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Synnammyn meets Zane

6th of Zi'da 717

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Strange Little Creature

6th of Zi'da, arc 717
It had been a rough couple of trials, even more so than what was usual for the danger-seeking boy. He understood that with his adventure hungry ways, he would get into trouble rather a lot, but when the trouble came when he was drunk or high, essentially, when he wasn't himself to fight it, he would simply succumb to it. First, it was that drug that fellow in the tavern gave him, right before he left for Astedia, to meet the marshal. Oh boy did he regret taking that drug. It made him appear unprofessional, childish and unprepared in front of his superior, and even though he was all of those things even without drugs, he could've perhaps delayed the full introduction of his traits for a couple trials at the very least. He didn't want lord Andaris to figure out all those things about him in a matter of minutes. Only thinking about it made him dizzy, so he decided to stop, as he walked the streets of the city. And yet he was bored, thus his brain would return to the past in the way of avoiding thinking about the future. He had a long road ahead of him before he could actually ride a jacadon, and that made him even dizzier. The young man of messy hair moved through the open city gates like a drunkard, stepping right and left instead of going straight ahead. And bullcrap, he was thinking about the future. Didn't he say he wouldn't do that? So his brain returned to the horrible events of the past couple trials, and it gave its final thoughts on the whole drug situation from five trials ago. He wouldn't repeat his actions, he promised himself once again, having completely forgotten that he had already done that. Maybe he shouldn't have drunk the ale he did so early in the trial?

And thinking of alcohol, his mind returned to the scene from two nights ago, where he, like the idiot he was, missed an opportunity to get together with a woman so beautiful...so beautiful...he couldn't exactly remember what she looked like. And who could blame him, considering that night the alcohol was on one of his friends, thus he drank and drank until his mind was a puddle just moving from one side of his skull to the other. There was some talking done with the woman, and then she got angry over something he said, told him to fek himself, and left. Was that really it? But what did he say? Surely not something he would've said sober, considering no woman has ever been as angry at him. Of course, most women wouldn't talk to him for an extended period of time either, he thought as he moved through the trees outside the city walls. What was he doing here again? Oh yes, he was supposed to be exercising, running and jumping and whatnot. To get rid of the hangover. One of his idiot friends from the military suggested that with a chuckle. Who knew, maybe the advice was just a joke meant to make him more uncomfortable than he already was? Or maybe it was an actual way of getting rid of a hangover. Why was he hungover again? Hadn't the night of drinking been two nights ago? Or did he have another one last night. Yes he did, of course he did. What else would've he done? He would visit a tavern in the morning, say hello to his buddies, mates and friendos, then go on to do his skyriding duties, which weren't in the sky, and had nothing to do with riding, and then return to a tavern at the end of the trial and enjoy some drinking with his pals. So many different words for acquaintances, he thought as he nearly trampled the smallest, cutest creature he had ever seen. Or rather, he hadn't ever seen, considering he missed it as he walked.

Only moments later, after he had passed it, did he turn around and look at it. "Oh by the Seven!" He yelled out with surprise colouring his voice, as he gazed into the wooden thing, or rather being. It was so cute, so incredibly cute, he just wanted to pat it and cuddle it, even though he knew it wouldn't be all fluffy and soft, considering it looked like it was made of wood. He had heard stories about them, tuwana, their names were. Or maybe wutana? Something like that, surely, he thought as he continued gazing at it for a couple trills. "What are you?" He asked with way too much bluntness in his tone, although he knew what it was. Well, sort of knew. Could've guessed, if he was asked, was more like it. He really just wanted to know whether it had a name, and if it wanted to be best friends with him. And also, whether or not it had others of the same species somewhere around here, and if he could meet them. He wanted to know everything about it, in truth, from whether it could float to whether it could fight Learning new things, what fun.
word count: 888
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Strange Little Creature

6th Trial of Zi'Da, Arc 717

Sinnammyn was never really sure where she was going in this blasted giant city without Avery, whom she had tied to a tree after taking her out to let her hunt for food. The hawk needed rest, and even with being with her for so long, Sinna still worried sometimes that she would fly away. Sinna wasn't always the greatest at understanding Avery, she was still trying to learn about her. Maybe she should learn to read? She was sure there was books on birds like Avery. Lost in thought, she was in the middle of crossing the street when suddenly a giant's feet came at her.

