• Closed • A Romantic Candlelit Dinner.

5th of Zi'da 716

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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A Romantic Candlelit Dinner.

5th Zi'da, 716
"It must be some kind of a holiday that no one knows about!", Guiseppe, the owner of the restaurant said cheerily. Faith looked up at him and wondered how it was that he managed to be so chipper. It had been an incredibly busy evening, so far, with every table booked and apparently, lots of couples deciding to go out for a romantic, candlelit meal. Faith had worked without stopping, producing excellent food cooked fresh to order. Considering that she was a young woman who, until very recently had been a slave, she ran a tight ship in terms of her kitchen. It had become her kitchen quickly and she had spent the last season working to get it in order. Things now were suitably organised and Faith was pleased with the standard of the food that came out of there. Nothing left her kitchen without her tasting it, checking it or examining the plate.

"Replate it, clean the plate first, no fingerprints", was a commonly heard directive, as was "It's not good enough. Do it again, season it more. Call if you need help." She didn't shout, she was never unkind but she was unyeilding. Nothing left unless it was good enough. It was not easy, at first, as the staff were used to doing things one way, but there was no doubting that the young woman worked twice as hard as anyone else and so, slowly but surely, they had come around. As for Faith, she had learnt that running a kitchen was about running the people in it and upholding quality. As long as those two things were done, the business would be successful, she was sure.

But still, she looked at Guiseppe and raised an eyebrow. There was some reason that he'd come back here, no doubt and indeed, he smiled and held his hand out to her "One of our guests has asked to compliment the chef. He has requested that you join him for dessert and I have agreed." Faith looked as though she was about to argue, because she was, and Guiseppe raised his hands and made a little meeping noise, at which Faith fell silent "He has paid for your dessert, he is a noble lord and he has asked for you specifically. Table seven. Go now. But first make yourself presentable!"

Faith looked down at her apron and sighed, took it off and handed it to Guiseppe "We just have a few more orders waiting. Vinta has been running the pass. Excuse me" She made her way out, ran a brush through her hair and adjusted the black dress that she wore. The cold of the season or not, it was too hot in the kitchen for anything else, so her sleeveless dress meant that her brands were visible. She glanced at herself depreciatingly in the mirror and let out a slight snort, but then moved out to the packed restaurant. Table seven, there was, as Guiseppe had said, one lone diner seated amongst a lot of couples who were enjoying a romantic candlelit meal. Faith approached and, instinctively, dropped a curtsy "Good evening, sir, you have asked to... Lord Warrick?" Even the usually unflappable young woman was surprised and she looked it. "Um. I am the chef. It is a surprise to see you, Lord Warrick" She spoke in her usual quiet tones and then waited to see what he wanted to do. He would not wish to sit and eat desert with her, she was sure.
word count: 594
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Rafael Warrick
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A Romantic Candlelit Dinner.

Olyfer looked older than Rafael remembered him. It had been quite a few seasons since he had last seen his father’s most trusted advisor and he had noticed a slight limp in the old man’s step. He decided against mentioning it as they sat down for dinner in the restaurant that everyone seemed to be talking about. The lighting inside was dim, and many tables were already taken. Fortunately, Rafael had reserved table seven a few trials in advance, after he had found out Faith worked as chef, he knew the place would be packed to the brim shortly. Besides, he had a few things to discuss with her before he-

“Don’t take me for no fool, young Lordling,” Olyfer wagged his finger playfully as they seated themselves. “You want something from me, or we’d be eating stale bread instead.”

Rafael merely smirked in reply. “Just try to enjoy the evening Olyfer, you’ve had a long journey.”

The elderly man swatted the remark away like an irritating fly. “Hmpf! I have travelled longer distances with worse weather and half of my bones broken.”

“See anything you like?” Rafael asked as he pointed to the menu.

“Wha-? Oh. My goodness, you’re going to ask a big favor of me aren’t you? Beef wellington with creamy dauphinoise and a medley of seasonal vegetables.” Deep lines showed on the old man’s forehead as he shot a confused look at Rafael. “A medley?”

