A Kiss

What a simple thing, a simple thing that means so much.

Here are all threads from before the Fall of Emea in 719 and all threads pertaining to the Fall. As of Ymiden 719 (1st June 2019), this forum is locked for new threads and is a repository for old content.

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A Kiss

Cylus 2nd, Arc 717

He was in a forest again, the all too familiar Makubwa Lori. His hands were down by his side gently gripping the fabric of his tunic, it was not cold today, however. Around him the forest appeared to be in full bloom, like Ashan had come already and returned life to the world. Beautiful flowers were scattered across the forest floor. Colours of red, blue, yellow and orange could all be seen scattered through the grass. Ti sighed a little as he looked at them swaying in the gentle breeze, it was not a sigh of sadness but a sigh of appreciation for the beautiful sight. The forest like this was great, the breeze kept it from being too warm and the flowers made for a beautiful sprinkling of colours in the vast sea of green.

Ti kept walking, moving between the trees slowly and gracefully, he looked so calm and natural. Anyone watching would be able to tell this was where the young man belonged. The forest agreed with him, it was the perfect fit with who he was and the way he looked. Any other environment would not compliment Ti so well. He stopped briefly and knelt down by a small cluster of wild flowers. His eyes looked over the light blue flowers as he leaned forward and inhaled the smell of them. He was surprised by the sweetness of the smell, they were quite beautiful in appearance and scent. "Thank you Ashan for these beautiful plants, the season you have provided for us is glorious and as one of the free folk I thank you for it."

He continued to walk after his short thanks to the immortal just taking in the scenery. Taking in the scenery until he heard a twig snap behind him. He whirled around and saw someone, a woman running between the trees. She passed them by only flashes of her appearance visible as she moved through them, weaving in and out like she was making a basket. Ti recognised her as Teryani, the girl from the forest, the owl woman. He felt himself begin to run, making chase. He could not resist it, he felt like he had to follow her, like he had to catch up to her. Inside he knew there was something he had to do, although in a conscious sense he did not know what it was.

He himself weaved through the forest with greater skill, mostly due to practice and his choice to live alone in the wilderness. He would soon catch her, and he called out now as to not startle her too badly. "Teryani? Wait up." He shouted through the forest after her, he felt a little shy as he thought about talking to her again. The stunning woman gave him strange feelings, foreign feelings. Every time he saw her he felt nervous, like he was going to mess up something important. The first time he had met her he had felt her in his hands, and now a part of him wished to feel that again. He shook his head a little as he approached the woman, the thoughts that followed thinking of the girls curves were not appropriate. He instead put a wide smile on his face as he admired her in whatever clothes she had chosen to visit him in today.
word count: 563
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A Kiss

Teryani didn’t know how she knew she was being chased by Ti’niva, but she did. As she opened her eyes, she was already running, the long legged woman taking long strides. Her long, black hair flowed behind her, as black as the long dress she wore. It was nice to see the forest in full bloom- too long had Cylus left the land cold and dead. Teryani loved snow, but there was nothing like a forest when everything was so… alive. At the height of its life, bright and beautiful, knowing nothing but warm suns.

As Ti’niva gave chase, Teryani couldn’t help but giggle, turning her head to give him a large smile over her shoulder. “Catch me!” She called back after her shouted for her to wait. The chase continued for a bit, Teryani loving the feeling of just running. It was something many took for granted- the sharp intake of air into her lungs, the feel of her bare feet hitting the ground, the breeze as her body lurched forward.

However, her game soon ended in the interests of seeing her Sev’ryn friend. Coming to a slow stop, she laughed again as she turned towards him, her blue eyes bright as she watched him approach. “Ti’niva. I’m so glad to see you again!” She greeted him, moving to pull him into a warm hug. It was short lived, pulling away only seconds later- though she let her fingers comb through his long, dark hair as she did so. Gazing at him a moment, her smile faded only slightly as she asked him, “I had something to say to you… I just… I thought it just a little while ago, but now I... Well, I can’t quite put my tongue on it. Isn’t that funny? How I could so easily forget?”

She tried to rewind her mind, go through where she had been and what she’d been doing when she’d thought of Ti’niva. She knew she had, he’d crossed her mind when she’d thought of something to tell him- but it was… fuzzy. All she could remember now was running, him chasing after her.

Backing up a few steps from him, Teryani gave a shrug. “Oh well. It’ll come to me later. So, what shall we do? It’s a lovely day, isn’t it? We could walk, or swim, or… well, anything you want.” She was clearly in a good mood, her smile rarely leaving her face.
word count: 424
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