• Location • Rynmere Theatre


The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Rynmere Theatre

Rynmere Theatre

Rynmere Theatre is one of the oldest buildings belonging to Andaris city. The simple yet elegant Theatre has put on some of the best plays, written by only the most intelligent playwrights of Rynmere history. Tragedy and comedy are the most common theatrical styles since they seem to draw more of a crowd in. But occasionally, the theatre will put on a drama. Most of the plays are based on catastrophic events Rynmere has faced as a community or some of the playwright's own life experiences (this is usually where most of the comedy originate from).

The theatre is located in midtown and cannot be missed. Standing four stories high, the building looks magical during both day and night. It is made of marble the colour of the sun and iron. There are very few windows dotted about the theatre, most covered with curtains of velvet. The roof of the building is dome-shaped with stairs out front leading to the main entrance of the theatre. You will notice the main entrance is heavily guarded due to the nobles who frequently visit.

The inside is nicely decorated, you will notice that almost everything from the halls to the chandeliers are gold. Paintings of the greatest playwrights and actors line the halls all the way to the actual theatre where people are seated by the staff.

The theatre is not oblivious to the social classes; the ground level is lined with uncomfortable wooden benches while the upper class enjoy the balcony seats above, soft and lined with red velvet. Members of the Andaris family have always been heavily involved with the theatre and are known for running a tight ship.


Name: Jane Andaris
Race: Human
Age: 35 arcs
Born: 39th of Saun, 681
Title: Lady/ Actress
Skills: Persuasion (34), Acting (64), Business management (55), Writing (69), Teaching (40), Singing (35), Leadership (56).
Other Information: Lady Jane took over after the passing of her mother. Under her management, the theatre has been more successful than ever. Lady Jane has brought to the theatre fresh ideas, new plays and even new actors. Everything Jane Andaris touches turns to gold.

Jane Andaris takes no one's crap and she's quick to get rid of anyone who disagrees with her. But beside that, Jane Andaris is fun to work with and really good at her job.


Name: Valeria Macerys
Race: Human
Age: 20
Born: 12th of Cylus, 696
Title: Actress
Skills: Acting (56), Singing (47), Dancing (50), Seduction (36).
Other Information: There is a possibility that if Valeria Macerys did not resemble the first queen, she would have never became an actress. A lovely woman, Valeria had visit the theatre a lot as a child and dreamed of being a part of it. But being a peasant and the daughter of a prostitute, Valeria never thought her dreams would come true. She started off as a servant to the Andaris family and if she were not spotted by Jane, she would have remained a servant. Jane Andaris wrote a spectacular play on the life of the first queen but could not find the right person to play her. She spotted Valeria one day, doing her servant duties and decided to cast her as Queen Nora.

Valeria owes her entire career and fame to Jane Andaris. If there is anyone that kisses Jane's rear end, it is Valeria-- which is how she always end up playing the lead female character.


Name: Daniel Stone
Race: Mixed Race
Age: 30
Born: 1st of Ymiden, 686
Title: Actor, Bastard.
Skills: Acting (67), Singing (35), Rhetoric (50), Seduction (60)
Other Information: The bastard of an unknown noble, Daniel is very cocky. He believes he is the best actor in the Theatre and always deserves the leading male roles. Daniel becomes furious when he isn't the lead but knows not to complain to Jane about it. He can sometimes make work for the other actors a little hard, making it almost impossible to work with him.

Caring deeply about his own status, Daniel is known to flirt with the noble women and some men that visit the theatre, hoping to marry into one of the Great houses and change his title.


Name: Mason Williams
Race: Human
Age: 25
Born: 34th of Ymiden, 691
Title: Actor
Skills: Acting(45), Writing(34), Business Management(44)
Other Information: A close friend of Jane Andaris, Mason originally wanted to be a playwright. He came to the Theatre at first to assist Jane with some of her own writing and while helping another actor rehearse their lines, he realized he had a knack for acting as well. Mason prefers playing the minor characters, finding them intriguing but every once in awhile, he'll the lead male role.


Name: Nathaniel Boon
Race: Human
Age: 40
Born: 20th of Cylus, 676
Title: Actor/ Playwright
Skills: Acting (50), Writing (74), Singing (22), Poetry (44)
Other Information: Nathaniel Boone is a mysterious man who just came to the theatre almost out of thin air. Most of the actors find him weird but Jane Andaris loves his writing style and ideas, which is why she keeps him around. Nathaniel Boone writes most of the tragedies and dramas, often casting himself as the main character. Nathaniel Boone is a bit of a drinker too, coming into work a little drunk at times.


Name: Isadora Venora
Race: Mixed Race (Human/Sev'ryn)
Age: 19
Born: 100th of Vhalar, 697
Title: Actress
Skills: Acting (74), Persuasion (59), Animal Husbandry(30)
Other Information: The city's favourite damsel in distress, Isadora is a very dramatic girl both on and off set. She doesn't to be so dramatic, it's just who she is. Isadora is one of Jane's favourites, which is why she is always casted as some sort of maiden. Isadora is a needy girl who cannot go a day without complaining about something. Truthfully, none of the other actors like her - except maybe Daniel.

Isadora is the person who pitched the idea of bringing real animals on stage when they're needed and she also helps to train them.


Name: Clay Deveraux
Race: Human
Age: 31
Born: 20th of Vhalar, 685
Title: Theatre guard
Skills: Intimidation(56), melee combat(30), stealth(46), Unarmed combat (50).
Other Information: A large man, Clay is in charge of everyone's safety. He protects the actors from being brutally attacked by unhappy customers and keeps the theatre from getting too rowdy, especially at night. He is extremely kind to nobles and extremely rude to the lower class. Clay has no respect for peasants and showing most that visit the theatre some hostility.


Admission cost- 3 gn

Balcony Seating- 10 gn

Regular seating- 5gn

Renting Theatre for use 250gn
Credit: Daliane Andaris
word count: 1139
A N D I T' S A L L J U S T S M A L L S T U F F, B A B Y.

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