“You’ll love it,” Rafael said. “I think I’ll have the same.”

After their order had been taken and the first glasses of deep red wine had been poured, Rafael combed his hair back with his fingers and sat back casually in his chair. He’d kept his clothing simple and plain of color, though it wasn’t a complete incident that he wore an olive-green tunic that evening.

“Can you keep a secret, Olyfer?”

“I wouldn’t be much of an advisor if I couldn’t.”

“Even from my father?”

Olyfer stroked his neat white beard for a moment before he succumbed. “It depends. I trust your father more than anyone else in this world. Clearly you do not. Why?”

“That’s beside the point,” Rafael retorted. “I…I am about to embark on something that may have far-reaching consequences.”

Olyfer’s expression remained neutral. It wasn’t exactly the first time one of Ned’s children had a revolutionary idea that didn’t survive past dessert. “And you think Ned may not approve?”

“I don’t know.”

“Maybe you should ask him before you are to embark on this…quest? Adventure?”

“He can’t stand me, you know that.”

“You’re just different, he still love-“

“Exactly. We’re different,” Rafael interjected. “That’s precisely why I asked you to come over instead of him.”

For a moment, only the excited, warm buzzing of the other guests sounded.

“Alright. I’ll bite. What’s this plan of yours?”

“The King plans to make the captured Qe’dreki he holds here into targets for sport,” Rafael said in a low voice, his disapproval evident in his venomous tone. “That is not justice.”

“Neither was the slaughter that took place in low-town-“

Rafael raised his hand to silence Olyfer. “These people are not a threat anymore, yet Cassander can’t bring himself to show mercy. He sent their children to the mines, Olyfer!”

“You dislike the king, clearly, but don’t do anything foolish now. A noble might be spared the noose but an adopted son?”

Rafael grimaced at the word, but said nothing of it. “I plan to set them free, but I’ll need your help to do it.”

“You want to free a hundred, two hundred men? The king’s enemies?” Olyfer hissed through his teeth. What in the seven had that knight Malcolm been teaching Lord Warrick?

“Only a few, and then I’ll ride east to join up with the remainder of the Qe’dreki forces.” His posture tensed a little as he looked Olyfer dead in the eye. “I mean to join them, Olyfer. As long as Cassander sits on the throne, this land will never know peace.”

Their discussion lasted until after dessert before Olyfer budged. Twelve gambesons bearing the Warrick Lion would be delivered on short notice, to serve as a disguise for the men and women Rafael planned to set free. As much as Olyfer disliked the risks involved, he sympathized with the Qe’dreki and agreed that Cassander, sooner or later, would have to be replaced, for the benefit of all.

When the old man had finally left to make the required arrangements, Rafael halted a waitress to order a second desert and deliver his compliments to the chef.

While he was fully expecting to see Faith, he wasn’t quite used to her new style of dress.

He smiled warmly and gestured for her to sit in front of the stewed pears drizzled with caramel and a hint of cinnamon. “I am going to have to keep asking you not to call me Lord until the end of times,” he mused in a gentle voice. “Please, sit.”

“You must be wondering why I sent for you, hmm? Well, aside from my heartfelt compliments of course, there is more to it.”

He leaned in a little, his arms neatly folded on the table. Despite the brands that marred her skin, he couldn’t help but think she looked utterly enchanting.

“I wanted to ask you if you could prepare food and drinks for twelve fully-grown men for five trials. Nothing cooked, probably. It needs to be durable, and small too if possible, but enough to live on. I need it for myself and some of the men put under my command, we’ll be heading eastward on the 13th, on horseback. Do you reckon you could help a friend out? I’ll pay, of course.”
Last edited by Rafael Warrick on Sat Mar 11, 2017 11:15 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 997
Life is a dark comedy, only you're not in on the joke.
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A Romantic Candlelit Dinner.

