• Solo • The Panther

Ti'niva dreams of a beautiful panther and discovers the most important being to ever cross his path.

1st of Zi'da 716

Here are all threads from before the Fall of Emea in 719 and all threads pertaining to the Fall. As of Ymiden 719 (1st June 2019), this forum is locked for new threads and is a repository for old content.

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The Panther

1st of Zi'da, Arc 716

The forest was in a stunning twilight, everything around was covered in a strange blue hue. There was a gentle breeze and the sound of leaves rustling over head was all that could be heard by Ti as he admired his most unbelievably beautiful surroundings. It was like something out of a story he would have been told as a child. A low lying fog drifted silently around the tree trunks, reaching only as high as the knee on his naked body. The fog did little to obscure his vision and only added to the awe inspiring forest. Circling slowly Ti took time to observe the forest which appeared to be different from his home forest. The trees around him were smaller and of a different species from the ones in his home. His eyes flickered around as they searched the area for anything besides him. He appeared to be alone as he began to slowly wander through the trees his exposed legs rubbing against all kinds of plants hidden in the fog. He could feel the cool and life filled grass under his feet and between his toes, a feeling he had always loved. Without thinking he headed to a tree and leaned into it placing his ear against the bark of the trunk and began to listen. He could hear it speaking to him clearer than anything in the silent forest, it was whispering in its strange language. In many ways it was just gibberish yet the more he listened the more he felt he could understand its coded message. Like the forest at home this one was preparing to hibernate, readying itself for the cold hard seasons ahead until it would waken again in Ashan. It was a sad sight to watch a forest prepare for this state and while in this state it was an even more sad sight for Ti'niva.

He pushed himself from the tree and continued walking treading carefully through the foggy underbrush. Something seemed to be drawing him in a certain direction, like he was being pulled by an invisible rope. The more he walked the stronger the pull got and the less he could resist it. As he walked he soon began to hear a sound, a faint hum in the distance. The hum was familiar to him, something he had heard many times before and it guided him through the twilight. The song was the same one his mother had sang to him as a child, it was a beautiful song that had always stuck with him through his life. The voice that produced the song was soft and sweet it called to him like a lost wolf pup would its mother. As he walked the sound of the humming increased in strength, getting slowly and gradually louder just like the pull of the invisible rope. He wandered absent minded through the forest just listening to the song memories of his childhood slowly running through his mind as he thought of his mother. She was the only woman he had loved in his life thus far and she had been taken from him, ripped away from his small weak arms before he was ready. This was something that plagued him, he missed her so deeply, so much it sometimes hurt. He looked ahead towards a clearing the strange blue light filled it not obscured by the trees. His feet carried him now with meaning towards this place something strong and irresistible pulled him in.

His feet carried him over the fresh hold and into the clearing. The fog seemed not to be able to enter and the ground was clear to see. The grass had a strange blue hue from the light with a few purple flowers scattered around their petals like silk dresses on a slim green woman. Ti looked around the clearing unsure what he expected to find but nothing seemed to be there, it was as if he had followed the source of the sound and the pull of the rope to yet another invisible force. He looked around him searching for the source, the thing that had brought him here the being that was calling to him. He stopped when he saw it. First came her head a ebony head that seemed to shimmer with a white glow even under the blue light. The head was followed by the feline form of a large cat, the creature was a panther. A beautiful creature untainted by Lisarra's evil plague, her form was incredible she stood with ease and moved with such grace. Her coat shimmered as her body moved and the light reflecting in a beautiful display. He was the observer of a beautiful creature one that few others might ever see. Ti'niva dropped to his knees before the creature, he in the centre of the clearing the panther on the edge. As he hit the floor his eyes came level with her's. His brown eyes locking with her bright intelligent blue ones. They seemed to peer into his soul and read his every thought, he felt completely exposed before her like he could hide nothing from her. The humming stopped as he looked at her, and she looked at him. A tear left his eye and rolled down his cheek as they were locked in this visual and mental connection. He felt so sad that she was not with him, that she was not one with him always. He raised his hand and reached towards her nervously his hand approaching her nose. Find me he heard it echo inside his head, a soft voice that soothed his entire being. Suddenly she pulled back turning away and darting into the woods leaving him on his own again with nothing but his thoughts.

Ti sat in awe understanding what he must do, he had to find her, she was the final part of him the missing piece, she was his familiar. The realisation struck him like a rock as he was overcome with sadness at being again alone and unbearable urge to find her taking control of his body. "Sev hìtua ariwo ke’u, defas anou muradi ọwọpọ moseke sev yus èrè!" he shouted after the creature into the dark empty forest his voice filled with loss and longing as it echoed around, the only sound but the wind rustling the leaves. Everything felt different to Ti now, everything he saw was so empty. He felt like he was only seeing half the world, only experiencing half its beauty. It was like viewing a broken painting, a half completed drawing. A broken world was no world to live in and Ti was going to make sure his world would be complete. Ti'niva dropped from his knees onto his back and stared up at the stars running his fingers through the grass. The earth below him was cold and it felt like it was bringing him into its natural and comforting embrace. The creature was truly beautiful and Ti thought about how they would one day be together, she was the part of him he had always been missing. She was a part of him that had been missing and he had ignored until now but he could no longer ignore the pull of his other half. Ti rested, his body free and comfortably rested on the ground of the Desolate forest. As Ti'niva laid there the twilight began to grow dark and Ti became blind to everything, the world seemed to close in around him until all that was left was black, black like the night sky, black like the fur of a panther.

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Last edited by Ti'niva on Sat Dec 10, 2016 4:38 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1319
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The Panther


Detection: Seeing in dim light of a forest
Detection: The feel of grass between toes
Singing: The lost wolf song
Xanthea: A threat

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Fame: N/A

Story: 4/5
Collaboration: N/A
Structure: 5/5

Comment: Tricky to find knowledge, especially when working in Emea, so I apologise for it being so light. The paragraphs were absolutely massive, I would advise working on trying to break them up just to make reading a little easier. Structure otherwise was quite good, the only mistake I saw was a space missing between “Find me---he heard”. Enjoy the rewards.
word count: 106
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