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5th of Zi'da 716

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Crazy is the new normal

5th of Zi'da, arc 716
Ye Old Inn
11th break

Lately, the days were getting tough. Not because of the joblessness or homelessness the boy put himself into, but simply because he had to watch everything he once protected with his life around him trust people that were not trustworthy, and dismiss people who could do so much more. That had been the case since the beginning, he realized, but alas, he was too preoccupied with living his dream of a hero to notice any bad sides. It was as if he was flipping a coin, and yet believing there is only one side to it. Foolish.

The boy huffed once more as he got himself nearly to the ground on his one and only hand, and then got up another foot or two away from it. And again, and again, he would do this, only to spite whichever Immortal decided on who lost what limb. It was as if he was saying I do not need the hand, I can do all things the same without it, which was obviously not true. Heck, even doing push-ups was way harder, nearly impossible even, without the other hand. But Aeon could do it. He needed to do it. If he could just make himself do ten now, perhaps he'd do more later on. More tomorrow. N-nine... Another huff and a drop of sweat on the floor of the rented room. Ten. He said to himself, but that wasn't enough. Before the battle, before he lost that hand, he would do thirty in the morning, just before his run, next to all the other exercising. And ever since then, he couldn't make himself return to the same training schedule.

Aeon knew though, that he didn't want or need that same training schedule. No, he was way beyond that. He needed a more intense, harder one, one that would push him to his limits constantly, and in doing so, make him break his limits and let them rise even higher every time. He fell down onto his front after he basically shouted twelve inside his brain, since it was most definitely a limit for what he could do with just one hand. It only took Aeon a bit or so to get up, as getting up, one might say, was his personal specialty, next to falling down of course. So many things to be done, so little time, but so much motivation. The more the boy grew a plan, the more motivated he felt to carry it out, and that feeling of purpose he had back when Ryqos was alive was so close to being within his thoughts again.

A new shirt would be nice. The thought came through the boy's head as he sat down at the table and opened the magical scroll he kept within the pocket of his cloak, which was now resting on the bed. Yes, he did need a new shirt, as well as some more clothing. And so his job for the day was decided; get more clothing. Not the most entertaining of jobs, certainly, and not the most useful, as he could've spent his time reading through books that would save his or someone else's life, or simply practicing, but even the most regular jobs needed to be done. It took him a fair couple of bits to put on the entirety of his leather armor, and then his cloak over it, just as he usually would, except for the hood. He found the hood unnecessary when inside the Inn.

"Hey, Aeon, you gonna have a bite with us? Or has mister No longer a knight some more important work than food and drinks?" A man basically yelled towards him from a table down at the far corner of the establishment. He, and his bunch, were one of the few knights that the blond man got close to after his mentor's death. There was one more, but that didn't end well, seeing how four out of the six of them had died on one single mission they went on together.

"Sure" The boy replied with a smile and joined the three warriors at their table, just as one of the newer employees of the Inn brought their own food and drinks. The three of them, like every civilized bunch, started filling up their own throats with their food, with no regards for the fact that Aeon had yet to receive his, or that basically half the room was looking at them.

"Eating stew at this break? You really are a madman my friend. Have you not tried their ribs? They're magnificent, magnificent I tell you." The other man, one that sat next to the boy, said, as Aeon's food and drink finally got there. To be honest, he always preferred the stew at Ye Old Inn, it always had that nice, salty flavor, over the greasy ribs which could either be, as Roland said, magnificent, or they could be awful. Somehow the bearded knight always got the magnificent ones, and the boy quickly moved to and from the thought of how.

"Well, it was a pleasure as always watching you pigs eat, but I've gotta be on my way." The sounds of drunken disappointment came from the other men, as the boy finished his mug of mead. Drinking at that time of day, even as little as he had, was not advised for someone with so much to do, but sometimes, Aeon just couldn't resist the temptation, sometimes, the memory of the sweet and strong taste that stood waiting in his throat would just be too strong, and he needed to have that one mug of alcohol. Just one, at least for now.

It didn't take the cloaked man, who was now wearing the hood, long to get to the marketplace, since he knew the road between the two locations like he knew his pockets. What he couldn't remember, however, was where the bloody tailor person's shop was. He kept thinking he was supposed to go left from the butcher's, but then when he did, it wasn't there, as if it was teasing him. Then he'd go around, try going straight next time, and end up near the bookstore, which was miles away from the tailor's. And just like that, he found himself at a shop that sold herbs and other whatnots, only to see a woman of black hair and sparkling skin approach, or, head off from his location. He couldn't be exactly quite sure. Was he even sure that he only had one mug of mead? Now that he was thinking about it, those knight arses knew how to trick men into drinking more than they wanted to.

