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Elyna gets made up to Colonel in the Skyriders

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Promoting Potential (Elyna)

8th Day of Cylus
717th Arc
The room was a grand one: ornate, carved red oak depicted scenes from history, both of Rynmere and or Idalos as a whole; the ceiling, though slightly faded, was painted in an intricate pattern; two large chandeliers hung low, glittering in the amber light of the room. The furniture, too, only added to the extravagance. While linen covered each of the nine round tables, as well as the top table. They were decorated simply, with a small display of flowers surrounding a seven-pronged candelabra. Each table would sit 10 people, the top table sitting 4. When the tables were set, there had been enough cutlery for 6 courses. But now, the serving staff removed the first course - smoked salmon - from the tables.

Everyone who was anyone in Andaris was in this room tonight: noblemen, high ranking military officials, royalty, husbands and wives were all present. The King was missing from the proceedings tonight, though he had been present for the ceremony earlier in the day, where 3 new Colonels had just been made up, and were being Dined-In to the Skyriders in their new positions. Now, he was represented by a few of the Dukes, and by the Lord Commander, Komodo Enthor, as well as both the Emperor and Empress of Rynmere.

One of this number was Elyna Burhan, a woman who, despite her recent pregnancy and absence for child-rearing, which had taken her out of action for a period, had impressed her superiors enough to bestow this honour upon her. The woman was seated at table number three, at which her father, Justice Pavoo, also sat, as did other members of her family, all of whom had been invited. At the table also sat a General of the Iron hand, as was the case at the tables of the other new Colonels. The General at table three was Elyna’s new direct superior, a man by the name of Victor Gregaus.

General Gregaus, despite being impressed with the accomplished young lady seated to his right, had made no secret of his concern over Elyna’s new appointment within the Xiur Skyriders. “So tell me, Colonel Burhan,” he leaned back as the serving staff delivered the second course - a carrot soup - to the table, and picked up his spoon, “Who is looking after your daughter tonight?” There was a slight edge to his otherwise polite tone, but the message was clear: who was going to look after the infant for Elyna to return to duties, or to even leave on an extended mission?
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Promoting Potential (Elyna)

It had been a long trial. As though Elsie had forgotten to sleep since the end of Zi’da the child barely slept for more than two breaks at a time, which meant that Elyna and Malcolm barely slept. Her cheeks were flushed red and angry and the few bubbling words she’d started to form were lost inconsolable tears and angry shouts. Everything belonged to the baby and Elsie was reluctant to give up her grip on anything. Daggers, in their sheaves had been wrestled away and replaced with dolls, carved animals, a hammer and some blunt nails, until the baby had started stuffing everything that she touched into her mouth. Elyna was no longer sure what was harder, moulding new recruits into shape, or reasoning with her baby.

The ceremony had gone well, or perhaps smoothly was a better word for it. Cylus always made her feel sluggish though and when she’d sat down and tucked herself against the linen table cloth, her heart had dropped. It was going to be a long night. Elyna let the conversation carry around her, picking up a few threads of discourse as she smothered a yawn behind her hand. She wore a dress of deep Burhan blue with wide sweeping skirts. The skirts however, were split and she wore breaches and boots beneath. There was no point pretending to be a man and donning a fine suit. However, formal evening wear and a ball gown wasn’t quite appropriate for a military commission either. Her hair was pinned up away from her neck and her eyes accented with khol. The dress sleeves covered her shoulders in satin caps, embroidered in bronze and gold with hawks and a single, tiny lion on her left side. However, she’d also buckled her sword belt to her waist and dropped a hand to the pommel, smoothing her fingers over the cool grain of wood that swirled beneath the gentle touch.

The room smelt like wine, and too much perfume and Elyna looked up as she was addressed. She didn’t know Gregaus; except to recognise him across a room. If her Father hadn’t been sat on the same table then perhaps her reaction would have been different. Probably more volatile. The young noblewoman lifted a brow as her heart thudded hard in her chest. Curious, she thought and wondered if Victor had any children of his own. Her spoon dipped into the spiced orange soup and she tasted it on her tongue, it needed more salt. The spoon was set down and the liquid left to cool.

Elyna lent back in her chair, she’d changed over the last arc. She was more confident and able to speak her mind after careful consideration. She had more at stake too as she tilted her head to the side, “I thought my promotion was based on my ability to train and command Skyriders, and not on my ability to reproduce?” her tone was light and a smile threatened at the corner of her mouth. Her eyes however were devoid of any humour. Elyna glanced at the two other promoted Colonels, “are you concerned that Colonel James has a two arc-old son? Your concern for Elsie’s welfare is touching is sweet, General. Thank you for paying an interest.” And no answer was provided. Would he have asked a man about his young children? No. The skyrider had faced sexism throughout her time in the Iron Hand, it was something that as a woman you learnt to deal with, as a noblewoman, you learnt to handle with hopefully more grace. However she was disappointed that her commanders first question was an instantiation based on her sex. Elyna wasn’t sure if she’d managed any grace on this occasion, but Elsie was none of his business. She, Elyna, had shed enough blood, broken enough bones and risked her life on enough occasions to be treated as an equal, surely?
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The woman, beautiful and elegant though she clearly was, had a demeanour about her which was hardly ladylike, the General thought to himself. It became more evident as they had finally begun to touch on subjects more personal to the woman, and her eyes hardened, her features set as she tried to answer politely, despite the evident anger she was feeling. General Gregaus smiled, though it was mirthless; one which did not reach his eyes. “Colonel James has a woman at home to care for the infant, Miss Burhan.” The man’s tone now took a patronising quality, as if trying to explain to a small child why they could not sit atop an 18 hand horse. “Your husband, decorated as he is, will also be required to perform his duties.

