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Alex buys some New Clothes

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Date: Arc 716, 2nd trial of Zi'da
Time:10th Break
Location: Alfonse's Tailors & Dressmakers, Andaris
Alex woke, arching her back as she lazily looked up. The sun was already high in the sky, and it felt impossibly wonderful to sleep in an actual bed after the last few trials. She stared up at the ceiling, replaying the events of the last night. Her good mood vanished, and a tempest of emotions swirled inside of her. She slowly calmed herself, breathing deeply as she pushed the thoughts down.

It wouldn't do to think about that now- Warren had said he would give her space, and she needed that. Time to clear her head, not to mention she needed to get going on the job the Cauldron had given her: Evelyn Andaris, suicide. She had no other information, but hoped it wouldn't be too hard to find the woman. The last thing she needed was to try and track down some nobody on this massive island.

The thoughts came back, unbidden, and she clenched her jaw. Alex rose to her feet, pacing back and forth in front of the bed. Thoughts of her mysterious rescuer, and the revelation that he was her father... She screamed, lashing out with her fist to knock a vase filled with flowers across the room. It shattered against the far wall, crockery raining down on the lush carpet. She stood panting, struggling to get her temper under control.

Bits ticked by, and at last she relaxed her fists and turned to get dress. She cursed under her breath as she caught sight of the itchy woollen dress she had. I need new clothes. This piece of shit isn't fit to be worn by a donkey.

She pulled it on regardless, her mood souring even further as it scratched her skin. The cloak wrapped about ontop, and she was happy her boots hadn't ripped when she fought the men. With the snow covering the ground, it would be a cold walk otherwise. After the soft sheets, though, the dress felt even worse, and she was in no mood to be thankful for what she had. Alex didn't bother finding food as she stomped down the stairs and outside- she had enough money to buy something when she was out, and didn't want to run into her father. The house wasn't in the cheap area, Lowtown her father had called it, but was still nicer than she thought he could afford.

She walked up and down the streets, not even bothering to look at the people she passed. Her eyes were glued to the ground as she interally vented, an occasional curse escaping her pursed lips as her temper resurfaced.

The walk seemed to calm her down, slowly, and after several breaks she felt more herself again. She blew a gust of air out her mouth, watching the small cloud disappear. She began walking again, calmer this time, and looking at the signs. She had no idea where she was, but there were enough people around she wasn't worried. Soon she caught sight of a spool and a needle- the sign of a tailor. The hints of a smile beginning to work at the corners of her mouth, she pushed open the door, a bell overhead ringing out.

A counter stood near the front of the room, blocking off most of the space. Several mannequins were attached to the wall, a variety of items on display. A massive balding man stood at the counter, his eyes flicking up to judge her. They took in her messy hair, the dark circles under eyes, the ratty, ill-fitting woollen dress and the odd, utilitarian boots she wore.

"Take a look around, let me know if you need help," he grunted from his place behind the counter. Alex couldn't help but feel slighted, but she brushed it off. She could hardly blame him- it was no different than when she saw the obviously poor people come in, trying to buy a cure for one of their dozens of children. They couldn't afford it, and judging solely by her looks, she couldn't either. But she was turning over a new leaf, and she needed an ungodly amount of clothes.

"I want one of your seamstresses," she told him, dropping a gold nel on the counter between them, "This will likely take all trial."

The man's eyes widened, and Alex fought to keep a smile off her face.
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"Faith! Customer!"

It was like he knew. Like he was completely and utterly aware that she was at the most intricate moment possible before he called it. Maybe he had some kind of telepathic ability, or there were magic devices. Or mirrors. Maybe it was mirrors, she thought. But whatever it was, Alfonse called customer every time at the most inconvenient moment possible. However, she put her sewing down, having just carefully marked where she was and then she stepped into the shop.

"Good trial", she stepped out and looked at the latest customer to the shop. Faith raised an eyebrow in surprise, recognising the woman who had been the doctor in Ne'haer. She had sworn and shouted during triage and Faith had been particularly unimpressed by her professionalism, or lack thereof. However, as a medic she was competent enough, if she could just get past that state of being flustered so much. Faith looked much the same as she had, except of course for not wearing the white coat. She wore a plain working dress which, whilst it hid the slave brands on her shoulders, revealed the one on her neck clearly. Her long black hair was tied back in a no-fuss ponytail and she dropped a curtsy.

