50th Trial, Ashan, Arc 718
Outer Perimeter
23rd break
Outer Perimeter
23rd break
All cares and concerns faded away, all consequences and calamities were immaterial, save that he did not fulfill his mission. The day had been long and tiring and... strange. Too many dimensions to it. Too complicated for a man who enjoyed the simplicity of his profession. A name or a face was conjured; a purse was pressed into your hand; the order was given, and all life was but a straight line between you and the death of that name.
He found that simplicity again, the moment the karambit sunk into Ron's throat. The trill after Pork's incredulous question struck the breeze, Kasoria felt the stress and uncertainty bleed out of him. Yet he was not diminished. Instead he felt renewed. Restored. Much as the stinking thing he'd shrugged off outside had been abandoned, so was the persona of the stuttery, fearful wretch that Ron had let in the door.
He was himself now. With bloody steel in his hand and fell purpose crackling through his body.
That said, the frying pan took him by surprise.
"Fucking hells-!"
The kitchen was somewhere between a mess and deserted. Half of the room was bereft of anything, not a table or a chair in sight. The other half was a stove that smelled of burning wood and frying eggs, with ragtag piles of wrapping paper and empty bags and bottles and Fates it looked like they'd been living off fried food since they'd arrived. The man in front of the stove - actually wearing an apron, too - took one look at the man holding a bloody knife coming through the doorway-
-then saw Ron slump over dead behind him-
-and Kasoria had to admit, he reacted pretty quick. He cried out and grabbed the nearest thing to hand, which happened to be an iron skillet, swinging it at Kasoria's head like a club. The smaller man reacted instinctively, throwing up his forearm-
Which did not feel fucking great, by any stretch. Kasoria was almost knocked off his feet as five pounds of pressed metal hammered into his arm. He went skidding across the dusty floor but not very far, and Clean was already rearing back for another hit, fear wet and wide in his eyes.
Kasoria fed off that. Not a fighter, that one. Not one of the hard-eyed men who'd been watching over the botched meeting earlier. No, he'd stayed close to the donkey, to the product, to the man giving the orders. He wasn't pressing his attack, he was already backpedaling, wanting to get away-
Hesitating. It's what killed him.
With a wild yell Kasoria lunged forward, burst of noise and fury making the other man in the apron blink in surprise, arm slashing low and horizontal-
-curved blade slicing through a pudgy stomach like a bad side of beef. Even in that half-trill moment, Kasoria could feel all the... nuances. The first beat of resistance as the blade's tip punched through the skin. The way he felt a ripple of distortion tremble up his arm as it sliced, cut, carved, slashed, cleaved its way through the fat and muscle beyond. The stench when he knew that intestines had been reached, seven-inch blade more than long enough to go so deep-
-and then the resistance was gone, blade free in the air yet again, but leaving behind a gaping slash that opened up like a yawning, ravenous mouth, only it did not consume but instead vomited-
Clean staggered backward as a nest of steaming, stinking vipers were deposited all over his feet. The frying pan was forgotten, dropped with a clang that no-one paid attention to as the man fell backward, hands stupidly trying to shove the writhing things back into his stomach. Almost heedless of pain as he tried to do the impossible. Muttering words and prayers that Kasoria could not properly understand as he walked over, arm afire, face twisted and curved into a mask of hatred.
Someone stepped into the doorway, urgent and alert. Just in time to see to see the little man drop down to one knee next to Clean, arm flying down with him in a punch-
-albeit one tipped with a curved blade under his fist-
Pork's tone implied more than just a vague friendship. Had Kasoria been of the mind, he could have heard divined more depth and loss when he heard it. Right before the karambit blade punched into the disemboweled man's eye and speared his brain like an oversized oyster. He didn't stop pushing until he felt the tip of it grate and scrape against the inside of back of Clean's skull... and then he yanked it clear.
Stood up to face the man with the sword, a bald head, and a body clearly built for fighting. Not to mention one clearly, obviously, terminally fucking angry.
"You bastard-!"
Kasoria grinned and met the man over the body of his dead brother.
He found that simplicity again, the moment the karambit sunk into Ron's throat. The trill after Pork's incredulous question struck the breeze, Kasoria felt the stress and uncertainty bleed out of him. Yet he was not diminished. Instead he felt renewed. Restored. Much as the stinking thing he'd shrugged off outside had been abandoned, so was the persona of the stuttery, fearful wretch that Ron had let in the door.
He was himself now. With bloody steel in his hand and fell purpose crackling through his body.
That said, the frying pan took him by surprise.
"Fucking hells-!"
The kitchen was somewhere between a mess and deserted. Half of the room was bereft of anything, not a table or a chair in sight. The other half was a stove that smelled of burning wood and frying eggs, with ragtag piles of wrapping paper and empty bags and bottles and Fates it looked like they'd been living off fried food since they'd arrived. The man in front of the stove - actually wearing an apron, too - took one look at the man holding a bloody knife coming through the doorway-
-then saw Ron slump over dead behind him-
-and Kasoria had to admit, he reacted pretty quick. He cried out and grabbed the nearest thing to hand, which happened to be an iron skillet, swinging it at Kasoria's head like a club. The smaller man reacted instinctively, throwing up his forearm-
Which did not feel fucking great, by any stretch. Kasoria was almost knocked off his feet as five pounds of pressed metal hammered into his arm. He went skidding across the dusty floor but not very far, and Clean was already rearing back for another hit, fear wet and wide in his eyes.
Kasoria fed off that. Not a fighter, that one. Not one of the hard-eyed men who'd been watching over the botched meeting earlier. No, he'd stayed close to the donkey, to the product, to the man giving the orders. He wasn't pressing his attack, he was already backpedaling, wanting to get away-
Hesitating. It's what killed him.
With a wild yell Kasoria lunged forward, burst of noise and fury making the other man in the apron blink in surprise, arm slashing low and horizontal-
-curved blade slicing through a pudgy stomach like a bad side of beef. Even in that half-trill moment, Kasoria could feel all the... nuances. The first beat of resistance as the blade's tip punched through the skin. The way he felt a ripple of distortion tremble up his arm as it sliced, cut, carved, slashed, cleaved its way through the fat and muscle beyond. The stench when he knew that intestines had been reached, seven-inch blade more than long enough to go so deep-
-and then the resistance was gone, blade free in the air yet again, but leaving behind a gaping slash that opened up like a yawning, ravenous mouth, only it did not consume but instead vomited-
Clean staggered backward as a nest of steaming, stinking vipers were deposited all over his feet. The frying pan was forgotten, dropped with a clang that no-one paid attention to as the man fell backward, hands stupidly trying to shove the writhing things back into his stomach. Almost heedless of pain as he tried to do the impossible. Muttering words and prayers that Kasoria could not properly understand as he walked over, arm afire, face twisted and curved into a mask of hatred.
Someone stepped into the doorway, urgent and alert. Just in time to see to see the little man drop down to one knee next to Clean, arm flying down with him in a punch-
-albeit one tipped with a curved blade under his fist-
Pork's tone implied more than just a vague friendship. Had Kasoria been of the mind, he could have heard divined more depth and loss when he heard it. Right before the karambit blade punched into the disemboweled man's eye and speared his brain like an oversized oyster. He didn't stop pushing until he felt the tip of it grate and scrape against the inside of back of Clean's skull... and then he yanked it clear.
Stood up to face the man with the sword, a bald head, and a body clearly built for fighting. Not to mention one clearly, obviously, terminally fucking angry.
"You bastard-!"
Kasoria grinned and met the man over the body of his dead brother.