She gasped as she was knocked onto her hands and knees, the giant's foot coming just within an inch of her spindly body. She scowled at the giant. "Hey! Watch where you're going!" her voice jingled softly. Common falling off her tongue easily though it was slightly accented, southern Idalos was the feel of her voice, if Zane knew that accent. Slowly, she got herself up and brushed herself off. Jumping back as the gian came back around and looked at her.

Putting her hands on her hips she looked up at him defiantly. "You giant's don't seem to be very respectful of your surroundings. And seemingly not very intelligent." She grumbles in common a bit and sighs. Knowing that he probably couldn't really hear her well over the loud sounds in the city. Trying to think of how this was going to work. She frown, crossing her arms and putting her hand on her little chin, tapping her foot on the cobblestone. Looking to where she'd been heading for a second then at the man that was just staring at her with his jaw dropped like an idiot.

She walked to him and tapped on his foot, then pointed to the his left. "I can teach you a bit about what I am, I didn't really have a direction to go today, it's just hard to get anywhere in a city this big. I'm trying to learn the city, still get lost, so uhm... mind helping me?" she looked up at him and cleared her throat. Hoping that her voice was loud enough with her being this close.
word count: 394
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Strange Little Creature

The creature, much to nobody's surprise, seemed rather agitated that the careless giant in his ragged, poor man's clothing nearly walked over it...her? Was it a female? Her voice sounded like a female's, though then again, any creature that small had to have a way higher pitched voice than a normal mortal. She didn't sound like a Rynmerian, either, at least not like any of the Andaris people. He knew that people from the Eastern settlements had accents that were different from those of the island folks, but he had never heard one of them speak, so he couldn't compare the tiny wooden creature's voice to it. But then again, maybe it was just her species showing in her voice, considering he knew that his father, an Aukari, had a different accent than most Biqaj he'd met. She spoke up about him not being respectful of his surroundings, and in that moment of introspectiveness, he had to agree with her. He wasn't very good at mingling, or watching to not step on people's toes, and he had a rather outdated definition of personal space in his vocabulary. It was just because he was raised by a whore, he told himself, so his mother's habits of touch-based seduction brushed onto him.

But then she assaulted his intelligence, and he gasped sarcastically. He wasn't that intelligent, and he knew it, but it was a rare sight for someone else to say it, and be serious. Most people who talked about his intelligence were people he pissed off at taverns, drunkards and ne'er-do-wells that had no impact on his life. But a random stranger bluntly attacking his mental capabilities, that was almost unheard of. The little strange creature had bigger balls than half the men in the military, seeing how he could probably kill her in one kick. Although he wouldn't have ever done that, there may have been humans that would, and she really should've minded her tiny tongue if she wanted to keep her neck on her shoulders. Still, she didn't seem to be walking away from him, making Zane think she had something more to say, so he stood still, forgetting his lips were parted and air was still flowing onto his tongue. His hair moved in the Zi'da breeze, not enough to be noticeable at first glance, but enough to make him look like he hadn't brushed it for ages. It was his curse, looking dirty all the time. It didn't help that he didn't do much to clean himself up, but what the young man didn't know couldn't hurt him. Hopefully.

"Alrighty, it seems we can both teach each other something to-trial." Zane smiled stupidly as he spoke, after the little wooden woman mentioned she was lost. Well, she didn't say she was lost, but he assumed so from her wanting help from him, about finding her way in a city this big. Andaris City, in comparison to most other cities in Rynmere, was extremely large, and housed a big part of the population, and thus there was no wonder a being so small got lost in it. "My name's Zane, nice to meet you." He said in a friendly tone, trying not to scare the creature away, seeing how most animals its size would've freaked out and ran by now. He offered his hand as if she could shake it, but it was the thought that counted, at least according to what his parents taught him. He assumed the creature would offer her, or its, or whatever he was supposed to think of it, name in return, and he thought for a trill about suggesting she climbs onto his shoulder. She couldn't weigh that much, being so small, so he could probably carry her without feeling a thing, but he decided against it, because she might just be offended by that. One can never know with the stranger races, some of them got offended rather easily. "Where might you be going?"
word count: 694
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Strange Little Creature

6th Trial of Zi'Da, Arc 717

The Tunawa looked up at the man. Smiling up at him and pausing a moment. She was already quite tired from the events of this trial, but with each bit passing by, her thoughts jumbled slightly. Should she ask him to carry her across? She didn't even know where she was going.. And how was she going to know where to go back to once he was done with helping her. She frowned for a moment. "I am Sinnammyn. The Tunawa, one of Moseke's creations.One could say she is our all mother."

