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The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Ashira Ward
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Getting On Top Of Things

Vhalar 29

One of the things Ashira had been considering was how to maximize the small amount of space she had in the city. Ideally she'd have about an acre or more to grow plants on. Within Andaris walls, this was basically an impossibility unless you were obscenely wealthy. With Ashira wasn't. Yet. She had designs in that direction as well, but one thing at a time. More plants would help. She'd eventually reached a possible solution. Her roof was currently unused space. If she could alter it, so that it was a garden instead, or more correctly, a collection of growing boxes, she'd be able to plant far more than she could currently.

But the money problem reared it's head again. The materials alone would be somewhat costly, to then hire someone to do the work on top of that? It would take far too long to save up that much. Better if she could do it herself. But what did she know about carpentry? Or roofs for that matter. She didn't want her roof to cave in because she didn't know what it was doing. Or to leak. Mold was most certainly not on the list of things she wanted to grow in or around her home.

Well.. Some types could be useful but..

These thoughts had been turning around in her head when a notice on the bulletin board had caught her eye. She checked it fairly often and today on her way home from her last task was no different. She didn't bring in the sort of money that Everett did, but she was determined to help, to contribute. Today, what caught her eye was a small note, it read as follows;
Job: Elderly couple need roof tiles replaced at house number 305 in Midtown. Materials and tools provided, looking for young, skilled construction novice to complete work for low pay.

Pay: 1gn per break (expected to take three trials or 15 breaks).
Susan & Lynk Waterbottom
This seemed to Ashira to be a stroke of luck. The pay was barely worth talking about, even by her standards, but that wasn't what interested her. Here was a chance to learn about roofing without risking her own. Perfect! Not that she would intentionally ruin an elderly couples roof of course, if she did she'd refuse payment, but if she tried her best and it happened.. well, at least it wasn't happening to her.

So she'd gone to the address listed to see precisely what was required and to make sure the job was still available. The elderly couple who'd greeted her had been pleasant enough, and had informed her that another gentleman had offered to do the job earlier in the day. But, they continued, just as Ashira was getting ready to thank them and leave, they were certain he could use some help. They'd not expected to find a master craftsman, and didn't have the coin to pay one regardless, and figured that two novices working together was probably better than one, and could get the job done more quickly. He had apparently agreed to come back and start tomorrow, for which they were very grateful. Who knew how long before the clouds broke and the promised storm finally came?

So the next morning, armed with waterskin and gloves, and the most practical clothes she had, which to her semi-mortification included a pair of pants borrowed for Everett belted and rolled up because a dress didn't seem like the best choice on a rooftop, Ashira arrived to meet whoever it was she was working with. The elderly couple had generally agreed that it started with an N, but couldn't agree beyond that.
word count: 633
Will be finishing existing threads with Nir'wei and Ivy so my partners can get their points. Then I'm out. As such I will not be starting anymore threads.
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Getting On Top Of Things

The daily grind at the Skye Verath Lodge had become boring. Not that working with the various Volareon and Jacadon there wasn't a stimulating experience, but doing the same thing every day had started to weigh on his head like a bag of bricks. It'd become a chore, something he couldn't put his heart and spirit into, as he normally did. Perhaps it was because Gaspard and Poppy dedicated themselves just as much, if not more so, to the wellbeing of the exotic mount populace, that they understood this problem when he explained it to them both that morning. "I need a few trials to try something new." They agreed. He'd worked there for almost half an arc now - it wasn't as though he wasn't a hard-working, dedicated employee. They could spare him a few days, at the very least, to cure these pangs for adventure.

Since the Lodge was pushed right into the far corner of Lowtown, he had to walk through it. Every day. He saw the damage that the soldiers had caused as they rushed through the city every day - and the people, struggling in the ruins of their houses to repair their lives and what belongings they still had left. He'd helped where he could, as any common person would do. It was difficult to know where to know his help was most needed, though. No system to prioritize who needed the most aid. At least, he thought there wasn't; he'd completely glazed over the bulletin board in his daily strolls. He'd always focused on where he was going, what he'd be doing when he arrived at the Lodge, running over the daily lists in his mind. Now that he was clear of responsibilities, free to actually look at the streets he walked, he found so much more happening that he'd closed his eyes to.

"Elderly couple... needs tiles replaced." Archailist hovered over Nir'weis shoulder, scanning through the various papers nailed to the board. "Materials and tools provided. Young, skilled construction novice." The squirrel turned to him. "Sounds like the perfect job, doesn't it?" It did. He wasn't the best when it came to construction, the best he'd done was fixing that wagon with Faith's help, and she'd been the one to do most of the physical stuff. He still had a rough understanding, even if his fingers were rather unco-operative. "Just go for it. They'll appreciate the help, no matter who it's from." Thinking on it, Nir'wei couldn't help but agree.

