The Grander Hunt

More Oh-Deer? ... Oh dear...

9th of Vhalar 717

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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The Grander Hunt

9th of Vhalar, 717.

Surprising to hear, upon return to Almund, how useful - not to mention valuable - the hides, meats, horns and other parts of the Oh-Deer carcasses he brought tied on the back of Traveller were. Originally, he'd just been interested in that strange armoured hide they showed while alive... after all, making a nice thick cloak out of that could prove especially useful in a wide range of situations. Making even a partial set of armour would be worth the cost. The hide might be thicker than normal, but at the end of the day it was still hide, not steel - it'd keep warmth better than plate, and it'd offer plenty of flexibility and, if made well, a surprising amount of comfort without sacrificing protection. That cemented in his head, he knew he needed more. Should he find someone able to make use of the hides, the last thing he wanted was for them to turn around and say they needed more.

This time, he knew what he was hunting down. He hung his short-bow in its leather case along the small of his back and a near-full quiver of arrows at his hip, not that he expected to be firing them any time soon. Traveller had already proven himself the most effective against creatures with the reinforced, armoured hide of the Oh-Deer in their last encounter, after all. Though arrows seemed to bounce off unless an extreme amount of force was thrown behind them, nothing could be done about extreme bludgeoning force. Come to think of it, he really needed to see whether their hides worked while under surprise attack, too; considering the fact that their hides showed none of their previous strength after shed from the rest of their bodies, it very well could be that the animals could control the density of their own skin at will. If that was so, perhaps it'd make it even easier to make sure that it remained 'on' all the time when he inevitably brought it to an alchemist, or a leather-worker.

Unfortunately, there was one massive problem staring him in the face. Oh-Deer lived in the dense foliage of the Sweetvine Woods, as he'd already learned. Traveller had only managed to come to his aid the last time because he'd managed to find an area where the canopy thinned enough to allow him to dive in with... moderately little discomfort. That left two options. The former, and the least appealing by far, was that he once again travelled into the woods with Greyhide, only this time with the express purpose of following the trails for Oh-Deer, antagonising them, and then running back to Traveller so that he can pounce on them unsuspectingly from above and smash them into a fine paste like last time. The latter was finding something to lure them out into the open with... what, he couldn't possibly tell, since normal deer would eat fruits and plants, but normal deer didn't go for your throat the moment they saw you either. What diet these things had was, at best, a complete guess.

So of course the easiest solution was to get a little bit of everything.

Before he left for the woods, he hung around in Scalvoris Town. Fruits and berries, he could find on the way to hunting down the Oh-Deer. Finding suitable meats would take too long to hunt down himself - and besides, now that he knew what sort of creatures could be found in those woods, he didn't entirely trust himself to pull off two successful hunts in one afternoon. Better to cheap out this one time and buy something cheap and easy than put himself at risk of being ambushed in the middle of a hunt. Though it got some grating sounds from Archailist, squirrel-meat seemed to be the cheapest going, so he quickly bought the three pre-skinned ones hanging from above the stall for 6 gold nels and hung them from the opposite hip to his quiver. Not a lot of meat, it was true, but he didn't even know if the Oh-Deer would be interested, so he wasn't going to spend his money on expensive meats, only to waste them.
word count: 723
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The Grander Hunt

In consideration of those also walking down the streets, he cleared a suitable distance from Scalvoris Town before he whistled for Traveller, who'd kept to gliding above the town while he shopped. With a heavy thump he landed just short of within reaching distance and his sinuous neck immediately lowered to the animals hanging from his hip, sniffing eagerly. "Hey! Those are supposed to be our lure, don't go getting your stink on it or they'll send every animal in the entire wood running." He gave a sour grunt and made a combination of odd growling noises that sounded like annoyed grumbling, giving a few more good sniffs and nudges before straightening again. "What, you want some?" Another set of growling noises, these ones a little more eager, the pitch very clearly changing. "Hah; didn't know you were such a fan of... well, smaller creatures." He'd always figured that Sohr Khal being as huge as they were would gravitate towards larger beasts, like Oh-Deer, Hafrein and the like, but it seemed as though the smaller and more fragile animals were considered a delicacy to their palettes, in the same way as truffles and caviar were to humans. Thinking about it, that actually made sense - creatures so small and nimble would be near-impossible to catch normally.

He twisted his mouth in thought, staring down at the squirrels. "... One won't make that much of a difference." He unhooked one of the skinned animals from his hip, hung it by the tail before Traveller's nose, and struggled not to recoil as the Sohr Khal darted for it with all the coiled speed of a striking snake, snapping the entire thing up in a single go and crunching on it loudly with the sound of bones snapping like twigs. He really did seem to savour the morsel as well, chewing for much longer than really seemed necessary. Making a noise that sounded like a sigh, he swallowed and rumbled in appreciation. "I'll remember to get you some more, later." That really perked him up with a louder rumble and a snout pressing against the side of his head, nudging him firmly, telling him that he should go and get some more now! "Hah, hey! Relax, alright! If I'd have known you liked squirrels so much, I would have started hunting them a while ago." A questioning grunt. "Squirrels aren't that hard to catch... well, I mean. Not for regular-sized hunters. They're fast and nimble, no doubt about it, but I reckon I can bag a few next time we go hunting."

