7th of Ashan 719, Morning
Wald woke from his slumber, with the gently kick of Ylfa against his thigh. She seemed to be having a dream, whether good or bad he could not tell. Now that he was up, Wald decided to get to on with the day's work. Walking out of his tent, he could hear the wind roaring by. The walls around his camp kept the wind from hitting Wald. It was going to be a cold Trial today. Wald walked to his fire pit, and began to get the embers lit once again. This would Warm up the campsite, though the area was slightly warmed by the small spring.
Once the fire was going, Wald began to get ready to head out. Taking a hold of his hatchet, he made his way out of camp. The wind pushed on his back, as he left the wall's protection. This did not bother him to much, as he was use to the cold weather of the north. Moving around the campsite, he began to check for any signs for movement last night. Making the round was easy, and it seemed the snow was undisturbed on the outside of the camp. It was nice to know that the camp was safe, it made Wald less worried about his animals.
Finishing his morning chores, Wald went to look for a small tree. He found a pair of them, just barely large enough not to fit his hand around them. He began swinging his hatchet into the trees, Felling them one after another. As they were small each one took only around fifteen bits a piece. Before cleaning them he lifted the bottom end onto his shoulder. Dragging the two trees one at a time to his camp.
After dragging the two trees to camp, Wald began his work in cleaning them. This is when Ylfa had awoken from her sleep, and exited the tent. "Working already, Master?" Her voice seemed tired to Wald, as he was just starting his work.
A tender smile came across Wald's face. "Of course, would you like to help?" The two began the work of clearing branches from the trees. The clearing of the branches seemed to fly by, with those two working together. Adding a new pile of sticks to their stores. Lifting the two newly cleaned poles, Wald brought them to the holes he dug the other day. Slotting them in, and checking the height of them. They were about even with the other two. That said he lifted one of them out. Once out he started to chop off part of the top. Making it slightly shorter then the others, when stood back up in the hole.
With two more poles slotted into the holes, Wald needed one more to finish the vertical poles. Taking his hatchet, he whistled to Ylfa. "Lets go find another tree." The two headed out of camp, they would not need long to find another small tree. Once found Ylfa sat and waited. While Wald got to work chopping down the tree. It did not take long for it to fall. And the two began to clean this one were it fell. When they were cleaning the tree, Wald noticed something under it. After moving some of the branches, he found something. It was a hole, Looked like it was dug with large claws. Looking back to the camp, It was a decent distance. Then Wald thought of something. "Ylfa, where did you dig the hole for the organs, last afternoon." Wald had a hunch, but wanted to be sure.
Ylfa tilted her head, before raising her nose and taking a sniff. She then looked down towards the hole. "Right here Master." That was not the answer he wanted to hear, but he knew it was the answer he would get. The flesh was no longer there, and something took it. What ever did take it was large.
Wald swallowed and took a breath. "Lets finish this up quickly." His voice sounded shaky. Though this was not with a hint of fear, he seemed to be slightly exited. The two quickly finished, and brought the tree back to camp. Wald slotted the tree into its place, it was greatly shorter then the others. Though it was still taller then him, it was the perfect size for what he needed.
7th of Ashan Noon
Wald's hands started to shake, this was a visible issue. He needed to calm down before he went anywhere. Knowing this he decided to take the other half of the fox. He placed it over the fire, though not carefully. A small part of the meat got touched in the ash. While it began to cook, Wald sat down and began to take slow breaths.
Wald began to take his thoughts in, slowly calming his nerves that were getting wound. Untangling the thoughts in his mind, relaxing his mind and body. He needed to be calm, last time he was over confident he got injured. There would be no repeat in a that lapse in judgment. He began to remind himself, the world's animals just want to live. And the most dangerous animals are those who are about to die.
Then Wald began thinking of what could of made the hole. It was to large to be a wolf, that would leave two animals in Viden that could do it. One that would not be in the forest, and the other something Wald had tussled with before. Either one Wald would need a plan, If he would make this his home. If there was a predator so close to Wald, he needed to get rid of it. This was his new territory now, this was his hunting ground. No animal should pose a threat to Wald at his home, and he would make sure of this soon enough.
When Wald opened his eyes, Ylfa was standing ready. She seemed to be ready for anything. Wald simply smiled at her. She softly relaxed. "What are you thinking, Master?"
Wald was in middle of fixing the meat on the fire. "Well, this is my territory now, and anything that is a threat." Wald fixed the meat over the fire. "Must be taken care of." Ylfa started to wag her tail, Wald guessed she liked that answer. As Wald was cooking he continued to think of what to do. Thinking of everything he had, and even of what Ylfa could do. What would the best course of action be against such a large animal. He was not racing this time, so he could take his time with this hunt.
Do you know of the beast, Master? Ylfa asked looking over to Wald.
A gentle smile from Wald, it was used to calm Ylfa. "I believe I know the animal. Though this one is larger then the last one." The good news is he did have experience with hunting these animals. Though, that experience was with one that was starved, and was already after human flesh. This time It would be one that was not suffering of that disability. If he didn't think straight, he would be the one on the menu.
Wald's meat was ready, and he began his meal. The flesh tasted sweet today, as if it wanted to encourage him. This made him eat faster, the meal was quite heavy. Maybe next time he caught a foxowl he would cut it into three instead of two. The warm meat filled his belly. The warmth came over him, and the meal gave him plenty of energy.
After finishing the meal, Wald got up from his seat. It was time he started work on the competition. There was only room for one apex predator in this section of forest, and by Karem's name it was going to be Wald. As man was truly meant to take the mantel, of the top of the food chain. The hands that can craft great weapons, the minds that create greater plans. It was about outsmarting the strong, and Wald was no stranger to the odds. Wald went to take his bow, and his arrows. This was not enough to take the animal on its own. But if he made a mistake, it would give him a chance of escape.
Before heading out, Wald went to his two pack animals. Gently petting each one. He made a promise to them. "I promise, I wont do anything stupid today." The donkey nudged at Wald. "I said I promise. There is no reason to worry." Gently he held their heads up. "I wont fire a single shot." He stroked down their manes. "I am just going to find the animal." The horse seemed to look over to Ylfa. "I know I know. I could just ask her to look, but as a hunter. You know how it is. My damn pride gets in the way of that." Wald gave both the animals a hug. "I will bring Ylfa with me don't worry." Wald turned around and began to leave the campsite.