He popped around, offered his services; they accepted with little hesitation and he agreed to arrive early the next day. Not out of necessity really, but he figured there were other things he could do to help around in the meantime.

The next day, Nir'wei returned to the house in his worst attire. A shirt that'd seen the worse half of half an arc of constant wear and tear, practically falling apart on his chest with holes and rips layering it over. His trousers were no better, although this was all hidden away behind a somewhat sturdy cloak, for the purposes of modesty if little else. Strangely enough, when he arrived though, there was someone else there. At first he just thought she was a friend of the old couple, or even a relative. "Mornin'. Just here to fix a roof, don't mind me."

"Oh, she popped around yesterday. She's offered to help out as well," one of the elderly residents remarked just as Nir'wei was about to pass her by without another glance her way. Another helper? It felt a little shameful to admit that he hadn't really expected anyone else to turn up. Not that it wasn't possible for someone other than himself to take time out of their day to help out an old couple in need of help for pennies and the simple joy of helping other human beings, of course not.

He put on a smile. "Well, pleasure to meet you. Nir'wei." He'd have extended a hand out to shake, but the sooner they pushed on and fixed this roof, the better they'd all be! "Glad to have some help! Guessing you've got a bit of experience under your belt, then?" he asked over his shoulder as he took a share of the tools and equipment kindly procured by their temporary employers. "To be honest, with the two of us up here, it should all be done in half the time, if we just work on one tile each. Or... hmm. What if we team up and do each tile together? It could speed things up even more, then." He was rambling off to himself without even casting a glance back to Ashira at this point. "If you've got the gloves, you hold down the tile, I'll nail it into place? Not to put you on the firing line, but..." he turned and raised his hands, wiggling his bare fingers, "you've got a little more protection than I do in that department."
word count: 871
We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
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Ashira Ward
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Getting On Top Of Things

The very first thing that Ashira noticed, even before the rather disheveled appearance which was what she would usually pick-up on first, was that here was a man she was actually taller than. Not by a lot, but taller all the same. She honestly wasn't sure how she felt about it. Part of her was delighted. Another part felt rather as if the world was now subtly off balance. It would have been acceptable if he were very old, tiny old people fit into her world view. He was not. She judged him to be quite a bit younger than herself actually, and for all that he was small, he looked to her to be quite healthy. Well, if her professional opinion had been sought, it would have been that he could use a little more food. He had a sort of lean look to him, more runner than bodybuilder, but clearly active all the same. Still, it looked as though he was expending a little too much energy compared to his food intake. Nothing that would kill him of course, he clearly wasn't starving, but, well, if he want on a sea voyage he'd best hope he didn't get ship-wrecked anywhere. He didn't seem to have much excess. Better that than too much excess health-wise though she supposed.

He seemed to dismiss her right off the bat. It was understandable though, and for once Ashira did not in fact get her nose out of joint. Certainly (borrowed pants aside) she did not look like the sort of person who would be crawling about on roofs trying to repair them, and he'd greeted her pleasantly enough before moving on, so fine, fair.

As the Waterbottoms corrected him, she offered him a smile.

"Ashira, and no actually, I know more about fixing people than roofs but.. You hammer the tiles to the roof yes? It seemed like something a person could figure out." She shrugged.

This may have been another case of Ashira over simplifying other peoples jobs. If pressed she would certainly admit that it almost certainly took skill and knowledge to tile a roof well, but it seemed like pretty much anyone could get the job done acceptably. She considered his suggestions. She wasn't really sure how she felt about holding the tiles for him. Yes she had gloves, but that didn't mean it wouldn't hurt all the same if he hit her. She needed her hands, for everything else she did. On the other hand if she worked on her own she would almost certainly hit her own fingers and then she wouldn't even have anyone to blame. And if she just lent him the gloves, and she did the hammering, she'd definitely hit him and then she'd feel bad.

"Together is probably faster, as you said. I suppose first we'll have to get everything up on the roof!"