Traveller did something a little odd. He stood up - not just on his legs, he really stood, using his long tail as a balance to stand on his hind legs and look down at Nir'wei. It was like he was studying a new person, and after a moment of silence, he even nodded to himself as if confirming something in his mind. Then he dropped back down and knelt, quite clearly saying it was time to go - and Nir'wei couldn't agree more, with the sun high in the sky and the pleasantly warm air perfect for another hunting venture.

He climbed up to Traveller's back, secured himself as best he could, and braced for that familiar brain-melting jolt as Traveller launched himself into the air with all the raw force of an arrow loosed, barely rising more than a few heads high before twisting sharply and beginning a low-altitude cruise towards the Sweetvine Woods. So strange to think how different riding a flying mount such as Traveller could be compared to others. Well, in truth he'd only ever rode one other flying mount before - Volareon, whom never really flew for as long as they needed to and never longer. Perhaps it was for that reason that they seemed so easy to control, never flying where you didn't guide them. Traveller took it all in his stride, doing most, sometimes all of the work for him without waiting for any commands. For now he was content to allow it, since the Sohr Khal had never made a mistake, and rarely hesitated to follow the few commands he did give.
word count: 717
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The Grander Hunt

After breaks of sweeping over rolling country, frightening cattle and skimming just over the tops of lone trees sprinkled between wide fields, the Sweetvine Woods crested before them. Only, something far more interesting was happening on the small clearing of ground before the dense foliage walled off their view. Two men and a woman crowded around a squat Oh-Deer, the two men with arms around its neck and hands gripping its antlers to hold it still while the woman fit it with a stiff leather muzzle and a metal choking collar with the short chain running down to a bolt in the floor. Two other Oh-Deer, similarly muzzled and leashed, stood separate from one-another a small distance away, tugging ferociously at their restraints and tossing their heads at the threesome with every intent to gore them the moment they came within reaching distance. Even from the considerable distance, he swore he could hear their muffled shrill screams.

Now this was certainly something new. He'd never seen or heard of anyone trying to capture an Oh-Deer alive over dead, and besides, the skill required to do it... Traveller slowed as he drew back on his neck, sweeping even lower, until his claws came close to brushing the ground. Curiosity won over all else, he needed to see this up-close. As he drew up close, he began to make out voices.

"Hold 'em still, Dunce!" the woman yelled as she finally pushed the muzzle in place and wrapped the straps several times around the back of the Oh-Deer's head, even tangling it in its own antlers on purpose to make sure it wouldn't be coming off any time soon. "Alright, that should do it. Mind those antlers! They cost more than you do." The three of them all leaped back and the Oh-Deer immediately started thrashing like the others, tossing its head towards one of the men violently and falling just shy of slicing his shoulder. "Alright. Get the poison ready. We gotta make them docile before we-- wait... is that..." She turned towards them. He raised a hand and opened his mouth, ready to introduce himself, but the words died in his throat. "MATSON, NET!"

Now he knew what they were and how they'd captured the Oh-Deer, even if he still couldn't know why. Trappers, thinking they'd just found an exceptionally rare beast to sell on the black market. As one of the men, 'Matson', reached to the ground and lifted a heavy-looking steel chain net held down with tough little metal balls, Traveller beat hard and drew himself short of the trio in a grinding halt, his claws digging deep into the soil. He might be able to avoid confrontation if he revealed himself as a rider, but Sohr Khal hunting was illegal, he knew quite clearly. If they planned to take one against its will, they wouldn't care whether or not it had a rider... if anything, it'd make them even more eager to take it, if only to take him along with it.

Nir'wei drew his short-bow and readied an arrow, still pressed tight to Traveller's back and hidden behind his bulk. Though he couldn't hear what was happening, he heard Matson grunt, the ring of steel, and Traveller stagger backwards as if struck. Traveller was a large creature, but he was by no means slow, he should have been able to sweep out of its path... but he didn't put more than a thought to that before climbing up higher on Traveller's back, gripping tight with his knees and drawing his bow at those down below.

