• Graded • Money's Worth

74th of Vhalar 717

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Money's Worth

74th Trial of Vhalar, Arc 717
Cool wind slid up over the railings of the rocky ship and slithered across the washed deck like invisible serpents, aiming to wrap around a sea weathered man and tousle his blonde locks as if a mother was teasing her child. Blue eyes turned to stare at the wide horizon of land coming into view as body straightened and heavy, thick rope was hefted up onto muscled shoulders.
Warren wore a stained, cream colored tunic that hung off his body, screaming two sizes too big. His trousers fit almost too comfortably, having no need to wear a belt even though he did for propriety's sake. His feet were clad with special boots made to handle the slick surface of the ship, making him look every bit of a sailor.
He was not, however, as he’d offered his assistance to the captain in exchange for free passage across the Orm’del. He had to get out of Rynmere… Dealing with the nobles and their politics was a life or death game he didn’t want to be wrapped up in. The bounties were becoming overwhelming, almost to a point that he was guaranteed a wage every day. Until one day, a familiar name and sketching of a face stuck out to him.
The sketch was familiar but not exactly right. They didn’t give the curve of her jaw much definition, and her nose was a bit more pointed, but those piercing eyes… they were too striking to forget.
After escaping from the pits and finding shelter in a nearby village, Navyri had taken off some time while Warren slept and recovered. While he’d been made upon the knowledge of her disappearance, he didn’t think much of it. Now, there was money on the woman’s head, and quite a bit too… So here he was.
It didn’t take long for the boat to dock, and when it did, Warren thanked the captain and bid farewell to some of his ship mates.
“What is this place?” A young woman muttered, cloaked and following behind him.
“Etzos, City of Independence, or so they like to think of themselves as…”
“Is it safe?”
Warren paused, halting in his stride to look back at her. The hood of the dark cloak was up, concealing her features and drawing suspicion to her even though she meant the opposite.
“Nowhere is ever safe, Lianna.” Warren reached out and pulled her hood back. “But we’re far from the people who would want to hurt you. Rest easy for a time.”
She nodded and followed after him when he started to move again. “So where to first?”
Looking about for street signs, Warren re-positioned the stuffed bag on his shoulder. “First, we find an Inn. Then we’ll resupply at the bazaar. Hopefully, we get our money’s worth.” He hinted at, aiming a crooked smile at her.
word count: 493
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Money's Worth

Into the darkness they go, the wise and the lovely.

Etzos Inn
74th of Vhalar, 717

The inn was as boisterous as ever during this break of the evening, sounds of laughter and lute rolling up through the second story floorboards and creating a pleasant background for the group of gamblers circled in the small guest room. Three men sat at a stubby table that wobbled each time it was leaned on, a deck of grimy cards placed in the middle. Drinks lined the edge, mugs of ale and tiny glasses of something stronger. Two of the men, Ryqet and Orik, were Biqaj, burly sailors with braided beards and matted hair thrown back. The other appeared simply human, a man named Kanvir, but none looked remotely innocent. Scars and calluses decorated their skin, illustrating a life of hard work through their bodies and tattoos. They bickered back and forth, debating the role of the dealer until a woman pulled up a chair and reached for the alcohol, “Now, now… Shall we get started?”

The first round went quickly, the men smoking like chimneys and cursing all the same. A great cloud began to build up, and Navyri barely sipped her drink, much to the chagrin of her comrades. She smiled and pretended to take another, letting the liquid touch her lips and make her throat move as if swallowing. She set the mug down and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, laughing at a joke Orik proclaimed while she went to open the door. It was beginning to smell a little too ripe for her tastes.

“What did the sailor say to the Aukari woman?”