He got closer to the woman he, at first, thought was imagining, while also trying to piece together the details, and as well as they fit, and as perfectly as he could remember everything, his memory just seemed wrong. He cursed inside him as he briefly tapped her shoulder expecting her to give him attention, at least for a brief trill or two. "E-excuse me, do you happen to know where the uhh... the... the tailor's shop, Elegance's Ericor, no, uhh, Ericor's Elegance, is?" Bloody hell, he couldn't even speak, oh, he only prayed that the swines had left the Inn, for their own sake. Shaking his head a little bit, Aeon regained full control over his tongue and mouth. "I'm sorry, I just have a little bit of a headache, please excuse me." He mumbled in quick succession hoping that would ease the embarrassment. It didn't.
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Crazy is the new normal

Rey despised the market. It was disgusting, packed with people that she wanted little to no contact with and yet most of them had no directional sense. If another touched her, she would have to consider the pros and cons of a public murder. She could escape the dungeons somehow, right? She sighed, realizing that she was stuck with this chaos - this world was cruel.
If the fact she was being treated like an animal wasn't enough, the fact she had no money was an extra kick to the teeth. Perhaps she could take to begging? But with her outfit she didn't look poor, so nobody would buy it. What if she started a charity? The 'My name is Rey and I need money to murder people' foundation. Would anybody donate to that? Maybe her 'mother', Lissira, would. Or Denebah, if he didn't scold her for the poor naming choice.

She browsed the stalls in front of her, not exactly sure of what she was looking for. She found a butchers and browsed for a while, and nothing of interest was there. She thought for a moment that she could cook some food and then poison it, but there were two problems. One, she couldn't cook. Two, even if she could cook, how did she get a stranger back home to poison them? Why was this job so difficult? She made way to the herbalist, hoping to avoid anyone too insane.
Almost as if on cue, a man showed up from seemingly nowhere while she browsed for anything she could use as a poison. Tapping her on the shoulder and asking for help was a regular pick-up line she heard, especially from the ones who had clearly been drinking. She didn't take much note of his appearance, she rarely would. In her eyes, almost all men were the same - especially, as aforementioned, the drunk ones.
"The tailors? I might do, actually. Would you like me to show you the way, if you have a headache?" she offered politely. She admittedly had no idea where the tailor was in this market, it was a while since she'd been to see them and was certain things had changed. As for why she offered to take the man somewhere, it was more to give herself something to do. She didn't care for his safety or health, but better to keep up a friendly facade for as long as possible.

"Well, what do you say?" she asked with a smile.
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Crazy is the new normal

As the thoughts of what he would do to those morons who got him on the verge of drunkenness flew through the young man's mind, he realized the woman had responded, and with an innocent smile crossing her face. She seems nice, the cloaked man thought as he smiled, barely managing to hold off the dizziness caused by whatever he had drunk. He was lucky he tapped the right person on the shoulder. Some people would've taken that as a sign of aggressiveness, and some just wouldn't have known where the best tailor in town was.

"Yes, thank you, that would be lovely." Aeon said, ready to follow up on the woman's first footsteps. He gazed into her face hoping to try out what he had learned from that book about body language, but alas, her face was moving too fast and in every direction, or were those his eyes, for him to notice anything of importance. The young man was sure, however, that he wouldn't have noticed anything too unusual, not for the people of Andaris, and that she was just one other kind but poor soul. There were simply too many of those in recent times.

As they walked for a bit, the cloaked man realized it would only be polite to introduce himself, even though his eyes had started failing him slowly. He turned his head around towards the woman, only for his vision to take at least a couple of trills to stabilize onto her. It was as if, whenever he turned around, his sight would simply lose track of where it needed to be, and then take several tries to hit the right spot.

