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Reluctant Caius realizes he's still capable of political opinions

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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[Astedia] Exigent Expectations [Xander]

105 Vhalar 717

Astedia Estate, Andaris

The carriage was a nice touch, honestly, for Baron Frederick Gawyne was clearly intent on making sure that his second son had no excuse to miss the appointment he'd arranged ahead of time for to-trial. It was appropriate, actually, considering the northern noble had yet to sleep but a break or two, reluctantly slipping away from his bed and rushing to catch the ride. What his father, far as he was back in their homeland, couldn't see in his absence was the fading, yellowed bruise on the left side of the younger Gawyne's face and the last remnants of the split lip delivered by the elbow of some sarding drunk in a mid-town alley just a trial and a half ago. He would have been quite angry, Caius knew, had he been here to see that his studious son hadn’t taken care to keep himself as presentable as his station required. He’d done the right thing, though, and so the northern noble couldn’t be arsed to care otherwise.

Then again, how much angrier would the man have been had he known what he’d been up to all night and with whom? Sarding furious, even if his second son was plenty old enough to make his own decisions, even if his second son considered his choices his own.

While Caius could dress the part of his birthright, the deep blue of his long velvet dress coat that was worn over his House violet brocade vest and a crisp white shirt only served as an inappropriate contrast to the unexpected color that marred his otherwise well-bred aquiline features. He’d even bothered to tidy up his sarding boots and make sure there wasn’t a smudge of ink on his dark breeches, too, just to play the proper Lord for this meeting his father had felt was important, the young Gawyne sent to the Astedia Estate to meet with Xander on the late coattails of the Krome’s union with Celeste. He was sure this was diplomatic in nature, and given his proximity now on Rynmere University’s campus, he was expected to do his noble duty.

Even though the night before had been Caius’ second night off from his printing duties at the Gazette, he hadn’t really slept, which was his accepted usual state of existence: sleepless, restless, thoughtful. Distracted, truth be told, more than he’d like to admit by a particular blonde who he refused to admit he missed in an utterly improper fashion. Consumed, also, by the strange, nagging need to find a way to return to Viden after the ominous words in some strange passage in one of those said books. So, it was with a start that he jolted awake as the carriage stopped and the door opened to let a gust of chilled late Vhalar air into the snug little space, having willingly allowed himself to draw the shades and catch a nap instead of watch the snow-dusted Andaris countryside slip by,

"We have arrived, Lord Gawyne." The sharply dressed driver didn’t smile but his amusement at catching the younger man off guard still creased its way into his features.

"Bogs. I figured." Caius grumbled, squinting at the sunlight that cheerfully greeted him first as he stepped out and paused to straighten clothes and run ink-stained fingers through his hair, the northern noble's appearance best described as habitually but somehow elegantly disheveled. He’d chosen not to complete his formal attire with his saber, for despite the Gawyne neutrality with Krome, he was here to meet with an Andaris now, or something like that, and it really just seemed like a sarding waste of time to posture and put on too many airs, to come armed for show, so he wasn't.

"What am I here for again?"

"I’m just the driver, Lord Gawyne, but I’m sure the Baron knew what he was doing. Praise the Fates you’re at least on time, however."

"If you say so, Niall." Sard it all. His father also paid this one too much, Caius smirked, the not-so-subtle jibe at the perpetually tardy northern noble left ignored. He followed the driver to where a house servant was waiting, the clouds of their breath in the late Vhalar air reminding him that had he been in home Gawyne, this would have been considered warm for the season. He offered half a lopsided smile to the servant who nodded to the driver and then led the younger Gawyne toward the house.
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[Astedia] Exigent Expectations [Xander]

105th of Vhalar, Arc 717

The young baron was well rested as usual, even though he had the occasional sleepless night he generally made it through these days. Still he had risen early that morning as he normally would to deal with his duties that could be conducted from within the comfort of his study. Now he stretched as he rose from his desk and peered out over the grounds to see the light dusting of snow, nothing like it would be back home.

