
Kaelrik plz.

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Late evening, 43 Ashan, Arc 719

The suns hovered on the horizon in a dusty tangerine color, sending vivid pinks along rippled lavender clouds. Marcovera, for all the town’s traumatic recent past between the guild’s assault and the saltfetcher massacre, still proved to be as beautiful as ever. Bountiful nature surrounded the coastal location, illuminated by the last streaks of warm light before night would cover up the sky in darkness.

Zarik surveyed the clinic, while he listened to the nurse tell him about the state of injuries in the town. There were a lot of infections, from injuries sustained by survivors of the previous attacks on Marcovera. The necromancers located in the nearby tower had sent bandages and other supplies to help, but most of the people were too superstitious than to accept them. A slight disease had also started to spread, though not fatal, affecting the populace’s feet with what looked like barnacles in painful blistering rashes.

He’d spent much of the trial gathering information from the Marcoverans about the state of the town, which had the potential to grow into a fair port city – if and only if – Zarik and Alistair could lead a proper revival of Koros’ capital. Zarik felt exhausted already, his injuries still hurt though he kept them hidden away under his clothing. He’d changed in the afternoon, from the breathable gray cotton to his evening garb that befitted a noble lord.

Yet the outfit wasn’t his usual black. For he was on Koros, his island, not in Quacia where certain fashion standards had to be kept. Zarik wore a metallic silver surcoat instead, the fabric of a glistened sheen, with a long-sleeve pale green shirt. The color mimicked the foam of the sea and the sleeves were flowing, ruffled with gentle waves at the cuffs. His leggings were tight, and sheer to reveal a hint of his crystalline legs beyond the neutral thin fabric. While in Quacia, he would have worn thick and heavy boots to help keep out the various grime that lurked on the stone streets, he did not have to worry so much in Marcovera. He wore a light pair of silver boots that stopped at his ankle in twists of narrow string.

He pressed on his bangs, to flatten them and cover the mark on his forehead from easy view. For as the nurse led him into a different room of the modest clinic, he recognized a man across the way. It didn’t come as a surprise to see Kaelrik. He’d learned earlier that the Lotharro had been residing in the place.

Zarik gestured for the nurse to step back out to the corridor with him. She easily followed and he told her in a hushed voice, “How is that Lothar doing?” The nurse informed him of the patient’s status. He nodded, then said, “I must talk with him now. I will speak with you further about matters tomorrow, or in writing.”

The blond biqaj returned to the room and he approached the Lotharro until he was just out of arm’s reach away. He folded his hands behind his back. Zarik was alone. He had no Alistair with him. He had no Devin, either. The irises of his eyes were a clear ice-blue. He blinked slowly, then he said, “Evening, Kaelrik. I heard you were injured on one of the islands recently. How are you faring?”
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Pain lanced through every breath that Kaelrik took. He resisted the urge to cough, the act of which would only exacerbate his current state. He reached up brushing a hand over the bandages that wound tightly around his chest. He took in as steady a breath as he was able before he managed to sit up in the cot that served as his bed. Sleep was not going to come to him so he simply sat there with his hands resting flat upon his knees. He closed his eyes and focused only on his breathing. As he did so, memories came back to him. Memories of the battle before everything had gone black when he’d finally succumbed to his wounds. The fight had been eye opening.

It was easy to be a peerless fighter when one was battling poorly trained pit brawlers. It was easy to seem a peerless fighter when accompanied by some of the strongest men in all Idalos. Fighting as he had though, while he’d been able to hold his own for a while, had shown Kaelrik just how far he had to go before he was truly a peerless fighter. He gingerly touched his ribs again and bit back the groan. He would heal in time. The past few days had been a combination of battling against agony with every draw of breath and trying to think through the haze of drugged wine that he’d been given. He was in the middle of focusing more on his breathing and less on the throbbing ache when a familiar voice came to him. He stiffened. Kaelrik sat as upright as he could, his hands curling into fists on his knees as he turned to regard the blond biqaj who entered the room.

