5th Zi'da, Arc 716
He was in a tree, everything around him was branches and leaves and bellow him lied the solid earth of the forest floor. Why was he in a tree he wondered turning his head and looking out from this new perspective. He could see bids perched on branches and in their nests and squirrels darting around from tree to tree carrying their precious nuts. What a strange sight he had never seen the forest from in a tree before, it was fascinating to watch the many tree dwelling creatures go about their business. He was so used to being bellow all this, walking around seeing the ground dwelling creatures. The creatures down their always seemed to be more on the lookout. The ones in the trees appeared to him to be so relaxed and safe. They all seemed to live harmoniously together, like one big respectful family.
Ti thought about how much he was missing living on the ground. Up here was an entirely new world, a world that he doubted many experienced including himself. A bird fluttered in front of him, its wings humming smoothly as it danced in the air. Ti watched it his eyes darting around to follow the bird, tracing its movements as it circled for a moment before dropping off and gliding down towards a lower branch. The birds bright blue feathers glistened in the light and its orange beak released small chirps as it perched on the branch.
It was satisfying just to lie there watching them. Ti could feel the sun warming his back as he lay still his four legs dangling either side of the branches. Four legs? No that cant be right he thought to himself as he twitched them, his two legs, and then his other two legs. He shook his head slightly thinking he must just be tired, half asleep and not thinking straight. He looked around him at the forest admiring its beauty. Although many creatures were hard at work everything seemed so, perfect. He purred, a deep warm purr that resonated within his chest. Purring? What was going on with him, something wasn't right. He stood up on the branch rising a surprisingly short distance, a lot shorter than he usually stood. He jumped down from the branch to the forest floor landing gracefully and with ease. His paws moved forward as he walked through the underbrush that rubbed against his stomach. Paws? He again thought how strange that was, he didn't have paws he was a Sev'ryn.
He broke into a run, the ground passing fast bellow him, the brush passing over his stomach and the wind blowing through his fur. He felt so free, he was wild pouncing over roots and bounding across the forest floor. He moved with speed and grace, every movement having feline agility. It was incredible it was like nothing he had felt before, strange, but amazing. He pounced onto a large rock looking out over the clearing. Flowers with silk smooth purple petals littered the floor and the grass swayed slightly in the breeze. It was a beautiful sight to behold and everything seemed so vivid and bright, so different to normal. He wondered what was happening to him, why was everything so different. He stretched the full length of his body, wafting his tail as he prepared to jump down from the rock and explore the small clearing.
He hopped down off the rock and began to look around. It was familiar like he had been there before, but something had been different that time. He couldn't place his finger on it something was different and wrong. The sun was again shining on his back as he prowled around the clearing. It was warm and soothing as he lay down momentarily to enjoy its warm and comforting rays. The sun felt warmer than usual, he could feel it warming his entire body. Everything seemed stronger, he could smell the flowers, even though the nearest flower was over a metre away. He could hear every bird tweet and every rabbit move through the tall grass. He was loving it it was quite amazing, hearing everything in such detail was eye opening as he discovered the many things he could learn from just listening. His vision was enhanced too, everything around him was so much brighter, clearer and natural. He felt like he was seeing things through the eyes of something great something one with nature and the world itself.
He circled the clearing a few times sniffing the air and catching all kinds of scents. He could smell all the animals and locate them just from scent. He inhaled and the smell of something new came in, it was familiar and much more sophisticated than the animals. It had the smell of unnatural things, things that had been changed and made for human use. The smell was much more varied than that of the other creatures and it appeared to be getting closer. The sound of its foot steps began to get closer, they moved softly and were extremely quite. This person clearly knew the forest well and how to travel and move without being easily followed. It was impressive how stealthy the person was in comparison to the animals that ran around the forest loud and unruly. They created a sort of orderly chaos that were the intricate workings of the forest.
He moved around the clearing and faced the direction of the approaching person. He looked backwards as well to make sure nobody was behind him. It was hard to tell for certain if anybody was approaching with the sounds of all the animals. He turned his head and look along his fur covered body and past the tip of his tail. Fur covered body, tail? He must be going crazy, how could it be possible for him to have fir and a tale. He was so confused he was having such an odd day, it was wrong yet he felt so comfortable in this strange form. He was Sev'ryn he knew that, so what was it he was looking at when he examined his body. He shook his head bringing himself back to the world and searching for the approaching person. He could hear the steps getting closer every trill that passed, the sound growing louder and louder to his sensitive hearing. The scent grew stronger with every passing trill and soon someone appeared ahead of Ti.