The table had quietened somewhat - all seated were curious, either genuinely curious about Elyna’s answer, or fascinated to watch the General’s audacious questions. The General’s own wife, sensing the ill-ease of the table, placed her hand over her husband’s in an attempt to quieten him. But he ignored her. This girl was replaceable and, as her superior, he had the right to demote and replace her if she were not up to scratch. “You are correct, Colonel: your skills in both weapons and leadership are vastly uncontested amongst peers of our rank. However the presence of a child, as shown in the past, can cause you to be strategically incompetent. I believe the university had found evidence of hysteria in women following childbirth… So no, the promotion is not dependent on offspring, but the opposition to said promotion is very much causally linked, you see.

Some were now openly staring, though other tables had not yet noticed the questionable conversation, as it became more and more obvious how displeased General Gregaus was at having this woman has his direct second-in-command. It was not that he didn’t admire the woman, or value her skills. He would not deny that she was an extremely effective soldier, and had excelled in commanding and rallying ranks below her. It was the situation, the timing, that he was so against. He could not have his second-in-command unfocused on their tastings. He needed someone reliable, consistent, and available.

What he really wanted to know was: if the nursemaid came running into the sparring yard, babe in arms, screaming about the pox, would Elyna discard her duty to her King and country in favour of comforting her child?

It was a question he would not so bluntly ask: the woman was supposedly intelligent, and she needed reminding of her place within the military structure, after her leave. She was not his equal. “Or were you planning to emasculate your husband by forcing him to relinquish his own successful career in order to care for the child?
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Promoting Potential (Elyna)

Ah, her Husband. Was this what it came down to? Elyna felt a familiar sigh move up from her toes. Was there any point explaining that she wasn’t married? It caused far too much confusion and too many questions. Malcolm could be arrested for a bigamist. She scanned the collection of curious faces. Her Father, Justice Burhan seemed to be holding his breath. She’d always been an impulsive child and inclined to speak her mind too freely. Once again, Elyna was glad that her Mother was not in attendance to see her Daughter fail miserably in etiquette. But then Caelan could have been useful to put the pompus prick in his place.
“Sir,” Elyna set her napkin aside and failed to flinch at his insults. Hysteria? Surely if there was any opposition to her appointment then it should have been aired before it was made. The insult to Malcolm was beyond shocking and her frayed patience snapped. It was another one of those terrible, placid moments as she sized the older man up. Broad shoulders from a fighter, but a soft belly meant he probably didn’t move from behind his desk very often. Candlelight flickered on the table top and their unintended audience held it’s breathe.
“Should I hear your insults as a Colonel, or as a noblewoman?” She searched his expression and maintained a calm and level voice. “As a Soldier I should challenge your insult to my honour, and the reputation of my family. As a noblewoman I should slap you so hard that you could be used as a beacon for ships.” The young woman stood then and made her way out from around her chair. “Since I am both I will take my leave before further misunderstandings can be made between us.” Elyna skimmed the edge of the table only to plant a hand on the shoulder of the Generals wife.
“I am sorry that your husband is so easily unmanned, my lady. To fear the presence of children in his home.”
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Promoting Potential (Elyna)

The table seemed to hold its breath, all watching Elyna to see what her reaction would be. If the Lady had noticed that all eyes were on her, she would be the only one; the General certainly hadn’t. His attention was so much on his inferior officer that he was now even leaning forward, towards the woman, a leering expression on his face. “When around me, you are not a noblewoman.” The General replied coldly.

I care little for who your father is,” he spared a glance to the man in question, who was sat, unaware of the current heated discussion at their table. “I have no concern for what blood runs through your veins, or what your handmaidens may call you in your bedroom. I care for how well you can wield your weapon, and how well you can inspire your fellow Skyriders to defend their King and nation.

But the woman had stood and had left. The entire room fell silent, and the General’s eyes met Justice Parvoo’s. The judge’s eyes narrowed and shook his head, clearly disappointed and angered. The question was, who was he angry at? The General growled and stood, showing his napkin down on the table and storming out of the Ballroom. Victor Gregaus had a strong reputation for misogyny… and a foul temper. This girl had pressed all the wrong buttons and, knowing this, his wife hurried out after him. she doubted the man would actually raise a hand to a noblewoman, despite his words about not caring of her blood, but she still wanted to ensure her safety.