Navyri barely turned at the sound of a new joke, letting her company entertain themselves, and pushed the door open. The hallway was dimmer than downstairs but lit well, a couple passing as they headed towards their room. They giggled and grinned, mumbling embarrassed 'pardon mes’ as they drunkenly stumbled on. Navyri missed that, not remembering the last time she had submitted herself to a good time - unconcerned with taking advantage of neglected purses or fighting off ignorance. Etzos had not liked her before, and held even more prejudices now that she resembled an Avriel, but her company tonight was well traveled and a group of non-natives. Maybe… maybe she could relax a little. Immortals knew she needed it.

She returned to the trio eagerly, swiping a shot from atop the table and throwing it back. She smacked the empty glass down and the men roared in comradery. They were being loud and a bit selfish, dismissing the sound of annoyed banging on the wall. It seemed whoever their neighbor was wanted them to be quiet.

But fun never sleeps and Navyri was a creature of the night, “Alright, explain the rules one more time,” the Naer pouted, this time actually taking a deep gulp of her beverage, “I wasn't paying attention.”

They continued one, Ryquet roaring greetings to anyone who passed in the hallway, and Navyri laughing when they waved back. Sometimes they stopped to ask what was being played and the jovial mood was infectious. Navyri started to shuffle the deck, grinning from her seat as she began to divvy up the cards.

When the next person stopped by the doorframe, the Naer did not look up from her hand. How could she have predicted that her old cell mate would have come this far?
word count: 577
"At last. It has been too long since I have walked the face of this world. Too long have I been locked there, awaiting my champion to release me. My champion... This is you, daughter of Audrae. You have, whether knowingly or not, released me from my self imprisonment, and are here to fulfill the destiny I have seen written in the tapestry of nature. You, daughter of Audrae's daughter, will be my foothold in this world." - Belaera to The Nightingale, after the 600 arc imprisonment
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Money's Worth

74th Trial of Vhalar, Arc 717
Navigating Etzos was rather complex. It didn’t take much to get lost in the maze of streets and backway alleys. He made that mistake once, which he regretted when he had to disarm a drugged up beggar.
“We’re lost, aren’t we..” Lianna mumbled as more of a statement than a question. Warren didn’t respond, though his irritation was steadily bubbling. Taking in a deep breath to calm his nerves, they exited the alleyway and came back out onto a rather busy street.
“Not lost, just the wrong shortcut.” He told, matter of fact. What a liar he was.
Lianna said nothing, however, and together, they approached the first Inn who’s sign stuck out like a sore thumb amidst the crowds. Once they were inside, Warren took to the bookkeeper for purchase and payment.
“One room, two beds.”
“We only serve one bed.”
Pressing his lips together, he shook his head a bit before nodding, “Fine then, two rooms.” Smiling, the woman collected the gold he offered before producing two iron keys.
“Upstairs, room 34 and 38.”
“They’re not side by side?”
“No sir. We’re quite full, as you can see.” Gesturing around to the rest of the establishment, it was obvious enough that the inn was a hot spot for activity. With a grunt of compliance, Warren grabbed the keys and lead himself and Lianna up the steps to their rooms.
“If you want to leave the inn, you come find me first.” Warren explained lightly, “I’ve heard only rumors of Etzos, but this city is no better than Andaris. Probably much worse so make sure to lock your door.” Looking down at her, he waited till she was watching him. “Don’t open the door for anyone but me, alright?”
“Okay.” She answered, taking the key he offered.
With the rules established, they made their way down the hall in silence, coming upon a door that was opened and a strange smell pouring from beyond it. Furrowing his brow, Warren glanced inside, quickly assessing the strangers within as he walked past the door.
He stopped.
“What is it?”
Backtracking, Warren came up to the door, watching the woman across the table and her striking eyes peer down at her cards in hand. He couldn’t help the smirk that rested on his lips now as one of the men made an inquiry to him, “Yah lookin’ to join, mate?”
word count: 414
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Money's Worth

Into the darkness they go, the wise and the lovely.