Xander remembered the harsh winters of Krome well but still they were not quite as bad as those of their neighbours, the Gawyne Family. A member of this great house was who he was now waiting to see arrive, one Caius Gawyne, brother to two Gawynes he had already met. One of the siblings was a friend of Xander's and had potentially been an ally before he went out of public and Xander's view, off doing something he shouldn't probably if it was not common knowledge.

Still Xander saw the carriage in the distance, trundling down the long road that came across the fields to the Estate and home of the newly wed Celeste and Xander. Grabbing his blue and silver waist coat, that matched with his simple grey trousers, Xander pulled it on over his plain white shirt. Ready to meet his guest, arguably underdressed, he descended the stair case that came down to the main entrance at a reasonable pace kicking his feet out down each step. His boots clacked against the marble as he made his way out of the door and into the crisp air, raising a hand in greeting. Xander's features were overcome with a welcoming smile and his mind a feeling of familiarity, he certainly looked like all the Gawynes he had met and he recalled thinking the same thing when he met Ivy.

"Greetings Lord Gawyne, welcome to Astedia, I hope the journey was pleasant enough." His eyes scanned over the man's appearance, taking immediate note of the bruise on his cheek. Next his tall and slim build, he did not look like a fighter but the mark on his face and the split in his lip which Xander noticed now would suggest otherwise. "Would you believe they call this cold?" Xander chuckled as he stepped down the final step between the two of them and offered his hand to the other Northerner. "Xander Kr...Andaris at your service." The wolf had slipped up again, he'd get it right one day just not this time it seemed. Gesturing for the Lord to follow he let out a long breath and watched it cloud in the brisk morning air as they ascended back towards the warmth of the house.

Entering into the large building, followed closely behind by the servant, Xander dismissed them with a nod and smile once inside. The lobby was large and clean, decorated with light colours and much different from the warm and simple stone buildings of home. The place was clearly best suited for summer time but it could last a winter still. "Can I get you anything? Something to drink or eat perhaps?" Xander walked backwards as he talked and moved towards a door on the left that would lead them through into a sitting room.

Inside there were a couple of sofas and arm chairs along with a coffee table and some other small end tables. Xander took a seat on a sofa and looked towards the one opposite him, clearly intending for his guest to sit there. "How are you finding life in Andaris my Lord? I am still adapting to life down here, its not what I am used too to say the least." His blue eyes searched those of Caius, curious to see if he had experienced the same differences and changes he'd endured himself.

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[Astedia] Exigent Expectations [Xander]

Aware of his brother's friendship with Xander, Caius had purposefully distanced himself from the relationships fostered by his siblings over the past few arcs, choosing not to participate in the social exchange offered him even in their absences both because he had no desire to be reminded of their issues and because he had no real desire to wade through the political mire that was Rynmere noble society at all. Cerebral pursuits suited him better—the second son more comfortable situated among old, dusty tomes of the library or sweating in the print room pulling that last perfect imprint. Ivy he knew was somewhere also in Andaris, though he'd hesitated to reach out to her, the deep scars of guilt holding him back from restoring what time had long since tarnished. Hunter, on the other hand, had his own agenda, and one that the younger Gawyne wasn't always sure he agreed with.

Perhaps that was why the Baron Frederick had sent Caius to Astedia instead.

Whatever the case, the newlywed Krome-turned-Andaris met him with a warm smile and an expected greeting, the other man's eyes lingering on the printmaker's face in a way that reminded Caius of what he couldn't hide. Shaking the hand that was offered him warmly with his own, lingering black ink perpetually under his fingernails, he chuckled at the stumbling over a new name,

"Well met, Xander. Thank you for having me here. If the journey was unpleasant, I'll never know it as I'll admit I took a much-needed nap instead." The second son grinned then, honest and unashamed, "Cold? Here? By the Fates, after almost an arc in Viden and growing up in Gawyne, I don't know if I'll ever truly feel cold again. Meanwhile, this Andaris lot will be breaking out their furs soon and demanding bigger fires."