At least the ladder looked to be a solid piece of work. Carting the tiles up was still going to be a pain. She supposed if you were doing a bigger roof or did the professionally you'd set up some sort of.. of pulley system. With a little crane sort of thing to keep from damaging the side of the roof as you hauled things up. Something that advanced however was clearly not included in the 'all gear provided' and this too was fair since it would likely have cost about as much or more than the roof and with luck the Waterbottoms wouldn't have to have their roof done again in their lifetime, so unless them intended to come out of retirement and become roofers.. Not much point.
word count: 628
Will be finishing existing threads with Nir'wei and Ivy so my partners can get their points. Then I'm out. As such I will not be starting anymore threads.
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Getting On Top Of Things

Her comment made Nir'wei pause for a moment and look over her a second time. To be fair, he wasn't very good at gauging people from first impressions. "You see, now I wonder why a doctor is fixing roofs." Not that she couldn't. He'd just expected there to be many other things to take up their time. It certainly seemed like the vets down in the Lodge had their hands full most of the time, although perhaps that was more due to a noticeable lack of them around. Neither Poppy nor Gaspard had any particular medicinal training, meaning that they were totally reliant on handlers, stablehands and other staff picking up the slack. "But yes, like I said, it shouldn't be that taxing. Nailing tiles to a roof isn't the hard part though... it's making sure that the water doesn't seep in. I mean we can get up there, hammer away and be done inside ten bits without breaking a sweat," he answered as he walked, glancing back over one shoulder, "but it's all for nothing if the tiles aren't arranged so that they block the rain from coming in."

With two pairs of eyes, they'd be able to spot mistakes easier. With two pairs of hands, they'd be making mistakes more often as well. "We'll have to-- hmm?" He paused. "Oh. Yes, getting everything there." Nir'wei smiled sheepishly. "Sorry. I'm always trying to think three steps ahead on everything. Guess I get carried away making plans." He'd always believed that it was better to at least have a plan to run with rather than jumping in blind and succumbing to utter chaos, though. He still believed it now. Exactly why he'd brought along one of his heavy-duty canvas bags. Sadly he didn't have any of his own tools to put inside... but they made a perfect place to slot in his share of the tiles before he slung the bag over his shoulder and heaved up the ladder.

They didn't need a crane. Just a little of elbow grease. "Alright, come on!" It wasn't a mansion. As they both climbed up the slope of the house's top, the gaping hole became rather quickly noticeable. Most of the tiles had cracked and slipped away, either tumbling down the side of the slope or dropping into the wound, peppering the insides of the attic. In a few cases, the clay had cracked and split, leaving portions of tile still slotted into place in jagged little uprised sections. Those needed to be dealt with first. "So, you never told me. Why are you here? Not to judge or anything." The scrawny man didn't look up as he knelt down over the hole and begun tearing out the broken ceramic plates with dry 'clank's. "I mean, there's got to be some injured or sick people around. Wouldn't be surprising. I'm sure they'd benefit a whole lot more from your skilled hands than anyone will from your roof talents."

He didn't mean to judge, but he was genuinely curious. Besides, idle conversation was about the best thing to have besides complete awkward silence. "Alright, hold down this here?" Between replies, he tugged out the first tile, wedged a gap between the wooden beams and the top-most slat, pushed the new tile into place so that roughly half its length stuck out, and then poised a nail across the overlap between the two plates. "Keep it steady." Just a few hard hits should have been enough to secure it, before he moved to the next.
word count: 620
We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
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Getting On Top Of Things

The final repairs not only went off without a hitch, but Nir'wei had to assume that he'd hit a nerve or something, because they happened in complete silence. Thankfully Ashira was surprisingly competent in her workmanship, moving her hands where he told her to, following his instructions without pause or question. Each tile was nailed into place on the support beam, seamlessly overlapping the surrounding tiles and each painted with a thin layer of water-resistant grease provided by the elderly couple, to make sure there'd be no leakages when the next rains came. All in all, it went surprising better than he thought it would have, in all honesty, as he sat back and admired his work with hands on his hips. Apart from the obvious brighter hue from the unweathered tiles, it looked pretty damn seamless when compared to the others.

Even better, upon sliding back down, he found the Waterbottoms waiting for him, a satisfied smile on each face and a ceramic mug of steaming tea in each hand. Ashira apparently rejected it, because she instead took her money and disappeared with little more than a small thank you and goodbye. Nir'wei on the other hand graciously accepted their offer and sat with them inside, sipping and chatting. They were surprisingly lovely and humble folk, he had to say. Their home was as simple on the inside as it was on the outside, but odd knick-knacks covering the walls and well-decorated curtains and table-coverings gave the place a warm air that stayed with Nir'wei even after he finished and bid his farewells. "There's nothing more wholesome than helping out those in need, is there?" Archailist chuckled as they passed the Waterbottom's gate.

The Sev'ryn nodded - he couldn't agree more - but then Archailist's tone turned... darker. "Why do you suppose that couple needed someone like us to come and fix that roof of theirs, hm?" he asked, obviously probing despite already knowing what the answer was. Just what was the squirrel thinking? Trying to sneak a peek through their mental connection showed nothing but fluffy clouds; he was masking it, preventing him from looking deeper.