Etzos Inn
74th of Vhalar, 717

Kanvir was sliding his dealt hand towards him, muttering to himself about luck when Ryqet noticed the newcomer. “Yah lookin’ to join, mate?” It was a friendly offer, if a bit guarded in tone. A group of congregating outsiders could garner a bit of unwanted attention in Etzos if they weren’t careful. Navyri was pondering strategy and trying to peek at other cards when she lifted her gaze innocently.

She peered up and was met with the knowing smirk of a man she did not recognize. Something had caught his attention and she furrowed her brow, leaning forward on the table. He was tall and broad, with shoulder length blonde hair and- her jaw slackened and recognition lit up her eyes, “Ryqet,” she said sharply, sounding more like a reprimand than a simple call for attention. Navyri cleared her throat and used a calm voice, patting the sailor on the arm, “He must be quite tired. Surely he just wants to go to bed?”

Why was he here? In this inn? She had left Kade the moment she had the strength, disappearing into the night before either of them could fully recover from their trauma. Together they had escaped those pits, but she had not kept her promise. Not fully. Even now, she remembered his words, (...If it looks like you’re going back on our deal here, I will show no mercy to you nor those who come to fetch you… I am not a man to be trifled with.) Navyri looked past the bounty hunter and spotted a more delicate figure hiding behind him, arching a brow, “See? He already has company for the evening,” she met Kade’s gaze, voice steady and controlled, laced with her hidden questions, “So why would he be interested in us?”

Kanvir finished rolling a paper of fine leaves, lighting it with a match when he noticed the Naer’s attention, “You know him, Nav?”

At the mention of her almost name, she mentally cursed. Now there was hardly any doubting of her identity, and she plucked the cigarette from the human’s hands, taking a long drag and flicking some ash from its tip. Leaning her delicate neck back to blow the remnants skyward, Navyri was buying time, “I’ve never seen this man before in my life.” Lungs burning, she handed the rolled paper back to Kanvir and sunk back into her chair, dismissive and resisting the urge to cough. It was then she realized that it wasn’t tobacco she had just smoked. Kanvir was grinning mischievously, while the others were gripping their mugs.

“Then why ya being sour?” Orik pointed out, aligned with his brother on the matter and eager to invite a new player into the mix. More people, higher stakes, “Don’t mind her. We could use someone to keep us honest,” he said waving for Kade to enter further, standing and grabbing the back of the Naerikk’s chair. He shifted her seat over with ease as if the woman in it weighed nothing and scooted the whole table closer to the edge of the one bed, allowing for additional, if tight seating. Beers threatened to spill and the small gold stacks shook, “Nav is just being jealous. She doesn’t like to share.”

Ryqet scratched his chin, nodding in amusement, “So, whaddya say, mate? First round’s on us.”

Navyri eyed Kade and tried to give a subtle shaking of her head. (Don’t you dare) she wanted to say and began organizing the cards in her hand while trying not to look as tense as she felt. The woman needed to keep her hands busy and took another shot.
word count: 633
"At last. It has been too long since I have walked the face of this world. Too long have I been locked there, awaiting my champion to release me. My champion... This is you, daughter of Audrae. You have, whether knowingly or not, released me from my self imprisonment, and are here to fulfill the destiny I have seen written in the tapestry of nature. You, daughter of Audrae's daughter, will be my foothold in this world." - Belaera to The Nightingale, after the 600 arc imprisonment
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Money's Worth