He laughed, hot-blooded enough by nature, and followed Xander as he led them into the house proper,

"If it's not too much trouble," Caius took in the interior before his sharp blue eyes returned to his host, hands listless over the fabric of his vest, "I would be most grateful for some black tea or coffee, please."

His veins may have been full of such liquid instead of blood had he been up printing the evening before, but he hadn't. He'd been up otherwise occupied, and his smile faltered a little at the new Baron of Astedia's next question,

"Ah, well, aside from a few sarding rude drunkards in mid-town," The unapologetically crass young Gawyne indicated his face with the back of an ink-stained hand for emphasis, choosing not to go into details about how it was in the defense of a woman—a Venora at that—that led to his injury unless Xander bothered to ask, "I don't mind Andaris, though I don't really leave the University much between my studies except for my work at the Gazette. Compared to home, the libraries leave much to be desired, but it's not so bad. What is it you miss besides your name of Krome, Baron? Surely not the weather."

Caius sat as indicated, leaning back in a carelessly casual way that revealed his general disregard for etiquette, aware that he'd admitted to working for an income in order to support himself while away from home. This of course implied that his father wasn't paying for his education or his housing, and all of those implications the second son let hang in the air without any particular concern over judgement. It wasn't entirely scandalous, for the young Gawyne hadn't been disowned, but it was somewhat of an unusual arrangement, "There's trials I miss home, but at the same time, most trials I don't. My studies and my printing keep me busy, and I've needed the fresh air away from Fort Gawyne for a sarding long time, Xander. Far too long."

The northern noble's eyes were a warm green with amused curiosity, and in Caius' typical fashion, his question was blunt and bordered on the improper, "Is it the married life or the climate you've yet to adapt to? I've heard both sides, you know—that you've married for the political arrangement as much as you've married for love."

Not that he had any room to talk, having refused his mother's options from intellectually sub-par Merchant houses for the past arc and a half. He wasn't even sure he was looking for such a thing himself. Yet.

The younger Gawyne sat up and rubbed stained fingers across the back of his neck, far too warm now that he was indoors in more formal dress. The relations of their Houses being historically neutral, somewhat unconcerned with each other, was probably meant to change. Caius wasn't necessarily the best representative of his father's intentions, crass and disillusioned, but he held the Baron in enough respect and esteem that he wasn't really out to sabotage a potentially better relationship with Andaris for the fun of it,

"All joking aside, I'm sure my father didn't ask you to put up with me so I could catch up on your bedroom gossip."
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[Astedia] Exigent Expectations [Xander]


It was interesting to hear that the man had slept on his journey to meet Xander, either he had been up late or he was just the type to sleep a lot but the Baron got the feeling of the former. "Well now if anything comes out of the journey we know for sure you got a good rest." He half smiled, showing there was some humour in him, not that he would often show it to strangers. "You are right there my Lord, the Southern folk have never felt a true winter, not like the winter's we know. I honestly wonder how they have survived so long, sheltered and soft I worry is what I will find of the people down here." Of course there were always exceptions and truth be told Xander had not found the people incapable of hard work or fighting yet.

"No trouble at all, it will be right along I am sure." The household of the Astedia Estate were like a well oiled machine, he would not need to tell them what had been requested as they would already be making it. So sitting comfortably Xander listened to the words of his guest and raised an eyebrow at the bruise. "I am sure there is a story there but another time perhaps, I hope you showed them not to mess with a Northerner?" A slight smirk crossed his lips as he hoped the answer was yes he would not be surprised truth be told if Cauis had been the one getting taught who not to mess with."Besides the drunkards I am surprised to hear you do not get out much, I cannot deny that the city is an impressive place if not just because of its size then because of the many activities a young single noble such as yourself could be taking part in." A comment intended to draw out some more information about Cauis' personal life, Xander hoped he would gain some insight.

