Finding Pebbles

21st of Vhalar 716

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Andráska Venora
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Finding Pebbles

"My two natures had memory in common."
  • 21st of Vhalar, 716 Arc
"You want me to find… a cat?” András stepped forward, a look of incredulous shock on his face. “I should be helping repair Lowtown, or… or…” he couldn’t find the words. Why was he given cat duty? The paper in his hand requested assisted in finding some kind of magical creature. A cat that saved lives, or something. Was this really what the tax dollars were being used for?

”You should,” the man behind the desk admitted, his voice cold and lacking any room for disagreement, “But continually you decide to be a thorn in my side, Venora,” he looked up from his papers, “You get into fights with the other knights, you shirk your duties, you’re constantly showing up late,” he pinched the bridge of his crooked nose, and ran a hand down his dark stubble, “I can’t have you starting any trouble today. Find the cat, make the family happy, and go home, understand?”

Andras understood, but he didn’t like it. Then again… he couldn’t quite argue either. He was a pretty bad knight, all things considered, but… cat duty? He heaved a sigh, pouting and crossed his arms over his leather armor, “May I be dismissed?” His tone was childish, bitter, but his superior waved him away. There was much to be done, the sooner Andráska was out of his hair, the better.

As he moved out of the tent, he reread the ad:
  • "I’ve lost my precious Pebbles in the fighting. She’ll be scared somewhere. I know she’s alive because I’d know if she was dead and you’ll have to take my word for it. She’ll be somewhere near where people are hurt because she’s a magic healing cat. She’s kept me alive all these arcs, please return. She’s a ginger tabby with a missing left ear. Thank you."
It honestly sounded like an old woman had lost her pet and could be a little off her rocker. On another hand… magical cats could be interesting. He sighed again. The war had taken its toll on the people. If he could find this woman’s animal, maybe it would help moral. He wasn’t the king. He could only help one person at a time. “Alright, Pebbles… Let’s get you home.”

If by some immortal given miracle, the cat was still alive, and didn’t get killed in the fighting or die from heat exhaustion or starvation or whatever… the infirmary could be a good place to start. The paper said it would be where people were injured. There had just been a war. If there were sick and dying people, it was obvious where they would be trying to recover. With a new clue in mind, Andras borrowed a horse from the Iron Hand stables (much to the dismay of the man in charge of them) and climbed atop of it. With a click of his tongue and a slight kick of his heels, the animal moved forward and gave a soft whinny.

It had been a long time since Andras rode a horse, perhaps longer than he’d care to admit. He faked his confidence, the animal docile and trained enough to take to his commands. He experimented with the steering a bit, tugging lightly on the left reign and watching the animal creep in that direction. He did it again for the right side, and still the horse obeyed. “Good boy,” Andras patted the creature’s neck and took the reins again. Now that he knew how to steer…

Andráska turned the stallion towards the direction of the infirmary, and dug his heels into its sides, bracing himself for the sudden charging of the animal. A wide grin split the noble’s mouth and he laughed as the pleasant winds rushed against his face and tussled his hair. People on the street jumped out of his way and he sped past other guards and pretty women in white skirts. He waved, winking and blowing a kiss to the ladies, who laughed. It was hard not to feel like a gallant figure riding horseback and dressed in knight’s armor. Truly, he felt, well… noble.

Smiling like a child, his mood began to falter the closer to their destination they came. He allowed the animal to slow, pulling on the reigns a bit and lowering himself from his standing position. The horse was panting, but not exhausted and when the building was in sight, he came to a stop, “Woah, boy.” Before him was a tan cobblestone building with pointed spiral towers, and a curved bridge leading to the front door. Even from outside he could hear the wails of the injured, the cries of pain and surgery.

Andras wanted to turn around, not wanting to face what injured. War was nasty business. Repairing buildings and rationing supplies, he could do. Looking into the eyes of the dying? A shudder danced under his skin and the young lord climbed from the horse and began leading it closer. In the yard was a woman dressed in a sterile white dress, and she had a somber, sad expression. Between her fingers, she sucked a cigarette with a desperate intensity, as if the tobacco held the secret to her sanity.

Last edited by Andráska Venora on Mon Dec 19, 2016 8:23 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 903
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Andráska Venora
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Finding Pebbles

"My two natures had memory in common."
  • 21st of Vhalar, 716 Arc
Dismounting his horse and tying it off took much longer than it should have, Andras dragging his feet the louder the aching cries of those inside reached his ears. He grimaced, keeping his eyes downcast as he passed the smoking women. She eyed him up and down, but said nothing. Inside, it smelled like blood and bile – women and men crying and the raspy breaths of those struggling to live. The cry of baby chilled him, and he gulped, pushing towards the front desk and signing in.

