Pass the Brandy

3rd of Saun 717

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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Pass the Brandy

3rd Saun 717

They had gone to the Bronze Boar and whilst Zana understood that Theo was doing his very best to provide for them both it had been far from successful. The place was awful and the food worse. However, as much as she had been irritated beyond explanation, Zana also recognized that she did not entirely make things easy for him. So, as they made their way through the Earth Quarter, Zana slipped her arm around him, nestling against him as she picked her way through the streets. "You wouldn't want me to be, you know," she said with an impish smile. "an easy keeper that is. That sounds positively dull and you wouldn't like dull." Besides, they were both used to different and better.

As they walked together, Zana was completely unaware of the man who had tried to grope at her on their way in to the Bronze Boar. Theo had pushed the man down the few remaining stairs and they had entered the building. Frankly, Zana had not considered him any further. However, this was the Earth Quarter and she was aware that there were dangers here, so the mortal born was keeping an eye out. Unfortunately, she didn't know the streets whilst the drunken man and his friends very much did.

It hadn't occurred to her that the man on the way in might be a problem. She had been more concerned with the men who had been watching them on the way out but they were not the problem here. Her focus was on them because of the fight which they'd both witnessed, which led to her thinking about the young man who was the victor in that scrap. "Oliver Branch," she said, after a few moments. Her voice sounded amused. "His parents must have really hated him. Or wanted a daughter called Olive." As for the young man in question, Theo had made his point and done so very clearly. "What do you think will happen with him?" She asked no more than that, not wishing to push the topic. In fairness he had been right about Brandi, although that led to another thought and a teasing tone to her voice. "If he needs training, this time it's up to you. I draw the line at farm boys called Olive and he can't afford me."

As they walked down one of the streets of the Earth Quarter, there in front of them were two men. One of them was the drunken miscreant Theo had pushed down the steps. He was standing, leaning against a wall and with another chap. The two of them looked and then the one they'd already met spoke.

"Well, lookie 'ere. 'Ello, beautiful."

Zana glanced at Theo and sighed. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a mirror and checked her lipstick, although of course Theo knew better why she was doing it "I think you've got an admirer, dear heart," she said with a tight smile. "He think you're beautiful."
Her weapons were her crystal eyes, she's making every man mad
Black as the dark night she was, she's got what no one else had
word count: 542
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Pass the Brandy

Theo never worried much about moving around after dark. At least not since he'd begun living and working in the Glass Quarter. The streets were well lit there, the buildings well kept and the place was heavily patrolled by the Lightening Knights, who recognized the wisdom of keeping the peace in a place where the city's most affluent, powerful and influential residents lived and did business. The combination meant that it would require the boldest, or most stupid of troublemakers to try anything there. That wasn't necessarily the case for the Earth Quarter however, and that was where he and Zana were that night.

Like Zana, he was more focused on the men who'd been eyeing her at the Bronze Boar, and he'd completely forgotten the drunk that he'd shoved down the last few steps as they'd gone in. Either way, the woman on his arm had a knack for drawing attention, and as a result, trouble, just by looking like she did. "I've never really had a dull life, even under the worst of circumstances," he told her. "But you're right. I don't like dull. Life with you is far from that." And he didn't mind at all, in spite of there being a particular set of dangers that came hand in hand with their particular relationship.

"Olive? Why would anyone name their child after a fruit?" he asked. "Or is it a nut? I don't know how he'll work out to be honest," Theo added regarding Oliver, and ahead he could see the first lampposts that indicated the start of the Glass Quarter. "I was more sure about Brandi. After all, even at her roughest there's a market for that. I think the first sign will be how he turns himself out and presents himself tomorrow. It's not just fighting skills we're after," he added. "He can't be an unpolished distraction for our guests."

Time would tell. Just a short time in fact and Theo was content with that for now. And then suddenly he was reminded of that stumbling drunk. The man himself was standing in front of them, between themselves and the outer edges of the Glass Quarter. And not a Lightening Knight in sight. Theo would have preferred that. There were trials, before now, when he might have embraced the prospect of a fight, rather than opting out or preferring for the authorities to step in. These were different trials however, and street brawls didn't exactly make the impression he was aiming for. And apparently, the drunk had sobered up just a little and had brought a friend.