74th Trial of Vhalar, Arc 717
He hadn’t thought about it but the unfamiliarity in Navyri’s eyes caused him to ponder on why such an expression would be there in the first place. Did she forget about him? The being who rescued her knocked out arse from the pits of despair with nothing but shoddy, stolen weapons, some divinity, and a bit of luck? It had taken him more than a week to recover, his body a map of scars from the horrors he faced in the pits— but what of her?
While clarity clicked on her features, Warren was busy inspecting her. Navyri looked different, but not so much that one could say she was different. The man was a past nuisance arriving at what appeared to her to be an inopportune time, though it was fate, Warren thought. Karma maybe. Chrien graced him with luck today as there was no other way to explain how quickly he’d found his money bag: Navyri, and it was further irony that she was nestled around a table of misfits, playing poker.
Warren frowned a bit and quirked a brow as she tried to dismiss him, mentioning Lianna and even going as far to say she didn’t know him. Well, technically she didn’t. She knew the fighter, the murderer, the primal. She didn’t know Warren. Amidst it all, however, he felt a pang of offense, though it was felt and stuffed away swiftly. Navyri would know justice, be it by the bounty, by his hand, or both.
“Sure,” He finally offered, his voice welcoming, “Why not. I’ve no intention of settling in for the day. Besides, I’d like to think I’m pretty good at these games now.” Azure eyes trained on Navyri as he spoke, Warren flipped a discarded card up from a pile off to the side of the table.
“Warren..?” Lianna questioned lightly, to which Kade approached her and guided her from the room.
“Take the keys and go get settled in.”
“But the market?”
Kade shook his head. “There’s no reason to,” lowering his voice further, “She’s in the room there.”
It dawned on her then before she nodded quickly and took the keys, “Will you need me?”
“That’s to be decided…” He said, glancing behind him. Striking, electric blue stared back at him from behind playing cards. “Do as I say and stay in your room till I come find you. We’ll talk more then.”
With another shake of her head, Lianna grasped Warren’s pack and left down the hall for the rooms.
With his ward now bid farewell, Kade turned back to the woman he’d sailed across the ocean for and smiled, making his way to the spot they’d laid out for him. They dealt him in quickly as he took his place next to the woman.
“What game are we playing?” He asked more towards Navyri, but it was directed to the entire table. “I’m sure you’re good at it, care to explain the rules?”
word count: 517
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Money's Worth

Into the darkness they go, the wise and the lovely.

Etzos Inn
74th of Vhalar, 717

Navyri had been a lucky woman for most of her life, often finding herself in tricky situations by her own doing, and then getting out of them by the skin of her teeth. This fluctuating thrill of life had lead her to be both cautious and emboldened in her approach to things, but as she looked at Kade and pondered the likelihood of fate interweaving their path once more and in such a 'coincidental’ manner, Navyri was left skeptical at best. Especially after practically leaving him for dead in the forest, exhausted and sleeping.

Kade watched her and agreed to join the game, his fingers flipping a stray card on the table. It seemed the woman he was with had some reservations, calling a new name - “Warren”.

He responded and slipped further into the hallway, his voice lowering so that even the Naer could no longer hear. Whatever their relationship was, she did not protest, nor want in the on game herself, and quietly went to bed. How obedient

Navyri was leaning forward, propped up with her hand resting in the palm of her hand when her cellmate rejoined them and scooted behind the men to sit beside her. “Poker,” Navyri answered, pulling one of the shot glasses towards her and pouring another, the amber liquid rising quickly, “But now I'm wondering if we should play another game.”

She smirked and pushed the glass towards Kade, “For you.”

The sailors nodded in approval at the offering if liquor, the new arrival’s response instrumental to how they would treat him. They began giving a quick rendition of the rules, at one point arguing over a few minor details before coming to a begrudging agreement. While the Biqaj we're easy going, Kanvir was a born and bred Rharnian and would want to party, “Hey, Nav,” he said, pulling the Naer's attention to him, “You want some more? Anyone else?” Kanvir held out the slow burning drug, waggling his eyebrows. This pulled a soft chuckle from the woman who took it back and inhaled again, holding it out to Kade when she finished and swiped up her cards again.

She held them close to her chest, barely peeking at them before setting them back down. She had nothing and tried to keep her face clean of emotion as an unfamiliar lightness began to creep into her mind, “So,” Navyri said as they began their round, “Why are you in Etzos?” Navyri threw down a card and began to watch the others closely, the question directed towards the only man she didn't know the answer for.

