Hand with them.."

"Dunnie! Shh! What are you doing?"

"Well he hasn't paid his tab off, and he didn't tip me and he's been here since noon!"

"Aye, fair enough. Be quick about it, the drinks are stacking up at the bar!"

"Of course!"

The round waitress agreed with a smile at her coworker as she finished checking the corpse for valuables before skipping back to work.

Dana for his part, had continued to study the victor. There was just something familiar about him. He was quite certain he'd not actually seen the man before, but maybe he'd heard a description? Ah! That was it!

"They call you the Joker don't they? Odd job man? I'm surprised I've never met you before now."

Most of the high paying jobs that didn't end up with a dagger in the back went through the Kennel after all. Reputation was everything on Scalvoris, and Dana and Gibney had worked hard for theirs. It didn't matter that most jobs went through Hounds, men and women with no real connection to the place, it was the name that mattered. And the knowledge that if you interfered with a Hound on the job, or if you were a Hound and fucked up a job, you might wind up with Gibney on your trail. Gibney and Ari were scary enough on their own, but throw Karems favour into the mix... The Kennel got things done. This was known. So jobs went to the Kennel. Dana knew all the Hounds though, he kept records, and he knew for a fact that the Joker, real name unknown, had never been through.
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[OPEN] Shore Leave

Opting against dusting himself off with hands that, just now, got quite the make-over with a thick layer of blood and all sorts of filth from the floor that gave Gaunt a hard time getting up, considering the mixture of all types of fluids -The fuck is this?!- almost glued him to the glazed hardwood floor's coating. Nothing he wasn't used to though, hell, his place wasn't much better than this den if he had to be honest. With a smile and a nod in acceptance of the Guardian's invitation and compliment, Gaunt joined the threesome. Two of them were quite famous, notorious even, residents of Scalvoris. The woman whom he couldn't place, seemed to be one of the Guardian's kind though, a pirate. The way she behaved herself, spoke and was basically covered from head to toe in blades and other types sharp weaponry, to the point he wondered if she was as an evolved porcupine. Not out loud of course, porcupines are dangerous!!

Having ordered another mug of ale, he turned his attention to the conversation that had started again, having taken a brief intermezzo during Gaunt's grand debut play of "The Meddling Git". Considering the topic at hand, Gaunt was able to deduct the woman was beyond doubt a humanoid pirate, not a porcupine, and even a member of the Pirate King's crew. Quite the feat, the Pirate King was known for going all out for his boys & gals, Gaunt could only presume that also meant he was selective about whom he would thrown down for though. In his mind that logic clicked, but he couldn't be certain of course, he had never even met or spoke to the ol' timer once in his life.

Just when he was about to inquire about the Pirate Lord and such, the woman spoke to him instead. There was a tone of slight hostility in her voice as she asked about his connection with the two men that just gave their life for their dumb baseless pride and honor, or whatever the fuck caused them to be so rash to engage a Pirate Lord. Gaunt couldn't be sure but he figured the Guardian would've been more than capable of dealing with the youngster Gaunt had clashed with, easily.
In response to the seemingly quite volatile woman, Gaunt simply replied:

"Yes. The time I knew him, best 60 trills of my life, didn't you see us cuddle over there?! True love!"

He grinned at the woman, his usual carefree attitude was one that more often than not got misinterpreted and resulted in conflict, occasionally there were people on Scalvoris that didn't take grave insult to their code of honor, pride or whatever the fuck they used as a moral compass. Those people were few and far in-between though, he hoped the woman wouldn't take it the wrong way and attempt to shiv him with one of her blades. 'Ah well.'

He noticed the woman wasn't the only one seemingly suspicious of poor lill' ol' Gaunt, the infamous Dana was eyeing him up as well. As Gaunt stared right back at the man known for his allegiance to Gibney and their Kennel, he could literally see a spark of enlightenment hit him as his facial expression changed and he actually knew of Gaunt. He wouldn't have guessed that even if the odds were stacked 1567816578154187 to 1. "Aye, I'm often called the Joker, Wildcard, whatever they choose to compare me to...Another crowd-favorite has got to be Sack'o'Dung!"

"How's life at the Kennel?"
Gaunt asked with a light smile on his lips, implying he knew about Dana, at least a bit, as well.
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[OPEN] Shore Leave

Liathen smiled as Raynarde said that Diarnav was doing well, and nodded again. "Aye, he probably would, though as his ship ain't designed wit' Ithecal tails in mind, he might resent the trouble it causes a bit." she said, laughing. The Ithecal and Raskithecal had problems with stairs so they generally had some trouble with ships unless they were specially designed, like The Shield of Scalvoris or The Blue Conqueror. The Fearless hadn't been designed with tails in mind, but modified after the fact, which was part of the reason Liathen had decided to start her career on it, as opposed to some of the other options available at the time.

The Guardian mostly ignored the by-play between Dana and the new arrival, as well as the conversation the barmaids were having. This was less due to lack of interest, however, than it was the presence of The Cat, who had just jumped into Liathen's lap and laid down. Smiling slightly, the Ithecal reached down and scratched the purring feline behind the ears as the others talked before looking back up at them. "Mercenary of sorts are ye, Joker? Considered signin' up with The Kennel? The pay well. Or a couple of the crews are always lookin' fer new hands. Just stay as far away from The Divine Beauty and her captain as you can. At best, you'll wind up broken-hearted and alcoholic like that poor bastard up at the Watch. At worst, well....the worst usually wind up at Nellie's or in the gutter, and either case they ain't good for much." Liathen's tone turned cold and bleak as she spoke. Vaniel the Vain was one of Lords she wasn't on good terms with and generally the one she hated the most.
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