Xander leaned forward a little as he heard the door open and a servant enter with a tray, two pots and cups were there along with a small milk jug and bowl of sugar. They were quickly placed onto the table as the servant departed doing his best not to disturb them for long. "Tea or coffee?" Xander poured himself a cup of coffee first, no milk or sugar were added just the dark brown liquid. "I miss the people most, there is something different about the people of Andaris. Not just the nobles but the common folk too, I am not sure what it is yet but I don't feel quite myself around them." Pouring whatever the Gawyne asked for Xander would then sit back, cradling the warm ceramic in his hand and against his chest.

The Baron's eyebrows raised, caught off guard by the straightforwardness of the question. "Well I admire your honesty and the fact that you can talk straight, I find the nobles down here often refuse to say what they are really thinking and instead lie and cheat their way through the day." He took a sip of his coffee and bit his lip for a second, allowing his words to sink in. "In all honesty I did not plan on marrying Celeste if I had my way when we first met. It was arranged by our parents and neither of us wanted it, I was set to inherit Krome in the future but something changed as we spent time together." There was a soft smile on his lips as his blue eyes softened too for a moment.

"I would be lying if I said originally I had not been tempted by the political gain but I fell in love with Celeste Andaris, against all my better judgement I fell under her spell. So really I married for love and my position now is just a bonus." While Xander could see he and Cauis were quite different the man reminded him of home and they shared a lack of proper etiquette, something Celeste's grandfather had no problem pointing out when they'd met.

The Baron took another sip of his drink as he nodded in agreement. "No he did not, I am sure you must have gathered by now that you are important to your family?" The young wolf was stating the obvious but it was not without reason. "With your brother preoccupied and your sister too young it does fall to you to keep on top of your families relations and Hunter and I were already strengthening the bonds between Krome and Gawyne although I am an Andaris now so I would be less than surprised if your presence here was not to maintain my high regard for your family and to strengthen bonds with my new family." Xander's romanced smiles were gone and so was his less serious remarks, it appeared the niceties were over.

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[Astedia] Exigent Expectations [Xander]

"A real sarding fairytale, actually, rescuing a fellow student from some drunken fod-sacks' harassment." Caius grinned then, but it was a tight expression of ruffled feathers and not of idle amusement, the tone of the other man's voice implying his unspoken doubts. He wasn't keen on describing the student so much as the event, and that was obvious by his lack of details. It was clear that the younger noble wasn't actually enjoying bragging, as if the story held some other more personal meaning that he wasn't entirely willing to share, "Not my normal form, no, but I'm handy enough with a saber, thank you. I'm a Gawyne."

The printer's diri was eager for coffee, smiling at its arrival and also taking the fragrant, life-giving liquid black,

"I do get out." Caius didn't entirely mean to glare defensively from over the hot liquid in his ink-stained hands, blue irises shifting to a paler, silvery shade in his annoyance, aware that Xander was being more curious than accusatory, making the kind of conversational small talk that was expected of their station and their species. He just wasn't interested in making his own, in reciprocating, preferring to answer what was asked of him and then move on, especially when the questions were personal. He'd never intended to be guarded, but once Baron Frederick made it clear that his interests in the Arts were not worth supporting, Caius withdrew from being so vocal about his passions to those who didn't have ears willing to listen. Religion and history were still stories that captured his attention, unable to escape who he was as a knowledge-hoarding, ever-hungry Gawyne, but it was how he'd come to process his studies that seemed to have broken the mold of his northern, rocky people, "Just because I'm not interested in the Baroness' choice of wives doesn't mean I don't engage in any activities outside of my studies."

His tone and the wickedness in his expression implied innuendo more than anything else, but he shifted to sit up straighter if only to be less precarious about the coffee he still held, "Between my studies, my work, and my research this semester, I manage to squeeze in what I can. Without Frederick's support, my entertainment is found in making my own way to spite him."

