• Mature • Will There Be Cake?

20th of Saun 716

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Celeste Andaris
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Will There Be Cake?

20th Saun, 716

It was ridiculous, really. She was just starting to get herself into a routine, to understand what she needed to do and when. It was all starting to fall in to place and soon, she would be married. At which point, of course, she and Alistair would move in together and she supposed she would have to sell this house. It made her cross and resigned and so many different emotions that she really didn't have time to feel, but still. It was what it was and it was for the good of House Andaris and so Celeste did it without question or hesitation. Not because her father wished it, no not at all, but because her eldest brother had told her to. Life was a complicated affair for the only girl in her set of siblings.

But still, the invitations had all gone out, each name discussed carefully and considered. Each seat carefully considered. Restricted and restrained and bound by the shackles of all this nobility and prestige. Soon, she considered, she would be a Venora, no longer an Andaris. And what would she be then? A wilting rose not a dragon? She shook her head at her own nonsense and she lowered her gaze once more to the parchment she was considering, the menu. Why did she care about the menu she considered but then she looked and ticked the boxes she needed to tick. Both her father and Alistair's grandmother would need to know that everything was progressing smoothly in terms of plans, so she did her job as quickly, as efficiently and as without fuss as possible.

However, she lifted her head as she heard a noise. Was that a knock on the door? She wasn't sure, but it was certainly the noise of someone out there. She stood and moved to the door, opening it. And there he was. Peake. Her heart leapt into her throat as she saw him standing there and she simultaneously wanted to run to him and wrap her arms around him, kissing him and loving him and never letting him out of her arms and at the same time she could kill him. With her bare hands.

So, she stood for just a moment, a split second and she looked at him. Then, she left the door open, turned and went back into the house. He could come in or he could leave, that was up to him. She would not follow, she would not beg. Frankly, at this point she was not speaking to him so she would not speak. He could do what he wished, but he would do it without her blessing or her curse. He could take responsibility for his own bloody actions for once, she considered, as she turned and walked into the kitchen, putting the kettle on to the stove, silently.
Last edited by Celeste Andaris on Sun Apr 16, 2017 8:41 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 483
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Will There Be Cake?

The war loomed over their shoulders. It was getting closer, those strategies, and those hypothetical situations slowly that became a reality. Everyone said that ignorance was bliss, but Peake had never had the chance to learn what ignorance meant. Be it in school, university, the Treasury or the Iron Hand, his mission had always been to know, predict, and prepare. However, now that Peake experienced just how powerless he was against that knowledge, Peake could only tremble. Rally the troops that did not obey nor could wield a sword, meet with noblemen that stared at their coin purses instead of their kingdom… it was all too much, sometimes. Sometimes there was no hope for salvation, and all a man could do was watch the castles fall, stone by stone, without being able to do anything about it. Ignorance was not bliss, as there is no excuse for ignorance. Ignorance was impotence.
Peake, wrapped in the Ouroboro Guard’s plates he found himself trapped in most of the day in, waited by the door of Celeste’s house, hoping she would answer it. Frown on his face and soul at his feet, he waited for his loved one to answer. He too had his regrets, and how their last meeting went… It was something he had to atone for, before she became a Venora, or before the war took him away. Because of this, Peake was nervous, to say the least. Thankfully, he had never faced his sister’s rage before, not counting the few temper tantrums of her childhood. Now… he was somewhat afraid of what to expect. If she was there, of course.

When the door opened, Peake knew Celeste was home – because she was the one holding the knob, obviously. Eyebrows arching as his head lowered, trying to imitate the look the poor boys gave the tax collectors, although it didn’t quite work with Peake as he was a towering giant that was likely to give any tax collectors a heart attack. Just as quick as she had opened, she spun on her heels and lost herself in her home, leaving Peake slightly confused, but not discouraging him from his purpose.
Making his way within the home, closing the door behind him, he’d dubiously follow Celeste, eager to see if she wanted to get something off her chest or do anything. Instead, she did none of those. Perhaps the conversation couldn’t start until the ice between them was eliminated, and Peake being its creator, he imagined he had to be the one to destroy it – if that was even possible. What Peake had done to his own sister was unforgettable, and perhaps even unforgivable. To treat her like a dog, or like any other woman… That was a sin he’d carry on his back forever.

