Round 5
I can feel it coming in the air tonight...
Aesthetics, though, believes all Art
Intends to gratify the heart:
Rejecting disciplines like these,
Must I, then, go which way I please?......
Intends to gratify the heart:
Rejecting disciplines like these,
Must I, then, go which way I please?......
Sleeping minds often find that there are snippets left behind. As though they seek to make more clear, what they saw, or what they hear. As the crow let out a cry, the slumbering man opened his eye. But yet, he had not fallen awake, sleeping still, his mouth agape...
The lights fell around the sleeping form of Anthropos Apteros - his time between worlds was lessening, he knew that. There was a moment, fast approaching, where his future ~ every future ~ hung in the balance. One of those coming towards him would choose. In choosing, they would decide. In deciding, they would act and that action?
..... it began a chain reaction which ended in judgement.
"Jim, are you seeing this?"
"Jim? What's the... JIM!!"
"Immortals, Jim, say something!! MEDIC!"
Both of them were quick to action, decisive and sharp in their movements. They did not hesitate or pause, both of them Devin lifted the mirror he held. It absorbed the light and the orb did not in any way impact him as an individual. Or, at least, not physically. But it also exploded in a massive explosion of light. It was like an incredible display, a light show the sort of which had never been seen on Idalos. Briefly, just for a few trill, it blinded, and he heard a series of strange, random and eerie sounds.
Then, there was the music. Ghostly, haunting. Just out of reach and beyond his grasp.
Which was a shame.
Because in there, the answer lay.
For Rey'na, however, the shield didn't work. She lifted it in time and it should and yet, somehow, she got blown off her feet and landed on her bottom.Pain shot through her body and she found herself unable to breathe in as she landed, winded. The light which seared into her eyes blinded her for longer, she found herself confused and unsure for a moment.
As they both felt their vision returned, they also noticed that it had gone black. Pitch, night time, midnight black.
Darkness wrapped around them both, yet they were more than aware of the fact that there was someone else there. As the pair of them blinked, they caught sight of one another, each noticing the other.
There was also, of course, that other little thing that they both noticed.
As Devin looked out at Rey'na from behind Rey'na's eyes, and Rey'na looked at Devin from behind his, they might realise that they had... Something Of A Problem.
"It's simple really," their animal companions suddenly spoke in an eerie, perfect unison. "A moment in time. A choice. Choose a direction," it seemed that left or right were their options there, "Choices now lead to consequences later. Who wants to remember? Who would prefer to forget? "
Before them were two choices, indeed. Left or right?
As their companions motioned, both Devin and Rey'na might notice....both of them held crystals which were, strangely, glowing. Hmmm.....
Rewards Achieved Last Round
The lights fell around the sleeping form of Anthropos Apteros - his time between worlds was lessening, he knew that. There was a moment, fast approaching, where his future ~ every future ~ hung in the balance. One of those coming towards him would choose. In choosing, they would decide. In deciding, they would act and that action?
..... it began a chain reaction which ended in judgement.
"Jim, are you seeing this?"
"Jim? What's the... JIM!!"
"Immortals, Jim, say something!! MEDIC!"
Both of them were quick to action, decisive and sharp in their movements. They did not hesitate or pause, both of them Devin lifted the mirror he held. It absorbed the light and the orb did not in any way impact him as an individual. Or, at least, not physically. But it also exploded in a massive explosion of light. It was like an incredible display, a light show the sort of which had never been seen on Idalos. Briefly, just for a few trill, it blinded, and he heard a series of strange, random and eerie sounds.
Then, there was the music. Ghostly, haunting. Just out of reach and beyond his grasp.
Which was a shame.
Because in there, the answer lay.
For Rey'na, however, the shield didn't work. She lifted it in time and it should and yet, somehow, she got blown off her feet and landed on her bottom.Pain shot through her body and she found herself unable to breathe in as she landed, winded. The light which seared into her eyes blinded her for longer, she found herself confused and unsure for a moment.
As they both felt their vision returned, they also noticed that it had gone black. Pitch, night time, midnight black.
Darkness wrapped around them both, yet they were more than aware of the fact that there was someone else there. As the pair of them blinked, they caught sight of one another, each noticing the other.
There was also, of course, that other little thing that they both noticed.
As Devin looked out at Rey'na from behind Rey'na's eyes, and Rey'na looked at Devin from behind his, they might realise that they had... Something Of A Problem.
"It's simple really," their animal companions suddenly spoke in an eerie, perfect unison. "A moment in time. A choice. Choose a direction," it seemed that left or right were their options there, "Choices now lead to consequences later. Who wants to remember? Who would prefer to forget? "
Before them were two choices, indeed. Left or right?
As their companions motioned, both Devin and Rey'na might notice....both of them held crystals which were, strangely, glowing. Hmmm.....
Rewards Achieved Last Round
- Both of you: All Must Do Objectives from Round 4 met.