A Shade of Recognition [Oberan] (Graded)

Mother and son find common cause

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Posts: 2430
Joined: Thu Feb 26, 2015 10:57 pm
Race: Prophet
Profession: "Mastermind"
Renown: 0
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1




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Re: A Shade of Recognition [Oberan] (Graded)

Come and get your Loot!

(There's plenty more where that came from)

XP Rewards: 15

These points can NOT be used for magic...Sorry :(


  • Detection: Knowing when someone's behind you
  • Detection: Spotting unnaturally moving shadows
  • Discipline: Don't let compliments soften you up
  • Discipline: Hearing someone out, despite not wanting to
  • Intelligence: Ignorance might prompt the sharing of information
  • Intelligence: Sintra's scheme
  • Intimidation: The eye-roll
  • Linguistics: Sarcasm is more in gesture than words
  • Linguistics: Snark is more in tone than gesture
  • Linguistics: Veiled insults are the language of diplomacy
  • Negotiation: A Favor for a favor
  • Negotiation: The lure of reward
  • Sociology: Acid-tongued belligerence
  • Sociology: Mocking
  • Sociology: Throwing someone's words back in their face

Non-Skill Knowledges:

  • Audrae: Extended an olive branch
  • Audrae: Family resemblance
  • Audrae: Maybe not as cold to you as you'd expected
  • Audrae: Similar personality to your own
  • Audrae's Task
  • Immortals: Extremely resilient in the presence of another Immortal
  • Immortals: The relationship between Sintra, Lisirra, and Audrae
  • [Shadow-glove]: Confers the blessing of Audnev to the wearer
  • [Shadow-glove]: Half a dozen charges
  • [Shadow-glove]: Made from Audrae's own skin


The Shadow-Glove!
Bestows six versatile charges in the form of those abilities bestowed by the Shadow Queen's blessing, Audnev.
These can not be Champion abilities, but they can be lesser ones, tweaked slightly from how they are strictly written.


Only that deepest level of Mom-grudge you cling to so dearly. :P

Renown: 5

Sorry, this is very hush-hush, but what comes of it could propel you to the pinnacle of fame, if you so desire.


I love these kind of "Battle-of-wits" threads. Oberan is a worthy adversary.
Enjoy your glove, and your xp.
word count: 296
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