Caius shrugged then, admitting directly that his father was somewhat displeased with his continued pursuit of the academic, aware that he had responsibilities within his household now that he was no longer under the shadow of his older brother.

Still, he laughed at Xander's remark about his honesty, the blue of his irises warm again, "That I can agree with, though my form of truth is usually just considered sarding rude, there can be no foundation built on deceit that withstands the test of time. Buildings crumble, books turn to dust, and relations spill each others' blood when truth loses its value in even the simplest of conversations."

When the newlywed Andaris spoke of his unexpectedly real relationship despite arrangements with Celeste, the young Gawyne smiled in a way that revealed he was not without feelings underneath his disillusioned crassitudes. Bogs. A bonus. What a sarding thing to say about a House and a Barony, though compared to the emotional attachments he'd obviously surprised himself with, Xander was correct in his mind at calling everything else the extra. He'd found the pearl. Caius' amusement faltered once Xander shifted the conversation away from idle talk and delved into the true nature of their meeting,

"I'm aware that there is a place for me as a Gawyne in my father's Barony as well as a greater role for me in my House." The printer's diri looked down into the remnants of his coffee cup, as if the grounds that had sunk to the bottom would tell him the right words to say, "It falls on me because I am capable where they are not—"

The second son's words were bold but it was clear he believed them, and when he looked up again, his foul-mouthed, sarcastic nature had hardened into something hungrier, someone eager to be nourished by the truth,

"—but I'm not quite ready. I will know, as my House does, when the time is mine. It is not yet, but I know my father doesn't see that. As for relations," He shrugged, "I get that it's all about the throne and power and all of that expected skitch, but none of that matters if you're just being sarding selfish. Neither I nor my father nor my grandfather will stand behind a flag of ignorance. Knowledge must not be thrown under the feet of the people and trampled. It must not be hoarded, either. It's meant to be shared. The people are hungry, and no one is feeding them what they need.

"So, what does it benefit me or the House of Gawyne, this new union of yours? What is your vision?"

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[Astedia] Exigent Expectations [Xander]

Xander smiled a little and chuckled. "Indeed, quite the fairytale." From the other nobles words there Xander had gathered it to be a woman, he didn't know of any fairytale based around one man saving another. "I am sure they were more than thankful for the assistance." Xander shook his head slightly as they both took their coffees.

The wolf was almost surprised by the defensiveness of the other man, in truth it made the Gawyne seem a bit childish. The question was rather harmless after all, it suggested to Xander perhaps some difficulty with self control and also maybe even something he wished to hide in his personal life. Seemingly it was off limits to delve too far into the Lord's extracurricular activities.

"Of course, a lack of money and time, we are all limited by those factors so we have to prioritise and you seem to keep it quite straight." The young wolf was not so sure of that but it was better than losing the potential ally before him. He was shown yet another Noble that had issues with their parents though, particularly their Fathers. Apparently it was a common thing, himself, Alistair, Andraska and now Caius, obviously they were doing something wrong.

So the conversation took its turn and Xander listened closely as Caius spoke, first on Xander's comments about truth and then on his role in his House. After that it came to something more political and truth be told Xander had not been convinced the Lord had it in him but he'd been proven wrong as Caius spilled his views. It was admittedly about one thing, knowledge, but it was still something and really it was similar to Xander's own views on other things. It was very people-centric and he appreciated that, Xander just considered mostly the sharing of other things. Power, wealth, freedom and protection just a few of them, he was for the betterment of them and the happiness of the populace.

Xander nodded when the man was finished and the question posed to him. "That is a good cause and an honourable but perhaps a little narrow, you are a Gawyne but that does not mean that Knowledge is all you can consider, I am from Krome but I do not only consider Furs and Fighting." His face was relaxed and calm as he looked at the ink stained hands of the Lord. "It is good that you do proper work, you can understand the people better that way, nobles are often too removed to understand what really needs to be done and some just don't care." The wolf leaned forward, his hands on his knees and the coffee mug back on the table. While he wished he could trust the man enough to throw out the full extent of his goals he held back.