She smiled softly, as if trying to get some bad or sad thoughts out of her mind. "I wasn't really aiming to go anywhere Mister Zane. I have no home so, I guess I'm just trying to find one?" She looks around. "I've been living in different gardens the past few arcs. Not that you need to know. Avery and I get along pretty well on our own, but it would be nice to either find others of our kind or find work somewhere. Living strictly off the land is hard unless we fly out of the city." She sighed and straightened one of the petals in her hair.

She looked back up to Zane. "If we are to walk though, would you mind terribly in carrying me, keeping up with you would be like running a marathon for you." She cleared her throat. "That is, if you don't mind. I will try and do my best to teach you as much as I remember about my people. Seeing as I was only... no.. never mind.. I'll tell you what I know Mister Zane." She smiles.

The giant didn't need to know all about her, she barely knew him. She probably already gave away too much about herself anyways. Her and her big mouth. Not that she could really help it. Now that she had the ability to speak freely, she didn't have to hold back anymore. She was just a lost soul in a world that she felt like wasn't hers anymore. Not that she was ever going to admit that to this giant.... named Zane.
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Strange Little Creature

Sinnamyn, the Tunawa, one of Moseke's creations. Quite a long introduction for quite a short being. Perhaps it was a compensation for her lack of size, Zane thought and chuckled internally. Of course, it would've been rude of him to chuckle out loud right after the little creature introduced itself, so he contained the sudden desire to laugh and instead kept a straight face with only a smile showing his true thoughts. The creature, Synnamyn rather, viewed an Immortal as her mother. Perhaps they had more in common than Zane thought at first, considering he too had devoted himself to an Immortal. But given that most people in Rynmere chose the worship of their ancestors over the worship of the deities, he preferred to keep his allegiances a secret when talking with strangers. These trials, no one knew what piece of information could get you killed, after all, they killed people simply for using magic. Zane disliked that, and he disliked it a lot. It was an act of pure prejudice, and of no justice, and he wouldn't stand for it. In fact, he disliked the fact that they murdered mages all across the kingdom so much so that he thought about leaving several times. He couldn't fight the will of the King, of course, so the only thing he could do was not help him in his genocidal ways. Still, though, this wasn't the time nor the place to think about such dark things, nor to consider deserting the army. He'd just made a new acquaintance, after all.

"Everone should have a home." He noted for himself, accidentally saying it out loud, considering he had no intention of making the little creature sad. And who wouldn't feel sad without a home, he thought. He'd lived in his house so long, that if he was to leave, there would be a chance for him to completely break down and start crying. He was so used to having his own little place in the world, and he couldn't imagine living without it. "Of course, it wouldn't be a problem." He said, offering his hand to the little creature, thinking that she could probably climb up on in and onto his shoulder without much difficulty. After all, she must have been climbing things her entire life. He thought as he sighed, still a bit depressed from thinking about what would happen if he were to leave his home. He hadn't even noticed that the creature seemed uncomfortable with talking about her people. It was such a minor detail, no wonder someone as young and inexperienced as Zane missed it. Who wouldn't have missed it?

"So, Synnamyn, I believe our first course of action is finding you a home." The young man of messy hair noted as he picked up the pace, smiling with confidence as he did. He was going to get this little being to feel at ease around him, and he was going to find her a place to stay, even if it would be the last thing he did. The dark-haired man inhaled with as much enthusiasm as ever, and exhaled, looking around in hopes of getting the slightest clue of where this little tunawa might want to stay. "So, have you ever had a home? Perhaps we could find you one similar to a past home." He would say calmly, like helping strangers find their homes was the most usual thing in his life. He truly believed he could help this little creature, and he had no reason not to do so, thus he simply followed his impulses, barely caring whether the little thing actually wanted him to find her a home. She didn't know she needed a home, thus what she wanted was of less importance than what he deemed necessary for her. The mixed breed thought, at least.
word count: 656
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Strange Little Creature

6th Trial of Zi'Da, Arc 717

"Home.... is where you make it." She whispered as she climbed onto his hand and then slowly figured out how to use his shirt to get up to his shoulder. Jumping as high as she could first. When she was sitting on his shoulder she looked around. It was weird, being so high up but not as high as she would be with Avery.