He was armed, just as he'd been at the Bronze Boar. A sword at his hip, a throwing knife in his boot. His crossbow locked and loaded, concealed inside his coat. An admirer? Theo smiled tightly, and drawled, "It's what they all say. All talk though. My mother warned about men like you," he added, meeting the drunk eye to eye and then glancing at the other one. They didn't know what they were inviting upon themselves if they decided to push it. He was armed and capable enough, but their greater concern, though they couldn't have known it, would prove to be Zana if they decided they wanted to engage.

Indeed, for more reasons than one, Theo had no intention of starting anything, but only finishing it if necessary. "We don't want any trouble, and I'm sure that you don't either," he said, but already he'd hooked his thumb onto his belt in close proximity to the concealed crossbow. It might appear to be a nonchalant gesture, but it meant that in a flash, he'd have a weapon in his hand, raised and ready to fire at the slightest provocation.
word count: 651
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Pass the Brandy

"It's an expression, Theo. Offering an olive branch, a peace offering." She smiled at him as he said that he wouldn't like a dull life and life with her was far from dull. On whether an olive was a fruit or a nut, however, Zana glanced at him sideways and grinned. "I'm afraid, dear heart, that my agriculture knowledge is as extensive as my cooking skill. Or yours." However, how Oliver Branch was going to turn out was a much more serious conversation and Zana nodded. "If we are going to take risks, then a calculated one is better. Besides, we have nothing to lose." She considered what arrangements they had made and she smiled to herself. "We'll see if he rises to the occasion." Theo knew what she meant, she was quite sure; how Oliver reacted would be key.

However, all thoughts of how they were going to deal with Oliver went out of her head at the sight of the man. Men, in fact and Zana glanced at Theo as he drawled at her words. They were in trouble there was no doubting it and Theo spoke, trying to reason with the man. "Oh, you're already in trouble. So, why don''t you go on your way and leave your pretty lady here with us?" Zana sighed and whispered.

"There's another one, I think." She couldn't quite make them out, but there was movement in the shadows behind the drunken man. Zana considered whether there was going to be any point discussing it with them, trying to get them to see sense. She didn't think so, but if they could avoid violence, then she'd rather do that. "This is a very good dress, Theo, I don't want to get someone else's blood on it." She spoke quietly, so that only he could hear her.

The man who had, indeed, sobered upquitea bit, spoke then. "See, you're armed, but she ain't. So,don't make us have to kill you." Considering his words, Zana really didn't think it was worth it and she figured that her speaking would just make things worse. So, she put herself behind Theo, seeming to be cowering there but in fact hiding herself as she calmed and then prayed to her father, activating the 'wings of steel' ability from her blessing which meant that her upper body at least was armoured.

The two men were both focused on Theo and as they took a step forward each, their weapons came into view. othe of them had long daggers / short swords. It was the one in the shadows which was an unknown. "You run on home now, she'll follow you when we're done." He and his companion seemed to find this funny and they chuckled at the same time as they pulled their weapons and continued to move forward, closing the distance between them.
Dangerous? I'm a dying breed. Poisonous like a centipede,
Capable of the foulest deed. Dangerous tonight.
word count: 512
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Pass the Brandy

An expression? Theo got it, yes, although he hadn't actually bothered to consider the man's name in those terms till Zana mentioned it. "Naturally," he'd uttered dryly when she pointed that out. "Funny how in the Dust Quarter we were a little too busy figuring out how to survive the next trial, to spend much time dabbling and trading in idioms." A child was lucky there if he had a parent or two was interested in raising and protecting him from harm, much less putting much thought into his name. Whichever the case, Oliver Branch was a calculated risk. One considered and somewhat thought out. This though? Walking back to the Glass Quarter after dark, just the two of them? Theo realized now that it was an ill conceived idea, having gone to the Bronze Boar for dinner. They'd been bound to attract the sort of attention that neither of them wanted.

This was going to be messy. And Theo didn't like messy. "You say that now," he said, speaking to the drunk who suggested that he just run along and leave Zana alone with them. "I can reliably predict that you won't like it much if I do." The men had no idea what they were suggesting. And why would they? They couldn't possibly know what Zana was capable of. Better they didn't. It was a far better surprise than not. Of course there was another one, he thought as she moved round behind him. Still, as long as the one in the shadows didn't quite realize they saw, then all the better.