"This lady requires you", Alphonse was being over the top, so Faith figured that either this woman had a lot of money, he had already snubbed her in some way and was making up for it or, more likely, both.

"I am Faith, one of the seamstresses here. How can I help you?"
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When the woman walked out of the back, Alex's eyebrows rose. The woman was the one from the Medic then in Ne'haer. The woman didn't seem to react to Alex, or show any sign of recognizing her, and had an odd scar on her neck Alex hadn't noticed the last time she saw the woman.

"Good trial to you too Faith." She nodded her head at the woman.

"I am in the market for some clothes, and was hoping you could help me out? My old ones have a few too many tears to wear out," she smiled warmly.

"So. I'm looking for a variety of clothing- something for just about every occasion." She shot a look at the man standing nearby, and leaned in closer. "Could we move somewhere more... private to continue this, doctor?"

She had seen the woman's handiwork, and knew that her stitching was steady and even. The few examples of clothing that were out in the front were high quality, and Alex hoped that she could get some of the same.

Once they were alone, Alex looked over at Faith, cocking her head as she studied the woman. "Nice to see you again. I guess surgery and sewing have a fair bit in common, but with your skills I'd assumed you were a doctor or surgeon. How'd you wind up a seamstress?"

Alex mentally reviewed the list of things she needed, nodding as she tallied up the cost. It was a good thing she had brought all her coins.

"So, onto what I need," she said, looking down at her tattered woollen dress. "I need at least three sets of undergarments, a dress or two, several pairs of trousers, a few tunics, long skirts and those long socks I've seen several people wearing. I also need some clothing that would allow me to..." she looked around, " blend in with the lower folk as well as pass in Hightown."
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Faith smiled and nodded "You too. It is nice to see you in better circumstances, too." It was her, the woman that she had thought it was, and Faith was very much of the opinion that it was definitely better circumstances. She smiled and nodded, leading Alex through to the changing area. It was nice, a comfortable sofa for Alex and a chair that Faith sat on. There was a curtained off area where, presumably, Alex could try on clothes.

She smiled as Alex asked about the job and she gave a slight shrug "Until a few trials ago, I was a slave." She gestured to the mark on her neck "I had two jobs which meant that I could bring in the nells to my owner, but also keep the breaks which were appropriate for him. Seamstress and chef. I volunteered as a medic in my spare time", she explained. Then she gave a wider smile and opened her hands in a gesture of almost wonderment. "And to be honest, I am still somewhat assimilating everything and trying to work it out. What I will do longer term." Some things were without a doubt. But jobs were quite low down on that list, strangely.

But on to what Alex wanted and Faith made some notes. When it came to wanting to blend in both in Lowtown and in the much more illustrious Hightown, she didn't bat an eyelid or look surprised. This wasn't the first customer who had requested something like this and it wasn't her place to question. "Accessories will be the key to that. A relatively simple outfit can be dressed up or dressed down by the addition of a slightly tatty waistcoat or a nice jacket. Certainly, we can do all of that. I'll need to take your measurements, if I may?"

If Alex was happy for her to do so, Faith would take down the woman's measuremnts with care and a very meticulous nature. She measured twice and made notes. As she did, she was careful and she was always courteous. Her soft tone, completely lacking in the authority which it had held when it needed to in Ne'haer, was certainly consistent with her being a slave, as was her behaviour. She was always quiet and polite. As she measured, she asked questions about colours, wondering if Alex had any preference in terms of what colours. "If we choose two main colours, then you will be much more able to mix and match outfits, and it will be less nell consuming in terms of shoes and accessories. But if you want a range of colours, we can do that. Are there are colours which you like or don't like to wear?"
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Alex felt her eyebrows shoot up. A Slave?

The fact that she used to be a slave was the more shocking part. Alex had never heard of a slave being freed, though that explained the odd brand on her neck. Branding slaves always seemed odd to her. She supposed it was obvious, but it just seemed so...inelegant.

Alex snorted as Faith talked about assimilating. Life as a slave must be very different than life as a freed woman, but Alex was sure Faith would be onto bigger and better things before too long.

