[Mature] [Venora] Eviscerate Your Fragile Frame

25th of Cylus 717

The seven Duchies of Central Rynmere and their respective baronies, cities, towns, villages, and landmarks each overseen by a Duke of one of the seven noble families and ultimately controlled by the King of Rynmere.
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[Mature] [Venora] Eviscerate Your Fragile Frame

(I'm writing this thread from a first person perspective. If you hate that, that's fine, here's your heads up.)

25th of Cylus, Arc 717

Care. Compliance. Patience. Filial piety. Respecting your mother, unconditionally. Obeying your father. Everything I've grown to hate. Alistair, they always told me. Yes, I could only reply. And thus the slew of commands came, eternally, arbitrary as they were - conditioning me to be compliant, always, even in the face of ludicrous actions. My upbringing was as such that it mirrored a military education, with loyalty the sole purpose, regardless of whether or not I grew competent in my coming of age. That was fine. My father never wanted my competence - he wanted to rule Venora, whether or not I was holding the title of Duke.

Care. Compliance. Patience. These are laws I obeyed even unto my own dismay. I watched as my father butchered the dog my mother had bought for me, before my eyes, in his vengeance of the slight she'd made against him - she'd taken other men, lovers, and that could simply not do. My father is a proud one - how dare Willow take others? It only meant he was not good enough. For all his faults, it was only at that point where he broke, and I was expected to pick up the pieces.

Care. Compliance. Patience. That's what they always told me. It didn't matter how sour things had gotten between them, it didn't matter how fucking brutal my father was. My reactions mattered a lot more than their actions, and not even the Duchess or Duke would dare interlope in my father and mother's crude, disreputable, and frankly disturbing affairs. So why would anyone else? They watched as the two derailed all else around them, damaging their children and the Duchy's future, too fearful to say a thing.

Perhaps my grandfather would have said something. He was a proud man. But he was old then, as he is now, and he was always the Duchess's second - how could he challenge her authority? The dynamic in noble relations was always so . . . odd, in that respect. The ruling Lord or Lady called all the shots, regardless of their competence. Their spouse, married off to them to serve as their chancellor and trusted advisor, was always as if a wallflower in these affairs. No one will ever remember Karl Venora nee Warrick, despite the man he is, and has always been; calm, decent, kind.

The type to... carefully, patiently comply. Whether or not all around him was corrupt and rotten, and whether or not his grandchildren were being neglected by their mother and molested by their father - none of that mattered. He was just so grounded. So worldly. He did not realize the monster he'd been secretly harboring, beneath him, growing strong. I suppose I embody the rose more than I thought I did - for I eventually did bud, and quickly, dramatically... into a beautiful thing. Not in the way they expected me to, though, no. I left my humanity behind.
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[Mature] [Venora] Eviscerate Your Fragile Frame

A non-man cannot operate entirely on the morals of man. I realize this. My revelation, as it flows through me now, has taught me something particularly special: that I was meant to be free, not constrained. I am free to make my own choices, held back by nothing, and no fear. I rarely have ever felt fear.

Instead, longing - longing for something else.

I long to lose myself. To let myself go, and not in the sense of surrendering - but embracing who I really am. And I know that, fully, whenever I don this form. Whenever it is that I can look into the mirror and see this . . . alien perception staring back; flowing energy instead of skin and flesh, an eye that mimics the view of the stars, and skin translucent, painted only by the visage of space above us.

Care never taught me how to be a man. I was given the handbook of a distant administrator, so afraid to challenge the status quo, so keen to avoid the constraints of doing what Venora's do - illustrate themselves and their beliefs. As much as I love my grandmother, care is in her nature, whilst valor is in mine. It was in Cyrene's, it was in Nora's - and I am their child.

Compliance meant only excusing the inexcusable. I can see it now, from all those arcs ago - my "compliance". Okay, father, I said. I don't even want to illustrate what I was saying was okay. Yes, father, it's fine. Do as you like.

Patience. Please. I will not patiently wait for my mother, that witch to pass along so that I may assume my position. Thirty years more of her wasteful existence? No. That is not something I can abide by. My mother means nothing. She's undeserving of the respect I was taught to give her, and she knows it, which is why she flails about so dramatically each and every time something poor happens - she knows that in a moment's notice, everyone around her is willing to leave her to die. Because no one cares. No one acknowledges her after everything she's done, and everything she didn't do.