Matson's net had wrapped itself around Traveller's left hand, the steel balls tangling in one-another until the thing resembled a steel club more than it did a net. A description that turned out to be quite apt, as Traveller reeled his trapped arm back and backhanded Matson with his own steel net, sending him toppling backwards, sprawling over the ground like a limp ragdoll. He'd remained so enraptured by the show, he didn't notice Dunce until the man seemed to appear out of nowhere under Traveller's right arm, a long spear in his hands thrusting straight under Traveller's armpit. The giant beast swept back with a sweep of his wings for balance, recoiling... and Nir'wei suddenly realised his grip really wasn't as strong as he thought it was.
word count: 759
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The Grander Hunt

The jerk of Traveller's recoil tipped his balance just far enough to send him toppling over the side of the Sohr Khal's neck, heading head-first towards the ground. He dropped his bow to throw his arms in front of himself just before impact, saving himself a broken neck, though he did land on a sharp stone and sat up with a decently-sized hole in his lower right forearm for the trouble. Traveller had his back turned, all attention on Dunce as he lunged again and again with his long spear, jerking back before every one of Traveller's jabs and aiming for all the weakest spots - his spread wings, his vulnerable underbelly, even straight for the throat. Apparently seeing his friend knocked out cold by a vicious backhand had wiped all thoughts of capturing the Sohr Khal alive.

With all Traveller's attention set ahead, he couldn't possibly look behind... and see Nir'wei, unarmed and still struggling back to his feet, facing the strange unnamed woman who seemed to be the leader of the operation. Mismatched pieces of armour thrown over torn-up casual clothes shouldn't have looked as intimidating as they did, but every piece was well-worn with use. Burn marks, chips and cracks, scoring marks where swords and spears had scraped short of hitting vital points; they all matched perfectly with the scars visible through the rips in her clothes. This wasn't some second-hand thief with a load of old stolen gear looking to make a quick buck. He wasn't a seasoned fighter by any stretch of the imagination, but he knew when he was staring at one.

Longsword in both hands, she walked poised like a viper, tip pointed straight for his head. No shield; if he had his bow, no matter how good she might be with that thing, he could stick her like a pig from close range if he nocked and drew faster than she could run and lunge. Unfortunately his bow sat on the other side of Traveller, every step threatening to crush it to pieces with one wrong step. "Don't know who you stole that off," she said with a grin, "but don't worry, I'm sure its new owner will take good care of it. If I don't take it for myself. You know how good Sohr Khal are for smuggling?" She darted forward two steps, ready to lunge straight for his neck. He leaned back and nearly fell over, arms wheeling in front of himself to stop balance from tipping for the second time that day.

No knife. No dagger, no sword, no bow. He had the arrows at his hip, but it hardly matched a sword, especially in his hands. He had nothing except...

His hand reached to his hip, drew one of the dead squirrels by the tail and threw it at the woman's face. If there was anyone alive who could react calmly to a dead squirrel splattering against their face and smearing blood in their eyes, he didn't know them... and the plan worked perfectly, her sword dropping and her free hand quickly raising to her face to try and wipe some of the squirrel-blood from her eyes. In her confusion, he turned and ran. "TRAVELLER, TURN!" The Sohr Khal's head wheeled around, suddenly noticing the enemy behind him, and lifted his long whip-like tail to slash across the side of her face, knocking her to the ground.

On the other side, Dunce's spear was poised to stab straight into the side of Traveller's head, behind his jaw. He couldn't tell how long the two of them had been dancing around one-another, but it must have been a long time - Dunce was so focused on his fatal stab, he failed to notice the unseen enemy running in from the side, the last dead squirrel dangling by its tail in his hand. He reeled back the strike as he ran and smacked it into the side of Dunce's head - offering no real bludgeoning force, but splattering his entire head in blood and squirrel guts. He swore some of it got in Dunce's mouth, because the man immediately doubled over and started hacking violently... which gave Nir'wei the perfect angle to launch a single, savage kick right between his spread legs, sending him to his knees with a pleading howl.

With the three incapacitated, he used the rope from his pack to tie them up individually, pinning their arms behind their backs after searching them for weapons and discarding a fair few hidden throwing knives, daggers, even a short second sword from the unnamed leader that she'd kept hidden against the small of her back. The three Oh-Deer couldn't be dragged back into the city, even chained and muzzled as they were. He sunk an arrow into each of their throats, then trussed them up tight and put them on Traveller's back, attached to his saddle. The three trappers, he dragged back to Scalvoris Town on-foot, leashed with a piece of rope around their necks and the rest around their torsos. They needed to be handed in for their attempted murder, kidnapping, whatever.
word count: 886
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The Grander Hunt



I can't believe you bought squirrel meat! I mean... I'm still there. Well done, and all that, good work... SQUIRREL MEAT?! And then, and THEN... you used a squirrel-corpse as a weapon. Love it. Just love it. Anyhow - love the way you write, love the description and the small details which mean such a lot that you get in there. All good stuff.


XP: 10 (solo)

Fame: +2 law enforcement. +9 for 3 x bandits (even if you beat them with a squirrel). +11 total


+3 x oh-deer corpses.


Cuts, bruises, scrapes. Wound on forearm.


Mount (Sohr Khal): Low-altitude flying.
Mount (Sohr Khal): Firing shortbows while riding.
Mount (Sohr Khal): Swooping charge.
Tactics: The element of surprise is a powerful tool.
Tactics: Always have a secondary weapon.
Tactics: Pick your most advantageous fight first.
word count: 145
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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