Kaelrik eyed the man from head to toe. To the Lotharro, the man oozed an imitation of nobility. The man was all sharp edges, icy stares and cold beauty. All of it, in Kaelrik’s eyes, was a mask to hide a rather repulsive disposition under the veneer of civility. What Alistair saw in Zarik, the Lotharro did not know but if somehow the man brought his Kindal happiness, he would leave it alone. In fact, Kaelrik had been making a point to avoid the man ever since Alistair had given him his freedom and he’d finally accepted it. It was a curious arrangement that had been made in order to convince Kaelrik to let go of the quest to pursue the Lurker, albeit temporarily. He briefly wondered if Zarik had been told.

I will live.” Kaelrik’s voice was hoarse. He’d either been biting back yelps of pain with every movement or snatching snippets of rest where possible. In the days that he’d been in the infirmary ever since being dropped off there, he’d seen not a single soul that mattered to him. To be faced with Zarik was not an altogether welcome sight.

Do you have need of something?” He quirked an eyebrow. The man’s indigo eyes narrowed suspiciously and flickered briefly with infernal witchfires, a mark of his growing powers and their hold on him.
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could recognize pain in the Lotharro’s movements, even in the way his chest rose and fell with breath. The brunet looked fatigued and according to the nurse, still suffered in recovery from broken ribs. He nodded when the other man responded with a short yet determined non-answer.

The biqaj walked to the side. He lifted a pitcher, while he heard and saw Kaelrik’s inherent wariness of his visit. Zarik poured stale but pure water from the pitcher, then returned. He stood at the side of the cot, then offered the wooden cup to him with his black-gloved hand.

For a few trills, he considered the question without an immediate response. Did he have need of something? It seemed a ridiculous question. He always had need of something. Zarik glanced at the nearby window where dusk’s light drifted into the mostly empty room. The biqaj asked, “Would you like the window open? There has been a gentle salt breeze coming in off the sea all day.”

Whether he wanted it open – in which Zarik would do so – or if he wanted it shut – which Zarik would remain standing beside the cot – the biqaj added, “I… I wish to apologize to you, Kaelrik. I’m…” he hesitated. His gaze lowered to the floor. The irises of his eyes faded from a blue to a sea-foam green that matched the color of his shirt. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t aware the extent in which my husband viewed you as something other than a slave. You shou-”

Zarik stopped himself. He tightened his pale pink lips against one another, then he took a short breath and said instead, “I suppose you are a free man, then. Though…” he glanced around the clinic room, then smirked slightly. He gestured in a simple, curt wave to signal he referred to the room. “I don’t expect this is any proper way to enjoy such freedom, stuck in here, in pain, alone…” He cleared his throat.

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Kaelrik eyed Zarik warily. He watched every single one of the man’s movements as if expecting him to lash out like a wounded animal at any second. He had to blink in surprise as Zarik offered him a cup of stale, but pure water and then offered to open the window. Cautiously, Kaelrik reached out and grasped the cup in his hand. He took it carefully before nodding to the window indicating he would like it open. Fresh air had always agreed with him. As soon as the glass was parted and the breeze was allowed to find its way inside, Kaelrik felt some of the tension fade from him as though caught and carried away by the winds that now danced around him. His face softened and he managed to take in an easier breath. Raising the cup to his lips in both hands he whispered quietly.

Hello, old friend.” Both the fire inside of him and the winds that now seemed to actively seek him out, grew warmer. Kaelrik was soothed by the presence of the elements beyond the stones that had kept him company as he’d healed. Earth was steady, it was straightforward but it didn’t bring him the same comfort as Fire or Wind did. He took a sip from the cup, eyeing Zarik over the rim.

Thank you.” He lowered the cup to his lap, quirking a brow at the apology that was offered. He let the man finish, blinking at him slowly. He took in a pained breath, holding back a wince.