She nodded, listening carefully as Faith spoke of accessorizing. She had never cared much for fashion, and working outside of the walls in Etzos meant her clientele didn't care much for fancy, foppish dresses. She needed to learn this, and fast, if she wanted to blend in. She nodded, and stood as Faith bustled about, measuring nearly every part of her imaginable.

"I think you might've missed a measurement or two there. Maybe the width of my eyes, or the length of my big toe?" She joked as Faith meticulously took notes.

I could take a lesson or two from this.

At best, Alex's notes were messy, and it was an easy slip into illegible if she became distracted. Not to mention she wasn't the best at keeping track of them, or organizing them in any way. This woman, though, seemed to run a tight ship. Not a thread looked out of place in the cozy little back area.

"Hm, thats a good point. One or two colours might be better, and easier on the purse strings..." Her voice trailed off as she thought about it. Less colours meant she didn't have to worry about a fashion faux pas, but-

"No, that won't do I'm afraid. I'm going to need a variety of colours- all fairly muted, like what I've seen on the streets, but I need very different styles. I usually wear darker colours, so dark greens or browns, and I could handle wearing a maroon or navy. Black is preferable, if possible, but I don't want all of it to be black. I want these to be functional above all else."

The purpose of a variety of clothes was so no one would recognize her if she quickly changed. Colours and style would go a long way to making her appearance change, should worst come to worst, and would make it far less likely to be caught.

As Faith finished writing down her numbers, Alex wandered over to the couch, where a large stack of book rested. She hadn't noticed them at first, but while she waited for Faith to finish up, she flipped open the first page to see swathes of fabric, labeled and coloured, for fabrics she had never even heard of.

Taffeta, Chiffron, Organza, all dyed every colour imaginable.

"Uuummm...." Alex's eyes grew wide at all the options, and she stared over at Faith. "I have to choose these as well?"

She shut the book, looking over at Faith. "Maybe you can help me with colours and fabric, but I know what I want at least."

She wiggled her hips, shifting herself into a more comfortable position. "I'll take two pairs of underclothes to start. Then I want a two basic dresses- one of them a much nicer quality than the other. Then a jacket to go with the nicer one, though if we could match colours so it works with both, that would be best. I'll take a scarf for each, a pair of stockings for each. Oh, and can you make me a set of those gloves I've seen all the women wearing? The ones that come up by the elbows?"

Fashion, in Alex's opinion, was dumb. Someone, at some point, thought that the more painful and uncomfortable something was, the more attractive it was. Then everyone decided to jump on board, and willing subject themselves to that pointless torture. If she didn't have to do it to blend in, Alex would be more than happy sticking to her pants or tunic. Reasonable things that didn't cut off your breath, or blood, though being a Yludih she didn't need either.

"Then I want two of those basic dresses I've seen from the lower parts of Midtown. The ones that make me think of milkmaids, you know? Then if I could get a few more scarves that can go with either of the other dresses, and a hat or two that aren't as hideous as those I've seen on the street, that should just about wrap up my 'feminine' wardrobe."

Alex snorted, bringing up her hands to show what she thought of that distinction.

"These last clothes should be the easiest. I need two pairs of sturdy pants, one of them as boxy as you can cut them. If I need to travel alone, being mistaken for a man is not a bad thing.The other, whatever fabric will allow me the most movement without being baggy and getting caught. Two basic shirts as well, with the same ideas as above. I want a coat in the mens style, and a low brimmed hat that I can pull low to cover my face."

She sighed, mentally tallying up the cost. Well, what good is it if I'm not going to spend it?

"So then I guess we're onto fabrics then..."
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Faith was more than used to all sorts of reactions when people found out she was a slave. Or, more precisely, she had been, she supposed. Therefore, when Alex's eyebrows shot up and her expression showed her obvious surprise, Faith appeared not to notice as much as she seemed to not hear the snort given in response to her explanation of needing to assimilate things. The woman would have absolutely no idea, Faith assumed, what it meant to be a slave, much less to have been one all of one's life. To add in the granting of freedom and Faith considered it was probably one of those things when, in order to grasp it, you really had to be there. That being the case, any response was reasonable.