Theo knew what Zana was doing behind me. Or at least he knew enough to realize that in spite of what the men might believe, she wasn't cowering in fear. So was the figure in the shadows a foe, or was he a potential friend? Nothing about the two others seemed to indicate they were aware he was there. What Theo could discern by observing the faintest of light playing upon metal, was that he was armed with a blade and not a bow. That made his decision in a flash and for just a few trills he'd give that figure the benefit of the doubt. A gesture he wouldn't have offered if the man had been armed with a bow.

The talkative one was getting on his nerves, so in a flash he drew his pistol crossbow, released the safety with a flick of his thumb and fired. It was part luck and part calculation, both coming together beautifully as the bolt flew true and pierced the man right through the throat. The man's eyes widened as his sword slowly dropped from his hand and he clutched at his throat, a fountain of blood pulsing out between his fingers as he dropped like a stone. That left one known danger, as Theo reached for his sword. And another unknown behind him.
word count: 499
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Pass the Brandy

"Yes, well, it sounds vile there. I really wouldn't like to live there," Zana was more than aware of how her words sounded. Shallow, self-absorbed and thoughtless. She was, all three, and then some but she wasn't entirely unaware of Theo's upbringing and she looked at him with a slightly tense smile, trying to illustrate that she was (mostly) joking and (largely) trying to provide a little levity. "Besides. Poverty really isn't an excuse. One should always have time for a good idiom, don't you think?" Her brow quirked and Zana smiled at him, her hand squeezing his as they walked, nerves hitting her.

Because this was a very bad idea, she realised. It was both their ideas, both their responsibilities. Except, of course, she would maintain if asked that it was his and that he was entirely and completely to blame. Both for the abysmal food and the very strong likelihood of what had ended up happening. As the previously drunken man spoke, Zana cowered behind Theo, except that was the last thing that she did. She prayed and she felt the steel feathers wrapping around her, arms and upper body at least and she pulled one, holding it carefully.

The noise, as slight and gentle as it was, was covered by the sound of Theo's crossbow. Zana watched calmly as he put a bolt through the throat of the man who had tried to grope her. Then, his companion moved and met Theo, both of them with swords flashing. Zana was watching the one in the shadow, but she heard the caw of a bird and saw a flash, a vision of sorts as her familiar, Henry, circled overhead. She and Theo were both looking at the figure in the shadows and suddenly Zana saw herself and Theo through Henry's eyes.

And the two men behind them.

Zana turned, having to trust that Theo would take care of the one with the sword and she gasped in shock as she felt wind rush past her cheek. For a split trill, she thought that maybe it was Henry, but then one of the two men fell with a bolt, much like Theo's, through his throat. Fired from the crossbow held by the man in the shadows. That left one and Zana moved, aiming to embed the feather-dagger in his eye. She stepped forward and aimed, her aim actually good, but what she didn't take into account was how good he was and the man in question grabbed her around the wrist. He pulled her towards him and Zana felt his fetid breath on her face as he yanked her. That was fine with her, because it meant that he could feel her breath right back.

She breathed on him, hard and she used her Breath of Life ability. The emotion that she gave to him was overwhelming, absolute terror and he crumpled to his knees, the stench of urine assailing her as he lost control. Calmly, as he fell to his knees in abject horror and stared at her, Zana buried the dagger in his neck. She then repeated the movement to make sure and turned around to see what was happening with Theo.

As she did that, Zana looked for where the unknown one was, the one who had felled one of the two behind her, but they had disappeared back into the shadows and not even Henry's sharp sight could make him out. If Theo needed help, then Zana would attempt to help him, but if he didn't, then she would stand and watch.
You can make me cry, I can make you die.
Opposites attract, that's the reason why.
word count: 627
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Pass the Brandy

Theo knew all too well that Zana wasn't cowering behind him. He only hoped that whatever she was doing, whatever preparations she needed to make happened quickly before it was too late. The figure in the shadows was still a mystery. Reason, intent, alliances? Who knew? Theo had dropped one of the men in his tracks, there was one advancing on him sword drawn with barely a glance spared for his fallen companion. If there'd been only the one, or even the addition of one in the shadows, he wouldn't have been too concerned. It was that faint shuffling of feet behind him though that was most worrisome.

