18th Cyclus, 717
The road to Venora was a long one and Rafael tried not to remind himself that the distance from Venora to his home region of Warrick was an even longer journey, his buttocks were already aching from spending three days in the saddle and the constant bobbing had brought on a light headache. He did not ride alone through the perpetual twilight. At his side was Olyfer, his once teacher and now most trusted advisor. Five more horses followed with a soldier from Warrick, in full attire, on each of them. Olyfer had handpicked the men and women, making sure that only those with similar sympathies towards the Qe'dreki would be accompanying the youngest Lord Warrick. Balian and Finton, twin brothers near twice Rafael's age, rode at the very front of the column while Aria, Quinten, and Helga secured the back. None of them looked too happy, in part due to the freezing cold that seeped through even the thickest wool and also because they didn't feel at ease in Venora, least of all as they passed through the gates into Sabaissant. Whereas everything in Warrick was built from a functional perspective, the denizens of the pearl of Venora seemed to have had different priorities. Though Rafael was prejudiced against Venoran vanity, he couldn't help but marvel at the enchanting beauty of the city, especially now that it was blanketed in snow.
Balian and Finton rode ahead to the palace to announce Rafael's arrival to Lord Alistair Venora and give the man a little forewarning, should the message that had been sent two trials ago not have arrived. They would deliver a message just as brief and cryptic as the letter delivered earlier to Lord Venora. Rafael Warrick humbly requested an audience with the esteemed Lord Venora to discuss private matters.
Helga whistled through her teeth as they slowly rode up the mountain, which earned her a stern look from Olyfer. In the privacy of his mind however, Rafael agreed. All around were buildings worth a small fortune, and that was just in the lower areas of the city. The further they travelled up, the more ornate the buildings got. The bakery's and pottery's were like small castles, and the windows shone with polish.
“Don't get too distracted,” Olyfer warned at his side. “You didn't come here to gawk now did you?”
Still mesmerized by the view, Rafael slowly shook his head.
“Then snap out of it,” Olyfer said sternly. “I know little of Lord Venora, but I'd bet my life's savings that he has more political experience than you.”
“But I have a very good advisor,” Rafael smiled sheepishly.
“Who will not speak unless spoken to, as is the proper form. I am just a fly on the wall. Once you're in there, you're on your own.”
Olyfer was right of course, and a tinge of nervousness tickled at his innards as they continued the slow road up the mountain back, towards the palace. His goal was as simple as it was impossible: find out what Lord Venora desired the most and gather as much knowledge as possible about the man destined to one day become the Duke. Dukes were powerful allies to have, after all, and he would need many powerful allies for the web that he'd started to spin.
Knowing full well how obsessed the Venora bloodline was with beauty and perfection, Rafael made a stop halfway up the mountain to refresh himself and shed any dirt from three harsh days of travel. By the time he passed through the gates into the palace, he eyed fresh, healthy, and well-groomed with the exception of his jet-black hair that insisted on scattering over his forehead.
Surrounded by a small army of Venoranguards, Rafael and Olyfer were escorted deep into the palace while Quinten, Aria, and Helga waited outside and guarded the horses as well as their swords and other equipment. Rafael had been reluctant to part with his blade, but didn't wish to offend and begrudginly handed it over when asked to do so. After what seemed like a small eternity, they finally arrived at a spacious room in the heart of the palace. In the middle of the room stood a tall, broad man blessed with fair, lank hair, his back still facing the doorway.
“Lord Warrick is here,” a servant announced.
Rafael braced himself for the look of surprise that he'd seen far too often. In comparison to Lord Venora's height, he was small, and next to someone as old as Olyfer, he looked even younger than usual. As always then, he would have to convince Lord Venora that he was not a mere child from the minute he opened his mouth.
When and if he would be greeted by Alistair, Rafael's head would dip into a shallow bow and he would speak with confidence. “I am most impressed by this city, Lord Venora, and most honored that you're willing to receive me here. As a token of gratitude, I've brought this,” he turned to Olyfer who held the polished longbow in both hands like a newborn child, “small gift. I must confess that I don't know if you're a sportsman, or perhaps a warrior, and I can only hope you'll find use for it.”