"I'm Aeon," he said, with a pause between these and his next words; "you know, I'm not usually like this, today's just a bad day. I appreciate you helping me even more because of it." He smiled briefly under his hood, as he had completely forgotten he was wearing one in the first place. It was an instinct already to have the hood toss his scars into a deep shadow, and still, even if he was asked to take it off he would reply with a simple 'You wouldn't like what's underneath'.
word count: 381
"A hero is someone who steps up when everyone else backs down"
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Crazy is the new normal

Rey'na smiled as the two walked, trying her best to look as polite as possible. She didn't know why she was fully helping this man, admittedly - perhaps she was going soft? Or perhaps she prayed he had some money so she could continue with her experiments. Either was a viable option, the latter just meant less self-torture in the long run. It would be really unfortunate if she found herself going soft for another man, after what happened to the last one.
"So, you're looking for tailors? Looking for something in particular? I can recommend them highly" she said as she carried on walking. She had to refrain from telling him why. 'Well, the dress they made me for murder was spectacular' normally wasn't a good line to use to make friends, nor to act normal. It was strange to her. She'd killed for a long time, she didn't really understand what the whole fuss was. After all, the government that frowned upon killing also sent armies to go and do exactly that.

"Rey'na" she said in return. She then listened as he explained that he wasn't usually like this. She had to remember what Denebah had taught her. Was it polite or pushy to ask what was wrong in this situation? People were confusing. One moment you ask a question and they're grateful, the next you ask and you're being rude.
Finally, she decided to ask, not particularly caring if it was rude or not. She had to fake concern in the first place, if it was rude then Aeon could deal with it. "Do you mind me asking what makes today so rough?" she asked, looking back at him with a smile to welcome him. She prayed to Lissira that she hadn't just started a giant rant.

After some time, the two arrived at the Tailors. She turned to Aeon and smiled politely, putting her hands behind her back and standing up somewhat straight. She rocked back and forth on her feet, like an impatient child.
"Here we are. Anything else I can help you with?"
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Crazy is the new normal

Well, yes, I'm looking for someone who isn't quite obnoxious to talk to and can understand what I'm trying to buy, but also isn't a complete douchemeckle at his job, I don't know if you've heard of anyone that fits the description though. Aeon's mind flew into answering the woman's question as good as he possibly could, but as the final version of his speech came close to his tongue, it just felt bitter and salty so the boy decided to drop it, instead simply shaking his hooded, blond head.

She didn't seem to notice his scars, which was odd. Perhaps she wasn't looking at his face very often? Or maybe she was much like Velma in that regard, not minding them because she had her own. Everyone else that saw them seemed to react, even the nicest people who tried their best not to. Even the Immortals who took the time to look at his face. Only slaves, well, most slaves, wouldn't. There was always a blink, or a raised eyebrow, or sometimes even a muffled gasp that just barely got away from its owner. Except among the people that saw the same scars each time they looked in the mirror. Be those scars literal or brands and pain of years of torture.

And then the inevitable question came. Aeon knew he could always just lie, and say that his girlfriend left him, or that he lost on a gamble, like any ordinary man, or he could tell a partial truth, simply stating how he met with some douches from the past that always got him feeling like this, or he could, like a true crippled war veteran, tell as much truth as he could without making the woman run scared. The whole truth mostly made people run, hide, or poo their pants. Some ran to their pasts, to their own pains, some hid behind their titles and soldiers and pride, and some just pooed their pants. There was always Tristan though, and he wasn't fitting in any of those categories.

"To be honest with you, Rey'na, it's been a bad number of trials. I witnessed the bad side of our Andaris finest, Moseke Knights, I don't know what I'm doing and where I'm going and all that I try to do just seems to drop into the water. " He felt kind of better, now that all the weight, well, some of the weight, that had been piling up on his tongue was finally out and in the air, even if this woman had no interest in anything he said, which was most likely the case. "I'm sorry, that was probably too personal, and we just met, I just haven't spoken truthfully to a person in a while." He managed to mumble out, hoping that the amount of information he gave the woman wouldn't overwhelm her, like it would him.

Finally, as they got to a second-grade store on the outskirts of the Marketplace Aeon was sure he had never seen before, the boy realized he messed up somewhere. He was hoping for the other tailor's, the fancy, high-end one with that wizard fellow, Ericor was his name. But of course, how was the woman supposed to know that? This shop was called exactly what he told her, and she didn't know how to read his mind. Would this work? The boy thought, as Ericor's Elegance was really the only tailor's shop he had ever encountered in Andaris. He had been to one more in Warrick, but that was a long time ago and it was always with his father. Tailors were strange men, or so Aeon thought, but they were needed just as any other, and so the boy made his way inside.