And then the shadow raised its arm and let loose a bolt that flew past him and Zana both. And then Zana acted. Not that Theo could spare the time or the glance. He'd drawn his own blade and instead of waiting for his assailant to reach him, he lunged forward to engage while the man was mid-stride. A clash of blades, another and another, Theo advanced and pushed back. But the man wasn't any sort of beginner with the blade and they were at least an even match, if Theo wasn't bettered by some measure.

He heard screaming behind him. A male shriek and something told him that Zana was doing more than holding her own. And somehow he and his opponents ended up with blades locked at the hilt, braced so close together that Theo was in close proximity with the man's rancid breath. Take care the blade you never saw coming. Theo remembered that. For his own good, certainly, but not just that. His opponent was sure to twist out of the standoff, the push and pull. But before he could, Theo reached for his dagger with his free hand, reached beneath their locked blades and plunged the knife into the man's chest just below his rib cage.

It was only when the man crumpled and lay at his feet that Theo turned round to check on Zana, and found her whole. "Are you alright?" he asked, even though he didn't see any obvious damage done to her. Catching his breath then, he glanced back to the place where the shadowed figure had been, only to find him gone. "I don't know who that was," he said. "but we owe him. And maybe we ought to take his actions as friendly advice and get ourselves back to more palatable surroundings." Go home, he meant, and learn a lesson from the experience. If she was ready then, that's exactly where they'd head.
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Pass the Brandy

Zana watched him fight with the companion of the man who had tried to grab at her and she considered his moves with care. The man Theo was fighting was better than him, there was no doubt and she thought that Theo was going to lose, possibly die, until he stopped facing the man sword for sword. His move with the dagger was underhand and sneaky and it saved his life. It was worth to remember that, Zana thought to herself, dispassionately.

"Yes." One word was her only reply to his question about how she was. He spoke about the man and not knowing who it was, that they owed him. She did not agree with that at all but equally, she did not care enough to argue. However, when he said that they should go back to more friendly surroundings, she spoke again. Her voice, of course, was the strange emotionless monotone which it had been last time she'd used this power. He'd seen her like this before, although he was in a very different emotional state then, having just felt joy and happiness.

"No. Not yet." Zana said, turning to look at the man she had killed. "These two came from behind. There were two in front, two behind. That means that they didn't follow us, they knew that we were coming this way, specifically and they prepared for us. So did the one in the shadows." She motioned to the sky above them. "My bird will keep watch. Search them, see if there are any clues about who they are and who they work for." It wasn't a request, there was no feeling in the words and she turned away from him to do just that with the two behind them without thinking about how dangerous it might be to do that. Zana would normally, usually, raise the thought and then defer to him but in this moment she really did not care what he thought and so she coldly, calmly and efficiently checked the bodies for tattoos or marks and took everything from them, including weapons, coin purses and so on.

Normally, she'd make 'ew' noises or commentate, but she lowered her head and simply got on with what she was doing. First one and then another, unless Theo stopped her. "We should inform the Lightening Knights when we get to the glass quarter so that no one can frame us. We should tell them the truth, except for the part where I breathed on mine, I will just say I stabbed him. But if I'm like this, they won't be sympathetic. I should pretend, yes?" Zana lifted her eyes to look at him, devoid of feeling as they were. "Or would you rather wait until this wears off? I will be upset then, though, I was afraid for us both." Ironically, she wouldn't admit that she felt that, if she was feeling it.
word count: 496
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Pass the Brandy

This was the part where Theo's thick skin would need to come into play. He'd been warned already about Zana's state after using her talents, and in fact he'd seen that demeanor in action, if not to this extent. She could be prickly at best. As for the man in the shadows, they might not consider him a newfound friend. In fact he might be just the opposite. But if one or both of them didn't believe there was a debt owed, their mysterious 'ally' might presumably feel very differently about that. Or maybe there were other motives behind it all. There was no telling now, but worthy using a great deal of caution nonetheless.

She was right though. They should inform the Lightening Knights in order to get ahead of a potential problem with the law. A problem that could easily have been created for them by others with a particular intent. "We've got a reputation to build and uphold," Theo considered. "This could as easily be a maneuver to help tarnish that before it's begun." By competition, who knew? Or it could as easily be a drunk with friends, looking for a little payback.