"My vision is not so different from yours in truth, I see people and nobles but I do not see a divide like we have today and I do not see the people being trodden on like the knowledge you spoke of." He licked his lips and swallowed softly. "I am not so different from a farmer that I deserve more than him for no reason other than my name, equality and appreciation are needed in Rynmere. Sharing of not just knowledge but wealth, food, protection and freedom, Rynmere is how it is because nobles don't respect the people and therefore the people do not respect them. I just wish to see this change." How he wanted to make that change was left out, it was too early to go spouting treasonous views to the acquaintance.

"Everyone would gain from this vision especially those who support and work with the change to see the future is brighter for everyone, one way or another Rynmere will change and it is up to those with a good head," he tapped his temple and inclined his head to the Gawyne, "to guide it through the change and try to stop chaos from breaking out. There will always need to be order but order does not have to be Tyranny."

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[Astedia] Exigent Expectations [Xander]

Caius didn't resent or distrust or hate his father so much as disagree with him, the Baron and himself never being able to meet eye to eye on his creative pursuits and their usefulness as a Gawyne. He considered his father a good man, biased though he was. Even after Ivy's disappearance and return, when Hunter's relationship with his parents had been broken, Caius had defended them. In truth, he was more on their side than either of his other older siblings, and yet his personal preferences had still somehow created an intellectual divide he'd yet to figure out how to get back across.

Settling more into his chair and his coffee, Caius was faintly aware that it was only in his mind to imagine the liquid did anything to keep his body awake. That, after all these arcs, was sheer willpower. He didn't consider himself exciting, content to spend more time in a library around old books or printing into the wee breaks before dawn instead of crawling taverns or throwing nel at pleasure slaves in a broth—eh, that wasn't true.

The young Gawyne was kind enough to keep his comments to himself when Xander mentioned a lack of money and time, aware of the struggles of Krome. This conversation probably wasn't the time to wonder whether the other man's recent marriage came with any financial assistance for his family home. He shrugged his narrow shoulders at the mention of his view being focused—knowing the truth was, in his view, the first step in making the right choices when it came to big decisions like running a country. It wasn't entirely all he considered, no, but for the northern noble, it was the foundation on which all other considerations should be built.

"Proper work. Any noble could get their hands dirty as I do if they wanted to, rub shoulders with commoners and pay their taxes like the working class instead of out of the storehouses of their ancestors. No one wants to, that's all." He hadn't wanted to, either. He just hadn't been given another option once he'd made the decision to pursue academic excellence instead of continue to act as eldest in his brother's place back home. He knew he didn't know enough, or at least he felt like he needed more of something, before he was truly prepared for the role that his father held for him in his House,

"Equality but with social classes? Those words together feel somewhat contradictory, unless you're suggesting some form of representational government? Are you talking treason or a compromise?" Caius grinned then, intrigued and not at all accusatory, his normally sharp blue eyes the color of honey in his curiosity, "The Merchant houses and other upper classes would appreciate the input, and the common folk would love to see someone other than a puppet dancing under a fancy crown, to see several someones who at least give lip service to their desires, though I'd sarding well hope that real representation would be your goal and not more pretense."

The young Gawyne considered more words for a bit or two, looking away from Xander's face to study the steam of his coffee with the same thoughtful expression he had before, "Please know that I'm not speaking for my father when I say this, but I find your suggestions interesting. I do not have the authority in my House to offer anything other than my own personal curiosity—for now."

So long as he continued to purposefully ignore his potential within the political ranks of his House, he could only offer his mental and verbal support. He had no weight to throw behind Xander's momentum other than his own words in the ear of his father, the Baron. Still, he was far more favored in his household at the moment, regardless of the personal disagreements over his decision to continue his studies. He knew Baron Frederick respected his mind and most likely made his financial choices simply to challenge Caius, to help him become who his father perhaps envisioned him to be.

That didn't mean he sarding liked it, though.