Your apology is unwarranted, Zarik. Though it is appreciated.” Kaelrik brought the cup to his lips and sipped from it again. He made sure to use the arm on his unaffected side so as to ease the movements. “You did as was expected of a slave owner. I cannot hate you or be offended for that, especially given my own stubbornness kept me in that position.

Kaelrik was not one to gloss over his own faults. He knew them. At least, he thought he did. Could he have accepted Alistair’s first offer of freedom? He could have. Could he have accepted Alistair’s second offer? He could have. It was Kaelrik’s need to cling to something familiar, something to drive him that had blinded him to the fact that he had other reasons to live and better himself. He still struggled with what he viewed as his penance and the lack of the chains that had symbolized his journey to redemption, but it had strained him. It had strained Alistair. It had obviously strained Zarik. If nothing else, Kaelrik did not want to be a thorn in the side of the man he was growing to care for so deeply. He glanced around the room and gave a slow shrug of his shoulders.

I have been in worse places.” Bare stone walls, worn wooden furniture and a cot were to him a luxury given where he’d come from. Alistair had gifted him with an incredibly comfortable bed but he’d never forgotten the dregs he’d been pulled up from. Zarik's comment on his freedom made some more of the tension in Kaelrik's form lessen. He still remained guarded but less overtly so. To the rest of the man's statement, Kaelrik offered another slow shrug.

My presence seems to cause more harm than good as of late.” He downed the rest of the water. “I thought it best to leave you and Alistair to your comfort.
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opened the window, per the Lotharro’s admittance of the suggestion. He took a deep breath of the sea-laced air. Though he’d been in Marcovera for the better part of the trial, and as much as he felt attached to the home he found in Quacia, he still enjoyed the fresh atmosphere. He barely heard the whisper, but he recognized the sense of connection that Kaelrik expressed to the breeze that drifted into the room.

He offered his apology, though it was unpolished despite that he’d practiced it a few times before speaking it now for Kaelrik’s – and Alistair’s – sake. Though the Lothar offered gratitude, he also rejected it as unwarranted. Zarik listened with a slight furrow in his dark brows that brought them together, an expression of confusion. He nodded though.

Instead of responding directly, he made note of the man’s newly recognized freedom and the shame it was that it had to be spent in a clinic cot. To which, Kaelrik – again – dismissed him with a shrug of the shoulders and a simple comment. Zarik supposed he could learn something about how to so blithely reject people within a mere few polite words.

The biqaj retrieved a wooden chair, dragged it over, and sat down beside the bed. He crossed his legs and settled his hands on his knees. He watched as Kaelrik finished the water, then mentioned he thought it best to leave Alistair and Zarik to their comfort

Zarik laughed. He couldn’t suppress it. The outburst echoed in the room, unrestrained, and unmoderated. It was a loud, almost barking laugh as if it had escaped from him. He smiled, bemused by what Kaelrik had said, then continued to laugh in shuddering attempts to restrain a flurry of snickering giggles. His cheeks blushed silvery-blue. He placed a hand over his mouth, aware of how rudely obnoxious it must seem, but for some reason he struggled to stop himself. Tears gathered in his eyes, the irises flashing colors as much as his laughter crashed back and forth into audible volume.

Finally, he recovered after a bit. He blinked away the tears and his eyes settled back to the sea-foam green hue. He silently laughed a couple more times, then said, “S-sorry. I- I didn’t mean to… I’m not laughing at you, Kaelrik. It’s simply… our comfort…” he shortly exhaled as the laughter threatened to return. He lightly slapped his own cheek with his fingers to recover his composure. “Did you need more water?”

He stood and offered to take the cup from Kaelrik so he could refill it with the pitcher. Zarik said, “Perhaps you should not concern yourself with such a thing. It isn’t your responsibility to provide us with comfort. Unless you're going to work for the household as a servant?”

