• Mature • [Bronze Boar] Banter and Canter

(Nell) A small argument gets out of hand, but who is this that shows to intervene?

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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[Bronze Boar] Banter and Canter

He considered whether or not she had to be weighing her options by now, though she had decided to partake in the game he'd brought up she was not required to follow through. Still after a bit of consideration she accepted the point on his behalf and consumed the drink, the glass presented before him with the notion for a refill. He had an eyebrow raised as he'd expected her to admit it, but honestly wasn't sure if she was going to follow through. So nevertheless she seemed to be interested enough to bite, now all he had to do was keep up with the tug, and see if he could land a win out of this one. With a smirk he filled the bottle as some of the other patrons chuckled to themselves, they already knew the basics of what went down with this game.

First Patrick had to determine what was obvious about his opponent and then what wasn't, through simple facts he could assort the present details from the hidden ones. Yes her hair was knotted in one simple braid but that was just it, however given her display of intimidation and combat skills, with the hint of returning the refilled whiskey shot to the man down the counter, Patrick could possibly determine several different factors about her. That goes without saying he didn't have the advantage here, in fact his only advantage was how often this game was played. Being a Rharnean and a lover of whiskey, his tolerance levels were higher than the average person who never lived or came from Rharne. That was an advantage he considered worth keeping to himself, especially because he seemed pretty sure she wasn't easily daunted from these types of challenges. One shot down though and now it was her turn, a long and enduring stare remained from her. He knew that she wasn't going for something obvious, otherwise she would've picked it up on the go. She could've been thinking about asking a question, but Patrick was willing to gamble that she too favored the challenge.

Then her statement finally came out after what felt like a worthwhile of waiting, its vague meaning left for him to interpret as he looked at her with curious eyes. What gave her that impression? A simple life? In a way that was true if he were to just openly accept it, but there existed something called truths and half-truths at best. This case however it was a sense of truth but only in the wrong meaning, therefore he caved with a cheeky grin as he looked to her glass and merely said, "Bottom's up." It took a moment to sink in probably before she realized he meant her, which probably gave her the inclination that he disagreed. He waited and watched as she would finally do just as he indicated, and then lifted his up with a pour down the throat. After he cleared his throat from the sensational burn of the alcohol, he proceeded to pour another shot for them both, a look of honesty on his face when talked to her once more.

"A simple life isn't what I seek lass, but what I already have. What I seek is somethin' much more filling and satisfyin' than that, somethin' that really doesn't seem t' exist fer me anymore." He finished as he rested on his elbows, happy to leave it at that for her to interpret. There was one generic rule that he didn't explain and it was mostly because he didn't have to, it was one that everybody would catch on, and it was the fact one could share tips about themselves to further expand their insight. Of course asking the questions did this naturally but never made it as fun as the guessing part, and seeing as how they had two drinks down, that little bit evened the odds of helping her just a little. Now of course it was his turn and he in turn did the same, look upon her with consideration as to what exactly could be useful in terms of observation. This time though he intended to intrigue her, and not just by namely being vague or generic either. She had scars yes but those only told him of battle, her ability to incapacitate hostile men told him experience, and her cold withdrawn demeanor told him discipline. "Hmm. You live as a soldier who goes by the way o' the sword." He tested to see how that played out, curious to know what her reaction would be.
word count: 779
"Freedom is everything."

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[Bronze Boar] Banter and Canter

Nell drank, not really understanding that Patrick had measured the question in halves. As the warming spirit ran down her throat, Nell's icy eyes once again found Patrick's. She interpreted his expression as one of haughtiness, and she could feel her muscles tightening. Her jaw clenched again, and as Patrick drank, she balled her hand into a fist.

The men around the bar sensed a shift in her demeanor, and moved away from her. She was radiating anger, and she knew that her cheeks were getting redder. She sat, glaring at Patrick, as he examined her. She barely heard his question, in fact. She registered the word 'sword', which seemed to flip a switch in her. All at once, she was emotionless. Her muscles relaxed, and she stared through him. In a swift motion, she shoved the barstool back and wrapped a strong hand around Patrick's neck.