"They... they obviously couldn't do it themselves," he replied after a moment of hesitation, unsure exactly where this was leading. "I mean, look at them. They're old, frail, they'd probably struggle to lift one of those tiles, let alone climb up onto the roof and fix them into place. It's no surprise that they put an ad up, and it's not like they had to spend much for it either." Since both he and Ashira had unexpectedly turned up at pretty much the same moment, the two of them had managed to complete the job in half the time expected, and they'd split the reward both ways for good measure, so they'd both barely caught a few pennies since the elderly couple had already said they'd be paying by the break. "What do you think they were doing, trying to lure people into a trap?"

For a moment, Archailist paused. As a matter of fact, he paused long enough to make Nir'wei stop in his tracks. He couldn't be serious, right? "Those two are a very nice, very elderly couple sitting in a nice area of Midtown, with all the tools and all the materials needed already purchased and ready. They've obviously got plenty of money if they've got all of that ready to go in the first place, so why do you think they put up an advertisement to find the cheapest, least-skilled labourers to come and do the job for them, when it's obvious they've got more than enough cash stashed away somewhere to hire a professional carpenter, roofer, whatever you want to come over and do the job correctly." Alright, he had to admit, the spirit-squirrel made a good deal of sense there. He'd never even considered that angle.

"Not only that, but how many people do you think would be more than willing to help out an elderly couple like that? How many friends do you think they've got around the city? Why didn't the neighbours help? Why didn't the relatives, the children or the grandchildren or anything of the sort? If they want cheap labour, for whatever reason, there's plenty of ways they could have gotten it for free, as a favour or something. Don't you think that's much more preferable to having a complete stranger come over to your house, sit on your roof and hammer stuff into your home?" He wanted to say that maybe they didn't get along well with the neighbours - maybe the family lived in a different city, they'd all flown the nest or something - maybe all their friends were just as old and frail as they were! One of those had to be true, of course... but all of them? Now he was starting to stretch it.

The squirrel still wasn't done, though. "Imagine the best ways to lure someone to your house. Put up an advertisement for a small, very easily-completed job, some sub-decent pay, very low requirements. A disarming family, a nice elderly couple, the last people you'd ever suspect. A job that means you'll have to come nice and close to the house... you'll make yourself tired. It's such a small thing you'll probably never even mention it to anyone, and besides that, if you've already got a job, you won't bother taking up a tiny job like that for such a limited amount of pay. It'll probably just attract loners... guys who blow in from elsewhere, pick up little jobs that nobody else bothers with. No attachments, no strings. Probably nobody here even knows or cares who they are. You give them everything they need, let them go up onto your roof, work all day fixing roof tiles in place, and when they come down, you give them a cup of tea as a sign of thanks, pull them inside..."

His blood ran cold. "But nothing happened," he protested.

"Yeah," the squirrel replied with a faint smile. "Nothing happened, you're right. Doesn't matter. Even if something had happened, I mean, there was that girl there as well. She saw you come with them inside the house afterwards, and she didn't take any of the tea. If you disappeared... well, when news got out, she'd have told everyone she last saw you going into their house, so they would have been busted anyway."

No way. Nuh-uh. Archailist had to be joking, right? He had to be. But when he looked back through that mental connection, all he saw was steel. He'd had suspicions, but nothing concrete. Nir'wei hadn't even considered it. Damnit. Refusing to turn around and look back at that damn house, he made a vow then and there to never take up a community job ever again.
word count: 1197
We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
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Getting On Top Of Things



LOL! And that's that, no more community tasks ever! I loved how you worked through this in Nir'wei's mind, how he and Archailist had this almost Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson relationship. It was great fun, well written and clear. You write Nir'wei really well and his reasoning and deduction is very obviously logical. Very good way to work out and end a thread. Great stuff.


XP: 15

Devotion: None
Fame: +5 (good deeds!)


5gn for a community task


Carpentry: Nailing ceramic to wood
Carpentry: Making adjustments on the go
Carpentry: Filling a hole on a surface
Carpentry: Applying in a pattern
Carpentry: Working in tandem with part of a team
Carpentry: Measuring out the correct amount of material needed for the task
Ashira: If you submit a request for this, it will be completed in order on the review request thread. Feel free to drop me a pm with any questions!
Nir'wei: Please make sure to mark your review request as complete! You can do that by putting my review stamp on it!
Your review request is: here!
Review stamp:

Code: Select all

word count: 208
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
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