Rey'na & Mute Round 4
1st Vhalar 718
Are data from the world of Sense,
In that case, valid evidence?
What in the universe I know
Can give directions how to go?
Are data from the world of Sense,
In that case, valid evidence?
What in the universe I know
Can give directions how to go?
All Mathematics would suggest
A steady straight line as the best,
But left and right alternately
Is consonant with History......
A steady straight line as the best,
But left and right alternately
Is consonant with History......
Anthropos Apteros stirred in his sleep, his dreams impacted by... something outside. One of the people in his dream said a word, and with her word, she changed the story. Changed the ending. Changed what they
Another picked a flower. One he and his sister had seen once. How strange, his dreaming mind considered, that such a thing should happen. Ripples of confusion and grief flew out from the Slumbering Man and, the rain stopped. Suddenly, without warning, the rain was no more and, though the vestiges of it remained as their feet splashed on the floor, the sudden, bright light was glaring. It was so bright it blurred edges, made the world seem a briefly different place. Colours faded and changed, things shifted in hue and texture.
And from above, the crow cawed, signalling to all that the Wingless Man still slumbered.
"I hate hanging round here, waiting"
"It's not like he's going to go anywhere"
"Don't know why they do it, really. It's not like he's going to get up and move is it?"
"Err, Jim... he's moving..."
Rey'na and Mute
Alone, Rey'na picked up the stuffed toy bunny. Mute, in the same moment, did the same. As they did, the compass started to spin and then it burst into bright, all encompassing light. It was so bright that they had no choice other than to turn their heads or close their eyes - to shield their vision somehow. The light was gone as quickly as it came, but then the two of them were in the maze once again.
And this time, they were together. Both of them clutching toy animals. Different, but the same.
Nothing about them had changed. But the Maze? The Maze had. In fact, the Maze had changed - a LOT.
For now they stood in a maze of mirrors.
And as the light from the compass died down, it seemed to become.... a ball. A bouncing ball of light which hit one mirror and bounced to the next in a random manner. As the Wingless Man dreamed, so things changed and moved. They had ten steps. Ten footsteps each.
On one of those steps, they saw a reflection of themselves. A different time. A different place. On another, the glass around them in one of the panes, shattered. Mostly, they stepped and did not see anything other than themselves.
And on one of the steps, the ball of light from the compass shot straight at them. Aimed directly towards them like a crossbow bolt, straight at the chest.
Which might be something they wanted to do something about, really.....
Rewards Achieved Last Round
Another picked a flower. One he and his sister had seen once. How strange, his dreaming mind considered, that such a thing should happen. Ripples of confusion and grief flew out from the Slumbering Man and, the rain stopped. Suddenly, without warning, the rain was no more and, though the vestiges of it remained as their feet splashed on the floor, the sudden, bright light was glaring. It was so bright it blurred edges, made the world seem a briefly different place. Colours faded and changed, things shifted in hue and texture.
And from above, the crow cawed, signalling to all that the Wingless Man still slumbered.
"I hate hanging round here, waiting"
"It's not like he's going to go anywhere"
"Don't know why they do it, really. It's not like he's going to get up and move is it?"
"Err, Jim... he's moving..."
Rey'na and Mute
Alone, Rey'na picked up the stuffed toy bunny. Mute, in the same moment, did the same. As they did, the compass started to spin and then it burst into bright, all encompassing light. It was so bright that they had no choice other than to turn their heads or close their eyes - to shield their vision somehow. The light was gone as quickly as it came, but then the two of them were in the maze once again.
And this time, they were together. Both of them clutching toy animals. Different, but the same.
For now they stood in a maze of mirrors.
And as the light from the compass died down, it seemed to become.... a ball. A bouncing ball of light which hit one mirror and bounced to the next in a random manner. As the Wingless Man dreamed, so things changed and moved. They had ten steps. Ten footsteps each.
On one of those steps, they saw a reflection of themselves. A different time. A different place. On another, the glass around them in one of the panes, shattered. Mostly, they stepped and did not see anything other than themselves.
And on one of the steps, the ball of light from the compass shot straight at them. Aimed directly towards them like a crossbow bolt, straight at the chest.
Which might be something they wanted to do something about, really.....
Rewards Achieved Last Round
- All Must Do Objectives from Round 3 met.
- Crystal Clear! You've got a crystal! Remember that later, it might be.... useful?
- Got Direction We know where you're going...
- All Can Do Objectives from Round 3 met.
- Item Described! This item just increased in value. Well done!