As soon as he gestured, she sat and looked at him with a quizzical expression on her face. She smiled though and shrugged slightly, spreaking in a soft tone "Well, actually, I am free to call you what I choose, these trials", she responded and her silver eyes watched him with a serious gaze. "I will endeavour to do better and remember to call you Rafael."

But yes, he was absolutely right when he said that she was wondering why he had called her here and she leaned forward, mirroring his movement as she tried to listen. His compliments on the food she dismissed as soon as she heard them as flattery in the premptive moment before he got to what it was that he actually wanted to say. She did not think of that in a negative way, but the longer that she was free, the more that she was discovering that people did that. It was a strange habit and she really didn't think she'd be getting into it at any point soon.

He wanted her to do something? She listened and frowned slightly as she listened to what he was asking her, her attention on his and then her expression cleared and she nodded. "Oh, it would be my pleasure. If you give me a rough idea of the weather you are expecting, is it the extreme cold or high up or through water and so on, I can work out the optimum menu. When you say not cooked, do you mean you won't be cooking? I could provide you with pre-cooked things, yes? It would help also if you told me what sort of amount of storage I can have. Then I'll give you a list of ingredients to get. You buy those and I will make what you asked. I would not charge you, I would not consider it"

And there she was, she considered, thinking that he was going to ask something difficult. Why ever did he feel the need to bother paying for a desert for that, she wondered. "Does that sound reasonable?" Her silver eyes watched him, her mind ticking over to how much energy she could get into how small an amount of food and so on. With some more details, this would be an exciting and interesting challenge.
word count: 393
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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A Romantic Candlelit Dinner.

Yet again he smiled while his eyes remained trained on Faith. Rafael chose his words carefully when he spoke. “You’re changed.” Whether for better or worse, he failed to mention. Only his eyes spoke as they flitted downward in quiet resignation. “Before I tell you what you need to know, I must confess that I’ve always wondered, since we first me, where you came from and who you were before your life of servitude. But now,” he tilted his head to the side as though she was some curious new creature, “now I wonder where you will be going and who you will become in the arcs to come.” There was a hint of melancholy in his voice, as though he expected never to see her again.

While many guests left and headed out into the gentle snow, Rafael remained seated, closed his eyes, and said nothing for a while. In all likeliness, he would not see Faith again for many arcs to come, perhaps she would even want to avoid him if she ever found out about his true allegiance. Perhaps it was for the best. They were separated by many arcs and a difference in upbringing, and yet she was the closest thing he had to a friend in this city, bar Malcolm, whose trust he was about to betray. It was hard to say goodbye to someone who didn’t know you’d be leaving for a good long while. Aided by a sigh, he pulled himself together, opened his eyes again, and continued to speak as though he hadn’t paused at all.

“The weather will hopefully stay the same. I would prefer to saddlebags for all the horses. Now that I mention it, we’ll have to bring food for the horses as well, and plenty of water.” If Faith would aid him, as it appeared she would, he would still need to consider other parts of his plan. Horses were scarce and would probably have to be rented or stolen, perhaps both. Weapons were less of a problem, since he still resided in the barracks of the Iron hand, though getting them out of the armory unseen would be a challenge.

“No cooking, if possible,” he continued. “We want to avoid as many stops as possible. Pre-cooked should be fine.”
word count: 389
Life is a dark comedy, only you're not in on the joke.
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A Romantic Candlelit Dinner.

"Yes, I suppose I have", she replied, when he said that she'd changed. Her smile was a little sad, in truth "I suppose the greatest change is the realisation that I can." As a slave, especially in he service of Jamal, she had simply accpted that it was how it was and that was that, but now? Now she could learn and grow and serve. She looked, though, somewhat surprised at his next words "I was born a slave." There was no anger or unhappiness in her voice, it was her usual calm acceptance "In Athart. To parents who were not slaves, but I was taken at birth and trained. Until about one arc before I met you, in fact, when Jamal brought me here. He kept me in the shop for an arc, then allowed me out. The rest you konw." She smiled at him and tilted her head to one side, looking at him with a question in her earnest silver eyes.

But she did not speak it. She was not, after all, that changed.

