“If they stand behind you, give them protection. If the stand beside you give them respect. If they stand against you show them no mercy. The guillotine is the ultimate expression of Law, and its name is vengeance; it is not neutral, nor does it allow us to remain neutral.”-
The Paramount began as a tall tale; told by Mercedes in a delusion of grandeur. The Sorcerer dreamed of amassing power, and building an elite fighting force. The events that took place on the
65th Of Ashan 718 strengthened his ambitions. Max and Mercedes stood against The corrupt “Elements” in protest, and without so much as a warning they were ambushed. The Elements launched an assault, and viciously murdered several of their own citizens. There were men, women and children armed with nothing more than farming sickles slain, and countless casualties. Several people to include Kieran(Kian), and Volker made appearances on the chaotic scene. Owls had been brought from the skies, Rupturing portals were opened, fists were thrown, blades collided, and the earth itself shook. After the extensive battle, and several escape attempts; Mercedes aimed to commit suicide as to avoid capture. However, the aftermath of the incident had been one; the Elements proved the sorcerer correct. They cared not for their people, but for an image that meant nothing in comparison to their
first massacre. The elements killed several of their own men, women, and children. As a result Mercedes incited a riot, and voiced his concern for the people. However, the elements cared not for what was just, but for the exemption of their own crimes. The point had been proven, and the hammer of vengeance would soon be brought down upon Scalvoris.
The Paramount has no designated home; they are a nomadic people that move, run, hide, fight, live and die together. As such they are incredily difficult to track, and even more difficult to identify. There are occassional meetings among the faction in public places. However, their headquarters remains to be seen.
The Paramount is built by, and lives on anarchism; they strongly believe that governing bodies exist almost solely to control populations of people. In the trials of old there were no governments, but people, and creatures with the will to survive on their own. Political power came about as a direct result of unequal opportunities. The Paramount seeks to create a land of equal opportunity; where people can coexist, and trade their own goods and services without government intervention. Freedom is the ability to choose ones own desired path. That path may come with good, or bad consequences and result in a multitude of outcomes. However, The Paramount would rather see the worrld burn if such a chaotic entity is the will of their people. They exist for the sole purpose of liberation, revolution, and innovation. Idalos first belonged to man-kind, and as such should continue to be owned, and operated at the hands free of men, women, and children. The Faction is first and foremost a family, and they travel Idalos together as brothers and sisters in arms. They firmly believe to run from combat; even at the risk of death is an act of cowardice. The Paramount does not allow one of their own to be left behind on the field of battle. Together they rose from the ashes, and together they shall return to the earth.
The Paramount does not truly believe there are “Enemies”. They have no moral code of conduct, and are more than willing to conduct business at all costs. They care not how many men, they have to slay in front of their families, how many women they have to torture in front of their children, or how many infants they have to behead in order to accomplish their task. The faction willingly goes to any length to eliminate those they deem threatening. However, there are relationships that are easily torn asunder by the factions line of work. Their loyalty is based upon who has the bigger contract, and who is capable of paying more than the other. They will more than willingly turn against their “Allies” if the price is right. However, since the beginning of the factions foundation; “The Elements” were the common enemy. They are a government ruled by a corrupt council, and allow the slaughtering of their own people. The Elements have more innocent blood on their hands than the entire faction combined, and as such they are deemed the only “Adversary” to The Paramount.
Title: The Strategos "Mercy"
Race: Human (Current Form Mixed Race Ellune/Human)
Age: 23
Immortal Marks/Magic: Defiance(Expert), Becoming(Novice)
General Information: Mercedes, formerly known as “Merces” is a multitalented, anarchic representation of a man. He is incredibly short-tempered, and has an odd sort of leadership. The Paramount was founded based on the idealism of governmental corruption. The Elements forced him into being a leader, and a “Freedom Fighter” of sorts. Never before had he been given the authority, and command over so many faction members. Yet, following his incitement of a riot and work alongside “The Crystals” the others abandoned him where Volker, and Max had not. Thus the foundation of The Paramount is meant to liberate the “Slaves”, and free the prisoners. Mercedes ultimately has a desire to conquer a land of his own, and create a nation upon it.
Off Topic
Rules In Regards to Joining
First and foremost, you are
NOT allowed to join this faction outside of roleplay. There is no application for joining “The Paramount”. The faction is intended to be difficult to join, and even more difficult to leave. If you are interested in joining The Paramount; please send a PM to one of the members, or reach out to one of us on discord. We will come up with a plot-line, and extensive amounts of threading will take place as a mandatory requirement to ATTEMPT to become a member. The process of becoming a member may take one, or several threads. The Paramount is never discussed openly (In threads), and is not meant to be “Known” to exist. Following the founding members of “The Paramount” there are several requirements. One combat skill at competent or above, one trade skill at competent or above, one magic or immortal blessing/curse, you are only allowed to fail to meet one of these requirements. Exceptions can, and will be made for those PCs with the desire to be a part of “The Paramount”, and provide enough evidence through work In character. If your PC fought nearly to the death alongside a member/Member(S) of “The Paramount” welcome aboard. The requirements listed above are more-so what we would like to see.
Lastly, when/if you become a member of “The Paramount” be warned. This faction will constantly be involved with somewhat large-scale plots to include open threads with violence, Possibly war, Extortion, and Conspiracy. There will be a constant, and looming threat of combat/maiming/death at some point or another. Therefore if you are unwilling to allow your character to take high risks in exchange for rewards, we ask that you do not attempt to join. If your character is incapable of being mobile, and traveling alongside the faction; please do not apply, as what is the point of joining a faction that your PC is not committed to being a part of? “The Paramount” Is not meant to represent good, nor evil, but is simply meant to be a gathering of Mages, and mundane people in unison for a single cause; Freedom.