She pulled him forward by neck, but not for a kiss. With a grunt, she slammed his face down on the bar and watched as his head bounced off. The men at the bar gasped as they watched, a few chuckling among themselves. In his daze, Patrick didn't see Nell climb halfway over the bar, but he felt the cold iron on his neck as the dagger she'd drawn earlier found its way back into the open air.

"Listen to me very closely, fecker. If you so much as look at me ever again, I'll open you a red smile from ear to ear. Peddle your shit somewhere else." With that, she shoved him back and away from her and the bar. She snatched up her cloak and whirled through the door, a wide berth given her by the other patrons. The door slammed behind her, ominous and final.
word count: 302
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[Bronze Boar] Banter and Canter

Of course there had to be the off chance his little gambit in making the game more interesting would infuriate her, he should've suspected it rather than assume she would feel encouraged by it. Really he wondered just what went through her head as he watched her, the stiff icy demeanor once again returned as her eyes seem to pierce into his flesh. Almost rather in the blink of an eye he had found her hand extended out rapidly, an aggressive grip found on his neck as he felt the forceful push down onto the bar below him once more. Many of the men were silent now as they all bore eyes on her, as Patrick withdrew with a hand brought up to his forehead to cover the area of the impact.

He felt his entire forehead throb but the source of the pain was at the right of his forehead, his utter shock met with the fierce temperament that Nell seemed to once again display. She threatened him and did so without even blinking, her grip released as she turned around with cloak in hand to leave. Sure enough he watched as she exited the building and much of the men there muttered, aware of the outcome that became his little game this time around. "Ow..." He murmured as he massaged the knotted bump he felt form there. "Not sure I deserve that honestly." Sure enough that comment brought a lot of laughter from the men, their wariness eased as they could see Patrick was in fact fine. Rather intact anyway considering the look of things, and sure enough the bar resumed its livelihood once more as he cleaned up the remainder of the mess left behind.

He was honestly quite puzzled at how someone so uptight could be so.... well her. Maybe it was the fact he did lead a simple life, and because of that he didn't understand the background she really came from. Still something told him that he wasn't too far off in that last guess, her aggressively cold reaction to him only further cemented his speculation as he determined it to be something to hide. Or maybe it was a matter of personal pride? Did she not really grasp the rules of the game after all? "Piss on it all." He muttered as he finished wiping the counter top down, his slight headache soon remedied by the flow of booze once more.
word count: 411
"Freedom is everything."

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[Bronze Boar] Banter and Canter

Name: Patrick

Persuasion: Stopping a fight
Nell: Armed and dangerous
Nell: Knows how to use a dagger
Nell: Feisty
Nell: Mercenary
Nell: Lacking manners
Persuasion: Chatting up customers
Persuasion: Make customers feel welcome
Nell: Closed off
Rharnians: Drunks
Game: Guess and drink
Nell: Likes games
Nell: Has scars
Nell: Has an anger issue
Nell: Doesn’t like being messed with

Loot: Injured pride!
Injuries: A bump on the head that will heal in 3 trials
Fame: N/A

Story: 5
Collaboration: 5
Structure: 5

Name: Nell

Location: The Bronze Boar
The Bronze Boar: Frequented by locals
Rharne: A drunk town
Patrick: Bartender The Bronze Boar
Intimidation: Getting a drunk to back down
Unamed Combat: Grapple
Blades: Dagger: Holding at knife point
Persuason: Manners are important
Patrick: Simple
Patrick: Goes by Pat or Rick
Game: Guess and drink
Patrick: Honest
Patrick: Wants to get to know you
Patrick: Is hard to get drunk
Patrick: Happy man
Patrick: Already had a simple life
Patrick: Wants a more fulfilling life
Patrick: Haughty

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Fame: -1 for threatening and injuring Patrick

Story: 5
Collaboration: 5
Structure: 5

Comment: This was a really fun thread to read, though I totally didn’t expect the ending that happened. Nell is some kind of firecracker and maybe a little nuts. Great collaboration here.

Patrick, I noticed some structure issues, some things like missing commas and the occasional run on sentence but the story was great. I like the flirty side of Patrick, even if it got him in trouble.

Nell, what a feisty BAB. I didn’t notice any structure errors, and your writing flows really well and is easy to read. I did like the little glance you gave into Nell as more than just a hard warrior. The hints of softness were intriguing, great job.
word count: 307
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