Strange as it was, stranger was this man's willingness to help her. She had wished to be useful to others, but instead, it was she that was getting the help. She leaned against his neck and sighed, looking to the sky. "I've been running from garden to garden Zane. The only other place I've known most of my life is a doll house.. like I was a toy." Her voice broke a bit. She was so alone. What was this man reminding her of. She hated it. She hated every second of these remembrances. How her curiosity had gotten the better of her.

"I don't want what I had then Zane. I was foolish back then. Sometimes, I ponder if I really need a home." She turned her head to see his face as best as she could. "You.. probably don't understand. I have cache's all around the city. Hiding, hoping, probably for things that I shouldn't. I even contemplated getting caught back into slavery a few times Zane. To find purpose in my existence. Don't ask why I'm telling you all this Giant.. because I don't really know myself." She sighed and closed her eyes.

"My people, we... don't die easily.. quite resilient really. I could fall off the top of a building and probably be unharmed for the most part. Lose a limb? Grow it back. Things I found out mostly in captivity. But the one thing that was instilled in me since I was a child, was to be afraid of fire." She smiled at him meekly. "That's about all other than old age that can kill us."

She nods. "That's just one of the basics of our people. I told you I would teach you, I can't see why I can't teach as you walk." She chuckles a bit. "Besides... I'm not expecting to find a home anywhere. To many people don't know what I am.. and those that do, either want me as a doll or to sell me. Again, I've thought about going back down that road, but.." She shook her head. "Something keeps stopping me." She sighed. "Do you know what that might be? What keeps me from moving forward with that idea Zane?"

The Tunawa on his should looked so much smaller now as she curled up into a ball on his shoulder. Not having any difficulty staying balances as she used her hand to keep her there whenever she actually did. She seemed confused, tired, and done with things as they were.
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Strange Little Creature

The little wooden woman seemed sad. Not passing sad, the sadness you get from losing some money, or the sadness you get when your best friend wins an archery tournament and shares none of the rewards with you cough, Jonathan, cough, Zane thought, but the long sadness, depression, one during which you wander aimlessly, pointlessly, and hopelessly throughout the world just waiting for things to happen to you. Zane knew that sadness better than most, he could at least claim. He was even blessed by the Immortal who was defined by it, among other things. Vri was the god of sorrow, of depression, as much as he was of death, and Zane respected all aspects of him. Well then, what else could he do than help this being move on from whatever past haunted her, from whatever thing anchored her in one place. He was one of the helpful, nice giants, and he would show it to the tunawa no matter what. Go big or go home, in this case, do both. He would find her a home or he would die trying, he swore on his father's grave. He would go to the edge of this flat world if that is what it took to find this little creature a place where she could sit by the fire (or away from it, considering her species was prone to dying by fires), read a book and have a meal without worrying of anyone interrupting her. She would feel at ease at a place, or he would die as much of a traitor as his father was proclaimed. What was with him and his constant thoughts of his father, the boy thought. He swore he heard something that reminded him of the old man while he was in the market, but that couldn't be true. It was twelve arcs ago, why would anyone say his name again now? Perhaps it wasn't his name, the youngster thought as he recalled. It was the words traitor and Faldrun in the same sentence that got him. Anyways, he would investigate later, find a home for the tunawa now.

"You seem awfully troubled by your past, Synnammyn the tunawa. But that can be remedied. Unfortunately, I haven't the time at this very moment to converse with you deeply, but I have an idea." The young airman said, smiling, as he turned right sharply, moving towards his house. Perhaps he wasn't the one who was meant to help her find her permanent home, perhaps he was, who knew, but that wasn't what mattered. Before she could find a real, true home, she needed to let her past go. She needed to be free of the anchor, and feel at ease while around at least one person. "The only single-floored house in this street. Right ahead of us. That's your home, for now. The door is unlocked, and the eastward window is open, feel free to explore. I'll be back in about four breaks, I have a guard shift all the way in Drakengard." Zane talked, not letting himself stop so that the little creature couldn't protest. A temporary home, he thought, was what was needed for her to let go of whatever troubles she had in her bag. He could handle a tunawa sleeping alongside him, surely. Except could she handle his snoring? He probably should've asked. No, if he asked, she would've denied, thanks to her nature. She wasn't his slave, thus he couldn't make the decision for her, but he still lowered himself and put his hand to the ground, as if he was letting her get down. She could, surely, open a door, or at least climb in through the window. "Don't expect this to be permanent, I don't like having roommates." The young man of messy hair winked after the little creature hopefully parted ways with him. He was really late for his shift by now, but if she persisted, rejecting his idea, he would stay and argue with her. His was the way of joy, of freedom, and of fearlessness, and the little creature would accept it or die be forced to accept it with non-lethal, non-hurtful means. Who was he, a charity organisation, offering homes to homeless ex-slave tunawas? What had gotten into him the last couple trials?
word count: 737
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Strange Little Creature