Leaning against the border of the table, giving her his back as she worked on the kettle, Peake would sigh and ponder for a moment.
“Did I ever tell you about the day you were born?” He asked, with a soft chuckle. “It was this beautiful Saun night. It was so, so hot… I was eight, back then. Quincy was five, and Leeson was barely three.”
Peake crossed his arms, a small smile coming to his bearded features as he recalled the past. Not all of his childhood was bad.

<< The three of us were in my room, I believe. Right next to Mother and Fathers’. I remember that Quincy and I were trying to pinch Leeson, who cried like the baby he was, trying to swat at our hands. I don’t know what was so funny, but Quincy was almost dying of laughter. It was then when we heard Mother’s screams down the hallway, coming closer and closer, along with a horde of feet and voices behind her. It was scary, and even if I was the older one, I was very, very afraid, so we didn’t move until our Mother and all the panicking servants slammed the door next to my room. The three of us went out and sat below the wide open windows… You know, those gigantic ones? We sat and sat, for many breaks. None of us fell asleep, or moved. They had told us we would soon be having a new sibling, and we were excited - very excited, but also very scared. It wasn’t until Mother’s screams mingled with a baby’s wail that we remained on the spot. A few bits later, the three Andaris boys saw you for the first time. A sister, the first girl our parents had, and perhaps the smallest baby I have ever seen. The three of us fell in love with you. The next day, I held you for the first time. I was very thin, so I was scared of dropping you, so I held you very, very closely. It was then when you made a small noise with your noise, something like a wheeze of some sorts, and I, being as silly as I was, thought you were trying to say something. So I leaned in and… BAM! You sneezed, to which a large string of snot landed riiiight in my eye. >>

Peake chuckled, enjoying the melancholy of a good memory. Shaking his head, he’d exhale as he continued with the same nostalgic tone.
“I panicked, and after being laughed at by everyone, Mother took you back and I wiped my face with my sleeve.” Peake paused for a moment. “You know… I’ve seen you grow, I’ve seen you laugh and I’ve seen you cry. I remember many moments of your life I’ve never shared with you, because I value like treasures. I’ve seen you grow from a child into the most beautiful woman in the Kingdom. And in a single moment, I destroyed everything.”

“I don’t want you to marry him.” Said Peake, looking over his shoulder at last.“I want you to marry me.”
Thanks to Lazuli for this amazing template!
word count: 1011
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Will There Be Cake?

He wore a look of contrition on his face, in his demeanour. But Celeste was more than his lover or his victim. She was his sister and she knew him in a way that no other woman alive ever would. She didn't doubt that somehow in his mind, this had become something that he was a victim of. Because that was their father's legacy to Peake and she was finally starting to realise it. But she moved with calm and controlled movements and she said nothing as he spoke.

Her back was ramrod straight and she said nothing, did not react and did not even seem to hear him as he spoke. She did, of course, but Celeste was tired. Tired of listening to Peake, of buying what he sold. Yes. He had been there when she was born and he was thin and scared and the baby had sneezed on him. She said nothing, not a word and just let him carry on speaking. As he did, of course, they got to the crux of it and Celeste stopped what she was doing as he said that he wanted her to marry him. Lifting the kettle, which had started to whistle, she poured the water into the teapot with a calm and deliberate movement that was not something she recognised in herself. She placed the teapot down on the table, put two china cups there and a small jug with milk.

Then, she moved back to the stove. It was warm here, warm and familiar and she stood at the stove where the kettle had just boiled, looking down at said kettle and she finally spoke. "Twelve trials" her voice was low and calm, not filled with anger, but equally not filled with hate or rage or passion or... anything. If she could speak when she was dead, this was how she would sound. "That was how long it took the bruises to fade. How long will it be until the nightmares stop? Until I stop being afraid? How long? You hurt me. You. No one else. For no reason other than you chose to. You. You hurt me." she put her hand on the handle of the kettle and wound her fingers around it, their grace almost an irony in this moment. "As your hand wrapped around my throat, you throttled the light from my world. As you ripped the hair from my head, you tore the feeling from my heart and as you pushed my head into the water you suffocated my love" she could kill him, she considered quite calmly. She could. It would make her feel better. Or feel worse. Or feel. It would make her feel.