He had no qualms however about searching the bodies. Even looting them. Dead men didn't need fancy weapons or coins. And yet, Theo suggested as he searched the pockets of one man, took his pouch, emptied some coins into his hand but put a couple back, 'The Knights might not be quite as impressed by the story of a pair of...innocents, who've looted the bodies before reporting an unprovoked attack."

Other than a ring on one man's hand with some strange symbol he'd never seen before, which Theo slipped in his pocket, he found nothing else that might help explain the men's motives...other than drunks looking for trouble and a good time. Except that only one of them seemed to have been drinking. Then there was Zana's state to consider. "If we wait for it to wear off, then we've delayed reporting the skirmish, and there'll be questions...Why." Upset was good, in fact, but the delay wasn't necessarily. If she could, then acting the part would be preferable.
word count: 383
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Pass the Brandy

His point about looting the bodies made sense and Zana nodded, although she continued, simply making sure that she took the jewelry, half or three quarters of the coin and fundamentally following suit. Standing, she nodded. "I've taken two rings and a handful of coins. We should check them, later. I do not recognise the symbols on the rings." Looking down at them, the four dead men, she considered them. Their body shape, their muscular natures. "I am not an expert, but I have seen a lot of naked men. These ones are muscular and well fed. They do not belong in this place." The more that she looked, the more that she considered, the more sure Zana became that those men were more than just thugs.

He didn't want to wait and Zana nodded. "I will attempt it, but I have never acted. When I am upset and not experiencing this, I smile and pretend that I am fine. That does not seem like a good thing to do here." It was ironic that she was more honest right in this moment than she normally was, but that was because, of course, they were talking about feelings. Now that she did not have them, Zana was able to discuss them in a much more clear manner. When this wore off, she would be irritated at herself for having revealed so much of herself to him, but in the moment it made sense to do so.

"I think it would be most logical if I pretend to be in shock. You should use that word, I will ensure that I am wide eyed and largely silent. If they attempt to separate us, I will cling to you." Yes, that all made sense. There were a few questions, though, so she asked them. "What are you going to tell the Knights about me, and my abilities? Also, what about the person in the shadows? Finally, will you tell them that I am your employee or will you imply that we have a relationship of some kind? I will go along with whatever story you decide, you are eminently more qualified to judge in this case."

Once Zana was clear what role she was playing she was more than happy to walk to the Glass Quarter with him, although she would need to be reminded, depending on what his answer had been, to put her arm in his or touch him in any way. Once they were there, it would become quickly apparent that shock was the best choice however, depending on how long the knights kept them, a single break after the fight, Zana would reach for Theo very genuinely with hands which were, suddenly, shaking and look at him with genuine shock in her now emotion-filled ice blue eyes.
word count: 472
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Pass the Brandy

Having had a better look at the men himself once they'd been dealt with, Theo had to agree with Zana's impressions. Their nails were trimmed and clean, lacking the more usual grime of trial by trial living for those without better resources at their disposal. Their pallor was fairly healthy, or had been, since they were newly dead. They weren't your usual thugs to say the least. Those things, combined with the rings raised far more questions than it answered as to their identities and motives that night. Not to mention the man who'd come to his and Zana's defense from the shadows.

"No," he agreed while straightening up from his work and dusting his hands off. "Lighthearted is definitely not the way to play it. But if you're capable of playing one," Theo reminded her with a grim smile, "then you're fully capable of pulling off quite the opposite." They headed towards the Glass Quarter then to visit the guard station, and when she asked what he'd tell them, Theo shrugged. "I'll tell them all of it. And I'll tell them the truth." All except those details related to her nature or abilities, that was. "And if they ask, which I doubt they will, then the truth about our relationship as well."

He'd leave out the man in the shadows and the role he'd played, but only that. Who knew if they'd meet that man again and what might come of it? As for the rest? "It doesn't make any sense to keep the truth from them, in particular what we do for a living and what our own connection is. We've already made a name and reputation for ourselves in the Glass Quarter, if the knights don't know of us personally already, someone they know or someone they question will." So better the truth now, than caught in a lie later for no good reason at all. But as importantly, he told her, he wouldn't allow them to separate Zana from him. But in the end, the whole process was done in just over a break, and they were free to return home on their own.
word count: 375
Every crowd has a silver lining.
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