“Ya getting married or some’in?” Orik added, “City’s not my first choice n’ the women are mean but-” he belched and frowned at his hand, suddenly irritated by what he saw, and threw another coin into the center of the table, ”Better than nothing."
word count: 499
"At last. It has been too long since I have walked the face of this world. Too long have I been locked there, awaiting my champion to release me. My champion... This is you, daughter of Audrae. You have, whether knowingly or not, released me from my self imprisonment, and are here to fulfill the destiny I have seen written in the tapestry of nature. You, daughter of Audrae's daughter, will be my foothold in this world." - Belaera to The Nightingale, after the 600 arc imprisonment
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Money's Worth

74th Trial of Vhalar, Arc 717
“Another game? So then I take it you enjoy playing them.” He didn’t let a smile peek from his lips as he flipped his cards up just enough to see the numbers. He had a solid hand actually, and reached into the pouch in his pocket to pull forth some gold coins. His fingers grasps to coins as Warren tossed in 2 nel and passed his turn.
When a liquid was pushed toward him, Kade turned his eyes up to Navyri, curiously suspicious. He tried to make it subtle as he muttered a thanks and knocked it back. “Give me another.”
After three shots and another round passed, Warren grinned and leaned back a bit as they inquired about his presence here. “Lianna is my ward. I look after her since her brother met an unfortunate end. I promised the man I would.”
When the bud was offered to him, Warren passed it along with as much ease as he could so that it would go unnoticed by the inebriated parties. It was one thing to drink, his body could process a lot of alcohol without much side effect, but drugs? Gods no. He’d be done and then Navyri would go walking.
“I’ve come to Etzos for money, not marriage. That sort requires love I have no intention of holding. Pass.” Warren explained. “Nobles and their problems… Get mixed up in those and you’ll find yourself on the pointy end of a pike. So Etzos it was.”
He told the truth, not the full truth, but most of it. Warren had no ambition of getting tied to Rynmere even though that slowly happened. Lianna was Rynmere born and force from her home because of their politics. What would happen if she ever wished to return?
Zoning out for a moment, Kade blinked and looked up around the table. “And what of you all? What drew you to this homestead? Obviously not the women.” He grinned before turning to Navyri, “What of you?”
word count: 342
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Money's Worth

Into the darkness they go, the wise and the lovely.

Etzos Inn
74th of Vhalar, 717

Give me another.

Navyri obliged, watching as he swallowed the drink smooth as silk. Placing the bottle squarely before him, she settled back into her chair, trying not to look when he took a third. Was he really here to gamble? Speaking of which… The Naer stared at her hand. It was possible she could get a straight if she played her cards right, but would that be enough? She tried to remember what had been played. So intent was her focus that she barely acknowledged the conversation around her.

“We came together for a shipwright job, but I was wondering about that,” Ryqet admitted, changing directions, “A man and a woman heading towards a room, usually means one thing. But, ya know,” he started taking a deep drink of his mug, sniffing as he shook his head and folded, “You keep your word - that’s hard to come by these days.” Navyri glanced up at the sailor, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. Honesty was easy. It was tricking someone; making them believe the most outrageous of lies that was impressive. And if the person was smart, twice as challenging.

Orik spoke next, “Lianna? That’s a right pretty name. Shameful circumstance… She single? Unspoken for, I mean?”

Kanvir laughed at that, eyes half-lidded as he shook his head. The conversation moved on quickly, and then Navyri could feel Warren’s gaze resting on her once more. She refrained from answering, tapping the tabletop sharply. Check.