"You told me to break, you said you wanted to see me break" her voice, so lacking emotion before that shook a little then. "And then you took everything that was ever beautiful in my bleak and loveless world and you broke me. You are right, Peake" she turned to him and there were no tears in her eyes, no fire and no heart, no passion in her gaze. She motioned to the table "I went to see Alistair. I met my husband, arranged by you, with bruises on my neck and face. Do you have any idea? No. You do not.But I forgive you" it was clear to her. As clear as the Saun suns.

"I forgive you because I am broken. But you are too. So this... us... it stops. Now. The only option you have is to force yourself upon me. Do it if you wish, I will not fight you." she moved to the table and she pulled out a chair, sitting on it and gathering up the bits of paper. "What ever this it, Peake, it is not love. A man who loves a woman does not do that to her. And a woman who loves a man does not let him. I will not ask you why, it is not important." quite how she managed to be so calm and cold she did not know but it was what it was. It seemed rather like a gift horse to her, and she would not look it in the mouth.

So, she pushed the small envelope over to him and never once looked him in the eyes "Your invitation. You and a guest. Alistair and I will marry and I will be Duchess. And no man will ever put his hands on me like that again. Because if they do I will kill them or die trying" her heart was broken into a thousand pieces, just as she had told him it would be, but then something much, much worse had happened and the man that she loved revealed himself as a monster. So his words would not do here, they had no place. Nor did he.
Last edited by Celeste Andaris on Sun Apr 16, 2017 8:40 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 824
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Will There Be Cake?

Peake chuckled nervously as his sister spoke, looking down at the tossed invitation without much interest. He didn’t want to marry his sister, and so his proposition had been nothing but a ruse in attempts of baiting Celeste back to his side – or his feet, to be more precise. Like any other man, Peake wanted to be held atop the altar for his woman, to be praised and adored with everything a woman could give him. Celeste had given herself like that for him, in the past, and so his standards towards their relationship were kept high. Now, when Celeste gave less, Peake felt incomplete, rejected, insulted.
“Come on…” He said after his chuckle was finished, pushing himself off the table to take a step towards Celeste. “Don’t be like that. That’s not how this works. You can’t toss us out the window.”

In his cloud of masked superiority, Peake floated next to Celeste, his smile growing weaker and his chest growing smaller as his heart began protesting from within. He felt sick, and the sensation did nothing but grow until a sentiment of despair slowly began seeping over him.
“Celeste, I made a mistake.” Taking her by the arm in order to call for her attention, to incite her to look inside his brown eyes, he’d repeat his sentence with a more intimate tone. “Celeste, I made a mistake. I was tired, and I was angry, so I took it out on my loved one. You can’t blame me for what happened, and you definitely can’t let us be destroyed because of it. Come on…”

Peake tried to wrap his arms around his sister, to hug her and look down upon her like the brother he was, bigger, stronger, and perhaps kinder in the lie he forged for his sister. It had been a while since he realized that he wasn’t actually in love with Celeste, that whatever their relationship was had spawned after their mother’s death. The first days of alcoholism, of carrying shards of a broken hearts and looking for anyone with palms wide open to warm whatever he had left of himself. Those dark days led him to her, his sister. She was the catalyst towards a happier time, and despite his love for her not being true, he still needed her to survive.
“What happened to all the nights we spent together? What happened to all our dreams and fantasies? They are here, with us.” Peake tried to run his hand down Celeste’s hair. “Mine are with you, and yours are with mine… right? Look me in the eye and tell me you regret them. Tell me that, and mean it, and I’ll leave and never bother you again.”
The armored snake tried to tighten his embrace on the female, to press her body against his plate as if his body would feel her warmth.
“I can’t do it, I can’t let you go. Not without me by your side. And I can’t have that…” Peake sighed. “At least I want to know I have your forgiveness. Just give me that.”