Once the water had been refilled, or denied, he returned to his seat on the chair. He crossed his legs again, leaned forward with his elbow on his knee, and the biqaj’s eyes shimmered with flecks of topaz yellow in the green. He looked directly at Kaelrik to try and meet gazes and he said, “You should know, Kaelrik, you’re the first slave I ever owned… and I suppose considering how Alistair has decided things, you’re now also the last. Did he settle your wages with you yet?”

Last edited by Llyr Llywelyn on Mon Apr 22, 2019 4:18 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 572
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Kaelrik blinked at Zarik as he laughed hysterically. A look of both concern and confusion touched on the Lotharro’s face as the nobleman lost himself to bouts of laughter. When Zarik finally composed himself enough to speak it was to clarify that he wasn’t laughing at Kaelrik, at least not directly. He seemed to be laughing in response to what he’d said. It made Kaelrik wonder what was going on between Alistair and the biqaj in front of him. Something that must have brought a great deal of either amusement or cynicism. Kaelrik wasn’t sure which. He shook his head, declining the offer for more water.

No. I will not be in your household at all, as I understand it.” Kaelrik kept his voice neutral, abnormally so. His face remained blank of any expression though inside he felt a twinge of both anger and pain. He did not bring up the letter that he’d received. He would keep his thoughts and the details of his plans, to himself. Undoubtedly if Alistair heard wind of what Kaelrik intended, he would try to stop him and Kaelrik was quite finished playing the Rynmere nobleman’s games. At Zarik’s comment on his servitude, Kaelrik offered a gruff chuckle.

I was not a good slave. Defiant. Willful. Combative, even.” Kaelrik offered Zarik a smirk. “It earned me many a cruel beatings in the hands of masters before Alistair. Each one more sadistic than the last, each one determined to break me.

And he had broken. He had caved to the torture. He had given in to the manipulations. It had only been when he found himself in Alistair’s care that he’d found his way back from all of that. Kaelrik frowned nd shook his head, throwing off the memories. The Lotharro stood up from the bed. He was slow in his movement, doing his best to not jostle his injury. Even being careful however, he still felt a twinge of pain and the discomfort would not be going away any time soon. He met Zarik’s gaze for a moment, holding it steady before he moved past the biqaj and stood by the window. He had to lean down so that he could brace his hands on the windowsill and not bump his head. The Defier stared out across the landscape and looked almost wistfully toward the sea.

No, Alistair has not. As I understand it, you are the controller of the household.” Kaelrik turned around and leaned against the wall. He winced as he folded his arms over his chest but as he hugged himself it helped to ease his breathing. With the question that Zarik posed, Kaelrik could only wonder why the man was in front of him. Of all the places to be, Kaelrik was certain that Zarik had more important things to deal with than the wellbeing of a former slave.
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remained on the chair, and set the empty water cup aside, while Kaelrik made clear that he wouldn’t be part of their household at all. Still recovering from his outburst of laughter, he rubbed at one of his eyes. He noticed the faint chuckle and smirk while the former slave admitted why he wasn’t a good slave. Zarik nodded. He wasn’t going to disagree. Though he’d offered to retrain Kaelrik, he already could tell that it would have been a long, arduous process to manage and likely might have required certain things that even Zarik would have felt uncomfortable with – though if Alistair had wished for it, he’d have done them anyway as means to a desired end.

But that was not the end that Alistair desired. Instead, his husband desired other things. He wanted Kaelrik to be a free man. He likely wanted Kaelrik to remain the defiant, willful, proud Lotharro that Zarik could recognize already in the brunet. He nodded again, at mention of the sadistic and cruel masters who’d beaten him, and his eyes dulled from their green and yellow colors into a matte colorless gray. He held their eye contact, as well, then watched as the defier went to the windowsill to look out at the sea.

He asked about wages, then - whether his backpay had been settled. For if Alistair didn’t want to treat Kaelrik like a slave, and never had, then he considered it was only fair to pay the man for his time in the household. The controller of the household, the former slave called him, and Zarik smiled slightly. Though it might’ve been a bitter comment, hearing it spoken by another made him feel recognized in the new role he still struggled to place himself in.

