Aurora Decretum
Developed by Kaladis Anar
By Decree of the Grey Duke, we never stop, for everything including life has a price.
Hiring assassins, ruthless killers, mercenaries, slavers, rebel mages, bankers, politicians, religious fanatics and anyone who aligns with their aims. They pursue targets, objectives and goals throughout Idalos, focused specifically on where it concerns the Eternal Empire and its surrounding territories. They do have their own goals, and rarely these conflict with the Eternal Empire but not usually openly, as the empire obviously takes a dim view of it.
Operating in decrees made by the Grey Duke, with each decree forming its own structure and hierarchy, having a single commanding purpose until it is complete. Many Decrees he makes are ongoing but some are temporary. Said to be a man both blessed and cursed by the immortals equally, the upper hierarchy of the Aurora Decretum is almost religious in nature, with Saun Priests of the grey duke holding vigil and ceremony to study his commands. While the assassins, spies and thieves operate on orders from the priests, most don’t and wouldn’t engage in this ceremonial behavior, interested instead in accumulating wealth, status or enjoying what they do.
In Nashaki they have a growing presence, operating more blatantly. The only reason any of them are tolerated at all, or not just jailed on sight, is that the Aurora have almost infinite pockets of coin. Everyone has a price, and the bribes the Aurora can bring to a situation are substantial. Though they are known for preferring more aggressive actions, than for example the Makers, they still do not like undue attention. Killing people in the street is usually seen as a foolish act, whereas assassinating a target in their bedroom, and making it look like an accident would be just fine, meaning few questions would be asked.
Strengths and Tactics
Having a reputation for success in assassination, it is not uncommon for people to hire the Aurora Decretum in other parts of Idalos if they want a guaranteed result. The Decree of Promise is perhaps the biggest arm of the Aurora, and constantly on the hunt for new or likely candidates looking to prove themselves, those that do well find riches and fame, those that fail die. When hiring the Aurora success is guaranteed because if the first assassin dies, the Aurora will just send a second, then a third, until the target is actually dead, hence the name the Decree of Promise. They take money up front, but will never give up on a contract unless asked to stop. Even after the person who placed the contract is dead, the Aurora will still continue to carry on their mission if they have been paid, this tenacity strikes fear into their opponents from crossing them openly, because there is always another slave, or young hopefully looking to get lucky, and it only takes one to do so. It should be noted that despite their preference for subterfuge, they are not always the most subtle group you can hire, but they are one of the most reliable because of their methods. They are also not stupid, placing a bounty on a hard target would only mean they lost a lot of people trying, not that they wouldn’t try, it would just cost you a fortune to hire them for it.
Bribes come from the Decree of Means, another large strength of the Aurora comes from their seemingly endless pockets and coin reserves. There are a lot of rumors as to how this comes about, from transmutations, to running a bank, to the fact they have a lot of wealthy clients who seek their services, both in the empire and beyond. The truth is all of these are true, because they are extremely adept at generating different forms of wealth.
Other notable decrees of the aurora are the Decree of Dusk, their intelligence gathering arm, and the Decree of Caste, whereby all slaves handled by the organization gain status and a caste depending how long they have served, many going on to try their hand at assassination or subterfuge. Maintaining this caste system allows them a greater degree of control over small slave populations, giving their slaves a degree of hope at a gradually better life if they comply with their masters wishes. They often use these slaves as hired labor on large contracts, or train them to be assassins or spies, and having a compliant slave population for this is preferred.
Most overt agents of the Aurora are dressed in black clothing with silver marking of the dawn to identify them, many agents are obviously not overt and you will not know by what they are wearing who they work for. The Saun Priests are an obvious exception to this, wearing red ceremonial wear most of the time. Estimated numbers for the Aurora range between 500 and 600, the majority being in or around the Eternal Empire itself, with many agents outside.
The Decrees and their purpose.
Locations in Nashaki
Joining Ranks and Roles
Joining the Aurora takes getting noticed, different Decrees have different requirements. Their pockets are very, very deep and bribes substantial when appropriate. Potential candidates are sometimes highly motivated to join, with threats to leave them penniless, enslaved or much, much worse if they don’t take the gold. The Aurora don’t play nice when they want something, so don’t expect them to. Making yourself more trouble than you are worth, is one way of dealing with the problem of forced recruitment, you can expect more than one visit from the decree of promise if you do.