He wanted more than her forgiveness, but that would be the first step to extorting her into his side. Peake Maxos Andaris would not allow anyone to ever leave him.
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word count: 567
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Will There Be Cake?

You kept it all so well hid

That wasn't how this worked? She was damned if she could say it any clearer than she had and so she said nothing more. He spoke, and she said nothing. He took her arm and she turned to him, looking at him with a level gaze. Her eyes did not drop from his, she did not blush or fumble or mutter but her expression was not one that she wore when looking at Peake. Until now, that was, when she looked at him with cold eyes. "You were tired and angry? That does not excuse it. I am tired, Peake. Tired and angry" she pulled her arm out of his hold, stepping away from him "I can blame you. I do. And I didn't destroy us. You did"

Cold and clear. Quite where it was coming from, she didn't know. She wanted to run to him, to tell him that it would be alright, but it wouldn't and she was finally starting to understand why.

He stepped forward and hugged her and Celeste leant against him, just for a moment she clung to him and smiled against him. Just for a moment. "My brother." she whispered. Then, she stepped out of his arms and away from him, around the table and with a distance between them. "IWhat happened to those nights? They are over. You tarnished them. You broke me and tarnished them. It's done" There seemed to be no way that he was able to actually hear her, it was almost as though he didn't hear what he didn't want to hear and that was ever Peake's way of course. But Celeste would pander to it no more, would allow it to be her way of being no more. She was done.

"I understand that is what you want. But I can't give it to you. You want forgiveness for an unforgiveable act and you think 'I was tired' makes it acceptable. It does not. I do not forgive you" she lifted her head, defiantly, her chin jutting forward and her eyes flashing "I love you. I will always love you. But I can not forgive what you did to me and I need you to understand that Peake. You have broken the only trust I have ever had" her voice wavered but she didn't look angry. "You've gone too far. You need to change, something needs to change. Don't you know what you did? You did that to me, Peake. You hurt me and you broke my trust. You need to leave" she was firm in her resolve, it seemed.

She stood, expectancy clear on her face as she waited for him to exit her home. Preferably taking the invitation with him, but that was his choice.
Last edited by Celeste Andaris on Sun Apr 16, 2017 8:40 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 478
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Will There Be Cake?

Celeste was insufferable. As she pulled away from Peake’s gentle arms, the spark of rage and contempt that hid beneath his skin was ignited once more, the woman clearly adept at playing him like a kid. It was in that moment Peake realized he wasn’t the only one playing with her – she was playing with him as well. She had control over him because of his jealousy, which she triggered every time she denied him. Whenever that happened, Peake’s mind could only imagine that she preferred Alistair to him, thought that obviously drove him insane. He had made the arrangement not only to save the kingdom, but to put someone by her side so that he could keep exploiting the remnants of love he felt for his sister. To be actually replaced was… disturbing.
“I see how it is, this toxic love of yours.” Peake said in a menacing tone. “I see what you’re doing, woman. You take me, you wring me out, you toss me away and then you say you love me…” Shaking his head, Peake’s own chin rose, disgusted by the hypothesis formed by his paranoia. “And now that I’ve done a mistake, you won’t shut up about it for the rest of your life.” Laughing bitterly, Peake turned around and walked over to the window, gazing outside for a mere moment before he returned his gaze to her.
“I love you, but I don’t forgive you. I need you, but I don’t want you.” He said sarcastically, tone and attitude turning bitterer every passing thrill. “Well, I’m done being the dog you beat up with your words, woman. Because you are so damn proud, and so damn stupid. All the good I’ve done for you quickly forgot, didn’t you? But the one thing I did wrong you’ll hold on to forever. Of course, you are perfect. You don’t make mistakes. Right?”