The man walked towards him looking curious and nervous at the same time. The man trod softly and carefully through the forest and he seemed at home with the forest. He had long ebony hair that was hanging straight and free around his head and over his shoulders. He wore simple clothes without any shoes and his arm and neck were tattooed. A tattoo of an arrow was on his forearm it ran along his veins one main one below the shaft of the arrow. On the mans neck was a small and detailed tattoo of a tree that sat on his jugular. He stepped fully into the clearly and then he knew it he understood how he recognised him. The wave of realisation was so powerful he even staggered a little under its weight.
Their eyes locked as they looked at each other. He could hardly believe it, he was looking at himself, his body, his clothes, everything. It was him. He was stood face to face with himself, it was so wrong and unbelievable. He should not be stood facing himself and he understood now. He had felt so strange and looked so strange, it was clear to him now. He was a panther. The fur, the paws, the tail, the reflexes and the way he moved all made sense now. He stepped forward towards his own body and his body did the same. They mirrored each others movements as they examined one another carefully and completely. Ti stared into his own hazel eyes, he had never noticed how perfectly spherical they were before. He also noticed his hair how it shimmered in the light and cascaded down his bodies chest like a waterfall as it leaned forward and knelt down.
This was the first time he had seen himself from a perspective like this and he noticed all kinds of new things about himself. He seemed so much different than he had ever imagined himself looking, he seemed taller than he imagined and also more natural. It was amazing how different his imagination was from the reality. He stood while his body knelt in front of him and reached out its hand. Ti watched the hand and as it grew closer it began to grow black. Everything faded slowly as the forest around him disappeared the hand grew closer. It was so strange he wanted to be united with his body, he wanted the hand to touch his head but with every centimeter closer it got the more everything faded and just as it was about to touch his nose and with a twitch of his whiskers it was black, everything black and silent.
He was in a tree, everything around him was branches and leaves and bellow him lied the solid earth of the forest floor. Why was he in a tree he wondered turning his head and looking out from this new perspective. He could see bids perched on branches and in their nests and squirrels darting around from tree to tree carrying their precious nuts. What a strange sight he had never seen the forest from in a tree before, it was fascinating to watch the many tree dwelling creatures go about their business. He was so used to being bellow all this, walking around seeing the ground dwelling creatures. The creatures down their always seemed to be more on the lookout. The ones in the trees appeared to him to be so relaxed and safe. They all seemed to live harmoniously together, like one big respectful family.
Ti thought about how much he was missing living on the ground. Up here was an entirely new world, a world that he doubted many experienced including himself. A bird fluttered in front of him, its wings humming smoothly as it danced in the air. Ti watched it his eyes darting around to follow the bird, tracing its movements as it circled for a moment before dropping off and gliding down towards a lower branch. The birds bright blue feathers glistened in the light and its orange beak released small chirps as it perched on the branch.
It was satisfying just to lie there watching them. Ti could feel the sun warming his back as he lay still his four legs dangling either side of the branches. Four legs? No that cant be right he thought to himself as he twitched them, his two legs, and then his other two legs. He shook his head slightly thinking he must just be tired, half asleep and not thinking straight. He looked around him at the forest admiring its beauty. Although many creatures were hard at work everything seemed so, perfect. He purred, a deep warm purr that resonated within his chest. Purring? What was going on with him, something wasn't right. He stood up on the branch rising a surprisingly short distance, a lot shorter than he usually stood. He jumped down from the branch to the forest floor landing gracefully and with ease. His paws moved forward as he walked through the underbrush that rubbed against his stomach. Paws? He again thought how strange that was, he didn't have paws he was a Sev'ryn.