Colonel Burhan!” General Gregaus called as he exited the room, and saw the Burhan heiress walking down the corridor. “You will not walk away from me.” He strode down the corridor after the woman, but was halted when he heard the shrill, demanding voice of his wife just behind him.

Victor!” For such a small woman, she was a strong one, it would seem, for she showed no fear as she approached, passed her husband and stood closer to Elyna than her husband, glaring up at him. “Your behaviour here has been atrocious. The commanding ranks of the Sykriders have seen fit to elevate this Colonel Burhan. No matter what you think of her, you show great disrespect for the King and his most trusted, if you seek to belittle her rank and honour.
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Promoting Potential (Elyna)

His continued barrage of bile followed her from the room. He might not care for who her Father was, but Judge Burhan was a poor choice in enemies. Who did the General think signed his general commission? For the best part of a decade, Elyna’s Father had been taking on more responsibilities from the Duke and Duchess; moving to Andaris to deal with matters of state as they remained in peaceful retirement in Burhan. Handmaidens? The young woman looked back, over her shoulder as she slipped from the room. Was he simply stupid? If he thought she had staff, then why was he concerned for Elsie’s care arrangements? He said he only cared for how well she would execute her duties – yet that clearly wasn’t true either. The noblewoman wondered if perhaps his wife was slipping something into his drink, a heavy metal perhaps, something to hasten his demise.
Elyna had every intention to protect her King and work for the good of Rynmere. It was her life’s work to bring justice to an uncertain world, even before Pre had awarded her mark and destined her life to devotion. Determined to put an end to the scene, before she could do something she would later regret, the young woman made long strides towards the exit. Until she was summoned by her names.
The young woman turned carefully to face him, setting one foot behind another. He was angry and he was General, and she had never been intentionally stupid with her safety. Though she took care to keep her hand off of her sword hilt, the young woman let her hands fall casually to her sides and balanced the weight between her feet, prepared for an assault away from the prying eyes of the gathered assembly. He wouldn’t have been the first superior officer to enforce his dominance with his fists. Though she had always hoped that those type of people, didn’t advance past the power of Captains.
With her temper frayed, the words ‘and how do you propose to stop me?’ formed on her tongue, in answer to his assertion that she could not walk away. In the long term, he was right. She would face him tomorrow, and the trial after and the trial after that. He was going to be her direct commander, asshole that he was.
Then his wife rounded on him, with all the fury of a wasp and left Elyna caught off-guard and struggling not to smirk. She reined in control of her features and counted slowly to ten. There was no point agreeing with his wife, the General would heed her warning or not, and there was little the noblewoman felt she could do to influence his decision.
“I hope that we can work together, Sir,” she tried extending a branch of peace, “that we can find some common ground in our love of duty and protecting Rynmere, her King and her people.”
word count: 497
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Promoting Potential (Elyna)

The General stared for a long time at his wife, his eyes speaking threats that his tongue did not utter. The wife did not fear the threats, knowing they would be for naught in private, and neither truly cared what the newly made up Skyrider would think of his manner towards his wife. But, for the moment, the woman had spared Elyna a lashing of words, at the very least, and that would be enough.

Eventually, the man inclined his head ever so slightly and turned his gaze from his suppose to his junior officer. “You will report to me tomorrow morning, by the sixth bell, at the training grounds,” he bit out the words as he glared in her direction, “I have heard and seen your ability to train the men on the ground, but I have not had the pleasure of seeing you truly in action.

You will spar with me.” He was confident that he could best the woman - what man couldn’t, after all? The weaker sex were not designed to carry a weapon, nor be on the field. They were a liability and, no matter what anyone said, he would prove to everyone that it was a mistake to promote a woman so high in the armed forces of Rynmere. At best, she would be a disgrace. At worst, she could damage the integrity of their great Kingdom.

And it wasn’t just her skill with a weapon, it was her ability to lead. What self-respecting man would follow her? He certainly wouldn’t have, had he been a more inferior rank. “Prove me wrong, Colonel Elyna Burhan. Prove to me that you are worthy of your position.
word count: 284
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Promoting Potential (Elyna)

Elyna Burhan

Awarded Points

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5
These points can/cannot be spent in magic

Awarded Knowledge

Politics: A Dinner is a Different Battle
Politics: Women Can Still be Seen as Less
Promotion: Colonel Burhan
Victor Gregaus: Doesn’t Like Me
Victor Gregaus: General of the Skyriders
Victor Gregaus: Misogynist
Victor Gregaus: New Commander

Awarded Extras

Loot & Losses Injuries
None None
Fame Devotion
+10: Promotion to Colonel None


Promotion! Woop! Well done!

So obviously we've laid the foundations for a completely horrible relationship between Elyna and her boss! I hope you have fun with it... should totally create some drama, especially as she's about to give birth again! Best of luck, prove him wrong and make Rynmere proud!!

If you have any questions, comments or criticism about your review, feel free to send me a PM and we can discuss it.
Thank ye.
word count: 153
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