No hallway was silent, and his boots were light against the tiled floor, stepping over blood drips that were fresh and wet. He tried not to think of the source, green eyes searching desperately for the feline that should be here. “Pebbles,” he whispered, pleading with the seven more than actually calling the cat, “Pebbles, here, kitty kitty,”

He glanced into a room lined up with filled bed – windows open to allow circulation of the stuffy room. A little girl was sitting up, bandages covering half of her body, yellow bruises shining on the other. She looked at him, her voice broken and weak, “Who are you?”

In truth, Andras wished she had never noticed him. He didn't realize how scared he felt, and he wanted to disappear down the hall – to keep looking. He took a step further into the room – his body being pulled closer to this youth and her dull gold hair, “Andraska Venora.”

His deep voice was barely a whisper and he was shy. With dead eyes, she looked at his outfit, and leaned her head back against her pillow, “Are you a lord?”

“I am,” he muttered, shuffling his feet and down casting his eyes, realizing he was staring at the bandages. Some of the others in the room were sleeping, the room's energy so terrible, a shudder ran under his skin. “Do you-do you like roses?” he didn't know what to say, and moved to stand at the edge of her cot.

She tried to shrug, but winced in pain, “They're nice,” she didn't have anything else to add and quickly changed the subject, “What are you doing here?”

Trying to find a cat. For a moment, he thought to ask her if she had seen it, but bit his tongue. How inconsiderate it would be to ask for such a mundane thing when she was in so much pain. Trying his best to make the lie believable, he sat down on the edge of her bed, careful not to touch her. He was afraid she would shatter, “Visiting you, if you'd like.”

“Really?” she turned her head, skeptical. The motion was limited and she sighed, “No one has visited me yet.”

“Why not?”

Her lip quivered, “My parents died in the war,” tears were budding in her eyes and she hadn't the strength to wipe them away. Andráska dreaded her next words, “I'm going to die next.”

“Don't say that,” he rushed before he could stop himself. The bandages – they were to cover burns, he realized. How much pain she must be in... “You're going to be okay.”

“You're a bad liar,” she whispered.

Overwhelming sadness embraced him, and he carefully took her abused hand in his own, “What's your name?”


“Nadine?” Andráska repeated, “I have a cello named Nadia.” she looked at him blankly and he couldn't help but wonder if she knew what a cello was, “I play music.”

She steeled herself and took a deep breath, “Do you sing?”

“I-” he hadn't really sung outside of a drunken diddly in a long time, “I don't know.”

“Will you sing to me?”

Andras looked about the room. Very few people had shown interest in their conversation, most staring blankly at the ceiling or wept from their pain. He scooted further into the bed, laying beside her. He didn't know this girl – a child of perhaps ten, but there was something so fragile about her – it reminded him of Zvezdana and he interlaced her fingers with his own. He didn't want to protest and tell her of his inexperience. In truth, she was badly injured. How could he deny her this wish?

“What shall I sing?”

“I don't know,” she held his hand, and snuggled up against him. His throat tightened and he thought he would cry and carefully leaned his cheek against her head.

“Okay,” he whispered, letting silence envelope him as he thought about the possibilities. He so often thought in music notes and scores, adding lyrics suddenly felt complex. He recalled a song his mother used to sing to him when he was very young – the memory so faded, he nearly forgotten it completely.

His voice started out soft, unsure, building in gentle confidence -

“Lullaby and good night
In the sky stars are bright
May the moons silvery beams
Bring you sweet dreams.

Close your eyes now and rest
May these hours be blessed.
Till the sky's bright with dawn
When you wake with a yawn.

Lullaby and goodnight
You are mothers delight
I'll protect you from harm.
And you'll wake in my arms.

Sleepy head, close your eyes
For I'm right beside you
Guardian angels are near
So sleep without fear
Lullaby and good night
With roses bright
Lilies o'er head
Lay thee down in thy bed.

Lullaby and good night
You are mothers delight
Ill protect you from harm
And you'll wake in my arms

Lullaby and sleep tight
My darlings sleeping
On sheets white as cream
With a head full of dreams

Sleepyhead, close your eyes
I'm right beside you
Lay thee down now and rest
May your slumber be blessed

Go to sleep, little one
Think of puppies and kittens
Go to sleep, little one
Think of butterflies in spring

Go to sleep, little one
Think of sunny bright mornings
Hush darling one
Sleep through the night
Sleep through the night
Sleep through the night”

Tears were rolling down his cheeks, emotion catching in his throat as the final note faded. He hummed the song for awhile, until silence enveloped them and he sat cradling her hand. A few other patients had watched, the public performance witnessed for the whole room. He gulped, finally pulling away and looked to Nadine.

