They had gone to the Bronze Boar and whilst Zana understood that Theo was doing his very best to provide for them both it had been far from successful. The place was awful and the food worse. However, as much as she had been irritated beyond explanation, Zana also recognized that she did not entirely make things easy for him. So, as they made their way through the Earth Quarter, Zana slipped her arm around him, nestling against him as she picked her way through the streets. "You wouldn't want me to be, you know," she said with an impish smile. "an easy keeper that is. That sounds positively dull and you wouldn't like dull." Besides, they were both used to different and better.
As they walked together, Zana was completely unaware of the man who had tried to grope at her on their way in to the Bronze Boar. Theo had pushed the man down the few remaining stairs and they had entered the building. Frankly, Zana had not considered him any further. However, this was the Earth Quarter and she was aware that there were dangers here, so the mortal born was keeping an eye out. Unfortunately, she didn't know the streets whilst the drunken man and his friends very much did.
It hadn't occurred to her that the man on the way in might be a problem. She had been more concerned with the men who had been watching them on the way out but they were not the problem here. Her focus was on them because of the fight which they'd both witnessed, which led to her thinking about the young man who was the victor in that scrap. "Oliver Branch," she said, after a few moments. Her voice sounded amused. "His parents must have really hated him. Or wanted a daughter called Olive." As for the young man in question, Theo had made his point and done so very clearly. "What do you think will happen with him?" She asked no more than that, not wishing to push the topic. In fairness he had been right about Brandi, although that led to another thought and a teasing tone to her voice. "If he needs training, this time it's up to you. I draw the line at farm boys called Olive and he can't afford me."
As they walked down one of the streets of the Earth Quarter, there in front of them were two men. One of them was the drunken miscreant Theo had pushed down the steps. He was standing, leaning against a wall and with another chap. The two of them looked and then the one they'd already met spoke.
"Well, lookie 'ere. 'Ello, beautiful."
Zana glanced at Theo and sighed. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a mirror and checked her lipstick, although of course Theo knew better why she was doing it "I think you've got an admirer, dear heart," she said with a tight smile. "He think you're beautiful."
As they walked together, Zana was completely unaware of the man who had tried to grope at her on their way in to the Bronze Boar. Theo had pushed the man down the few remaining stairs and they had entered the building. Frankly, Zana had not considered him any further. However, this was the Earth Quarter and she was aware that there were dangers here, so the mortal born was keeping an eye out. Unfortunately, she didn't know the streets whilst the drunken man and his friends very much did.
It hadn't occurred to her that the man on the way in might be a problem. She had been more concerned with the men who had been watching them on the way out but they were not the problem here. Her focus was on them because of the fight which they'd both witnessed, which led to her thinking about the young man who was the victor in that scrap. "Oliver Branch," she said, after a few moments. Her voice sounded amused. "His parents must have really hated him. Or wanted a daughter called Olive." As for the young man in question, Theo had made his point and done so very clearly. "What do you think will happen with him?" She asked no more than that, not wishing to push the topic. In fairness he had been right about Brandi, although that led to another thought and a teasing tone to her voice. "If he needs training, this time it's up to you. I draw the line at farm boys called Olive and he can't afford me."
As they walked down one of the streets of the Earth Quarter, there in front of them were two men. One of them was the drunken miscreant Theo had pushed down the steps. He was standing, leaning against a wall and with another chap. The two of them looked and then the one they'd already met spoke.
"Well, lookie 'ere. 'Ello, beautiful."
Zana glanced at Theo and sighed. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a mirror and checked her lipstick, although of course Theo knew better why she was doing it "I think you've got an admirer, dear heart," she said with a tight smile. "He think you're beautiful."
Her weapons were her crystal eyes, she's making every man mad
Black as the dark night she was, she's got what no one else had
Black as the dark night she was, she's got what no one else had