Zarik stood from the chair. He walked over to join the other man at the window, though he merely glanced at the sea and took a short breath of the fresh air. He surveyed Kaelrik's expression and then the Lotharro's body in a slow elevator pan down and then up. The pain of the broken ribs visibly hindered the strong, taller man. Zarik regained his composure in entirety and folded his gloved hands at his lower back. “Very well, then what amount would you consider appropriate?”

The biqaj looked out the window and suggested, “How does five onyx nel sound? If you require more than that, we can discuss potential exchanges… I’m sure there is something you could provide in time, if only the use of your magic or... Perhaps six onyx nel would be more suitable?”

“Will you remain on the islands? There are a few homes I can offer you, here in Marcovera, it is a simple place, but once fortifications are complete and a proper guard is trained, it should prove peaceful again and the homes are cozy, the people are kind, the fish is fresh. Or… perhaps… would you like a mount or safe passage elsewhere? If so, I can organize safe and adequate travel arrangements for you and your brother.” Zarik glanced for a trill at Kaelrik, then returned his gaze to steadily observe the beach.

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Kaelrik couldn’t hide the surprise on his face as Zarik made his offer. He opened his mouth to object to such an incredible amount of money but he immediately closed it. Kaelrik possessed no funds of his own. Living as a slave under Alistair’s household, everything had been provided for him albeit he had owned nothing. All that he had to his name was in a small pack tucked in the corner of the room where he stood. The clothes and leather armor that were folded neatly along with his sword was all that he could claim any ownership over. Even then, he had not gotten any of it on his own. Though his pride loathed to accept any amount he didn’t feel he’d rightly earned, had he not earned it? How many nights had he accompanied Alistair on errands? How many nights had he kept the man warm and free from the awful shivering that had wracked his body? How many days had he spent helping Kleine in the clinic? Days enough.

Even now, he was wounded and recovering for putting his life on the line for Alistair in his brazen conquest of an island he would eventually leave. With those thoughts in perspective, Kaelrik cleared his throat.

I think that six onyx nel is suitable.” He resisted the urge to wince, not from pain but from shame. He felt as though he were taking advantage of a situation. But shouldn’t he? Alistair had played him for a fool and even had him throwing his life headlong into danger. And for what? Kaelrik knew quite well that Alistair had no intention of ever staying in Helice. He was going to liberate the men and women of the isles and then abandon them to their fates. He firmed his jaw and nodded.

I was intending to—what did you say?” Kaelrik blinked at Zarik. His demeanor immediately changed. He went from the wounded patient to the suspicious Lotharen warrior. He stood upright, though it pained him to do so. His eyes narrowed and he regarded Zarik with both confusion and no small amount of anger.

My brother is dead. What would you know about him? What jest is this? To humiliate me when I’m already wounded?” Kaelrik bared his teeth. The sharp points of his fangs, fangs that have and were perfectly capable of ripping throats out, were on full display. The veins in his right arm glowed with his inner fire as his emotions, which had been subdued up until then, flared to life.
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The offer
of six onyx nel had been accepted. Zarik almost wondered if the Lotharro might request more than that, for how easily he agreed to the sum. He expected some pride in the matter, a bit of resistance and negotiation, and he’d been prepared to raise the offer even higher. While he was certain that Kaelrik had more than earned it, even if he did nothing more than stand idle in wait for Alistair’s whims, it also served as a payment for… potential future assurances – though Zarik did not share this intention aloud.

Zarik made a silent, mental note that he would acquire the six onyx nels as soon as possible. He inquired about whether the former slave planned to remain on the islands. He offered a potential home, a promise of security and a good life, and then he offered to facilitate the man’s departure from the southern realm to distant shores with the Lothar's long-lost brother.