“Sooo curious,” Navyri had said the same words to him once before in the pits when he had asked what she had done to get captured. Strange to think that was over a season ago and across the ocean. The Naer, noticing the emptying mugs rose to her feet and retrieved the pitcher, making her way around the small group and refilling each glass. As she moved, the new wings on her back became evident, and although she did not utilize them, the rich pearlescent downy trailed after her like an elegant train of dappled feathers. She reached over their arms, patting the men on the back and subtly trying to peek at their cards while talking, “I sailed here because I wanted to and I want things I can’t have… or shouldn’t.” she had made her way back around and leaned over the bounty hunter to pour her own glass. Even sitting, Kade was an imposing figure, his height garnering him the advantage when she began to whisper in his ear, “Character flaw, remember?” the heat of the alcohol had begun to warm her stomach, making her cheeks feel warm as she analyzed his face. He was rather… striking.

Navyri’s voice picked up in volume for the others to hear and she grinned mischievously, holding up the remaining pitcher, “Thirsty?”
word count: 489
"At last. It has been too long since I have walked the face of this world. Too long have I been locked there, awaiting my champion to release me. My champion... This is you, daughter of Audrae. You have, whether knowingly or not, released me from my self imprisonment, and are here to fulfill the destiny I have seen written in the tapestry of nature. You, daughter of Audrae's daughter, will be my foothold in this world." - Belaera to The Nightingale, after the 600 arc imprisonment
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Money's Worth

74th Trial of Vhalar, Arc 717
Upon the voiced speculation of Warren and Lianna appearing with the intention of laying together, the corner of Warren’s lip turned up, but only slightly. He looked down at his cards and shook his head. There was no way he’d find the woman attractive, and after spending time with her these past several trials, he was almost firm in his affection for her remaining that of close siblings or less. He was meant to protect Lianna and Kade couldn’t protect her from himself. Love protects no one from pain.
“Most men keep worthless vows, I’ve noticed.” Warren told. “At times of need, a man may have nothing but his word, and what of him then? He’ll have nothing.” He tossed a coin into the piled. “I’ve had nothing, been nothing, and I will never go back to that. So my word is my bond. Makes for good bartering.”
His eyes flickered to Navyri for but a moment before he flipped his cards up, exposing his hand. “Two doubles.”
Warren laughed at Orik’s interest, shaking his head while he poured out another shot. Almost four in and he was just starting to feel a tingle in his fingers. “She’s a handful, mate. Save yourself the conquest.”
Smiling, his trimmed, blond locks tipped over his forehead while the winner was announced and collected the gold. He ran the stray strand back into his hair and absently scratched at the stubble on his cheeks while the cards were gathered, shuffled, then dealt again.
It was then that the Naer rose and Warren’s eyes fixed on her with a stunned expression. How did he not see them before? The soft, pearly color of the feathers at her back— had she been sitting on them? Maybe they were some kind of odd costume feature or strange Etzos fashion statement.
He listened as she spoke, watching her pour the liquid with ease while she made her way around the table to him. When she finally bent to whisper in his ear, he turned where he sat and pinned her with a blue fire stare that was made to fix her in her spot. The sard happened to her? Kade thought as he casually reached out and plucked a couple feathers from her wing. When she’d react to the pain, Warren would inspect the evidence he pulled from her for a trill with a shocked expression, “By the Gods, what have you done?”
Standing, he approached her swiftly, enough to cause her to step back several steps due to his height. Alarm sprung from all parties as his voice grew low so that only she could hear, “What happened to you?” He didn’t wait for a response as Kade leaned in, “Do not meddle with things you don’t understand, little Damsel. You will die sooner than a soldier at war…” Grabbing her wrist, he pulled her in closer, “If you think those things are a gift, or anything of the sort, you’re deeply mistaken…”
The atmosphere was changed now, a bit tense due to his actions and so, Warren waved a hand to calm whomever he could while approaching the door to leave. “Sorry mates, just remembered I’ve got some things to do. Can’t be drinkin’ and having a laugh all evening. Thanks for the chuckles though.” He nodded and, without turning back, left the room.
Off Topic
Plleeeeaaaasssseeeeee follow him! Otherwise, I've got no clue how I'm gonna find her again lmao. If there is a reason why she would follow him, or approach him after her buddies went to wherever they'll go after their game, that would be awesome, but I'm not ready to end the thread yet lol XD
word count: 639
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Money's Worth

Into the darkness they go, the wise and the lovely.