She listened to his request and nodded, thinking about this and how to do it. "Cold, nourishing food that can be eaten one handed, nothing messy. Filling, warming if possible and slow releasing energy. Yes, I can do that. I will do that, and it will be my pleasure. I" He seemed to be a million miles away and when he opened his eyes and looked at her again, Faith smiled at him with a gentle smile.

"I will never be able to tell you how grateful I am to you for everything you did to me. You showed me kindness when I did not understand it and you looked at me like a person. You gave me hope. The least I can do is cook some food for you, wouldn't you say? I will write a list for you"

Flour, meat, onions, potatoe,paprika and cumin, fruit, honey and butter was what she wrote and she put quantities next to them. "That will feed you and your men, more than, if you graze as you go. I will make small individual flatbreads, stuffed with dried and spiced meat and onion. They will be cold, but the spice will give you a feeling of warmth. Cakes, which would normally go stale, but soaked in honey will be sweet and filling. I'll use the fruit to make jam, which can be spread thinly between the dried meats, to make it sweet and take away the salt taste. Is all that acceptable to you...." she asked and then she smiled as she added "Rafael? If it is, then bring it back here and I will make it, and I will begin to repay you but manage only one hundreth of what I owe"

Her expression told the simple truth of what she said and she smiled at him to see if all was acceptable.
word count: 492
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Rafael Warrick
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A Romantic Candlelit Dinner.

It was hard to imagine that the dashing young woman before him had been lower than the lowliest servant not long ago. She was not meek like the first time they’d ever met, yet she was still equally forthcoming. Her account of her past was brief, and Rafael concluded that she did not wish to speak of it. Yet he couldn’t help but wonder if there wasn’t more to it…

Why was she so thankful? He hadn’t done nearly enough for her. She’d gotten to where she was now, no thanks to him. It was entirely by her own doing that she’d risen above her station. That was exactly what he admired in her. That fierce determination, even though it had not been obvious from the start.

“What you propose suits my needs," he said cooly. "If you give me the list, I’ll have it brought here in a fortnight.”

A little candle on the table flickered as Rafael moved in his seat. He could just stand up…he could just give a curt nod, raise from his chair and walk out. It would be the proper and wise thing to do. There would be no risk of rumours, no risk of embarassing himself or Faith...but he remained. He was not about to confide the full extent of his plans to Faith, but she deserved to know why he'd wanted to see her one last time.

“You don’t owe me a thing Faith,” he shook his head in quiet contemplation. “In fact, I owe you an explanation. For all this,” he gestured to the desert and the candles on the table. A heavy sigh escaped him as he leaned in and rested his chin on the hook of his thumbs. “I will be leaving the city soon, and I don’t expect to return this arc. I can't tell you where I will go, only that it may be a long time before I come back...if I come back...” He raised his glass to her and swallowed down the last few drops. “I like you a great deal. I really do. I wish I'd done more for you. I wish I were older. I-” his voice trailed off into a mumble before he suddenly rose from his seat.

Perhaps it was the wine. Perhaps it was because of how fondly she’d spoken of him. Perhaps it was because he knew he would not be seeing Faith again for a long time, but with one step he’d bounded over to Faith and pressed his lips against her cheek. The frail touch lasted only for a bit, and Rafael said nothing else as he turned his back on Faith and strode out of the restaurant. Nothing else needed to be said as he left behind the girl he could not, should not love.

-10gn meal
-20gn raw ingredients
Last edited by Rafael Warrick on Mon Mar 20, 2017 3:12 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 493
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A Romantic Candlelit Dinner.

The first time they'd met, she'd been about to go all scrappy on some men who were following her. He had saved her because it was obvious that she would have fought. He had come to Tristan's home just after Tristan had bought her, to check on her welfare. Faith's slavery in Andaris had been punctuated by moments of kindness from Rafael Warrick. He looked vexed and concerned, but she did not nor would she ever push.

It simply wasn't her way.