I repeat these words in my head, now, and I challenge them. Not because I've only now understood the fragility of their conditioning, but rather, because I've begun to make my move. My eyes have examined the walls of this room many a time, though I've never once come here to disenfranchise my parents. It was always to serve their needs, and comply with their calls. Not now. No one can even recognize me in this form.
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[Mature] [Venora] Eviscerate Your Fragile Frame

I see a chest. It's the one where my mother stored all her old letters - I wonder what might be within them. There's quite a lot, and it would take a long time to process all of this information. So what about . . . around the arc seven-hundred? That was when it all began, my twilight - the years where my father had begun to utilize my innocence and carefully trained demeanor to suit his wicked perversions. Would there be letters here, sent from man to wife? Sent in my regard? Sent by the Ebony in officiality to request that Willow did something to stop it all?

I need only evidence. Just a single slip of paper, and it can all end. I can show everyone what I've been meaning to relay all this time. I can regain my dignity. It can all be done.

It appears, though, that there's virtually nothing there in regards to letters sent between members of this family - at least not in that period of time. But what about from friends? I see a mail from Lady Lyanna Solange, a friend of mine. A woman who acknowledge's my mother's wickedness. She wrote to do as one's conscious dictated, particularly in regards to protecting the integrity of one's child and personal honor.

Reading more, it appears that the Lady actually went on to reference the indignant nature of "the man's" family, and the fact that he did not come from noble upbringing, were this to arrive in court. This . . . had to be about Kaleb. House Fate wasn't a House at all, it was a trading family that married into Venora by means of promising wealth. And what other indignities occurred to me when I was a child but my father's will? This . . . is what I need, but more. There has to be more. That, or Lyanna has to be evidence. My mother might have told her about all this. She could be key in removing my father from his position of power, and forcing my mother to abdicate to me in the line of succession. I'll have to see.

To Masienne I go, though hopefully once I've shed this diabolical form. It's only good for espionage, not for noble conversations. I imagine I'd have a pike flung into me, showing everyone my astral apparel.

Regardless, I'm coming for them both. The days of care, compliance and patience are no longer days that I follow after. The road I walk, now, is one of fury - and pride. I have pride in myself, in the man I've become. I have pride in the land Venora could be, under my leadership. Kaleb would turn it only into an autocracy, caring less for its success and more for his particular control over it. Willow would bankrupt us with fashion shows and extravagant gifts to the poor that none of them ever quite wanted.

My vision is real, and realistic, and with all that's been happening... I know it's what they want. Everyone. Everyone who cares about eating, feeding their children, keeping warm. That's the world I'm going to strive for, and unfortunately, it just can't have that witch-mother of mine in it, nor her perverted power-mongering psychopath I call my father. It's the end of the line, Willow. Kaleb. I assure you.

Putting everything back exactly in its place, carefully, I left the room, a flurry of blazing whirls surrounding my leave, a portal crackling through the fabric of reality in my wake. House Solange will have my pleasant company yet again, and soon.
word count: 617
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[Mature] [Venora] Eviscerate Your Fragile Frame



Story: 5/5
Collaboration: NA (solo thread)
Structure: 5/ 5

Rupturing: Revealed form
Rupturing: Intelligence gathering via portal
Discipline: Retaining your grip on yourself during anguish
Discipline: Enduring the removal of hope
Intelligence: Use of domain magic for intelligence gathering
Intelligence: Building your case.
Politics: Understanding where true power is in a family
Politics: Structures of nobility
Psychology: Your childhood is with you, always.

These points may be used for arcana


General comments.
Story Wow. Just, wow. What a poignant, hurt, emotional rollercoaster that thread was. I loved seeing that rawness, the honesty in those words and, for what it's worth, you could only ever have written that in the first person. In terms of that, I say awesome - I love the outside the box-ness of it. My only wish for this thread is that I could award more than ten points.
Structure Beautiful, powerful writing. I'm in awe.

Please do PM me if you've got any questions
word count: 171
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