6th Trial of Zi'Da, Arc 717

Almost falling off at his sudden turn, she almost forgot what she was going to say to his words. Troubled? That didn't even spell the half of it. Not that he would understand. Why would she converse with him on such a subject anyways? His people were the ones that enslaved her. It put her for a loop to be honest. Worse though, was that he said that he had an idea? What kind of idea? Was it a place to conveign later after whatever duties he had. He had promised that he would help her find a home so what was it that was the idea that he had?

Her questions were soon answered as he pointed out a slightly out of place house. "My home?" She murmured as he walked closer to it. She stood on his shoulder, a little confused. Looking at him and then the building. Wait.. He was telling her the entrances? This was.. His place. She looked at him her doll like eyes wide in astonishment. This couldn't have been that easy. Hadn't she just been yelling at him? So why was he helping her now? Why was he helping her in the first place?

When he bent over she hadn't been ready, and so she tumbled down his arm into his hand a splayed mess. She laughed a bit and looked up at him. "But.. W. I mean... thank you... I don't... expect anything to ever be permanent Zane.. But... This is a great start. I just.. hope it won't be to... no.. Never mind.. yo.. you get to work. That's important. I.. this isn't far from where I put Avery.... I'll grab her and some of my stashed stuff while you are out and bring it here. I... I wasn't expecting this... so.. thank you!"

Getting up she brushed herself off, bowing a bit to Zane as she started off towards Avery's direction. Climbing fences and trees to get to her and start gathering some of her things to bring back to Zane's home. She was going to have to pay him from some of her stash. She wasn't going to allow him to allow her to stay there for free. Especially since she had Avery, but that discussion could wait. She knew that work was important.
word count: 405
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Strange Little Creature



Doesn't want to think about the past or the future? Living in the moment seems to be the order of the day! What an interesting pc, so well written and funny, poignant and a little bit melancholy. I love how you write Zane, mourning a woman so beautiful he couldn't remember what she looked like! Really enjoyed this thread - PM me if I missed anything!


XP: 15

Fame: +10




Detection: Detecting tunawa
Endurance: Holding a tunawa on a shoulder
Investigation: Detecting emotion in a voice
Investigation: Deciphering a tunawa's voice
Investigation: A tunawa's troubles
Investigation: Deciphering someone's past
Psychology: Consequences of having no home
Psychology: Reading troubles in people/tunawa
Socialization: Introductions

Andaris City: layout
Andaris City: lowtown
Self: A helpful individual
Sinnammyn: A tunawa
Sinnammyn: Moseke's creation
Sinnammyn: Troubled by the past
Sinnammyn: Has no home
Sinnammyn: Now has a home
Tunawa: Moseke's creations
Tunawa: Really small wood people
Tunawa: Can only die by fire and old age



You go girl! You tell that disrespectful, not-intelligent giant what-for! Poor Sina, living in gardens - I'm glad she met Zane, hopefully his charitable looking after her and providing her with a home will be the start of good stuff for her!



Fame: NA




-Acrobatics: Balancing on Human Shoulders
-Acrobatics: Tumbling Down Human Arms
-Climbing: Clothed Human Arms
-Climbing: Fences
-Mount (Flying): All Beings Need a Break
-Negotiation: Exchanging Knowledge for Help
-Socialization: Asking for Help when you need it
-Socialization: Keeping to your word
-Socialization: Speak up to be heard.

Non-Skill Knowledges

-Andaris:Familiar Streets
-Andaris: Garden Locations
-Andaris: My secret stash locations
-Andaris: Zane's Home, A temporary Home stay

-Drakengard: Zane's post

-Zane: A skyrider, posted at Drakengard
-Zane: Concerned for Lil' Ol' Me
-Zane: Helpful Sod
-Zane: I open up to him easily. Not sure why.
-Zane: Interesting Convo Partner
-Zane: My new house-mate
-Zane: Needs to watch where he's going
-Zane: The friendly giant
-Zane: Reasonable to reasonable requests.
word count: 348
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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