Eggs & Training

123rd of Vhalar 717

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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123rd Vhalar 717
"Papa, you make the best eggs," Vega was digging in to her breakfast with gusto, sitting around the table on her father's ship with him and her three cousins. Jo'qan looked at her and sighed. Her eye was still black and swollen, mostly closed over and her lip was split and bruised all down the right side of her face, with the cheek on the left turning purple already. It didn't stop or slow her down, she simply ate with her usual hunger. His nephew, her cousin, Reese, looked a sight worse than her; this certainly added to Vega's enthusiasm for her food. He was suffering, a lot. Vega had broken his nose and cheek too. They'd taken him to the Order of the Adunih after she'd pounded him and he had poultices and salves to put on his face. He was quiet and sullen and had not spoken to her this morning. A fact Vega had not cared about at all. He hadn't even replied when she greeted him with a cheery "Good morning!"

Vega had slept in her old bed last night, curling up with Bert and missing Arlo. He was off doing something with Pash and Kali'rial to do with U'frek. Which was just showing off really, she determined. More than showing off. Still, it was good to be home and sleep in her old bunk; even the gentle rhythm of the water was soothing, much more so than usual.

Jo'qan looked between the two of them and he sighed. Huw, the oldest of the three brothers, spoke. "It is not good to fight in such a way." Vega looked at him and smiled. It hurt, but she was damned if she was going to show it. "You're not the boss of me, Huw. Yer not the boss of this pair, either, but that's up to them. Mind yer beeswax." Huw looked at her and shook his head. "You are wild. You have become a wild savage living here among these humans." Vega laughed, again purposely ignoring how much it hurt and she motioned to Reese.

"You know, you might wanna not call me names. It didn't work out so well for yer brother. Let me tell you 'ow it is, Huw. An' you pair, an' all while we're here. Yeah, I'm not fully biqaj. That's true. I'm 'alf sev'ryn. But you know, it doesn't make me not a person, it doesn't mean I love or laugh or feel or fight less than you lot. I spent my child'ood apologizing to you lot in a 'undred different ways. Well, I'm not doin' it any more." She shrugged slightly, her bravery and bravado failing her so she glanced, briefly, at her father. The glint of pride in his eyes was enough to keep her going. "So, the next person who wants to 'ave a snide little dig, bring it on. An' I'll 'ave a snide little dig of my fist in your face."

Jo'qan looked at Vega and the slightest smile lifted his lips. Huw looked up at his uncle in some surprise. "You don't seem concerned, uncle." At his nephews words, Jo'qan sighed slightly. He was going to have to deal with this, he knew, and so he spoke.

"I'm not concerned at all." Jo'qan looked at the four children. They were, all of them, children to him and he spoke. "Eva has a quick and vicious temper. But if a non-biqaj called her a whore, you would all three of you defend her." He motioned to the three males and Jo'qan's eyes pinned them to where they say. Vega was not immune, though. "Eva, you need to remember that these boys are grieving and you, you try to challenge them. But you three," Jo'qan looked at the boys and he looked proud and fierce all in one. "Eva is my daughter and she is my blood. You insult her, you insult me. Let me be clear," in the moment he said that, Vega and her father looked very alike. Jo'qan turned to Reese. "I did not raise a whore. You do not call my daughter that again or you and I, we will have trouble between us." Reese looked at him and then nodded.

The three of them, the three cousins, traipsed out of the room and Jo'qan looked at her and nodded. "Come then, we will start." Vega looked at her father with a question on her face which she also spoke. "Start what, Papa?" He smiled. "You will have more options than to simply punch someone until their face is caved in. I will teach you. Come." Despite the pain in her face when she did it, Vega gave a wide grin and nodded. "Yes, sir," she said and she followed her father out.
Last edited by Vega on Mon Nov 13, 2017 9:56 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 837

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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He took her outside with him and Vega felt the cold Vhalar sun on her skin, even as the snow fell around her. "Papa, about Arlo." Jo'qan looked at her and he raised a single eyebrow. "Yes, Eva?" His words were gentle but equally, she knew that he was firm. "I'm sorry if you're disappointed that I fell for a 'uman." She looked at him with a serious expression. "I don't think you are, but I know that it causes trouble for you with the boys. I do. But they're not startin' their rubbish with him. I'll kill all three of them." Vega stopped and then could not help but grin at her father. "He makes me crazy, Papa."

