"My two natures had memory in common."
- 33rd of Zi'da, 716
- Footsteps walked briskly down the hallway, the figure dressed in dark leather with a metal helmet tucked under his padded arm. His hands were covered in gloves, contrasting against the red apple being lifted to Andráska Venora's mouth, and he stopped suddenly while taking a bite, a man waiting for him expectantly.
“The reports on House security, m'lord. Just as you requested.” Paperwork was handed out towards the young noble, and the armored knight hesitated before stuffing the fruit between his teeth and wiping on hands on his pants and taking the documents. He gave a small grunt of approval, his mouth filled, and was about to walk past when the man called out again, “Ah, m'lord, the maps of Sabaissant and patrol routes.”
Another grunt, and the servant stopped him once more, the last of his delivery being offered, “Ah, if I may, young lord, I believe this will garner your attention.”
Andras' green eyes settled on the middle aged man, and he looked down to see what was being offered to him. Another sheet of paper, this time with a plethora of words – a report or a letter of some sort - and he craned his neck to try and get a glimpse of some of the writing.
The servant happily gave it up, “There has been word that House Venora may soon face opposition from smaller families wishing to make claims of power against us,” When Andraska's brows furrowed and he started to skim the article, the man was quick to clarify, “You wished for me to bring anything to your attention that may challenge the security of House Venora. I understand the repercussions this may have on your family, and this occuring so soon after – ah... Lady Zvezdana's mishap,” he spoke as if she had flirted with the king, not started a civil war, “I believed this was of significance.”
Andras tried to understand who exactly thought they could take advantage of their current position, and was suddenly very engulfed in the report in front of him. He nodded solemnly, displeased.
“With your father's trip to Burhan and the departure of your siblings, I was unsure if this matter would interest you. Shall I send a carrier pigeon to Lord Venora about these matters?”
His father. Andras would have grimaced had an apple not been clutched between his teeth and juice dripping down his chin. He leaned forward, holding his mouth forward and after a moment of hesitation, the man plucked the fruit from the noble's mouth.
“No need,” he said smoothly, smiling to cover up the lie he was about to tell, “I will review this and bring it to my father's attention. There should be no need to worry him until I have investigated this further. Thank you for your thoroughness.”
Andráska did intend to dig into the matter, but telling Kaleb Venora was an entirely different matter. After having his eyes opened to the darkness of his father's past behavior, the youth didn't feel the man worthy of the trust of a duchy. It was times like this he wished for his brother's guidance, but sighed, opening his mouth and looking to the servant with expectation.
The apple was stuffed promptly in his mouth and the items in his hands shifted and out of the way so that he could have his hands again. He was skimming the patrol times when he was passing the closed doors of the foyer. Two women were speaking in rushed tones – and after craning his ear, he quickly realized – they were quite vexed.
He stepped to the side of the door, pressing his ear conspiratorially against it, quickly recognizing the fall and lift of his mother's lyrical voice, and the crooning of his grandmother Ebony. He thought he heard the words 'irresponsible'.... 'selfish'... 'inconsiderate'. His eyebrows rose, and he smiled sadly. Some poor servant was getting an earful, or so he thought, and he tried to hear the rebuttal of whoever they were chewing out, but the sound of a woman clearing her throat nearly sent him flying out of his skin.
His head whipped to the side to see another servant quite aware of his eavesdropping and a tray in her hands. She was younger, perhaps twenty-eight or so, and he realized what he must look like – bent forward slightly, listening for gossip like a nosy girl. Practicing the new concept called lying, he straightened, “I dropped a nel.”
A faint smile pulled on her lips and she rolled her eyes, sliding past him without a word and slipping into the room like a shadow. Straightening his back, Andras took a deep breath, knowing he needed to pay respects to his mother, having not seen her since arriving in Venora a few days ago. He strolled into the room, his long legs propelling him across the polished floor with a relaxed ease. He took another bite of his breakfast, wiping his lips on the back of his hand, and looked up.
Before him was indeed his mother and grandmother, but not a servant. No, far from it. Standing in his full height was not an illusion, not a dream, but the flesh and blood of his brother. The first born, the eldest child of the baron and baroness. A jolt of excitement struck Andráska so fully, he was shocked into stillness before walking carefully into the room and sliding his things onto the nearest table, his breakfast included. His brother's necromancy was a distant memory, so surreal it had felt like a dream, but in that moment, he only felt gratitude in his presence. In an attempt to appear more professional than the last time they had met, Andráska politely closed in on the group, giving a kiss to his mother's cheek and smiling patiently, “Well,” he tucked his hands into pockets, unable to control the genuine grin that lit up his face when he looked at Alistair again. He was really here. “This is a surprise.”