Her eyes were closed – sleeping, and he lifted her hand to kiss it. Green eyes watching her as his lips touched her bandaged hand, and he faltered. Her hair was thin, and circled around her face like a halo. He went to stand and continue his search for the feline when he noticed a vital detail – her chest was not rising and falling with breath. Her head slumped to the side, and horror gripped him, “Nadine?”

“Nadine!” he shook her hand, patted it and jumped up when she failed to move, “Nadine, wake up.” his breath was quickening. 'No, no, no!' “Nadine, wake up. I'll sing to you again, come on!” Andráska's voice took on the high pitch of desperation, his voice cracking, “Please.”

Hot tears flooded his eyes, and he couldn't help the pain that that threatened to burst his heart. How could a stranger inflict such pain upon him, “Wake up,” he cried, pulling her limp body to him and sobbing until a nurse came into the room. He struggled to relay the story and after they gently pulled him away, he stood to leave the room.

In the doorway sat an orange cat, staring up at him with bright eyes. It's left ear was missing, and it watched him knowingly. Andras wanted to be rid of this place and stormed past it, not expecting the small creature to follow him. When he barged out the front doors and outside, he spun around angrily towards the cat.

“Where were you?!” he shouted, the back of his hand wiping at his face, “She was hurt! She needed you!” his voice shuddered, the lullaby and its words playing repeating in his mind, “You're not magical,” he whined, slumping to the ground and crying. Not everyone could be saved.

As his head hung and his eyes were pinched closed, Pebbles purred loudly, and stepped into his lap, curling up into a loaf and rumbled with soothing vibrations. Andras pulled it close, burying his face into her fur and cried until his eyes hurt and his face splotchy. Pebbles didn't move, and when there were no tears left, he stared at the pet and felt calm. Her eyes were closed, barely slits and he ran his hand over her skull.

He was numb when he retrieved the horse, and climbed atop it with the cat in his arms. Pebbles didn't fight, and he didn't question his luck. Clicking his tongue, the trio didn't move with nearly as much gusto as they had when they started the mission, the stallion barely meandering along to match Andráska's defeated mood.

They reached a house after some time, and he stared at its windows and worn door for a long time before approaching it. He lowered himself off the equine and gave three beaten knocks. Some shuffling and a curtain was pushed the side before the door was answered.

“Pebbles!” the owner cried, “You found her!” Andras was reluctant to let go when she reached for the cat, crossing his arms protectively over his torso. He felt raw and vulnerable, immediately craving Pebble's alleviating presence when she was removed.

“What's your name?” the old woman asked, “You're a knight of the Iron Hand?” Finally noticing his state, her voice softened, “Are you okay, dear?”

“I'll be okay,” he lied, feeling as if he would never be the same, “I am Andráska Venora,” he muttered, clearing his throat and placing a hand weakly on the emblem engraved into his armor, “Second son of Kaleb Venora, and Knight of the Iron Hand. I hope-” what did he hope? “I hope this simple act can... can help you after such a trying time.”

When she hugged him, it took everything in Andráska's power not to break down again, and he appreciated her motherly touch, folding into it for longer than perhaps he should have. If she was disturbed by it, she said nothing, offering him a kiss on the cheek and patting his back for strength. She disappeared with a small reward and pressed the money into his hands.

It was time to go home.

This thread was a completion of the community notice listed here. I messaged Kingdom when I started it and let her know I was taking it up. By finishing it you get some gold and +5 fame, not including whatever is/was earned in this thread. The lullaby Andraska's singing is not original, but is called "Brahm's Lullaby" in RL. Thought it was fitting. Thanks.
word count: 1855
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Finding Pebbles

Andráska Venora

Peer Review

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 0/5
Structure: 5/5

Awarded Knowledge

Horse Riding: Heels Dictate Speed
Horse Riding: Steering With Reins
Mortality: Comforting the Terminal
Mortality: Watching A Child Die
Singing: Lullabies

Loot & Losses [/color]xxxxxx Injuries
Bounty on Cat: +12gn [/color]xxxxxx None
Fame [/color]xxxxxx Devotion
Returning the Cat: +5 [/color]xxxxxx None
Comforting a Sick Child: +3 [/color]xxxxxx


This was a lovely thread. Just as well written as the last... I almost shed a tear at this one, very emotional...

As you can see, I have provided feedback and reasoning behind my review. If you have any questions, comments or criticism about your review, feel free to send me a PM and we can discuss it.
Thank ye.
word count: 130
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