• Location • Water Street Marketplace

The underworld of markets

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Water Street Marketplace

Water Street Marketplace

The Water Street Marketplace runs through an old underground water duct in Low-town that has been converted into underground shops and small upstairs apartments after an extension of the Low-town boundary some years ago. The marketplace is very unsafe and parents don’t tend to let their children go there alone. The knights get at least three reports a day of people going missing from the marketplace, usually taken off the streets and sold into slavery, with many more crimes going unreported. It has been believed for some time that Water Street is the black-market of Rynmere, where those who know what they are looking for, and who to speak to, can pick up anything from Jacadon hearts to foreign slaves, for the right price.

word count: 131
A N D I T' S A L L J U S T S M A L L S T U F F, B A B Y.

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