He didn't.

Well, it was growing on him.

"You will have to fight for change—you know that, right? More sarding fighting, stupid as it is. This isn't a peaceful solution, no matter how placating it sounds like it could be, no matter how much it may make sense. There's a sarding lot of nobles who will laugh in your face, who are comfortable where they are and ignorant of the needs, even after all the civil unrest. Some won't ever want to see, to really look. But, I agree, that the only way to bring things together is to build bridges instead of fortifications."
Last edited by Caius Gawyne on Fri Dec 15, 2017 3:12 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 821
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[Astedia] Exigent Expectations [Xander]

"Of course you are right, any noble could dirty their hands and get down with the people to see how they live." Xander shrugged, blue eyes regarding the seemingly ever changing eyes of his guest. "Not any noble will though and those who will, even if they don't want too are better than those that would take the easy way and not. You could easily have said screw it to your goals and stayed at home to remain in idle luxury." The wolf was sure his message there was clear, it took a real noble to take the time to see how a normal man lives. It did not matter if you were doing it for the purpose of understanding or completing your dreams, the fact you'd done it was important.

Xander listened while the Gawyne commented on his words, picked out what he thought most interesting to him or as the case was what he thought odd. He could see how equality in a class system was somewhat contradictory but perhaps a better way to explain it would be mutual respect and understanding. Still he raised a point Xander had thought a good way forward, shared government, a parliament of the people along side a king and other noble roles. The comment on treason did not go unnoticed and Xander tried to gloss over the question, treading carefully around the topic.

Still once the Gawyne took a moment to breathe, or think, Xander responded. "Pretence?" He shook his head and frowned, perhaps a little insulted by the idea. "Not at all, my goals are sincere, I mean what I say and would swear on my life I do not wish to cheat the people any more than they have been already. Much to the contrary I wish to bring them what they deserve and need, no more bullshit." He took the last gulp of his coffee, placing the mug onto the tray and standing, walking over and leaning against the hearth. He looked down into the flames, watching them lick the air. Caius speaking once again, telling the truth of his strength in his house.

"I am sure you have more to offer than just your curiosity, we all undersell ourselves and that is okay but parents listen to their children more than we like to think. I am sure your father values your opinion." His hand sat comfortably on the smooth polished wooden shelf, his finger tracing a knot in the wood.

Fighting was inevitable and Xander was glad to see that the Gawyne was able to understand politics and tactics at least to this level, he could see the state of their class and the divide that existed. "Unfortunately I am sure changes such as those I wish for would not be peaceful no, fighting would break out no matter how much work was put into avoiding it. Believe me when I say I would rather avoid putting the people through more suffering but the change is necessary for nothing can change while tyranny remains." Perhaps it was a little more obvious now what Xander had in mind but still nothing had been stated outright.

"So if they laughed in my face it would be their loss in the long run, they would be left behind as mementos of the past, obsolete and without power in the end." Xander stepped away from the fire again and sat down on the same sofa as the Northern Lord. "The future does not belong to those who cling to the past, it belongs to those who embrace the change and strive for the betterment of our society." Xander placed his hand firmly onto Caius' shoulder and nodded with a half smile. "Are you a memento Lord Gawyne?"

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Caius Gawyne
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[Astedia] Exigent Expectations [Xander]

"I miss idle luxury sometimes." Caius laughed coarsely, finishing his coffee and setting it aside, tone of voice blunt and honest, "I'll admit working for the Rynmere Gazette has been a, well, experience, Xander. If you ever want to hear the pulse of the people, ask a sarding reporter."

His grin was lopsided, the knowledge-hungry young Gawyne revealing that his curiosities were well fed by the stories and rumors, news and events that passed through the Gazette and onto the pages he spent his nights printing one page at a time.