She smiled when Alex quipped about missed measurements, her face showing an appreciation of dry irony. "I find it always best to leave a little something to the fates. Here in Rynmere that is the religion, after all, so it is probably best." She was meticulous in all things and always had been, her notes were neat and well organised, certainly. Faith had developed the art of organising from a young age and it was a part of her make up anyhow, so it was actually something which she took both pleasure and pride in.

She nodded when Alex weighed up her choices, making brief annotations on a fresh sheet as she listened. When Alex had finished giving her the list of what she wanted, Faith went back to the notes and tapped her pencil against the parchment, thoughtfully. "In Saun, everyone who was anyone wore yellow. Last season, it was burgandy. This season, is olive, which will meet your requirements for muted, but will remain in fashion one season at most. In Andaris, the fashion changes on a whim and if you wish to be in high society, this season, you will wear olive and accessorise with hats and gloves. But if you wear yellow or burgandy, you will be looked down on as last season. Another colour just isn't the done thing. The people of Lowtown really don't have such changeable standards." They couldn't afford to, for one.

"I would suggest that we make the nicer dress mostly black with olive piping. Then, if you wish to in another season, you can change the edging, rather than buy a whole new dress. The cheaper of the two, we can make in olive with a black edging, it meets your requirements in terms of colour. Then, the jacket, in olive, can go with either?" Scarves, stockings and opera gloves, no problem. Faith noted things down, asked questions and then they moved on. Two other dresses, not a bother, and since these seemed to be a different wardrobe, Faith suggested a brown for one and the second to maybe have a black bodice (so that the jacket and some of the other accessories could go with it if needs be) with a deep green skirt. Hats, also, were not a problem, they had a wide variety and more could be made. There was a book of drawings available, which she fished out from the pile to show Alex.

The male-ness of the next part of the wardrobe wasn't lost on Faith, but it wasn't her place to question the woman's choices. What she said about being mistaken for a man made sense and Faith simply accepted it as the reason given and that was that.

Materials? Faith nodded "If you are unsure, consider the thing you want most from the item. Is it warmth? Then go for wool. Is it beauty and flow? Satin or silk. Being sturdy and utilitarian? Cotton. That might well make the decision easier?" Something would have to, she considered, the poor woman looked utterly lost.
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Alex nodded, forcing herself to pay attention as Faith discussed the fashion of Rynmere. It was good information to know, regardless of how she felt about it, and might provide some avenue for casual conversation later on.

"Very good. Those colours should suit me nicely, and fit what I need." She smiled, happy that things finally seemed to be working out for her.

Alex gratefully accepted the book, slowly pouring over it as she pointed out the styles or looks she wanted. It was immensely helpful, especially for someone who didn't know what was and wasn't fashionable. All the designs were ones she had seen on the streets since arriving, and she hoped Faith would tell her if any of them were terrible choices.

"That does help narrow it down some...Thank you," Alex's expression cleared somewhat, the choice of colour and style having been dealt with. Ultimately, Alex wanted the clothing to be utilitarian, but there was no way to achieve that and have it look fashionable. With a sigh, Alex continued, "I'll take cotton for the men's clothing, and satin or silk for the dresses. I'm really worried about ruining them with the snow and whatnot- do you have any suggestions for that?"

Alex leaned back on the couch, the shimmer of her cloak catching her eye. Of course. If I found someone who could make magic clothing then that would definitely solve that problem.

"I-I don't suppose you know of anyone who can...influence the cloth? Make it stronger, lighter, maybe add some...other characteristics?? Then I could use satin or silk for all of the nicer clothes and not worry about them getting destroyed by the snow and dirt. Money isn't an issue, but I want someone who knows what they''re doing, not some scam doing in his basement."

Listening to herself, Alex realized how odd she sounded. She glanced around to ensure no one else was around, and lifted her cloak, touching it to the couch. A shimmer rushed across the surface, leaving the cloak a perfect match for the couch fabric.

"Like this."
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She was worried about the toss up between being utilitarian and being beautiful, and Faith understood it on a very practical level. When she had been a slave she had been dressed in the most up to date fashions, wearing satins and silks regularly. However, she had found it very difficult to keep it in a state of good repair. Now, things were different and fashion could go hang, frankly. But she understood Alex's dilemma and considered what she was saying. Was there some other fabric out there?