It was starting all over again. His breathing was getting out of control, getting faster and heavier, almost heaving. Peake lacked self-control over a great deal of aspects in his life, but when he felt hurt or cheated he felt it the most. Celeste triggered him in such a way it was seriously bad to his health. In this occasion, however, Peake did not try to assault his sister for one reason or the other, although he was already planning on it.
“You’re so busy with yourself you can’t understand how much I’m suffering throughout all this. Yes, me. I set up this arrangement, and I’ve been carrying it on my back like a curse. You’re the one that’s letting it corrupt me.” His tenor voice was slowly turning into growls, what he couldn’t express in violence expressing it with his voice. “Do you want to know why I beat you? Why I fucked you? Because I wanted a piece of you. Because you’re so self-centered you don’t realize we’ll probably never get to be together again. And all this talk of love, of you and I, and of everything… it’s just a bunch of lies. You don’t care at all. This is all a circus for your eyes, and I always get to play the buffoon. I’m the one fighting this war! I’m the one making the hard decisions! And I deserve better than this scam.”

Peake stepped forward, almost seeming as if he was about to jump into violence. However, the violence was given to the invitation, as he took it and rose it for her to see.
“And then you throw this on my chest like an arrow! How do you think I feel!?” Just like that, Peake tore the invitation twice, tossing the paper towards her. “There, you keep this love. You’re not a real dragon - you’re just a snake.”

Just like that, empowered by his rage, Peake headed to the exit at last, taking the knob and turning it as he glanced over his shoulder one last time.

“Congratulations on your wedding.”
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Will There Be Cake?

She watched him, she listened to him and Celeste Andaris mourned. Not for the man in front of her but for her brother. Looking at him, now, realising what he was hit her like a blow to the chest. Her brother was a monster and right now, she teetered on the edge of becoming a monster alongside him. He was paranoid and deluded and Celeste wondered how she had not seen it. Was this why she had to leave, she wondered? Was this what her unconscious mind had seen? It would be nice to think that she was that insightful but she did not believe it.

Standing there in front of her, first looking out of the window and then turning back to her, Celeste realised that her brother was a corpse trapped inside a living man's body. Worse than that, the body was alive and vibrant and beautiful but what he was what he had become, that was starting to show through and the rot was seeping out.

It was tragic.

He ranted, he accused, he denied and he lashed out with words and Celeste stood, hands folded in front of her and watched him. She did not speak, there were no words with enough influence. She did not move, there were no actions with enough strength. She did not feel, for if she did then the power of those would overwhelm her and here, in her kitchen, she would crumble and die.

So she stood, she watched and she did not feel. He ripped the invitation and threw it at her and then he turned with his parting shot. Celeste stood for another few moments, then she sat down and put her head in her hands, allowing herself the release of silent sobs. She had to be quiet, she knew. Silence was her only defence. But eventually, as they inevitably must, the sobs subsided and she got up, locked the door and sat back down to continue with the planning of a wedding which, she supposed, her brother would not be attending.
Last edited by Celeste Andaris on Sun Apr 16, 2017 8:39 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 345
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Will There Be Cake?

You're the Bee's Knees!

Celeste Andaris

Story: 5/5
Structure: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/5

These points may not be used for magic.

Peake Andaris: A Monster
Peake Andaris: Abusive & Manipulative
Peake Andaris: Incapable of True Love
Peake Andaris: Never Admits Wrongdoings
Discipline: Focus on facts, not Emotion
Negotiation: Staying Firm When Compromises Won't Work



Peake Maxos Andaris

Story: 5/5
Structure: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/5

These points may not be used for magic.

Tactics: Know, Predict, Prepare
Politics: Ignorance is Impotence
Deception: How to Use an Apology to Manipulate Emotions
Acting: How to Look Pathetic
Storytelling: The Birth of Your Siblings
Psychology: A Woman Should Worship You in All Things
Celeste Andaris: Selfish
Celeste Andaris: Not a Dragon, Only a Snake



-5 (Being a general dick. Also, for trying to manipulate your sister after attempting to kill her. Wtf, dude).

Notes: Gah, how I love the Andaris family and its dysfunctional dynamic. Both Celeste and Peake are such interesting characters, and the way Peake tries to manipulate her and Celeste deals with him is so fascinating to read.

Of course, I would have loved for this thread to go on and on, but I realize that is not reasonable and you found a nice stopping point. Such a shame I won't be experiencing more of these threads in the future. If I missed anything, let me know.

And of course, Peake did not get a grade since he is retired (but if he were to ever come back, just say the word).
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