Etzos Inn
74th of Vhalar, 717

Navyri was waiting, ready to glide back into her chair to continue the game when a flash of pain caused her to gasp and jerk, spilling the liquid upon the table, and smacking her hip against the edge. Where he had plucked the feathers felt sore and tender and the sensitivity of her new wings cause the rest of her feathers to ruffle, starting in a wave that moved down her spine and she was pinned to the spot by Kade’s scolding gaze. Not many had known her before her transformation , and those that did were mostly old or forgotten. She stumbled back when he stepped towards her, ‘What have you done? What happened to you?’

She was in every right a nightmare before as just a Naer, but now… Now she was capable of doing so much more, bringing tragic responsibility. The sacrifices made to survive, let alone get the wings had been steep and had unsettled her. The new mark on her arm from Baleara… Warren grabbed her and pulled her closer, blue gaze strong and blazing. Her reaction time was delayed, and she only felt a strong grip holding her in place. She tried to pull away, she realized her heart had begun to pound. Kanvir was the first to stand but he sounded far away to the shocked woman, but his voice was booming, “You better let her go, mate.” The emphasis on the last word was a clear warning.

Not paying attention Orik and Ryqet were slow on the pickup, looking at one another before standing to their full height. A couple inches or two shorter than the blonde, they still had arms like tree trunks and were imposing in their own right.

Warren lifted a hand and released her, excusing himself and leaving the room on edge. The men looked to each other and then Navyri only watched the door - how he had looked at her. Having fun, she had been caught off guard and wasn’t sure what was more mortifying. His reaction to a fate she had not asked for or the concerned looks her comrades had begun to give her when he left.

“What was all that about?” Ryqet asked gruffly, settling back into his chair with a grunt, “He seemed like an alright sort too.”

“He didn’t hurt you, did he, Nav?”

She shook her head and said nothing, looking at her hand still coated with hops and set the glass down to wipe her knuckles on the hem of her pants. Emotions heightened, the slow breathes meant to calm her down only amplified a unique emotion to her - shame. She hadn’t recognized it at first - so unfamiliar it was to her. The Naer tried to play off the incident by taking a deep drink of what remained in her mug. And yet, when she looked at the liquid, all she could think of was the way Kade had looked at her and the concerned men offering her…. What? Pity?

“I don’t wanna play anymore,” she announced softly, pulling away from the table and taking a handful of coins without explanation, cheeks burning. Even her collarbone had begun to get a little flushed, either from the consumed substances or embarrassment. Who did he think he was? Fists clenched, she shoved the money into her pocket and moved towards the door, refusing to look at anyone as she went. Ryqet reached for her but she shied away, feeling like a child who had been publicly reprimanded.

Walking from the room, she looked up the hallway just as a door was being closed and a hot fury began to build in her stomach. Her own footsteps picking up speed as they moved towards the room, she honed in on her target and shoved her boot into the frame before it could shut completely. Manicured hand gripping the door, she stepped inside and slammed it so hard behind her the frame seemed to shake. He voice was low and firm, restrained but seething, “You have three trills to apologize."

The room was empty save for the bounty hunter and some furniture, a pity as her building fury was ready to spread like a disease. Lianna would have been a satisfying target, but he would do. One. Two…

Navyri lunged.
word count: 736
"At last. It has been too long since I have walked the face of this world. Too long have I been locked there, awaiting my champion to release me. My champion... This is you, daughter of Audrae. You have, whether knowingly or not, released me from my self imprisonment, and are here to fulfill the destiny I have seen written in the tapestry of nature. You, daughter of Audrae's daughter, will be my foothold in this world." - Belaera to The Nightingale, after the 600 arc imprisonment
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