Joining as a Slave If you are a slave you can be noticed just by being there, the Decree of Promise might try to recruit you as an assassin, or the Decree of Dusk might want you as a spy. If you fail your training, and survive, they might use you as a slaver in the Decree of Caste. Otherwise the Decree of Caste can keep slaves to use as a labor force when they can make a profit.
In the Decree of Promise potential assassins are trained for one season, then tested once, the target is watched, and the assassin is watched. Whether they kill the mark or not, the person watching will decide whether they are good enough to join. Quality isn’t as important as quantity, even so, you can’t be a bundling idiot and join. If you show some tact and recognition of your training, that is usually enough. Then you get your first live demonstration, sent after your first real target, and you are not expected to come back while the target is still alive. More than one failed assassin has fled obviously or a slave has used the excuse to run, and usually these failed assassins or slaves make great tests for new potential members, to see if they are good enough to join. The Decree of Promise consider runaways training resources, one that the Decree of Dusk keeps careful track of.
The Decree of Caste will sometimes recruit successful slavers for senior positions, this is true of all the castes, this is in addition to taking those former slaves they found suitable to become slavers themselves, usually putting these elevated slaves under a more experienced hand.
The Decree of Dusk train much like the Decree of Promise, after a season training in the Decree of Dusk, you are tested for your ability to extract secrets, by whatever means you are skilled at. If you fail you can find yourself rejoining the slaves as either a slave, or a slaver. If you succeed you are assigned a city, an alias, given instructions on what to do next, and how to contact the Aurora when required.
The Decree of Means will recruit merchants but prefer recruiting opportunities, bankers, politicians, city council members, guild members or others in positions to sway a good deal of coin there way. The Decree of Means is probably the nicest decree to be contacted by, though this term shouldn't be applied literally, they will still happily break your bones one by one for crossing them. Only people being recruited by this decree will often find hefty bribes of slaves, gold, and other materials offered, perhaps more than once to by their allegiance before harsher
317: Founding and Intent. The Aurora were founded in 317, amid mysteries and shadows, long lost records that all but the Saun Priests and Grey Duke have forgotten. It is almost certain a spirit or magic of some nature was involved in their founding, records hint at such, but they never outright describe enough for anyone to be sure. Over the centuries more misinformation has been spread about the organization by the Decree of Dusk, than truth exists, making finding any accurate history a longshot.
431: Torias Kaven. The Lord of the East who declared himself ruler of all Eastern Idalos. A warlord attempting to usurp rule over the Eternal Empire and other local rulers, his band attacked from the south, in a vicious attempt to overthrow ruler after ruler, his lightning fast attacks by horse were hard to counter, or hard to predict where he’d strike next. It was only down to an Aurora informant, that the empire and other rulers of the day were able to track and capture the warband in an ambush, by infiltrating his warband and helping influence where he would strike. Torias Kaven was hit by the combined force of several armies and surrounded, his warband died fighting to the last man!
512: The Aurora Collides. The first meeting between the Makers and the Aurora did not go well. Finding an organization in Nashaki that could match their own influence did not sit well with the leaders of the Aurora, and every attempt at penetrating this organization has met with frustrated failure. What the Makers have in patience, the Aurora have in tenacity, they still send agents to infiltrate the Makers even hundreds of arcs later, and those agents are still found and still killed time after time.
672: High Saun. High Saun was a celestial event which saw great boons fall upon the Grey Duke’s Saun priests, in a spectacular event they set the desert alight to burn their enemies before them. Hundreds of tribesmen were caught unawares by a singular precise act. None know how this was achieved, which immortals were involved, which suffered as a result or how to replicate it. What is almost certain, is that it was done to shift the balance of ether and increase the magic volatility of a very specific point in the hotlands that this tribe was aware of. To what end has not yet been discovered! The sight of the act is one of the many hushed secrets that the Saun Priests and the Grey Duke especially hold.
Player Information
This faction is available for anyone to plot with, write with, join or anything else. No NPCs except the Grey Duke need moderation here, but please give them some consideration for their abilities, and secrecy. If you could replace any you kill off, and leave an obituary up holding the ones you replaced, that’d be great.