He broke into a run, the ground passing fast bellow him, the brush passing over his stomach and the wind blowing through his fur. He felt so free, he was wild pouncing over roots and bounding across the forest floor. He moved with speed and grace, every movement having feline agility. It was incredible it was like nothing he had felt before, strange, but amazing. He pounced onto a large rock looking out over the clearing. Flowers with silk smooth purple petals littered the floor and the grass swayed slightly in the breeze. It was a beautiful sight to behold and everything seemed so vivid and bright, so different to normal. He wondered what was happening to him, why was everything so different. He stretched the full length of his body, wafting his tail as he prepared to jump down from the rock and explore the small clearing.
He hopped down off the rock and began to look around. It was familiar like he had been there before, but something had been different that time. He couldn't place his finger on it something was different and wrong. The sun was again shining on his back as he prowled around the clearing. It was warm and soothing as he lay down momentarily to enjoy its warm and comforting rays. The sun felt warmer than usual, he could feel it warming his entire body. Everything seemed stronger, he could smell the flowers, even though the nearest flower was over a metre away. He could hear every bird tweet and every rabbit move through the tall grass. He was loving it it was quite amazing, hearing everything in such detail was eye opening as he discovered the many things he could learn from just listening. His vision was enhanced too, everything around him was so much brighter, clearer and natural. He felt like he was seeing things through the eyes of something great something one with nature and the world itself.
He circled the clearing a few times sniffing the air and catching all kinds of scents. He could smell all the animals and locate them just from scent. He inhaled and the smell of something new came in, it was familiar and much more sophisticated than the animals. It had the smell of unnatural things, things that had been changed and made for human use. The smell was much more varied than that of the other creatures and it appeared to be getting closer. The sound of its foot steps began to get closer, they moved softly and were extremely quite. This person clearly knew the forest well and how to travel and move without being easily followed. It was impressive how stealthy the person was in comparison to the animals that ran around the forest loud and unruly. They created a sort of orderly chaos that were the intricate workings of the forest.
He moved around the clearing and faced the direction of the approaching person. He looked backwards as well to make sure nobody was behind him. It was hard to tell for certain if anybody was approaching with the sounds of all the animals. He turned his head and look along his fur covered body and past the tip of his tail. Fur covered body, tail? He must be going crazy, how could it be possible for him to have fir and a tale. He was so confused he was having such an odd day, it was wrong yet he felt so comfortable in this strange form. He was Sev'ryn he knew that, so what was it he was looking at when he examined his body. He shook his head bringing himself back to the world and searching for the approaching person. He could hear the steps getting closer every trill that passed, the sound growing louder and louder to his sensitive hearing. The scent grew stronger with every passing trill and soon someone appeared ahead of Ti.
The man walked towards him looking curious and nervous at the same time. The man trod softly and carefully through the forest and he seemed at home with the forest. He had long ebony hair that was hanging straight and free around his head and over his shoulders. He wore simple clothes without any shoes and his arm and neck were tattooed. A tattoo of an arrow was on his forearm it ran along his veins one main one below the shaft of the arrow. On the mans neck was a small and detailed tattoo of a tree that sat on his jugular. He stepped fully into the clearly and then he knew it he understood how he recognised him. The wave of realisation was so powerful he even staggered a little under its weight.
Their eyes locked as they looked at each other. He could hardly believe it, he was looking at himself, his body, his clothes, everything. It was him. He was stood face to face with himself, it was so wrong and unbelievable. He should not be stood facing himself and he understood now. He had felt so strange and looked so strange, it was clear to him now. He was a panther. The fur, the paws, the tail, the reflexes and the way he moved all made sense now. He stepped forward towards his own body and his body did the same. They mirrored each others movements as they examined one another carefully and completely. Ti stared into his own hazel eyes, he had never noticed how perfectly spherical they were before. He also noticed his hair how it shimmered in the light and cascaded down his bodies chest like a waterfall as it leaned forward and knelt down.
This was the first time he had seen himself from a perspective like this and he noticed all kinds of new things about himself. He seemed so much different than he had ever imagined himself looking, he seemed taller than he imagined and also more natural. It was amazing how different his imagination was from the reality. He stood while his body knelt in front of him and reached out its hand. Ti watched the hand and as it grew closer it began to grow black. Everything faded slowly as the forest around him disappeared the hand grew closer. It was so strange he wanted to be united with his body, he wanted the hand to touch his head but with every centimeter closer it got the more everything faded and just as it was about to touch his nose and with a twitch of his whiskers it was black, everything black and silent.