She was about to say that what Alex was asking was out of the remit of this shop, when Alex continued her question and Faith's expression changed from disappointed that she wasn't going to be able to help, to a smile of genuine delight. She looked at the cloak and it's changeable nature and raised an eyebrow. Impressive. But it wasn't surprise on Faith's face, just interest. She had seen magical items before, it seemed.

"Yes, in fact I do. My.." Oh she was going to have to work out what to call him. He hadn't liked it just the trial before when she'd called him her room mate. She reverted to very typical Faith, although Alex of course wouldn't know that. "My partner. He is an alchemist and works at the local apothecary. He will be able to help you, I'm sure. The shop owner is called Mr Spekkle. He's a very nice man, just has limited notions of personal space and will talk to your breasts. Don't let that spook you, he is genuinely very pleasant. But yes, ask for Padraig. I could write you a note to give him by means of an introduction?" Alex agreed and Faith took a piece of parchment and wrote a swift, neat note.
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She handed that to Alex and smiled "It might be that he needs to work on the material before I create the garments, or after they are created. If he can do it, and if it is at a price you agree and so on, it would be sensible for you to speak to him about it first, I would say. I would hate to find that he had to work during the weaving process after I had made you the dress and had to charge you." It made sense to Faith, thinking it through it was logical that they knew what restrictions they were working under, after all. She waited then to see what Alex thought of it.
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Padraig, Alex thought, was an odd name. She picked through Faith's wording, and had to smother a grin. Faith liked this Padraig!

She obviously had some feeling, and the long pause as she tried to figure out what exactly to call him.

For some reason, it pulled at Alex's heart. She had never felt that way about anyone, and was fairly sure that she never would. Dimly, she recalled a woman coming to Mr.Gardeners... The surge of emotion that had overtaken her that day was what she imagined love to be like, and she had to shake herself from her memories.

What was wrong with her?

Her face beet red, she gratefully took the proffered note.

"Thank you for that. I have plans for the rest of today, but I should be able to make it over to his place in the next few trials." She looked over the note quickly, nodding as she tucked it into her dress.

"Could you show me where it is? Or give me some sort of idea of where it is? Otherwise I'm afraid I'll be a tad lost," she chuckled.

Alex picked up her cloak, tucking it around her body as she prepared to face the cold once more. She said her goodbyes to Faith, ducking out the back room and preparing to walk out when she stopped dead.

She knew of this Padraig only through Faith, and though Alex appreciated her knowledge, she wasn't sure how good her judgment was. It would be far better to check his skills before she paid an ungodly sum for him to alchemize all her clothing.

She spun on her heel, nodding to the man behind the counter before ducking back and finding Faith.

"Could I buy a bolt of cloth? "

Alex didn't think it appropriate to question Faith's...parter in front of her, so she left it up to the woman's imagination. She picked up a small swath of cotton fabric, only a few feet, and quickly paid the man at the front, before heading back out the front door. She had spent enough time here- it was time to go home and deal with the wonderful role model that was her father.

Maybe it was time for her to start letting him back in.
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Comments: First, before I forget, I just wanted to note that I couldn't find Alfonse's shop in Rynmere lore, nor the apothecary owned by Mr. Spekkle. Nor could I find Spekkle or Alfonse in the city NPC list. I know, however, that Pegasus is working on updating that stuff, so no probs. Just wanted to let ya'll know.

Okay, into the meat of the review: I really enjoyed reading this thread. It was short and succinct, and showed a simple daily interaction (buying and selling clothing), but I think that was what I liked most about it. I sort of love the day-to-day workings of Idalos, in between all the bloodshed and danger. It's nice to see that, when they're not off fighting in the immortals' war (even on differing sides???), Faith and Vlu (or Alex, as she may prefer) can have a simple get-together and do their jobs and live their lives. Even if Alex may be planning on murdering someone (and making it look like a suicide?).

Story: Like I said, the story was quick and mundane, but that was what I liked about it. I love exhange-of-goods threads, especially when someone can get a job thread out of them (not sure if Faith can here, but I certainly hope so!).

Structure: I didn't really see any major mistakes, so good job with the spelling, grammar, etc, you guys! Faith, I noticed once that you spelled 'Alfonse' as 'Alphonse', which I know is a minor error, though I thought I'd mention it. But that's not really a big deal, so everyone gets full points, hurrah!


CS: CS is approved and up-to-date.