Sharp blue eyes followed the other man as he stood, listening to him affirm his commitment to actually reaching a hand to the people, to actually give them a voice in how the country lived and breathed. It was refreshing, Caius had to admit, to hear a noble speak with such genuine concern for more than just the preservation of their comfortable livelihood under the shadow of the crown. For all that he did miss about living at home and doing as he pleased, student life cut off from the riches he used to take for granted had changed him, had shifted what he wanted and who he was. He could see it, and while he didn't always act upon such internal differences, especially when back in the presence of his noble peers, he felt as though his struggles had not been in vain.

"Frederick, my father, indeed values my opinion even though he chooses not to tell me that out loud or often, and even though we admittedly don't see eye to eye on a number of subjects, I'd like to believe he thinks me the more reliable son." The young Gawyne laughed, rolling his narrow shoulders in a self-deprecating shrug. He'd always been competitive when compared with his older brother, Hunter, as if he'd known since birth that he had potential to overtake him as both a Baron and potentially as a Duke one day. As much as he lived his life without interest or concern in politics, Caius knew with almost prophetic certainty that he couldn't avoid the inevitable, that his birthright would press its weight into his life like a seal into hot wax.

He was born into purpose and eventually he'd have to step up to it.

"Well, not all battles need be bloody, but I don't see this sort of change being just one of the mind. Shifting society tends to awaken physical resistance. Are you sure you really want to drag the people through a repeat of last arc, no matter the better end?"

Sometimes suffering was necessary to accomplish what was better, but other times it wasn't. Caius wasn't entirely sure what Xander's proposal was worth yet, and so he listened more, committing to memory the newlywed Andaris' ideas so as to think on them further and perhaps eventually also share them with his father, with his grandfather. They would want to know, and their well-aged wisdom was far superior to his own calloused disillusioned point of view.

His response to the other man's question came with a wry expression, one not only full of the somewhat crass rebellion Caius never really bothered to hide but also full of just how much he was a child of his House,

"I'm a Gawyne, Lord Andaris, and while we may keep meticulous records of the past, it is only so that we can shape the future—he future my people claim to be able to see."
Last edited by Caius Gawyne on Fri Dec 15, 2017 3:13 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 600
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Xander Andaris
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[Astedia] Exigent Expectations [Xander]

Xander knew what his father thought of him and he would not speak it hear and not to this potential ally. Still his father was the type of person he wished to rid Rynmere of, their greed was not what Rynmere needed. So he simply nodded. “It is good that he listens to you at all, not all are so lucky. Parents are strange sometimes and I am preparing myself to be better than mine were.”

The Gawyne did proceed to pose a good question though, one Xander had considered often. Was it really worth the blood and pain of war to bring about why he wished for, he'd tried to see it possible other ways. He'd considered pursuing the position of Emperor and whispering into the Kings ear but there was no promises the child would listen.

He'd thought about making moves to get small changes made over time but with the stubbornness of Rynmere’s noble class he would be dead before any of it came to fruition. The truth was that force was the only way to get into a position where the changes could be made.

“No leader wants to lead his followers into war, he wishes never to see them bleed but sometimes he has too.” The fire danced in Xander's eyes, like a dangerous omen. “To save and truly bring what is right to Rynmere you have to lose a few good men. It is a sacrifice that I am willing to take, however, the fewer the better if course, I do not wish to make the same mistakes as Veljorn Burhan and I fight for a better cause than him.”

Once by his side and question answered Xander smiled, it was intelligent and true. The Gawyne’s did not cling to the past they studied it and from that they can correct and refuse to make the same mistakes. They were an intelligent house, Xander respected that.

Although one of the phrases did peak his curiosity. “And what do they see for me?” He smirked and patted the man's shoulder before moving back to his own sofa. “More coffee, Lord Gawyne?” He poured himself one more and sat back sipping the liquid and studying the man. “So you fight with a saber?”

The wolf liked to hear about people's fighting habits, having gotten rather skilled with the longsword himself. He had never even considered a different weapon but perhaps one day he would try some, for now he was happy with what he had though. He knew nothing about sabers so it would be good to hear from Caius about it.

word count: 444
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