• Solo • Light in the darkness

Job Thread for Faith: Cylus 717.

3rd of Cylus 717

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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Faith Augustin Champion
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Light in the darkness

3rd Cylus 717:
Location: The Infirmary: Rharne

"I know what the books say, Doctor Helvin," Faith said, earnestly to the Head Doctor here. The young woman was sitting in the back room, resting between patients. Resting was not something which she usually did but the pregnancy which swelled her stomach demanded that she also rest her legs. Faith found it frustrating in the extreme and was not what one could call a compliant patient, but the other doctors insisted that she could only work here with them if she did as she was told.

Decision made, then.

"They don't say very much and what they do say, I don't want to read." Faith's definition of resting included, of course, having a book on her lap. "He's my friend and he's going to die if I don't do something. I am proud to worship Famula and Vri, death is not something I fear for myself or any that I love, but it is my duty to serve." To the earnest former slave's mind, it was as much her duty to help people stay alive until it was their time to die as it was her duty to care for them once they had. If it was Nir'wei's time to die then she would be unsuccessful in trying to save him, but she would not give up until she had cured him or he had been taken by Vri or Famula. Those were the only options to her and she swore by Famula that she would do this in Famula's name, in service of her.

"Tell me what you've found, dear, we'll see what we can do." He was a kind man, Dr Balen Helven and he was the only one who told her not to give up, that nothing was impossible.

"Well, the book you found for me was very helpful," Faith replied with a smile, "it talks about a treatment from a doctor in Etzos. I've written to him and hope to hear back, but..." It was a long way and in the current season travel was limited. Still, she would do her best and do everything she could. "He has had success in prolonging life, look." She slid over the book he had found for her and Balen nodded.
"Hope?" He looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Naive optimism and a waste of time, according to some."

Faith didn't take it as a criticism, although it was one from those who might say it. From him, it was a question, a challenge. "If people took that attitude to incurable diseases all the time, incurable diseases would be all we had. The search for treatment, for antidotes and cures is a doctor's duty as much as treating the person in front of us."
He smiled and nodded. "I agree. You have a mountain to climb, I would say."
Faith looked up at him as he stood and she smiled. "The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep. Miles to go, before I sleep."
He shook his head at the unusual young woman who had such strange ways about her. He squeezed her shoulder as he did and left her to it.

The first thing that she needed to do was to compile all the notes that she had on this disease and Faith spent the next few breaks of her trial doing that. Everything that she read told her that "The Rot" as it was called was inevitably fatal and that Nir'wei was going to die a slow and painful death. Shifting in her chair as the baby kicked in response to her emotions, Faith decided that the first thing she had to do was to find some way of alleviating his symptoms.

Hallucinogenics worked, at least a little and Faith could not help but think that was important. It was a change in the brain itself which caused this and they must be altering something in the brain sufficiently that it gave a temporary alleviation of symptoms. That was why the surgery to remove part of the skull hadn't worked, that was why the antitoxins into the nervous systems hadn't. This was some kind of change in the brain itself.

That was logical and not an amazing discovery but it must be something other than rot. Faith sat back in her chair and placed her hand on her stomach, thinking of the child growing inside her. What must Nir'wei's parents have felt when they realised what they passed on to him? Or did they do it? There were all sorts of ways that this could be passed on and Faith made a note to speak to Nir'wei about that.

So, phase one of this would be to work out the appropriate treatments. Faith turned to the encyclopaedia of herbs and she started making a list of all the known hallucinogenics, identifying the ones which had been used effectively and less so and she determined that she would start there.
836 words
word count: 866
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Light in the darkness

Faith looked up in some surprise as she heard the sound of the mug being put down on the table next to her. She looked up at Dr Helvin as he put the mug down loudly so that he didn't surprise her too much and she smiled, pulling the mug over. "Thank you. I appreciate it. I have a treatment regime, for symptom suppression and some ideas for where to start in terms of a cure."
"You look like you need to sleep. Are you?", the doctor asked and Faith smiled at him. She didn't answer, though, just tapped her pencil to the list she'd made then sipped her tea. He rolled his eyes and looked down at the list. An eyebrow raised as he examined it but he didn't say anything.
"I've got, here, a list of what I'll have to prescribe to stop the side effects, too." He didn't need to say anything, it turned out.
"That's going to be quite a concoction, whichever one you decide."
"I don't want him to suffer. The knowledge of this is enough. No more."

Faith closed the book, then and gulped the last of the tea. Doctor Helvin looked at her in surprise. "What are you doing now?" There was no telling with her, he had decided. There was certainly no sense to assuming anything with the young woman who had been working with them a short time.
"I'm going to go and do rounds."
Dr Helvin looked at her incredulously. "Your shift is over, Faith."
"I do this in my breaks. I just took a longer break. I'm going to go and do rounds now."
The older man threw up his hands and chuckled as she hoisted herself out of the chair and made her way to the main ward.