Jo'qan looked at her and he was quite serious. "You are just like your mother, you know." Vega blinked twice, amazement on her face. By now, they were standing up on deck and Vega took a moment to look over the ocean and get her emotions under control. "Am I, Papa?" He looked a little surprised at the question, although he knew he shouldn't be because he had told her nothing and then nodded. "You are, Eva. She was fiery and determined, gentle and beautiful. Passionate and magnificent. I miss her, still," the last he whispered, but she heard him.

"I know you do. I wish I could remember her with you." Jo'qan looked at her and wondered about when it was that she grew up; he was sure that when they had arrived on Scalvoris she had been just a little girl still, yet he knew it was not long ago. Had it happened whilst he had not been looking? He could only concur that it had. He shook his head, "I am glad you can not. It means you have not had to miss her all your life. You are like her, very much. She left me utterly confounded more than once." Vega lowered her head and blushed slightly.

"I don't know why 'e puts up with me, Papa," she said, genuinely. Jo'qan smiled, kissing her on the forehead. "Good," he said, "It means that at least you will be as confused as he is. Come now, over there," and he gestured for her to go first, moving towards an open space on the deck.

"Come now, first we will consider balance and look at the way we breathe. How do you breathe, Eva?"

Vega was so tempted to be flippant, but she decided against it. "When I'm fightin' , probably not as well as I could." she admitted and Jo'qan nodded. "Then first, we will deal with that. Stand, and breathe with me."
word count: 457

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Stand and breathe with him? Vega briefly considered using her well-used phrase are you 'avin' a giraffe' but she was aware, at least a little, that she had made things more difficult for her father when she half-killed her cousin and that her behaviour in the camp had not been entirely ideal. Provoked, justified and absolutely understandable but not entirely ideal. So, she stood and looked at him. "Papa, I feel like a right plunger, you know." Jo'qan looked at her and his gaze was calm, placid.

"When you lose your temper, you lose options, choices. In a fight that can be the difference between living and dying." It was clear to him. "So, we will learn to regulate your breathing. It is a series of movements which, if sped up, could be a fighting style. Watch." And then, he started to move. Slow and gentle, each movement was clearly defined, yet they ran fluidly one into another. Vega watched it through, all the way and she nodded. "Thas beautiful, Papa." Jo'qan smiled and nodded.

"With me. Together, Eva, yes?" And then he stood, his daughter by his side and he started again. Slow movements, he exaggerated his breaths, so that she could hear them. As they repeated the first movements, Vega felt a strange sensation come over her. From a standing start where they breathed in together, then, as they breathed out bent their knees slightly and then stepped out to the left. That left them standing, legs shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent. Then, with a slow, long inbreath, both hands raised up in front of them and, on the out breath lowered back down. She watched her father, but Vega felt calm. Calmer than she had felt in a long time.

Next, as they breathed in they swivelled on the left foot so that their bodies turned completely; arms raised in a more circular motion as they turned so that they were both standing, weight on the back (left) leg, and right leg out in front of them with their arms looking like they were holding a large ball each, in front of them. Feeling the slow release of her breath coming much more naturally, Vega leaned forward and transferred her weight to her right foot.

Each step, slow and gentle and graceful, Vega moved with her father. They repeated it time and again until she had the full form committed to memory. It was not long, but she looked at her father with deep brown eyes; a colour very rarely seen in her irises. "I want you to practice, Eva. Every morning will you do that for me?" Vega nodded.

"Do you, Papa?" She didn't think she'd ever seen him do so. Jo'qan smiled and shook his head. "No, Eva. Your mother taught me that. She did it every trial. Since you seem to have inherited her temper, I thought it might do you some good." Vega looked at him incredulously and then, in the same second, she and her father burst into laughter together.
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word count: 524

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Vega’s father sides with his daughter, makes it clear that messing with her is messing with him and teaches the young woman to fight better. The combat tecnique comes with a reminder of her mother’s love, like he is channeling it to Vega ... wonderful imagery, so simple yet so powerful.



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Meditation: Doesn't need to be sitting still.
Meditation: Movement as meditation
Meditation: Breathing in to coincide with movement.
Meditation: Breathing out slowly
Meditation: Using repetition to aid meditation
Unarmed combat: Using repeated movements to build muscle memory
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