But then, he spoke of going away, of maybe not even coming back at all. She looked at him with concern in her silver eyes, concern for him and his safety. Loyalty was important to her, more than she could say, and the thought that there might be something wrong with Lord Warrick which she might be able to help with was concerning to her. He liked her and cared about her, she knew that. "As I do you. You have done a lot for me, please don't underestimate how much your concern has meant." Wishing he was older was a strange thing to do but then Faith had long since believed that Rafael would have bought her when he first met her, if he had but been old enough to do so.

Then, he kissed her on the cheek and left. Faith wondered at just what he must be doing to be so very emotional, but it was not her business. So she got on with the rest of her shift before making her way home, where she told Padraig about the boy who had come to the restaurant today.

When Rafael, or his messenger, picked up the goods, they were there and as promised. Atop them lay a letter, addressed to "Lord Warrick" and a small scroll case.

The letter read:

"Dear Rafael,

First, and most important, I hope that you are satisfied with the order placed and I trust that what I have produced meets your needs. I wanted to put in a note and wish you the best on whatever endeavour your are pursuing and to say that it is very much my hope that we see each other again.

One thing which I have a very clear knowledge of, from my time as a slave, is the importance of some possessions over others. Friendship is a possession which should be treasured and so, please find in here a scroll. I have its twin and, should you wish to, anything you write on your scroll will become legible and written on mine also. Equally, when I write something, you can see it. This way, I do not need to know where you are or what you are doing, but I can contact you, and you can do the same.

I hope that this is satisfactory. My apologies if it is too intrusive or unwelcome, but I am of the belief that it is always as well to be able to contact a friend.

With my very best wishes,

Off Topic
Echo Scroll taken out of Point Bank Ledger here. Thanks!
word count: 522
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A Romantic Candlelit Dinner.

Reviewed by both Incubus and Jade


Business Management: Running a Tight Kitchen
Cooking: Taste Testing Food
Leadership: Delegating Tasks in a Workplace
Psychology: People Using Flattery as Ice-Breakers
Detection: Simple Requests Aren't Always So Simple
Negotiation: Discussing the Terms of a Request
Rafael Warrick: Curious about who you are, and who you'll be
Cooking: Providing Decent Non-Cooked Meals
Cooking: Providing A Military Retinue With Proper Nutrients
Rafael Warrick: Showed Kindness When Few Others Would
Rafael Warrick: Has Feelings For You
Writing: Authoring a Letter of Well-Wishes

Loot: +30 gn
Injuries: N/A
Fame: +2 Give a Gift

Story 5/5
Collaboration 5/5
Structure 5/5

Comments: Stop trying to kill my cousin with your sandy meals.

Very nice way of wrapping up a thread. Jade and I both enjoyed it quite a lot! The letter was really cute and heartfelt, in a very well-mannered way. I personally feel it was a fitful ending for both characters, and I really hope the two reunite and do some cool collaborations together. Thanks for the awesome writing!

Politics: Seeking an Advisor's Counsel
Politics: An Illegitimate King Will Never Allow Peace
Tactics: Setting Free Prisoners of War
Tactics: Utilizing Enmity To Your Advantage
Tactics: Ensuring Loyalty Through Provisions
Etiquette: Using Flattery as an Ice-Breaker
Faith: Changed by Freedom
Faith: Closest Thing to a Friend
Tactics: Ensuring Provisions For Animals And Men
Faith: Upbringing
Negotiation: Acquiring Resources for Culinary Commission
Faith: Special Person
Echo Scroll: Rules

Loot: -30 gn
Five trials of uncooked meals for twelve men.

Echo Scroll
Injuries: N/A
Fame: N/A

Story 5/5
Collaboration 5/5
Structure 5/5

Comments: That feel when you are trying to eat the vastness of the desert, instead of trying to feast upon quality dessert.

Your writing was really awesome, fluid and engaging. Jade and I both really loved your posts! I read them aloud in my "Rafael accent", it was really enjoyable to narrate, haha. I think your noble plots are wonderful, and I enjoy them from a reviewer's perspective and someone writing with you. Best wishes, sah.
word count: 359
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