Picking up the list of who was left to be seen, Faith breathed in and saw that, at the moment, there were only two. That was good, if it was down to her they'd all be out of a job here because everyone was healthy. However, as she lifted up the notes of the first patient to get acquainted with her before she went to see her, one of the nurses came over to her.

”What is it?” Faith asked and the young woman spoke in quiet tones. The patient Faith had been about to see had been complaining of pain in her side, growing worse throughout the trial. They were concerned that there was something underlying. The patient was a woman who had just undergone a routine surgery and there appeared to be no complications. Faith nodded and looked at the notes again, then made her way over.

The patient was anxious and, judging by the sweat on her brow, Faith thought that she was in pain. She turned to the nurse and spoke with a calm smile. ”Analgesic, please? Oral and topical, if you would. And then, your assistance. Alright, my name is Faith and I’m going to help you alright?” The patient looked and nodded, both desperate and hopeful at the same time. ”Lets just have a look, shall we?” Faith pulled the bed sheets and then lifted the woman’s top so that she could look. There was vivid bruising on her side, but that was to be expected, she’d undergone surgery after all, but as Faith pressed gently against the site where the bruise was, the woman let out a yell of pain. Further examination and it became obvious to Faith that there was some kind of blockage or pressure which she needed to release. Blood was pooling internally and pressing against the work done by the surgeons. Opening her wound would be counterproductive, open her up to infection and all sorts. So, Faith glanced to the nurse as she returned and spoke, quiet and calm. ”Close the curtains, get be the bloodletting set, please.”

The nurse moved to do as requested and Faith stroked the woman’s hair gently, speaking to her in a soft and soothing voice. ”There’s pressure on your wound, pressure that I’m going to release, alright? You’ll feel better soon, just a few bits.”

The patient nodded and the nurse came back with the kit, then moved and pulled the curtains across. Faith got everything ready, the bowl to catch the blood, the syphon and the tubing necessary and then she applied the salve which would stop the pain of the small incision she was going to make. Better this tiny one than reopening her stitches, that was for certain. Lowering her head she touched her hand to her chest and prayed to Famula. ”Blessed lady, as blood is let here, it is in your service and in your name. Should you see fit to let this woman live, may her life be long and in service to all. If it is your will, guide my hand.”

Then, she positioned the equipment, motioned to the nurse to hold the syphon she was going to use to collect the blood and she continued her prayer to Famula as the cut hit just the correct spot and the blood, and pressure began to be released. The woman gave a low moan of pain but it was laced with the release of that pressure and Faith continued her prayer as she released the blood. When it was done, she cleaned up the wound and sealed it with two small stitches.

Then, when she was done, she stood back and breathed out, sending a prayer of thanks for Famula for that going as well as it could have ever done. She wrote carefully in the notes and informed the nurse that the patient should be checked every break, what she should be checked for and so on. Then, collecting up her equipment and cleaning everything down, Faith made sure that all was done and that she left nothing behind, collecting up the notes she’d made and bidding her colleagues goodbye, then made her way back home.
1000 words
word count: 1022
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Light in the darkness

Come and get your Loot!

(There's plenty more where that came from)


  • Story: +5
  • Collaboration: +0 (solo)
  • Structure: +5

These points can NOT be used for magic.


  • Dr. Helven: Offers Skepticism as a Challenge to Overcome
  • Detection: The Signs that a Patient is in Pain
  • Discipline: Doing Extra Rounds to Make up for Long Breaks
  • Diseases: The Rot: Slow, Painful and Terminal
  • Dr. LaVarro: Has a Treatment for 'The Rot'
  • Endurance: Pregnancy: The Long Ordeal
  • Famula: Prolonging Life Ensures the Fated Death
  • Medicine: The Side-Effects of Drugs Must be Considered
  • Meditation: The Long-Term Patience of Awaiting a Letter Back
  • NPC: Head Doctor Balen Helven of Rharne
  • NPC: Doctor Druce LaVarro of Etzos
  • Research: Books Often Only Set the Stage For Research
  • Research: Evidence Links 'Rot' Treatment to the Brain Itself
  • Research: Compiling a List of Halluginogenic Herbs to Treat 'The Rot'
  • Rhetoric: Some Sayings are Just MEANT to be Challenging
  • Strength: The Weight of Pregnancy on Your Legs
  • Surgery: Blood-Letting
  • Surgery: Bruising After a Procedure is Common


Lots of patients' blood for voodoo rituals ;)


Nothing to speak of


Can't really count the pregnancy, can we.

Fame: +3

General Good Deed (+1)
Discover new med procedure (for Rot) (+2)

Devotion: +3

Pray to Famula (+1)
Bloodletting in Famula's Name (+2)


Pet peeve: it is "Regimen", not "Regime" :P
Also, you go back and forth between "Helven" and "Helvin" for the doctor's name. :lol:
Very good, as always, Faith :D
PM me with any comments or concerns :)
word count: 256
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