"Thank you for the guidance, I appreciate it." The boy now smiled as he looked back once again towards the woman. "You know, I owe you one now, so if there's every anything... I mean... I would gladly... But if you don't... Of course, well, I'll be on my way, I guess, thanks again."
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"A hero is someone who steps up when everyone else backs down"
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When Aeon spoke of Andaris' finest, Rey'na felt sick. Andaris' finest? If those were the finest in Andaris, then Andaris was a much worse place than Rey had given it credit - and she'd lived here for Arcs. Not that she was one to talk. Then again, despite her normal poison practices and worshiping of an 'evil' Immortal, she was walking this hurt man through the town to his destination.
"It wasn't too personal, I asked didn't I?" Rey offered with a smile. A small part of her genuinely felt for the man, despite the fact he was everything she hated - drunk and male. But he was hurt, and he had scars to show it. She saw them fairly quickly, but it wasn't something she would comment on. Scars meant little to her. They could have been obtained in a great war, or a drunken brawl. What difference did it make? So instead of avoiding looking at them, she just looked past them.

Rey grabbed Aeon's wrist gently as he said he would be on his way. He'd said that he owed her, and there were some things she needed. Besides, she was surprisingly enjoying the company. As much as she struggled to get on with people, he seemed different. He was genuine, and she could respect that. Besides, isolation wasn't fun for her. She'd much rather have a friend, even if she never met them again. It wasn't like she'd let herself get attached.
"Please, no" she said, putting more emotion into it than she realized. It sounded genuine. But that was because it was. She genuinely wanted him to stay. It was a strange sensation, one she'd only felt with a few others before.
She kept her gently hold on his wrist, clearly not aggressive. "What I mean is...there is something you can do for me. I, uh, I hate to ask this of you. But I work for a small charity, and I...I haven't had a single donation today. Not a copper nel. We work with the poor and hungry, so all the money goes to feeding and clothing them."

Despite the fact this was normal for her, Rey felt a little guilt. She was telling this man that his money would save lives, when in truth it was going towards the murder of hundreds. Possibly even him. She wanted to take it back and leave. How could she be using people so much, throwing them away, after what happened a few trials ago with Denebah?
At that thought, the egg in her head twisted, shooting pain through her. She whimpered a little, wincing in pain and her hand going to her head. It felt like a thousand voices were rushing through her at once, telling her all the same thing. Hearing the words made her want to cry, but she knew it was an order. The egg twisted a little more, making her cry out a little and let go of her new friend completely. She knew that whatever made her hear these voices was right. So she listened to it, repeating the words herself in her head to stop the pain. "Get over it."
When the pain was finally gone, Rey looked to Aeon with tears starting to form in her eyes. How did she explain this one? She couldn't form the words. Instead, she approached him again and looked to him with pain. She then pulled him into a hug, whether he wanted one or not. "Please...the money will help so much."
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The woman seemed genuine, a nice person all things considered, and there certainly weren't many people of that sort around anymore. There was always just something about her smile, however, that made Aeon shiver, but not the usual woman's smile shiver, more like the Immortal torture shiver. He ignored this feeling, mostly because he hadn't actually noticed it, from the pleasant state of half-drunkenness he was in, and yet who knew if it would get him into trouble later on.

And just as he was about to move his hand to open the door to the shop, to at least try to talk with the tailor there and get to some sort of a mutual agreement, there was a warm feeling tingling alongside his entire right arm, as if it was dancing on his nerves, and he couldn't pull his arm through the air. Only a trill later, once the woman spoke up, did Aeon realize she held his hand in her own. Apparently, she had been hit with some sort of sadness? The boy certainly didn't understand womanly behavior.

Then she told him about the charity, and what he thought of her was confirmed. She was an honest soul, and a good person that gave her best to help those that couldn't help themselves. Just as the scarred man was about to answer with a comforting tone ready in his mouth, the woman appeared to have stopped paying attention to him. It seemed as if she had a headache, and a depression attack at once.

At first, Aeon didn't know exactly what to do or say, and once he finally managed to plan ahead the words he thought would make her feel better he was swiftly pulled into a hug, without any sort of prior warning or way to see it coming. The woman obviously took the charity seriously, since she got so very emotional about it not doing so well. In truth, Aeon didn't know of her charity, but he knew there were dozens of people who wanted to help the poor and starving, but didn't know of any other way to do it than start their own charity.

Her eyes just seemed sad, teared up, and relatively red from the obvious pain she was suffering. How could he possibly ignore it? The young man couldn't, so he let his guard down and hugged the woman in a comforting fashion, hoping it wouldn't cause a misunderstanding if he waited for a couple of trills before saying anything. It wasn't keeping the moment going that he wanted to do with the prolonged hug, instead he needed to regain his thought process, as whatever drink he had had obviously affected his memory.