Alchemy: Can strengthen cloth
Alchemy: Requires careful planning
Alfonse: Owns Alfonse's Tailors & Dressmakers (in Andaris)
Andaris: Hightown, midtown, lowtown
Appraisal: Recognizing good craftsmanship
Business Management: It's better to keep the workplace tidy
Cosmetology: Wool can be itchy
Cosmetology: Accessories are key
Cosmetology: Stick to a couple basic colors to save coin
Cosmetology: Mixing and matching clothing
Cosmetology: Types of fabric
Cosmetology: Fashion is not always comfortable, nor reasonable
Cosmetology: Different materials have different uses
Detection: Observing a new place
Detection: Recognizing a familiar face
Detection: Making note of a city's fashion
Detection: Looking out for listening ears
Disguise: Wearing different clothes to blend in with different crowds
Disguise: Choosing clothing (to blend in) based on the area's fashion
Disguise: Having a variety of clothes and colors
Disguise: Dressing feminine vs masculine
Discipline: Taking the time to get your temper under control
Endurance: Walking for breaks
Faith: Has a slave brand on her neck
Faith: Is a freed slave
Faith: Involved in the immortals' war
Faith: Has a partner named Padraig
Location: Alfonse's Tailors & Dressmakers
Location: Your father's Andaris house
Location: Andaris apothecary
Logistics: Testing before doing
Navigation: Learning the layout of a new city
NPC: Alfonse
NPC: Mr. Spekkle
Mr. Spekkle: Owns an apothecary in Andaris
PC: Faith
PC: Padraig
Padraig: Is an alchemist
Persuasion: A little bribe can go a long way
Psychology: Using money to impress
Psychology: Uncontrollable emotion can result in lashing out
Psychology: Moving the body can clear the head
Rynmere: Rynmere fashion
Sewing: For sewing clothes, take a person's measurements
Sewing: Requires a LOT of measurements

Loot: +1 note from Faith to Padraig; +1 bolt of cotton cloth. Please subtract the cost of the bolt of cloth. If you really want the bolt to be cotton, cotton costs 1.8gn/yd. If you wanted something cheaper, the cheapest cloth on the fabrics price list is jute, at 2sn/yd.

Also, because Alex didn't buy anything in the store save for the bolt of cloth, and because of the note you made in your review request, I haven't summed up all the money it would have taken to buy Vlu's new wardrobe, nor added those items here.

Injuries: None.
Fame: None.
Devotion: None.

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5
Magic: You CANNOT use the XP awarded for magic.


CS: CS is approved and up-to-date.

Alchemy: Can strengthen cloth
Alchemy: Requires careful planning
Alfonse: Owns Alfonse's Tailors & Dressmakers (in Andaris)
Business Management: Taking notes on a customer's order
Business Management: Business etiquette
Business Management: Finding small ways to save a customer money
Business Management: Keeping your workplace tidy
Cosmetology: Accessories are key
Cosmetology: Stick to a couple basic colors to save coin
Cosmetology: Mixing and matching clothing
Cosmetology: Knowing fashion trends
Cosmetology: Designing a wardrobe
Cosmetology: Different materials have different uses
Detection: Recognizing a familiar face
Etiquette: Knowing your place
Location: Alfonse's Tailors & Dressmakers
Logistics: Organization means efficiency
Logistics: High fashion means high costs
Logistics: Make an item easily customizable to save money
Logistics: Testing before doing
NPC: Alfonse
NPC: Mr. Spekkle
Mr. Spekkle: Owns an apothecary in Andaris
PC: Vluharqih (Alex)
Psychology: Overcompensating to impress
Rynmere: The Fates
Rynmere: Rynmere fashion
Sewing: Marking your progress
Sewing: Piping
Vluharqih (Alex): Involved in the immortals' war
Vluharqih (Alex): Has a magical cloak

Loot: None.
Injuries: None.
Fame: None.
Devotion: None. I know Vlu mentioned something about a prayer Faith made in the review request, but I didn't see it. Please PM if somehow I've missed it, and I'll add Devotion!

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5
Magic: You CANNOT use the XP awarded for magic.
Feel free to PM if you have any comments, questions, or concerns!
word count: 924
Ruq, Iaan, Korim
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Locked Request an XP Review Claim Wealth Thread

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