“What did I say?” He repeated in a light, airy tone when he glanced at Kaelrik. “I asked if you’d prefer for me to arrange safe travel for you and your brother? Perhaps you would like to return home to Gauthrel with him.”

But the Lotharro did not seem happy at this. He seemed furious, and in pain from his injury while he stood upright. Zarik kept turned toward the window, though his gaze casually remained on the primal flare of anger that the former slave displayed. He glanced at the bestial fangs and the glow of firey veins through the defier’s right arm.

“Oh?” said Zarik. He wasn’t intimidated by the injured man, no matter how angry Kaelrik seemed about what had quickly become a misunderstanding. The svelte biqaj raised a hand in gentle dismissal of the rage. A breeze came in through the window. His bangs drifted aside and revealed the wound on his forehead in the Theocratum's Mark of Faith: crimson in its razor-thin lines, despite his pure biqaj blood. It contrasted vibrantly against his fair skin.

“Here I believed you would be pleased to learn he is in Quacia. It is no jest, I assure you. I would never jest about something such as that. I understand the strain of lost siblings all too well, myself.” Zarik turned toward the other man to face him head-on. He thinly smiled, not showing even a hint of teeth in the restrained expression. The irises of his eyes cooled into an ice-blue color. “It appears the fates have preferred that I be the one to reunite such handsome twins. I found Korik recently, you see, on the streets of Shanty and searching for his dear brother: Kaelrik.”

A small, dry, humorless laugh sounded from him. He walked away from the window and headed across the room. Zarik stopped at the chair beside the cot that he’d been sitting in. He dragged it back to where it had been before. The blond asked in a clear, precise tone of voice, “I considered that you might like to depart these wretched lands with him, but… perhaps it is too much for you, right now, considering everything else life has dealt you. I should have waited until a better time to tell you. My apologies.”

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It took a moment before reality began to sink in. When it did, Kaelrik’s eyes went wide. His chest heaved and he gasped in both pain and…and…and a weight lifting off of him. His knees practically gave out beneath him. He clutched at the windowsill for support. One hand came up to his chest and he gripped at his rapidly beating heart.

Zarik, wait!” Kaelrik reached out for the biqaj, sensing that the man might be on his way to leave. The Lotharro struggled back to his feet and stared at Zarik. With every ounce of scrutiny he could muster, Kaelrik searched the man’s features for any hint of deception. Kaelrik could find none. His gaze lingered on the mark that had been carved into Zarik’s forehead before he met the biqaj’s eyes.

Korik…lives? Truly?” The blur of unshed tears gathered in the Lotharro’s eyes. He couldn’t believe it. Could he? It couldn’t be true. Then again, what reason would Zarik have to lie? What reason would Zarik have to come all the way to Marcovera and tell him this? He pursed his lips. The Defier’s mind reeled with endless questions. He wanted definite answers. He wanted to race back to Quacia and either find his brother or find the truth of this cruel jest. He wasn’t sure he trusted Zarik but not once, never in any interaction, had Kaelrik ever brought up his brother. Certainly not by name. Of course it was possible that Zarik had learned the knowledge from Alistair but given his earlier impression, it seemed there was trouble in paradise between the two.

C-Can you take me to him? Please?” The heartfelt yearning, the raw hope, the sheer level of the war between a want to believe and a wariness born of distrust, was plain in both Kaelrik’s voice and in his body.

If Korik is alive…” Kaelrik searched himself. His thoughts turned to Alistair. Hurt and anger bubbled up inside of him as soon as they did. He shoved those thoughts aside. Alistair wanted his space. He wanted his distance and he wanted his meaningless conquests, Kaelrik clenched his fist and grit his jaw. So be it. Alistair could have it. The Lotharro stood tall, slowly and let out a long breath.

If Korik is alive, I have no reason to stay in Quacia or Helice.” He met Zarik’s gaze and gave the biqaj a curious stare. Of all the people to bring him this news, whether true or not, the man in front of him was the last one he ever expected to receive it from.
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