"Hey, it's alright, it's alright." For a brief trill, the thought of this could be a scam crossed his mind, but once he took a step back and looked into the woman's eyes with a smile on his face, the thought was gone. She seemed genuinely hurt, and sad, to the point where no actor would be able to mimic the look in her eyes, as if it was physically hurting her to not have enough money to feed the poor.

Rynmere's shit! He thought as he pulled his only hand into his cloak in hopes of finding the bag of five hundred nel that stood on the desk back in his room. Of course he didn't bring it, why would he bring so much money to the tailor's shop? All he had was the money he would use to buy the newer clothing, so it was either the charity or the clothing. A really tough choice, especially for a noble and honorable man that Aeon strove to be.

"Hey look, is it alright if I donate straight into your hands? Is there some special process?" The young man said as he put the bag of money that was meant for the clothing in the woman's hands and smiled once more. It had almost a hundred nel in there, and yet somehow, Aeon couldn't help but feel good about giving it to her. She would make it worthwhile, and at least one or two of the homeless would definitely be grateful to her for it. It was a good deed in the boy's eyes.
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Crazy is the new normal

Rey'na sobbed quietly in to Aeon, and she hated it. She wished it would all stop. She needed the money, but this man was different. Most people were scum, she'd happily steal from them. But this man was scarred and hurting. Drunk at this time, scars all over him that he seemed to hide with his hood. He was damaged, like she was. She didn't have the right to take what little he had.
All of her thoughts of guilt disappeared when the pain threatened to come back, her head hurting for a few seconds. Voices continued to tell her the same thing. 'Lissira wants this'. Hearing those words made her feel guilty. She owed Lissira everything, her life. Yet here she was, arguing with her mothers will. She stopped sobbing, but the sadness in her eyes remained.

"Straight to the hands is fine" she said, wiping her eyes. She then took the bag from the man and smiled at him. She hugged him again for a second, before pulling away and composing herself again.
"Thank you. Your money will be put to good use, I can assure you" she said, sounding genuine. It wasn't a lie, it just wasn't the good use he had in mind. Hopefully he wouldn't be a victim of his own generosity.

After a few trills, Rey would look to the man and smile one last time. "Thank you, a lot. I should be going, but I hope you find what you're looking for. It's been a pleasure to meet you. I hope we cross paths again one day, Aeon."
Gold in hand, Rey'na turned and walked away. She had the gold, just as Lissira wanted. Her guilt for the man faded. She needed to do this, no matter what. Everything she had done so far she had devoted to Lissira, why would this be any different?
The egg spoke clearly in her head. "That wasn't so difficult, was it Rey'na?" it taunted. "Time to turn Andaris to ruin."
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Crazy is the new normal



Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/ 5
Structure: 5/ 5

Discipline: The loss of a limb is not a cause to quit.
Discipline: If ten is your limit, do twelve.
Endurance: One armed push ups.
Endurance: Discovering new limits
Strength: One armed push ups.
Rey'na: Helped you
Rey'na: Seems like a nice person
Rey'na: Works for a charity
Rey'na: Took you to the tailor's
Rey'na: Hugged you
Rey'na: Seems an emotional sort

Loss of nearly 100gn already noted
+3 (donation, good deed, delivery of goodness and hope!)
These points may NOT be used for arcana


Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/ 5
Structure: 5/ 5

Acting: Helpful and smiling.
Acting: Pretending to be a hesitant, but earnest, charity worker
Detection: Seeing scars both visible and hidden
Endurance: The pain in your head.
Etiquette: Refrain from mentioning murdering people in company
Logistics: Organising a killing spree
Aeon: You helped him
Aeon: Seems like a nice, kind man
Aeon: Was drunk
Aeon: Feeling cynical about "Andaris' Finest"
Aeon: Scarred
Aeon: You hugged him.
Aeon: An easy mark?

Gain of nearly 100gn- already noted.
-1 (bad deed- scam), +1 (good deed - helping find the shop) so negates out.
+1 prayer to Lissira
These points MAY may NOT be used for arcana


General comments. Oh my word, I loved this thread! You two write so well together it was an awesome read and I loved it! The way you play off each other is great, the way that you two write together is great and I really look forward to seeing more of these two!
Story Fantastic. Really fun and funny and poignant and sad too. Loved it.
Structure No problems from either of you.

Please do PM me if you think I've missed anything or you have any questions!
word count: 318
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